498 research outputs found

    Condensation of Vortex-Strings: Effective Potential Contribution Through Dual Actions

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    Topological excitations are believed to play an important role in different areas of physics. For example, one case of topical interest is the use of dual models of quantum cromodynamics to understand properties of its vacuum and confinement through the condensation of magnetic monopoles and vortices. Other applications are related to the role of these topological excitations, nonhomogeneous solutions of the field equations, in phase transitions associated to spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge theories, whose study is of importance in phase transitions in the early universe, for instance. Here we show a derivation of a model dual to the scalar Abelian Higgs model where its topological excitations, namely vortex-strings, become manifest and can be treated in a quantum field theory way. The derivation of the nontrivial contribution of these vacuum excitations to phase transitions and its analogy with superconductivity is then made possible and they are studied here.Comment: 7 pages. Based on a talk given by R. O. Ramos at the Infrared QCD in Rio conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 5-9, 200

    Functional Bosonization of Non-Relativistic Fermions in (2+1)(2+1) Dimensions

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    We analyze the universality of the bosonization rules in non-relativistic fermionic systems in (2+1)d(2+1)d. We show that, in the case of linear fermionic dispersion relations, a general fermionic theory can be mapped into a gauge theory in such a way that the fermionic density maps into a magnetic flux and the fermionic current maps into a transverse electric field. These are universal rules in the sense that they remain valid whatever the interaction considered. We also show that these rules are universal in the case of non-linear dispersion relations provided we consider only density-density interactions. We apply the functional bosonization formalism to a non-relativistic and non-local massive Thirring-like model and evaluate the spectrum of collective excitations in several limits. In the large mass limit, we are able to exactly calculate this spectrum for arbitrary density-density and current-current interactions. We also analyze the massless case and show that it has no collective excitations for any density-density potential in the Gaussian approximation. Moreover, the presence of current interactions may induce a gapless mode with a linear dispersion relation.Comment: 26 Pages, LaTeX, Final version to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Alterações hematológicas na leptospirose

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    30 cases of leptospirosis admitted to the Clinica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo were studied for blood count alterations. 16 patients (53,3%) had a normal white blood cell count at the moment of admission. 12 patients (40%) presented a high white blood cell count and 2 (6,6%) had a low count. 29 patients (96,6%) had a high proportion of neutrophils and 25 patients (83,3%) presented a high number of immature forms. 24 patients had anemia. Thrombocytopenia was present in 26 patients (86.6%). The most characteristic changes found in bone marrow aspirate were the alterations of M: E ratio (myeloid - erythroid ratio) due to relative and/or absolute hyperplasia of the myeloid series, and/or relative and/or absolute hypoplasia of the erythroid series; erythropoiesis was predominantly microerythroblastic in many patients; mild to moderate plasmocytosis was found; and, regarding the intersticial series, increased macrophagic activity was noted. There was no direct correlation between the number of megakaryocytes and the blood platelet count, but there was a direct correlation between the bone marrow platelet production and blood platelet count. We believe that it is very difficult to have a good idea of the dynamic mechanisms that lead to medular platelet production in the presence of platelet consumption, through a random test of the bone marrow.Foram estudadas as alterações hematológicas de 30 pacientes com diagnóstico de leptospirose internados na Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sáo Paulo. Verificou-se que mais da metade dos pacientes 16 (53,3%) apresentavam contagem normal de leucócitos no momento da internação; 12 (40%) apresentavam leucócitos e 2 (6,6%) leucopenia. Vinte e cinco doentes (83,3%) apresentavam desvio à esquerda e 29 (96,6%) neutrofilia relativa. Vinte e quatro pacientes tiveram o diagnóstico de anemia. A plaquetopenia ocorreu em 26 (86,6%) dos doentes. Como alterações mais características no mielograma, ressaltamos a alteração da relação G/E (série Granulocítica/série Eritroblástica), às custas de hipercelula-ridade relativa e/ou absoluta da série granulocítica, e/ou hipocelularidade relativa e/ou absoluta da série vermelha; a eritropoese predominantemente microeritroblástica em vários doentes; o encontro de plasmocitose discreta ou moderada e, na série intersticial, o aumento da atividade macrofágica. A análise estatística da série megacariocitária do mielograma dos 30 pacientes revelou não existir relação de dependência significativa entre a celularidade da série megacariocitária e o número de plaquetas no sangue periférico; porém, verificou-se existência da relação de dependência entre a plaquetogênese medular e a contagem de plaquetas no sangue periférico. A possibilidade de haver inibição da plaquetogênese medular por algum produto bacteriano náo pode ser totalmente afastada, porém acreditamos que o exame estático da medula óssea não pode dar-nos uma idéia precisa do mecanismo dinâmico da formação de plaquetas na presença de "consumo periférico"

    The Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction in Elderly Cardiology Patients with Mild Excessive Iodine Intake in the Urban Area of São Paulo

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in elderly cardiac patients in an outpatient setting. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 399 consecutive patients (268 women, age range 60-92 years) who were followed at Heart Institute were evaluated for thyroid dysfunction with serum free T4, TSH, anti-Peroxidase antibodies, urinary iodine excretion measurements and thyroid ultrasound. RESULTS: Hyperthyroidism (overt and subclinical) was present in 29 patients (6.5%), whereas hypothyroidism (overt and subclinical) was found in 32 individuals (8.1%). Cysts were detected in 11 patients (2.8%), single nodules were detected in 102 (25.6%), and multinodular goiters were detected in 34 (8.5%). Hashimoto's thyroiditis was present in 16.8% patients, most of whom were women (83.6%). The serum TSH increased with age and was significantly higher (p= <0.01) in patients, compared to the normal control group. No significant differences in serum TSH and free T4 values were observed when patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) where compared with those without arrhythmia. The median urinary iodine levels were 210 µg/L (40-856 µg/L), and iodine levels were higher in men than in women (p<0.01). Excessive iodine intake (urinary iodine >300 µg/L) was observed in one-third of patients (30.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Elderly patients have a higher prevalence of both hypo- and hyperthyroidism as well as thyroid nodules when compared with the general population. About one-third of the older patients had elevated urinary secretion of iodine and a higher prevalence of chronic Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is recommended that ultrasonographic studies, tests for thyroid function and autoimmunity should be evaluated in elderly patients

    Pneumonia intersticial aguda: um relato de caso

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    Paciente masculino de 53 anos, não tabagista, sem história pregressa de doenças crônicas ou patologias pulmonares, apresentou quadro com sintomatologia respiratória inicialmente considerada como de natureza viral. Evoluiu com piora clínica acelerada sendo encaminhado para a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva com diagnóstico errôneo de Pneumonia Adquirida na Comunidade grave e súbita evolução para a insuficiência respiratória. Após investigações preliminares foi submetido à biópsia cirúrgica de pulmão com estabelecimento do diagnóstico definitivo de Pneumonia Intersticial Aguda (PIA). Submetido a tratamento de suporte, optando-se pelo uso de corticoterapia sistêmica e ventilação mecânica. Evoluiu, então, com excelente resposta recebendo alta hospitalar após 14 dias de internação. Segundo os casos relatados na literatura, o paciente se enquadrava dentro da faixa etária onde se encontra a maioria dos pacientes com esse quadro. Além disso, apresentava evolução clínica característica da doença que geralmente inicia com sintomas sugestivos de infecção viral de via aérea superior, seguida pela progressão rápida da dispnéia e insuficiência respiratória aguda, necessitando suporte ventilatório. Usualmente, após a cura, os pacientes não apresentam recorrência e podem evoluir com completa ou quase completa, recuperação da função pulmonar

    Mutação monoalélica no gene da tireoperoxidase em paciente com hipotireoidismo congênito com defeito total de incorporação de iodeto

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    The aim of this study was to identify the genetic defect of a patient with dyshormonogenetic congenital hypothyroidisms (CH) with total iodide organification defect (TIOD). A male child diagnosed with CH during neonatal screening. Laboratory tests confirmed the permanent and severe CH with TIOD (99% perchlorate release). The coding sequence of TPO, DUOX2, and DUOXA2 genes and 2957 base pairs (bp) of the TPO promoter were sequenced. Molecular analysis of patient's DNA identified the heterozygous duplication GGCC (c.1186_1187insGGCC) in exon 8 of the TPO gene. No additional mutation was detected either in the TPO gene, TPO promoter, DUOX2 or DUOXA2 genes. We have described a patient with a clear TIOD causing severe goitrous CH due to a monoallelic TPO mutation. A plausible explanation for the association between an autosomal recessive disorder with a single TPO-mutated allele is the presence of monoallelic TPO expression.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar defeitos genéticos em paciente com hipotireoidismo congênito (HC) por disormonogênese e defeito total de incorporação de iodeto (DIIT). Neonato do sexo masculino com HC diagnosticado pelo rastreamento neonatal. Exames clínicos e radiológicos confirmaram que o paciente apresentava HC severo e permanente com DIIT (teste de perclorato: 99%). A região codificadora dos genes TPO, DUOX2, DUOXA2 e 2957 pares de bases (pb) do promotor de TPO foram sequenciados. No paciente foi identificada a duplicação em heterozigose GGCC no éxon 8 do gene TPO (c.1186_1187insGGCC). Nenhuma outra mutação foi localizada nos genes TPO, incluindo o promotor, DUOX2 ou DUOXA2. Descrevemos paciente com grave defeito de organificação de iodeto, provocando HC severo com bócio, em consequência de uma única mutação monoalélica no gene TPO. A expressão monoalélica no tecido tireoideano explicaria a associação de uma doen­ça autossômica recessiva com uma única mutação monoalélica

    A new picture on (3+1)D topological mass mechanism

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    We present a class of mappings between the fields of the Cremmer-Sherk and pure BF models in 4D. These mappings are established by two distinct procedures. First a mapping of their actions is produced iteratively resulting in an expansion of the fields of one model in terms of progressively higher derivatives of the other model fields. Secondly an exact mapping is introduced by mapping their quantum correlation functions. The equivalence of both procedures is shown by resorting to the invariance under field scale transformations of the topological action. Related equivalences in 5D and 3D are discussed. A cohomological argument is presented to provide consistency of the iterative mapping.Comment: 13 page