3 research outputs found

    Student Attitude to Internet Search Engines: Navigation and Optimization Problems

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    The article relevance. Currently, the world is rapidly undergoing the process of Informatization of all aspects of society, the development and introduction of new information technologies. This highlights the need for further reflection and research on the development of the Internet and its opening opportunities for people. The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities of the attitude of students to search and recommendation services on the Internet. Research methods: as a research method, we used a questionnaire survey as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to the attitude of students to search and recommendation systems on the Internet. Research results: the article examines the specifics of Russian search and recommendation systems, students' attitude to these services, and their place in their lives. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the search and recommendation services of the Internet space were studied. It is shown that these services were initially developed in the sphere of culture and gradually began to spread to other spheres of people's life, which attracted e-Commerce figures. It is revealed that those students who discovered search and recommendation services a few years ago still use them to choose leisure activities. It is shown that students still identify some disadvantages of these systems: inaccurate recommendations, a large number of questions to determine preferences. There is some distrust to new Internet technologies among those who are used to relying on their intuition when choosing. It is determined that students often use search and recommendation services, since in most cases gadgets help them spend their free time, have fun: read a book, watch a movie, listen to music. It is revealed that the majority of students trust Internet services, although they are not always satisfied with the recommendations. It is shown that the level of student-user confidence in traditional advertising and marketing decreases simultaneously. It is determined that from the point of view of students, today not only printed versions of Newspapers, traditional radio, but even mass broadcast television are losing ground before the Internet as the most promising communication channel. Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in marketing research, economic Sciences, advertising psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Student Attitude to Internet Search Engines: Navigation and Optimization Problems

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    The article relevance. Currently, the world is rapidly undergoing the process of Informatization of all aspects of society, the development and introduction of new information technologies. This highlights the need for further reflection and research on the development of the Internet and its opening opportunities for people. The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities of the attitude of students to search and recommendation services on the Internet. Research methods: as a research method, we used a questionnaire survey as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to the attitude of students to search and recommendation systems on the Internet. Research results: the article examines the specifics of Russian search and recommendation systems, students' attitude to these services, and their place in their lives. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the search and recommendation services of the Internet space were studied. It is shown that these services were initially developed in the sphere of culture and gradually began to spread to other spheres of people's life, which attracted e-Commerce figures. It is revealed that those students who discovered search and recommendation services a few years ago still use them to choose leisure activities. It is shown that students still identify some disadvantages of these systems: inaccurate recommendations, a large number of questions to determine preferences. There is some distrust to new Internet technologies among those who are used to relying on their intuition when choosing. It is determined that students often use search and recommendation services, since in most cases gadgets help them spend their free time, have fun: read a book, watch a movie, listen to music. It is revealed that the majority of students trust Internet services, although they are not always satisfied with the recommendations. It is shown that the level of student-user confidence in traditional advertising and marketing decreases simultaneously. It is determined that from the point of view of students, today not only printed versions of Newspapers, traditional radio, but even mass broadcast television are losing ground before the Internet as the most promising communication channel. Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in marketing research, economic Sciences, advertising psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue.Relevancia del art铆culo. Actualmente, el mundo est谩 experimentando r谩pidamente el proceso de informatizaci贸n de todos los aspectos de la sociedad, el desarrollo y la introducci贸n de nuevas tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n. Esto destaca la necesidad de una mayor reflexi贸n e investigaci贸n sobre el desarrollo de Internet y sus oportunidades de apertura para las personas. El objetivo de la investigaci贸n es estudiar las peculiaridades de la actitud de los estudiantes ante los servicios de b煤squeda y recomendaci贸n en Internet. M茅todos de investigaci贸n: como m茅todo de investigaci贸n, utilizamos una encuesta por cuestionario como m茅todo de recogida de informaci贸n primaria, que nos permite identificar diversos aspectos relacionados con la actitud de los estudiantes hacia los sistemas de b煤squeda y recomendaci贸n en Internet. Resultados de la investigaci贸n: el art铆culo examina los detalles de los sistemas de b煤squeda y recomendaci贸n rusos, la actitud de los estudiantes hacia estos servicios y su lugar en sus vidas. La novedad y originalidad de la investigaci贸n radica en que por primera vez se estudiaron los servicios de b煤squeda y recomendaci贸n del espacio de Internet. Se demuestra que estos servicios se desarrollaron inicialmente en el 谩mbito de la cultura y poco a poco se fueron extendiendo a otros 谩mbitos de la vida de las personas, lo que atrajo a figuras del eCommerce. Se revela que aquellos estudiantes que descubrieron hace unos a帽os los servicios de b煤squeda y recomendaci贸n a煤n los utilizan para elegir actividades de ocio. Se muestra que los estudiantes a煤n identifican algunas desventajas de estos sistemas: recomendaciones inexactas, una gran cantidad de preguntas para determinar preferencias. Existe cierta desconfianza hacia las nuevas tecnolog铆as de Internet entre quienes est谩n acostumbrados a confiar en su intuici贸n a la hora de elegir. Se determina que los estudiantes suelen utilizar servicios de b煤squeda y recomendaci贸n, ya que en la mayor铆a de los casos los gadgets les ayudan a pasar su tiempo libre, divertirse: leer un libro, ver una pel铆cula, escuchar m煤sica. Se revela que la mayor铆a de estudiantes conf铆an en los servicios de Internet, aunque no siempre quedan satisfechos con las recomendaciones. Se muestra que el nivel de confianza entre estudiantes y usuarios en la publicidad y el marketing tradicionales disminuye simult谩neamente. Se determina que, desde el punto de vista de los estudiantes, hoy no solo las versiones impresas de Diarios, la radio tradicional, sino incluso la televisi贸n masiva est谩n perdiendo terreno ante Internet como el canal de comunicaci贸n m谩s prometedor. Importancia pr谩ctica: los datos obtenidos en este trabajo pueden ser utilizados en investigaci贸n de mercados, ciencias econ贸micas, psicolog铆a publicitaria, as铆 como para un mayor desarrollo te贸rico de este tema