1,712 research outputs found

    Reactor mixing angle from hybrid neutrino masses

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    In terms of its eigenvector decomposition, the neutrino mass matrix (in the basis where the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal) can be understood as originating from a tribimaximal dominant structure with small deviations, as demanded by data. If neutrino masses originate from at least two different mechanisms, referred to as "hybrid neutrino masses", the experimentally observed structure naturally emerges provided one mechanism accounts for the dominant tribimaximal structure while the other is responsible for the deviations. We demonstrate the feasibility of this picture in a fairly model-independent way by using lepton-number-violating effective operators, whose structure we assume becomes dictated by an underlying A4A_4 flavor symmetry. We show that if a second mechanism is at work, the requirement of generating a reactor angle within its experimental range always fixes the solar and atmospheric angles in agreement with data, in contrast to the case where the deviations are induced by next-to-leading order effective operators. We prove this idea is viable by constructing an A4A_4-based ultraviolet completion, where the dominant tribimaximal structure arises from the type-I seesaw while the subleading contribution is determined by either type-II or type-III seesaw driven by a non-trivial A4A_4 singlet (minimal hybrid model). After finding general criteria, we identify all the ZN\mathbb{Z}_N symmetries capable of producing such A4A_4-based minimal hybrid models.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. v3: section including sum rules added, accepted by JHE

    CORE and the Haldane Conjecture

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    The Contractor Renormalization group formalism (CORE) is a real-space renormalization group method which is the Hamiltonian analogue of the Wilson exact renormalization group equations. In an earlier paper\cite{QGAF} I showed that the Contractor Renormalization group (CORE) method could be used to map a theory of free quarks, and quarks interacting with gluons, into a generalized frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet (HAF) and proposed using CORE methods to study these theories. Since generalizations of HAF's exhibit all sorts of subtle behavior which, from a continuum point of view, are related to topological properties of the theory, it is important to know that CORE can be used to extract this physics. In this paper I show that despite the folklore which asserts that all real-space renormalization group schemes are necessarily inaccurate, simple Contractor Renormalization group (CORE) computations can give highly accurate results even if one only keeps a small number of states per block and a few terms in the cluster expansion. In addition I argue that even very simple CORE computations give a much better qualitative understanding of the physics than naive renormalization group methods. In particular I show that the simplest CORE computation yields a first principles understanding of how the famous Haldane conjecture works for the case of the spin-1/2 and spin-1 HAF.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, latex; extensive additions to conten

    Cartan-Weyl 3-algebras and the BLG Theory I: Classification of Cartan-Weyl 3-algebras

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    As Lie algebras of compact connected Lie groups, semisimple Lie algebras have wide applications in the description of continuous symmetries of physical systems. Mathematically, semisimple Lie algebra admits a Cartan-Weyl basis of generators which consists of a Cartan subalgebra of mutually commuting generators H_I and a number of step generators E^\alpha that are characterized by a root space of non-degenerate one-forms \alpha. This simple decomposition in terms of the root space allows for a complete classification of semisimple Lie algebras. In this paper, we introduce the analogous concept of a Cartan-Weyl Lie 3-algebra. We analyze their structure and obtain a complete classification of them. Many known examples of metric Lie 3-algebras (e.g. the Lorentzian 3-algebras) are special cases of the Cartan-Weyl 3-algebras. Due to their elegant and simple structure, we speculate that Cartan-Weyl 3-algebras may be useful for describing some kinds of generalized symmetries. As an application, we consider their use in the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory.Comment: LaTeX. 34 pages.v2. deleted some distracting paragraphs in the introduction to bring more out the main results of the paper. typos corrected and references adde

    Statistical Mechanics of Vacancy and Interstitial Strings in Hexagonal Columnar Crystals

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    Columnar crystals contain defects in the form of vacancy/interstitial loops or strings of vacancies and interstitials bounded by column ``heads'' and ``tails''. These defect strings are oriented by the columnar lattice and can change size and shape by movement of the ends and forming kinks along the length. Hence an analysis in terms of directed living polymers is appropriate to study their size and shape distribution, volume fraction, etc. If the entropy of transverse fluctuations overcomes the string line tension in the crystalline phase, a string proliferation transition occurs, leading to a supersolid phase. We estimate the wandering entropy and examine the behaviour in the transition regime. We also calculate numerically the line tension of various species of vacancies and interstitials in a triangular lattice for power-law potentials as well as for a modified Bessel function interaction between columns as occurs in the case of flux lines in type-II superconductors or long polyelectrolytes in an ionic solution. We find that the centered interstitial is the lowest energy defect for a very wide range of interactions; the symmetric vacancy is preferred only for extremely short interaction ranges.Comment: 22 pages (revtex), 15 figures (encapsulated postscript

    Metal-Insulator Transition in a Disordered Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in GaAs-AlGaAs at zero Magnetic Field

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    A metal-insulator transition in two-dimensional electron gases at B=0 is found in Ga(Al)As heterostructures, where a high density of self-assembled InAs quantum dots is incorporated just 3 nm below the heterointerface. The transition occurs at resistances around h/e^2 and critical carrier densities of 1.2 10^11cm^-2. Effects of electron-electron interactions are expected to be rather weak in our samples, while disorder plays a crucial role.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 21 reference

    Tensor model and dynamical generation of commutative nonassociative fuzzy spaces

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    Rank-three tensor model may be regarded as theory of dynamical fuzzy spaces, because a fuzzy space is defined by a three-index coefficient of the product between functions on it, f_a*f_b=C_ab^cf_c. In this paper, this previous proposal is applied to dynamical generation of commutative nonassociative fuzzy spaces. It is numerically shown that fuzzy flat torus and fuzzy spheres of various dimensions are classical solutions of the rank-three tensor model. Since these solutions are obtained for the same coupling constants of the tensor model, the cosmological constant and the dimensions are not fundamental but can be regarded as dynamical quantities. The symmetry of the model under the general linear transformation can be identified with a fuzzy analog of the general coordinate transformation symmetry in general relativity. This symmetry of the tensor model is broken at the classical solutions. This feature may make the model to be a concrete finite setting for applying the old idea of obtaining gravity as Nambu-Goldstone fields of the spontaneous breaking of the local translational symmetry.Comment: Adding discussions on effective geometry, a note added, four references added, other minor changes, 27 pages, 17 figure

    Mixed-symmetry massive fields in AdS(5)

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    Free mixed-symmetry arbitrary spin massive bosonic and fermionic fields propagating in AdS(5) are investigated. Using the light-cone formulation of relativistic dynamics we study bosonic and fermionic fields on an equal footing. Light-cone gauge actions for such fields are constructed. Various limits of the actions are discussed.Comment: v3: 24 pages, LaTeX-2e; typos corrected, footnote 7 and 2 references added, published in Class. Quantum Gra

    Maxwell-like Lagrangians for higher spins

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    We show how implementing invariance under divergence-free gauge transformations leads to a remarkably simple Lagrangian description of massless bosons of any spin. Our construction covers both flat and (A)dS backgrounds and extends to tensors of arbitrary mixed-symmetry type. Irreducible and traceless fields produce single-particle actions, while whenever trace constraints can be dispensed with the resulting Lagrangians display the same reducible, multi-particle spectra as those emerging from the tensionless limit of free open-string field theory. For all explored options the corresponding kinetic operators take essentially the same form as in the spin-one, Maxwell case.Comment: 77 pages, revised version. Erroneous interpretation and proof of the gauge-fixing procedure for mixed-symmetry fields corrected. As a consequence, the mixed-symmetry, one-particle Lagrangians are to be complemented with conditions on the divergences of the fields; all other conclusions unchanged. Additional minor changes including references added. To appear in JHE

    Quantized Nambu-Poisson Manifolds in a 3-Lie Algebra Reduced Model

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    We consider dimensional reduction of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson theory to a zero-dimensional 3-Lie algebra model and construct various stable solutions corresponding to quantized Nambu-Poisson manifolds. A recently proposed Higgs mechanism reduces this model to the IKKT matrix model. We find that in the strong coupling limit, our solutions correspond to ordinary noncommutative spaces arising as stable solutions in the IKKT model with D-brane backgrounds. In particular, this happens for S^3, R^3 and five-dimensional Neveu-Schwarz Hpp-waves. We expand our model around these backgrounds and find effective noncommutative field theories with complicated interactions involving higher-derivative terms. We also describe the relation of our reduced model to a cubic supermatrix model based on an osp(1|32) supersymmetry algebra.Comment: 22 page