
The main purpose of this research was to determine to what extent some of the characteristics of female athletes in synchronized swimming hypothetically explains their results and offers predictions. The research was conducted on 30synchronized swimmers, height 165.49±3.57cm and body weight of 53±4.23kg who regularly train and compete in the junior level of championship (age 16 to 18).Variables of the participants’ morphological characteristics were obtained by the analysis of their body composition by using the method of bioelectrical impedance (BIA).Variables of functional skills were based on four tests. Variables for the evaluation of the performance of figures consisted of two basic and two selected figures according to the FINA rule book. The data analysis was done by the use of SPSS 20.0. Each variable result was presented as the basic central and dispersion parameters. The obtained results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) show that there is a difference between the two groups of participants according to the all the research spaces. The research found a certain number of connections that were expected having in mind the nature of morphological and functional skills involved in performance in all the tested subspaces. The obtained results refer to some further research which will enable better understanding of the body functions of synchro swimmers. The results of this research are practically applicable in higher qualitative preparation of the synchro swimmers and achieving top results.Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj meri određeni broj obeležja sinhronih plivačica hipotetski objašnjava rezultate i nudi predikciju. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 30 sinhronih plivačica, telesne visine 165.49±3.57cm i telesne mase 53±4.23kg koje su u redovnom trenažnom procesu i takmiče se u juniorskoj konkurenciji (uzrasta od 16 do 18 godina). Varijable morfoloških karakteristika dobijene su analizom telesnog sastava ispitanica metodom bioelektrične impedance (BIA). Varijable za procenu funkcionalnih sposobnosti ustanovljene su  pomoću četiri testa. Varijable za procenu izvođenja figura obuhvatale su dve osnovne i dve izvučene figure prema FINA pravilniku. Obrada podataka izvršena je pomoću statističkog programa SPSS 20.0. Za svaku varijablu prikazani su osnovni centralni i disperzioni parametri. Dobijeni rezultati analize varijanse (ANOVA) pokazuju da postoji razlika između grupa ispitanica u odnosu na sve istraživane prostore. U istraživanju je dobijen veći broj veza koje su očekivane s obzirom na bliskost prirode morfološkog i funkcionalnog ispoljavanja u svim testiranim subprostorima. Dobijeni rezultati nameću potrebu za organizovanjem novih istraživanja koja će omogućiti bolje razumevanje funkcionosanja organizma sinhronih plivačica. Rezultati ovog istraživanja od velike su praktične primenljivosti, doprineće kvalitetnijoj pripremi takmičarki a samim tim i omogućiti postizanje vrhunskih rezultata

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