17 research outputs found

    Optimization of periodic single-photon sources based on combined multiplexing

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    We consider periodic single-photon sources with combined multiplexing in which the outputs of several time-multiplexed sources are spatially multiplexed. We give a full statistical description of such systems in order to optimize them with respect to maximal single-photon probability. We carry out the optimization for a particular scenario which can be realized in bulk optics and its expected performance is potentially the best at the present state of the art. We find that combined multiplexing outperforms purely spatially or time multiplexed sources for certain parameters only, and we characterize these cases. Combined multiplexing can have the advantages of possibly using less nonlinear sources, achieving higher repetition rates, and the potential applicability for continuous pumping. We estimate an achievable single-photon probability between 85% and 89%.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figur

    Optimization of periodic single-photon sources

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    We introduce a theoretical framework which is suitable for the description of all spatial and time-multiplexed periodic single-photon sources realized or proposed thus far. Our model takes into account all possibly relevant loss mechanisms. This statistical analysis of the known schemes shows that multiplexing systems can be optimized in order to produce maximal single-photon probability for various sets of loss parameters by the appropriate choice of the number of multiplexed units of spatial multiplexers or multiplexed time intervals and the input mean photon pair number, and reveals the physical reasons of the existence of the optimum. We propose a novel time-multiplexed scheme to be realized in bulk optics, which, according to the present analysis, would have promising performance when experimentally realized. It could provide a single-photon probability of 85\% with a choice of experimental parameters which are feasible according to the experiments known from the literature.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figure

    Prospects of Semiconductor Terahertz Pulse Sources

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    Extremely high pump-to-terahertz (THz) conversion efficiencies up to 0.7% were demonstrated in recent experiments with ZnTe THz pulse sources. Such high efficiencies could be achieved by pumping at an infrared wavelength sufficiently long to suppress both two- and three-photon absorption and the associated free-carrier absorption at THz frequencies. Here, high-field high-energy THz pulse generation by optical rectification in semiconductor nonlinear materials is investigated by numerical simulations. Basic design aspects of infrared-pumped semiconductor THz sources are discussed. Optimal pumping and phase-matching conditions are given. Multicycle THz pulse generation for particle acceleration is discussed

    Properties of quantizer and dequantizer operators for qudit states and parametric down-conversion

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    We review the method of quantizers and dequantizers to construct an invertible map of the density operators onto functions including probability distributions and discuss in detail examples of qubit and qutrit states. The biphoton states existing in the process of parametric down-conversion are studied in the probability representation of quantum mechanics

    Single-photon sources based on asymmetric spatial multiplexing with optimized inputs

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    We develop a statistical theory describing the operation of multiplexed single-photon sources equipped with photon-number-resolving detectors that includes the potential use of different input mean photon numbers in each of the multiplexed units. This theory accounts for all relevant loss mechanisms and allows for the maximization of the single-photon probabilities under realistic conditions by optimizing the different input mean photon numbers unit-wise and the detection strategy that can be defined in terms of actual detected photon numbers. We apply this description to analyze periodic single-photon sources based on asymmetric spatial multiplexing realized with general asymmetric routers. We show that optimizing the different input mean photon numbers results in maximal single-photon probabilities higher than those achieved by using optimal identical input mean photon numbers in this setup. We identify the parameter ranges of the system for which the enhancement in the single-photon probability for the various detection strategies is relevant. An additional advantage of the unit-wise optimization of the input mean photon numbers is that it can result in the decrease of the optimal system size needed to maximize the single-photon probability. We find that the highest single-photon probability that our scheme can achieve in principle when realized with state-of-the-art bulk optical elements is 0.935. This is the highest one to our knowledge that has been reported thus far in the literature for experimentally realizable single-photon sources

    Spatially multiplexed single-photon sources based on incomplete binary-tree multiplexers

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    We propose two novel types of spatially multiplexed single-photon sources based on incomplete binary-tree multiplexers. The incomplete multiplexers are extensions of complete binary-tree multiplexers, and they contain incomplete branches either at the input or at the output of them. We analyze and optimize these systems realized with general asymmetric routers and photon-number-resolving detectors by applying a general statistical theory introduced previously that includes all relevant loss mechanisms. We show that the use of any of the two proposed multiplexing systems can lead to higher single-photon probabilities than that achieved with complete binary-tree multiplexers. Single-photon sources based on output-extended incomplete binary-tree multiplexers outperform those based on input-extended ones in the considered parameter ranges, and they can in principle yield single-photon probabilities higher than 0.93 when they are realized by state-of-the-art bulk optical elements. We show that the application of the incomplete binary-tree approach can significantly improve the performance of the multiplexed single-photon sources for suboptimal system sizes that is a typical situation in current experiments