12 research outputs found

    he sources of modern mythopoesis: William Morris, George Macdonald, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien ; Источники современной мифопоэтики: Уильям Моррис, Джордж Макдональд, К. С. Льюси и ДЖ. Р. Р. Толкин

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    Diseratcija nastoji da pruži analizu literarnog djelovanja četiri autora: Vilijama Morisa, Džordža Mekdonalda, K.S. Luisa i Dž.R.R. Tolkina, odnosno grupe pisaca koji se ubrajaju među vodeće utemeljivače moderne mitopoetike. U svom prvom dijelu rad stavlja akcenat na sam pojavu fantazije, njen nastanak i puteve razvoja od najranijih vremena: tretiraju se problemi formiranja samoga pojma, začeci govora i njegove ključne uloge u formiranju priče, nezaobilazno prisutne posljedice podcjenjivačkog odnosa prema literarnim plodovima izmaštavanja, kao i teoretska analiza i pokušaji definisanja čijem konačnom rješenju se ni danas ne nazire kraj. Drugi dio usresređuje se na dva savremenika, Vilijama Morisa i Džordža Mekdonalda. Prateći njihove životno bitne momente, uvjerenja, iskustva, stavove, ideje i umjetnička stremljenja ispoljena u tekstovima u kojima se na individualan način razvija i razrađuje Propov sistem, prožimaju religijski aspeki, ispoljava lični odnos prema idealu herojstva, ženskom principu, dobru i zlu, životu i smrti disertacija nastoji da prepozna i izdvoji najznačajnije momente presudne za oblikovanje svih onih književnih rezultata nastalih djelovanjem sljedbenika i poklonika njihove pisane riječi. Treći dio akcenatuje stvaralaštvo dva danas svakako veoma prisutna i nezaobilazno značajna pisca – K.S. Luisa i Dž.R.R. Tolkina. Prijatelji čije dugogodišnje poznanstvo, iskustva ratnih događanja i trauma, ljubav prema hrišćanstvu, mitovima, legendama i drugim oblicima fantastičnog izraza obrazuju nesvakidašnji materijal za konstruisanje Srednje zemlje i Narnije predstavljaju možda i najdominantnija uzora u procesima obrazovanja novih tokova u oblasti savremene fikcije za mlađe, ali i nešto starije konzumente, te zasigurno djeluju kao svjetionici prema kojima moderni pisci određuju i preispituju kurs sopstvenog stvaralaštva...The dissertation strives to provide an analysis of four authors: William Morris, George McDonald, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, the group of writers who are often classified as the leading founders of modern fantasy. In its first part, the dissertation emphasizes the very emergence of fantasy, its origins and the development stages from the earliest times, examining the problems of speech formation and its key role in storytelling, the inevitable consequences of the undervaluation of literary fantasy, as well as theoretical analysis and definition attempts that still exist. The second part focuses on two contemporaries, William Morris and George MacDonald. By examining crucial moments of their lives, their beliefs, experiences, attitudes, ideas and artistic aspirations, the way they applied, developed and elaborated Prop’s morphology, introduced religious aspects and manifested a personal understanding of the ideal of heroism, female principle, good and evil, life and death, the dissertation seeks to identify the most significant moments in shaping all those literary results brought forth by the followers and admirers of their written word. The third part seeks to emphasize the ingenious creativity of two significant writers - C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Friends and colleagues whose long-standing acquaintance, shared war experiences and traumas, love for Christianity, myths, legends and other forms of fantastic expression formed the extraordinary material for constructing Middle Earth and Narnia, represent perhaps the most dominant role models in the process of establishing new trends in the field of modern mythopoeia, and they certainly act as beacons by which modern writers determine and re-evaluate the course of their own creativity..

    he sources of modern mythopoesis: William Morris, George Macdonald, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien ; Источники современной мифопоэтики: Уильям Моррис, Джордж Макдональд, К. С. Льюси и ДЖ. Р. Р. Толкин

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    Diseratcija nastoji da pruži analizu literarnog djelovanja četiri autora: Vilijama Morisa, Džordža Mekdonalda, K.S. Luisa i Dž.R.R. Tolkina, odnosno grupe pisaca koji se ubrajaju među vodeće utemeljivače moderne mitopoetike. U svom prvom dijelu rad stavlja akcenat na sam pojavu fantazije, njen nastanak i puteve razvoja od najranijih vremena: tretiraju se problemi formiranja samoga pojma, začeci govora i njegove ključne uloge u formiranju priče, nezaobilazno prisutne posljedice podcjenjivačkog odnosa prema literarnim plodovima izmaštavanja, kao i teoretska analiza i pokušaji definisanja čijem konačnom rješenju se ni danas ne nazire kraj. Drugi dio usresređuje se na dva savremenika, Vilijama Morisa i Džordža Mekdonalda. Prateći njihove životno bitne momente, uvjerenja, iskustva, stavove, ideje i umjetnička stremljenja ispoljena u tekstovima u kojima se na individualan način razvija i razrađuje Propov sistem, prožimaju religijski aspeki, ispoljava lični odnos prema idealu herojstva, ženskom principu, dobru i zlu, životu i smrti disertacija nastoji da prepozna i izdvoji najznačajnije momente presudne za oblikovanje svih onih književnih rezultata nastalih djelovanjem sljedbenika i poklonika njihove pisane riječi. Treći dio akcenatuje stvaralaštvo dva danas svakako veoma prisutna i nezaobilazno značajna pisca – K.S. Luisa i Dž.R.R. Tolkina. Prijatelji čije dugogodišnje poznanstvo, iskustva ratnih događanja i trauma, ljubav prema hrišćanstvu, mitovima, legendama i drugim oblicima fantastičnog izraza obrazuju nesvakidašnji materijal za konstruisanje Srednje zemlje i Narnije predstavljaju možda i najdominantnija uzora u procesima obrazovanja novih tokova u oblasti savremene fikcije za mlađe, ali i nešto starije konzumente, te zasigurno djeluju kao svjetionici prema kojima moderni pisci određuju i preispituju kurs sopstvenog stvaralaštva...The dissertation strives to provide an analysis of four authors: William Morris, George McDonald, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, the group of writers who are often classified as the leading founders of modern fantasy. In its first part, the dissertation emphasizes the very emergence of fantasy, its origins and the development stages from the earliest times, examining the problems of speech formation and its key role in storytelling, the inevitable consequences of the undervaluation of literary fantasy, as well as theoretical analysis and definition attempts that still exist. The second part focuses on two contemporaries, William Morris and George MacDonald. By examining crucial moments of their lives, their beliefs, experiences, attitudes, ideas and artistic aspirations, the way they applied, developed and elaborated Prop’s morphology, introduced religious aspects and manifested a personal understanding of the ideal of heroism, female principle, good and evil, life and death, the dissertation seeks to identify the most significant moments in shaping all those literary results brought forth by the followers and admirers of their written word. The third part seeks to emphasize the ingenious creativity of two significant writers - C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Friends and colleagues whose long-standing acquaintance, shared war experiences and traumas, love for Christianity, myths, legends and other forms of fantastic expression formed the extraordinary material for constructing Middle Earth and Narnia, represent perhaps the most dominant role models in the process of establishing new trends in the field of modern mythopoeia, and they certainly act as beacons by which modern writers determine and re-evaluate the course of their own creativity..

    New tendencies in designing of training processes for the youth

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    As a result of modern sedentary lifestyles, which entails passive leisure activities, young people are also often not physically prepared for the rigors of youth sports activities. On the other hand, there has been a significant increase of participation in organized youth sport, which has been accompanied by dramatic increase in sport-related injuries. Inadequate physical preparation is believed to be a risk factor in most sports-related injuries in young athletes, and physical preparation that includes strength and neuro-muscular training is therefore a part of strategy for prevention of sport injuries. As the benefits of physical preparation for young athletes are known and recognised, the aim of this review article is to point out some specificities of the youth training processes, as well as the various aspects of physical preparation of young athletes for organized competitive sports activities


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    Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), is also known as neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) may be used for therapeutic purposes and training. EMS is causing muscle contractions via electrical impulses. The survey was conducted as a case study. The study was conducted on subject of 3 male of different ages. The study lasted 4 weeks, and the respondents have not used any type of training or activity, which would affect the development of explosive strength of the lower extremities. Electrical stimulation was performed in the evening, every other day, with COMPEX mi sport apparatus (Medical SA - All rights reserved - 07/06 - Art. 885,616 - V.2 model). In 4 week period, a total of 13 treatments were performed on selected muscle groups - quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius. Program of plyometric training (Plyometric) (28 min per treatment), for each muscle group were applied. The main objective of this study was to quantify and compare explosive leg strength, using different vertical jump protocols, before and after the EMS program. The initial and final testing was conducted in the laboratory of the Faculty of Sport and Tourism in Novi Sad, on the contact plate AXON JUMP (Bioingeniería Deportiva, VACUMED, 4538 Westinghouse Street Ventura, CA 93 003) under identical conditions. In all three of the respondents indicated an increase in vertical jump in all applied protocols

    Relationship between overweight, obesity and the motor abilities of 9-12 year old school children

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    On sample of 757 pupils, 379 boys and 378 girls, school age from 3rd to 6th class, nutrition status, according BMI, and motor status were analyzed by using 8 variables (3 for valuation of morphological and 5 for evaluation of motor abilities status). In the overall sample, 66.3% established a normal nutritional status 18.4% was overweight, 15.3% were obese. Obesity is the most vulnerable children in third grade (21.8%), and overweight in fourth (20.1%) and fifth (20.9%) grade. The results indicate a statistically significant difference between the third and sixth grades, and no statistically significant differences in the frequency of overweight and obesity in all grades, or in relation to sex. Overweight has a negative correlation with explosive leg strength and muscle strength of arms and shoulders, while obesity has a negative correlation with the strength of muscles of arms and shoulders, running speed, strength of trunk muscle and explosive leg strength. Significant statistical relation was lacking in fl exibility. The results show a statistically significant difference in the speed of running, muscle strength of arms and shoulders, trunk muscle strength and explosive leg strength between the overweight and obese pupils. A significant difference was not observed in the test to assess the value of flexibility. Generally, children who are overweight and obese have significantly reduced motor skills compared to normal children too soon, especially with regard to the manifestation of strength and speed

    Postural status of preschool children in Novi Sad

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    A survey was conducted in Novi Sad in the preschool institutions of 'Radosno detinjstvo' on a sample of 423 preschool children of both sexes, ages 6 and 7. The subject of this paper are postural disorders on the spinal column in the sagittal and frontal planes, as well as foot deformities. The aim of the research is to determine the frequency of disorder of postural status of the spine (kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis) and deviation from the normal status of the foot, and the analysis of the differences between boys and girls. Assessment of the postural status of the feet was performed by means of using the Pedikom computer system for digital computerised pedography. Assessment of spine postural status was done by means of SpineScan portable device. Data were analysed according to the frequency for the assessment of spinal status, the status of the foot, all according gender. Significance of the gender-conditioned differences was determined by the Chi-square test. The results indicate that in the examined population, the most common posture is lordotic bad posture, 41.31% with male examinees and 36.66% with female examinees. A statistically significant difference in relation to sexual dimorphism was found for the parameter of scoliotic bad posture (Sig. = 0.008). In terms of deviation from the normal status of the feet, in the examined population, pronating foot level I accounts for 43.23%, pronating foot level II accounts for 16.66% and high-arched foot accounts for 10.16%. Quantitative results indicate the need for corrective gymnastic to correct but also prevent postural deformities by introducing of the same as an everyday directed activity of preschool population


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    The aims of the current research were to determine body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat, maximum oxygen consumption and level of habitual physical activities, and differences in student population for both sexes regarding information about health, exercising and nutrition. The respondent sample was composed of 160 students (94 male and 66 female) age 22±1 years. The overall sample of respondants is stratified into two subsamples, 95 of them were students of physical education program that were informed through the study program about health, exercising and nutrition, and the second subsample was consisted of 65 students of other study programs that did not receive the mentioned information. Body height, body weight and percentage of body fat were established, body mas index was calculated, maximum oxygen consumption was estimated (by direct method) and the (weekly) level of habitual physical activities. The data were processed by procedures of descriptive statistics, central and dispersive parameters and distribution of frequencies and comparative statistics, t-test for independent samples, univariate analysis of variance and Chi-square test to analyze the significance of differences between subsamples of students regarding the study program and sex. Results show (complete sample), that almost 2/3 of male students are not physically active, and female students have significantly better indicators of body composition than their colleagues. Results of maximum oxygen consumption (complete sample), show that statistically highest average was obtained in the subsample of students from the physical education study program (49.54 ml/kg/min), and the lowest is identified in a group of female students of other study programs (36.92 ml/kg/min)


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    The main purpose of this research was to determine to what extent some of the characteristics of female athletes in synchronized swimming hypothetically explains their results and offers predictions. The research was conducted on 30synchronized swimmers, height 165.49±3.57cm and body weight of 53±4.23kg who regularly train and compete in the junior level of championship (age 16 to 18).Variables of the participants’ morphological characteristics were obtained by the analysis of their body composition by using the method of bioelectrical impedance (BIA).Variables of functional skills were based on four tests. Variables for the evaluation of the performance of figures consisted of two basic and two selected figures according to the FINA rule book. The data analysis was done by the use of SPSS 20.0. Each variable result was presented as the basic central and dispersion parameters. The obtained results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) show that there is a difference between the two groups of participants according to the all the research spaces. The research found a certain number of connections that were expected having in mind the nature of morphological and functional skills involved in performance in all the tested subspaces. The obtained results refer to some further research which will enable better understanding of the body functions of synchro swimmers. The results of this research are practically applicable in higher qualitative preparation of the synchro swimmers and achieving top results.Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj meri određeni broj obeležja sinhronih plivačica hipotetski objašnjava rezultate i nudi predikciju. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 30 sinhronih plivačica, telesne visine 165.49±3.57cm i telesne mase 53±4.23kg koje su u redovnom trenažnom procesu i takmiče se u juniorskoj konkurenciji (uzrasta od 16 do 18 godina). Varijable morfoloških karakteristika dobijene su analizom telesnog sastava ispitanica metodom bioelektrične impedance (BIA). Varijable za procenu funkcionalnih sposobnosti ustanovljene su  pomoću četiri testa. Varijable za procenu izvođenja figura obuhvatale su dve osnovne i dve izvučene figure prema FINA pravilniku. Obrada podataka izvršena je pomoću statističkog programa SPSS 20.0. Za svaku varijablu prikazani su osnovni centralni i disperzioni parametri. Dobijeni rezultati analize varijanse (ANOVA) pokazuju da postoji razlika između grupa ispitanica u odnosu na sve istraživane prostore. U istraživanju je dobijen veći broj veza koje su očekivane s obzirom na bliskost prirode morfološkog i funkcionalnog ispoljavanja u svim testiranim subprostorima. Dobijeni rezultati nameću potrebu za organizovanjem novih istraživanja koja će omogućiti bolje razumevanje funkcionosanja organizma sinhronih plivačica. Rezultati ovog istraživanja od velike su praktične primenljivosti, doprineće kvalitetnijoj pripremi takmičarki a samim tim i omogućiti postizanje vrhunskih rezultata

    Physical activity and bone mineral density

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    The bones play an important structural role in the organism. They provide mobility, support, and protect the body, and the place where the storage essential minerals. Healthy bones have a crucial impact on the overall health of a person, and activities that promote health and preventive influence on the formation of bone disease are crucial in maintaining a strong and healthy skeletal system. Physical inactivity affects the decrease in function of bone, and the most common disease of bone osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder that results in low bone density and micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue, that results in less bone density, and may lead to fracture. Physical activity is essential for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis. Based on available information, the best effect to maintain and stimulate the formation of bone mineral density is a combination of dynamic exercises with resistance training that engage multiple joints, large muscle groups, and have influence on the spine and hips. The results suggest that exercises with axial loading, such as running, jumping, and power exercise, promote the positive gains in bone mineral density. Therefore, training should focus on the adaptation of specific parts of the body that is most susceptible to injury, and should be sufficiently intense that exceeds the normal loads

    Influence of familiarization on preschool children's motor tests results

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    Background: Various field tests can be used to evaluate children's motor skills. Because of the complexity of their motor skills, which at their age are still in a very intensive stage of development, it is inadequate to use the same test protocol as in the adult population, as children receive and process information in a different way. Some evidence showed that familiarization with test protocols is important in children's motor skills evaluation process. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of familiarization on motor test results for the assessment of motor skills in preschool children population. A controlled research study design was conducted. Methods: The sample included 40 children, 20 boys and 20 girls (age 5.89 ± 0.42 years). Subjects underwent two testing sessions with two weeks between the trials, performed 6 motor skills: leg power, flexibility, abdominal muscles endurance, shoulder muscles endurance, agility, and running speed. Before the second testing session, subjects underwent a period of familiarization with motor tasks in 3 sessions, with 3 trials every 3 days. Results: Significantly better results in the second testing session were observed in countermovement jump (with both fixed and free arms), curl-ups, speed and agility test. The present study indicates that children significantly improved the results in the motor test of explosive strength, muscle endurance, speed and agility, being influenced by familiarization. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that familiarization with the test procedures prior to testing affect the results of the motor test, and represent an important part of the evaluation of motor skills of preschool children