336 research outputs found

    Digital Sustainability in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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    The fourth industrial revolution launched digitalization in manufacturing sector, business and human environment. This opens a question of influence to development of the digital sustainability concept and resource-efficiency in the focus on the design of smart cities and smart factories. Furthermore, it is also necessary to respect ethical rules when using private information. These factors are fundamental framework conditions for successful products. The aim of this paper is to present the known theory and practices of digital sustainability in the fourth industrial revolution and to investigate the changes that result from digital sustainability and influence on the corporate social digital responsibility development. In order to achieve this objective, a comprehensive review of journal articles, conference papers, books and edited volumes will be performed. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Elementi organizacijske kulture koji vode do poslovne izvrsnosti

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    The main aim of this research was to define the development of a conceptual frame to understand the impact of organizational culture on business excellence in medium-sized and large Slovenian enterprises. In our research the focus was on the importance of the role of communication structure, interpersonal relationships, motivation, and stimulation as part of knowledge management among 825 managers working in medium-sized and large Slovenian enterprises. The aim was to find out if these elements lead or contribute to business excellence. To analyse our data we applied analysis of variance as research methods. Our proposed thesis was supported since significant differences in business excellence between enterprises, different in the above mentioned elements. We can conclude that an appropriate communication structure, interpersonal relationships, motivation, stimulation and values as part of organizational culture positively affect business excellence in enterprises.Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti razvoj konceptualnog okvira, da bi se razumio utjecaj organizacijske kulture na poslovnu izvrsnost u srednjim i velikim slovenskim poduzećima. U našem istraživanju težište je stavljeno na važnost uloge komunikacijske strukture, međuljudskih odnosa, motivacije i stimulacije zaposlenika kao dio organizacijske kulture kod 825 menadžera u srednjim i velikim slovenskim poduzećima. Cilj je bio saznati da li ti elementi doprinose poslovnoj izvrsnosti poduzeća. Kvantitativno propitivanje podataka izvršeno je metodom analize varijante. Polazna pretpostavka podržana je značajnim razlikama, kao rezultatima istraživanja, u gore navedenim elementima i poslovnim izvrsnostima poduzeća. Moguće je zaključiti, da odgovarajuće komunikacijske strukture, međuljudski odnosi, motivacija i stimulacija, kao dio organizacijske kulture, pozitivno djeluju na poslovnu izvrsnost u poduzećim

    Preventivni vidik ukrepov proti korupciji

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    Ključni namen prispevka bo transparentnost zoperstavljanja korupciji tako v zasebni kot v javni sferi. Prispevek bo izhajal iz pravne materije ukrepov za boj proti korupciji iz Konvencije ZN proti korupciji. Skušala bom prikazati aplikativno delovanje predpisanih ukrepov v RS

    Vloga managementa za dvig kakovosti trženja storitev

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    Storitve so nedvomno prihodnost vsake gospodarske dejavnosti in postajajo primarno gibalo gospodarskega razvoja neke države. Za vsako podjetje, ki se želi vključiti ali obdržati na konkurenčnem regionalnem in mednarodnem trgu, je kakovost storitve oz. natančneje kakovost opravljene storitve, ki jo organizacija nudi, odločilnega pomena. Ena izmed osnovnih nalog managementa v organizaciji ali v podjetju je, da so storitve opravljene in izvedene dovolj kakovostno. Cilj podjetja je, da so storitve izvedene tako, da najbolje zadovoljijo zahteve in pričakovanja kupcev oz. odjemalcev, katerim so namenjene

    Can an ethical work climate influence payment discipline?

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    Purpose: All European companies are faced with the lack of payment discipline, which often affects even their survival. One of the key reasons for the lack of payment discipline is poor business ethics, which is primarily introduced with the subject of ethical climate in the literature. For this reason, we wanted to determine whether a company%s ethical climate influences its payment discipline. Design/methodology/approach: In the research, we used Arnaud%s measurement instrument (2010) that helped us to identify six dimensions of ethical climate. The data about a company%s ethical climate were later compared with the data about its payment discipline, calculated using the Dun & Bradstreet rating agency methodology. We included in the sample 273 Slovenian companies, which represented 9.1% of all companies invited to take part in the survey (2978 Slovenian enterprises with 10 or more employees). Findings: We established that (among the six dimensions of the ethical climate) the dimension %moral sensitivity % the lack of norms of empathetic concern% had statistically significant influence on the average delay of payment, and the more significant for the company the lack of norms of empathetic concern was, the longer the delay of the payment to suppliers would be. Our conclusion is that the appropriate forms of the incorporation of training and education on ethical subjects into business studies may increase the payment discipline of companies. Originality/value: The present study represents an important contribution to understanding the causes of payment defaults. The study also includes non-financial antecedents of payment discipline, which represents a new, important contribution of the research

    Psychosocial Risk Factors Among Slovene Professional Drivers

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    The characteristics of the profession drivers, in the nature of their work, influence the occurrence of various health risk factors. Professional drivers are, in general, exposed to a workspace that is limited, vibrations, uncomfortable seats and forced position meanwhile prolonged sitting. The objective of our study was to investigate psychosocial risk factors among Slovene professional drivers’ samples in a cross-sectional study. The data collection was performed by the use of a survey questionnaire, which was distributed among professional drivers. The research was conducted on 259 professional drivers; 125 train drivers, 57 bus drivers, 57 truck drivers and 20 other drivers (eg. taxi drives). The cooperation in the survey was anonymous and voluntary. The measurement for coping with psychosocial risks and absenteeism – OPSA was used, which is divided into two parts 1) a general part (which includes sociodemographic and health related information about the employees as well as 2) the part that focuses on employee psychosocial load evaluation. With the use of analysis of variance, we tested wheatear there were statistically significant differences in OPSA statements among mentioned groups of drivers. There is no evidence that the psychosocial risk factors (OPSA profile) are statistically significantly different between specific groups of drivers. However, could be noted that bus and train drivers are the most vulnerability occupational groups among professional drivers. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Samonadzor in moralnost mladih v slovenskem osnovnošolskem in srednješolskem vzorcu

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to test one of the main concepts of Situational Action Theory – the concept of the crime propensity on a large Slovenian sample of young people ages 13–17. Crime propensity is constructed from self-control scale and moral values scale. Design/Methods/Approach: The factor analysis was used to see if separate dimensions of self-control could be distinguished. A multiple regression was run to predict 16 self-reported delinquent acts from morality and self-control variables, which represented generalized crime propensity index. Findings: On the basis of 19 questions concerning self-control and moral values, almost one third of variance of self-reporting of 16 different delinquent acts was explained. The construct of crime propensity was proven relevant even with different methodology. Research Limitations / Implications: Even though YouPrev study employed a similar set of questions concerning self-control and moral values, some very cruicial differences should be noted between the two studiesthe most important is the inclusion of risk-taking component in the self-control scale in the YouPrev study which was not included in the PADS+ study. Originality/Value: The paper presents the analysis that hasn’t been made yet in connection with self-reported delinquency acts in Slovenia.Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je preverjanje zanesljivosti enega najbolj ključnih konceptov situacijskoakcijske teorije, in sicer koncepta nagnjenosti h kriminaliteti na vzorcu skoraj 2.000 adolescentov iz Slovenije, starih 13–17 let. Koncept nagnjenosti je sestavljen iz posameznikovega samonadzora in moralnih vrednot. Metode: Različne dimenzije koncepta samonadzora so bile preverjane s faktorsko analizo. Večkratna regresija je bila opravljena z odvisno spremenljivko samonaznanjenimi prestopniškimi dejanji in neodvisnimi spremenljivkami samonadzora ter moralnih vrednot. Ugotovitve: Skorajda tretjina variance odvisne spremenljivke prestopniških dejanj je bila pojasnjena na podlagi 19 vprašanj glede samonadzora in moralnih vrednot. Konstrukt nagnjenosti h kriminaliteti se je izkazal za relevantnega tudi pri spremenjenih vprašanjih in v drugačnem kulturnem okolju. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Čeprav je raziskava YouPrev uporabljala podoben nabor vprašanj, ki so se dotikala samonadzora in moralnih vrednot, je treba opozoriti na nekatere bistvene razlike med raziskavamanajbolj bistvena razlika je vključitev spremenljivk, ki merijo tvegano početje v raziskavi YouPrev in odsotnost te komponente samonadzora v raziskavi PADS+. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Prispevek predstavlja analizo, ki v povezavi s samonaznanjenimi prestopniškimi dejanji v Sloveniji še ni bila opravljena