10 research outputs found


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    Interculturalidade e letramento: por uma escola decolonial para o enfrentamento do racismo e de outras opressões no Brasil

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    This bibliographic research proposes the discussion of concepts, particularly race, literacy, and culture, from a decolonial perspective. In order to expand ideas and broaden the debate, this research aimed to explore indigenous and Afro-Brazilian cultures, with the goal of rethinking the notion of literacy through interculturality, aspiring to envision decolonial pedagogical conceptions. Our main theoretical framework draws upon the works of authors such as Anari Bomfim, Antônio Guimarães, Gersem Luciano, Nilma Lino Gomes, and Walter Mignolo. This work is divided into three parts: 1. School and culture from a decolonial perspective; 2. Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian issues: understanding the past to transform the present and the future; 3. Participation of educational agents in combating prejudices and stereotypes.Esta investigación bibliográfica propone la discusión de conceptos, especialmente los de raza, alfabetización y cultura, desde una perspectiva decolonial. Con el fin de ampliar ideas y ampliar el debate, esta investigación buscó pensar en las culturas indígenas y afrobrasileñas, para que, a través de la interculturalidad, podamos repensar la noción de alfabetización, con el objetivo de visualizar conceptos pedagógicos descoloniales. Utilizamos como base teórica principal bibliografías de autores, tales como: Anari Bomfim, Antônio Guimarães, Gersem Luciano, Nilma Lino Gomes, Walter Mignolo, etc. Este trabajo se dividió en tres partes: 1. Escuela y cultura desde una perspectiva descolonial; 2. Cuestiones indígenas y afrobrasileñas: conocer el pasado para transformar el presente y el futuro; 3. Participación de los agentes integrados en dispositivos educativos en la lucha contra prejuicios y estereotipos.A presente pesquisa bibliográfica propõe a discussão de conceitos, sobretudo, os conceitos de raça, letramento e cultura, a partir de um olhar decolonial. A fim de expandir as ideias e ampliar o debate, essa pesquisa buscou pensar culturas indígenas e afro-brasileiras, para através da interculturalidade, repensarmos a noção de letramento, almejando visualizar concepções pedagógicas decoloniais. Nos utilizamos como base teórica principal, bibliografias de autores, tais como: Anari Bomfim, Antônio Guimarães, Gersem Luciano, Nilma Lino Gomes, Walter Mignolo, etc. Esse trabalho foi dividido em três partes: 1. Escola e cultura a partir de um olhar decolonial; 2. Questões indígenas e afro-brasileiras: conhecer o passado para transformar o presente e o futuro; 3. Participação dos agentes integrantes dos dispositivos educacionais no combate aos preconceitos e estereótipos

    Determining the Presence of Sexual Dimorphism in the Species Pseudoboa nigra.

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    Pseudoboa nigra, the Black False Boa, is a non-venomous snake (family Dipsidadae) found in the Caatinga region of Brazil. Studies in the region are not very expansive and as such, biological information is still required for this species of snake. The present study aimed to determine the level of sexual dimorphism found in Pseudoboa nigra as well as replicate earlier work testing the relationship between body size and gender. In order to calculate sexual dimorphism within the species, twenty-one preserved specimens were used to collect data by measuring snout-vent length, tail length, head length, and head width of each specimen. Each specimen, identified by the collection tags used by the university, was sexed using a probe and then dissected by making incisions along the ventral side of the snake to further verify gender. A t-test was used to analyze the data from the specimens along with the Sexual-Size Dimorphism Index. Results indicated low sexual dimorphism in the species with males larger than females with a t-score of 5.37. A calculated Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient of 0.633 indicated a moderate positive relationship between head length and head width in both sexes. This study was not able to replicate the results of the earlier research because the number of individuals used was small. For future studies, larger samples may yield results that are more accurate

    Perception of elderly people who live alone about their conditions of life and health / Percepção de idosos que moram sozinhos acerca de suas condições de vida e saúde

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    Objetivo: compreender a percepção de idosos que moram sozinhos acerca de suas condições de vida e saúde. Método: estudo qualitativo, realizado com 21 idosos que viviam sozinhos em João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, utilizando um instrumento semiestruturado contendo dados sociodemográficos e perguntas sobre condições de vida e de saúde, sendo processados no software Iramuteq, sendo utilizado o método da Classificação Hierárquica Descendente. Resultados: foram conformadas cinco classes ou categorias: O que leva o idoso morar sozinho; Riscos de queda para o idoso; Comorbidades dos idosos; Satisfação e insatisfação do idoso que mora só; e Atenção à saúde do idoso. Conclusão: conhecer as necessidades, os riscos e a vulnerabilidade dos idosos que moram sozinhos auxilia no planejamento de cuidado, com foco na prevenção de quedas e desgastes emocionais provenientes da solidão, no tratamento e reabilitação das doenças crônicas e suas consequências.

    Characterisation of the binding site and electrophysiological effects of Bunodosoma granulifera

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN055888 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Body in Motion, Street Dance y agencias del patrimonio cultural: una experiencia de investigación (Sobral-CE)

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    O presente estudo discute sobre a classificação da prática social da Dança de Rua/Street Dance, como patrimônio cultural, mais especificamente, tendo como delimitação a história do tempo presente e como método a prática de compartilhar experiências cotidianas com um grupo de dança denominado Street Dance - Jovens em Movimento – grupo este formado por jovens advindos da periferia da cidade brasileira de Sobral, localizada no norte do estado do Ceará.The present study discusses the classification of the social practice of Street Dance as a cultural heritage, more specifically, having as delimitation the history of the present time and as a method the practice of sharing daily experiences with a dance group called Street Dance. - Young People in Movement - group formed by young people coming from the outskirts of the Brazilian city of Sobral, located in the north of the state of Ceará.El presente estudio discute la clasificación de la práctica social de Street Dance como patrimonio cultural, más específicamente, teniendo como delimitación la historia de la actualidad y como método la práctica de compartir experiencias diarias con un grupo de baile llamado Street Dance. - Jóvenes en movimiento: grupo formado por jóvenes procedentes de las afueras de la ciudad brasileña de Sobral, ubicada en el norte del estado de Ceará

    Mapping the functional anatomy of BgK on Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Kv1.3. : Clues to design analogs with enhanced selectivity

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    BgK is a peptide from the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera, which blocks Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Kv1.3 potassium channels. Using 25 analogs substituted at a single position by an alanine residue, we performed the complete mapping of the BgK binding sites for the three Kv1 channels. These binding sites included three common residues (Ser-23, Lys-25, and Tyr-26) and a variable set of additional residues depending on the particular channel. Shortening the side chain of Lys-25 by taking out the four methylene groups dramatically decreased the BgK affinity to all Kv1 channels tested. However, the analog K25Orn displayed increased potency on Kv1.2, which makes this peptide a selective blocker for Kv1.2 (K(D) 50- and 300-fold lower than for Kv1.1 and Kv1.3, respectively). BgK analogs with enhanced selectivity could also be made by substituting residues that are differentially involved in the binding to some of the three Kv1 channels. For example, the analog F6A was found to be >500-fold more potent for Kv1.1 than for Kv1.2 and Kv1.3. These results provide new information about the mechanisms by which a channel blocker distinguishes individual channels among closely related isoforms and give clues for designing analogs with enhanced selectivity

    Delineation of the functional site of alpha-dendrotoxin - the functional topographies of dendrotoxins are different but share a conserved core with those of other kv1 potassium channel-blocking toxins

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    We identified the residues that are important for the binding of α-dendrotoxin (αDTX) to Kv1 potassium channels on rat brain synaptosomal membranes, using a mutational approach based on site-directed mutagenesis and chemical synthesis. Twenty-six of its 59 residues were individually substituted by alanine. Substitutions of Lys5 and Leu9 decreased affinity more than 1000-fold, and substitutions of Arg3, Arg4, Leu6, and Ile8 by 5-30-fold. Substitution of Lys5 by norleucine or ornithine also greatly altered the binding properties of αDTX. All of these analogs displayed similar circular dichroism spectra as compared with the wild-type αDTX, indicating that none of these substitutions affect the overall conformation of the toxin. Substitutions of Ser38 and Arg46 also reduced the affinity of the toxin but, in addition, modified its dichroic properties, suggesting that these two residues play a structural role. The other residues were excluded from the recognition site because their substitutions caused no significant affinity change. Thus, the functional site of αDTX includes six major binding residues, all located in its N-terminal region, with Lys5 and Leu9 being the most important. Comparison of the functional site of αDTX with that of DTX-K, another dendrotoxin (Smith, L. A., Reid, P. F., Wang, F. C., Parcej, D. N., Schmidt, J. J., Olson, M. A., and Dolly, J. O. (1997)Biochemistry 36, 7690-7696), reveals that they only share the predominant lysine and probably a leucine residue; the additional functional residues differ from one toxin to the other. Comparison of the functional site of αDTX with those of structurally unrelated potassium channel-blocking toxins from venomous invertebrates revealed the common presence of a protruding key lysine with a close important hydrophobic residue (Leu, Tyr, or Phe) and few additional residues. Therefore, irrespective of their phylogenetic origin, all of these toxins may have undergone a functional convergence. The functional site of αDTX is topographically unrelated to the 'antiprotease site' of the structurally analogous bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor