143 research outputs found

    Delivering better jobs for Myanmar : identifying key sectors to support a job-rich economy recovery

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    For too many people in Myanmar, work is casual, part-time and informal. The economic shock from the coronavirus pandemic has created huge challenges, but as the economy enters a recovery phase there are also opportunities in these sectors: Food Processing; Automobile Components; Construction; Wholesale and Retail Trade. The report also highlights risks and barriers that might prevent sectors from realising their potential: poor infrastructure, out-of-date technology and an inadequate regulatory environment. (Note that the paper was published prior to a coup d’état, February 1, 2021, which halted Myanmar’s fragile democratisation)

    Telomerase-associated apoptotic events by mushroom Ganoderma lucidum on premalignant human urothelial cells

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    Author name used in this publication: Mayur Danny I. Gohel2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Delivering better jobs for Myanmar : identifying key sectors for further analysis

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    The analysis identified two sub-sectors within manufacturing (food processing and automobile components) and two other sectors (construction, and wholesale and retail trade) that have the potential to contribute to the creation of better jobs in coming years (2020). Risks and barriers to this growth are poor infrastructure, out-of-date technology and an inadequate regulatory environment in areas of food processing, skills shortages in construction, and an over-reliance on foreign investment. Prior to 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic, the Myanmar economy grew at an annual rate of 6 to 7 per cent for several years

    Understanding the design process from the complexity

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    Para contribuir a la consolidación del diseño industrial como una disciplina transdisciplinar se lleva a cabo una reflexión sobre sus fundamentos y se propone una serie de herramientas de análisis y método que involucren conceptos de la teoría de la complejidad en sus procesos. El pensamiento de diseño inscrito en la resolución de sistemas sociales (complejos por definición) debe tener una forma de abordaje muy específica y particular que, atendiendo múltiples aspectos provenientes de diversas disciplinas, campos del conocimiento y la experiencia humana deben interpretar y traducir en requerimientos para las soluciones de diseño. Esto implica un cambio de paradigma: pensar el proceso de diseño de manera abierta y compleja más que lineal y reticular; relacionar esquemas conceptuales de dicotomías como teoría-práctica, razón-emoción, entre otros, que permitan al diseño contemplar múltiples variables y relaciones entre ellas, atendiendo la contingencia de manera sistémica y disminuyendo el temor a la incertidumbre y el caos implícito en sus procesos. El presente artículo recoge una reflexión sobre los métodos de diseño relacionados con la investigación y la creación como aporte a la definición de aspectos propios de la disciplina, abordándolo inicialmente desde teorías como el “pensamiento de diseño” y los orígenes de sus esquemas de investigación devenidos de las ciencias duras y la atomización del conocimiento, la imposibilidad de su aplicación directa al diseño como parte de las ciencias sociales, la complejidad como elemento esencial en el proceso de diseño y la indefinición creciente al incorporar en el mismo múltiples variables contradictorias dado su carácter multidisciplinar.To contribute to the consolidation of industrial design as a transdisciplinary discipline a reflection on its foundations takes place, and a series of tools for analysis and method involving concepts of the theory of complexity in their processes are proposed. Design thinking registered in social systems (complex by definition) resolution must have a very specific and particular way of approach that, addressing multiple aspects from different disciplines, fields of knowledge and human experience must interpret and translate into requirements for design solutions. This implies a change in the paradigm, this is to say thinking about the design process in an open and complex manner rather than in a linear and reticulate manner, relating conceptual outlines of dichotomies such as theory-practice, reason-emotion among others. This allows design to contemplate multiple variables and relationships in it attending the contingency in a systemic way and reducing fear of uncertainty and implicit chaos in its processes. This article presents a reflection on design methods related to research and the creation of the discipline as a contribution to the definition of specific aspects. The reflection addresses initially theories such as “design thinking” and the origins of its research outlines. These outlines derive from the hard sciences and the atomization of knowledge, the impossibility of its direct application to design as part of the social sciences, the complexity as an essential element in the design process and the growing lack of definition while incorporating multiple contradictory variables given its multidisciplinary character

    The effects of Ganoderma lucidum on initial events related to the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin efficacy and toxicity on high-risk uroepithelial cells : an in vitro preliminary study

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    Author name used in this publication: Yuen, John Wai-Man.2012-2013 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Synergistic cytotoxic effects of ganoderma lucidum and bacillus calmette guérin on premalignant urothelial HUC-PC cells and its regulation on proinflammatory cytokine secretion

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    Author name used in this publication: John Wai-man YuenAuthor name used in this publication: Mayur-Danny I. Gohel2012-2013 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Vahvempia yhdessä - Valtakunnallisen Yhteistyöllä muutosturvaa -koordinaatiohankkeen ulkoinen arviointi

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    Yhteistyöllä muutosturvaa oli valtakunnallinen Euroopan sosiaalirahaston tukema koordinaatiohanke, jota toteutettiin kahdessa hankevaiheessa vuosina 2015–2023. Yhteistyöllä muutosturvaa -koordinaatiohankkeen kehittämisteemoja olivat a) osaavan työvoiman saatavuuden turvaaminen tehokkaiden työvoima- ja yrityspalveluiden avulla, b) työvoiman kysynnän ja tarjonnan kohtaantoa parantavien mallien ja palvelujen kehittäminen sekä c) toiminta- ja palvelumallien kokeilu ja kehittäminen irtisanovan ja rekrytoivan yrityksen välillä. MDI Public toteutti yhteistyössä TK-Evalin kanssa kesä-elokuun 2023 välisenä aikana hankkeen ulkoisen arvioinnin. Ulkoinen arviointi oli hankkeen loppuvaiheessa toteutettava loppuarviointi, jonka tavoitteena on todentaa kehittämistyön tuloksia ja tehdä niitä näkyviksi. Arvioinnissa selvitettiin, a) mitkä ovat hankkeen keskeiset tulokset ja onnistumiset, b) onko hankkeen toimintatavoilla ollut tavoiteltuja vaikutuksia, c) onko hankkeen toimenpiteillä ollut tavoiteltuja vaikutuksia sekä d) millaista osaamista (oppimista ja kokemuksia) hanke on tuottanut osallistujille formaalisti ja informaalisti. Arvioinnissa käytettiin aineistona hankkeesta tuotettua kirjallista materiaalia, haastatteluita keskeisille sidosryhmille, asiantuntijakyselyä sekä itsearviointityöpajassa koottua kysely- ja keskusteluaineistoa. Arvioinnin tulosten perusteella hankkeessa pystyttiin kehittämään muutosturvan palveluita kokonaisvaltaisemmiksi. Hankkeessa mahdollistettiin tavoitteiden mukaisesti erilaisten toimintamallien kokeileminen erilaisten kehittämistoimintojen avulla. Vaikka kokonaisuutena uusia asiakaslähtöisiä palveluita kehitettiin, niiden valtakunnallinen käyttöönotto on vielä kesken. Hankkeen avulla pystyttiin tukemaan joustavasti ja nopeasti muutosturvatilanteisiin puuttumista sekä palveluiden kehittämistä. Hankkeen aikana laadittiin paljon muutosturvaan liittyviä materiaaleja, esitteitä ja selvityksiä, joita voidaan hyödyntää muutosturva-asiantuntijoiden työssä. Hanke vaikutti sen tavoitteiden mukaisesti muutosturvasta koskevan tietoisuuden ja keskustelun herättämiseen. Hanke on tukenut hyvin olemassa olleen valtakunnallisen muutosturva-asiantuntijoiden verkoston työtä ja palveluiden kehittämistä. Pitkä hanke on edistänyt tulosten pysyvyyttä ja varmistanut näkemystä siitä, että myös jatkossa tarvitaan valtakunnallista muutosturvapalveluita ja verkostoja tukevaa työtä

    Mathematical model to investigate transmission dynamics of COVID-19 with vaccinated class

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    The susceptible, exposed, infected, quarantined and vaccinated (SEIQV) population is accounted for in a mathematical model of COVID-19. This model covers the therapy for diseased people as well as therapeutic measures like immunization for susceptible people to enable understanding of the dynamics of the disease's propagation. Each of the equilibrium points, i.e., disease-free and endemic, has been proven to be globally asymptotically stable under the assumption that R0 \mathscr{R}_0 is smaller or larger than unity, respectively. Although vaccination coverage is high, the basic reproduction number depends on the vaccine's effectiveness in preventing disease when \mathscr{R}_0 > 0 . The Jacobian matrix and the Routh-Hurwitz theorem are used to derive the aforementioned analysis techniques. The results are further examined numerically by using the standard second-order Runge-Kutta (RK2) method. In order to visualize the global dynamics of the aforementioned model, the proposed model is expanded to examine some piecewise fractional order derivatives. We may comprehend the crossover behavior in the suggested model's illness dynamics by using the relevant derivative. To numerical present the results, we use RK2 method.</p

    Analysis of fractional stochastic evolution equations by using Hilfer derivative of finite approximate controllability

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    The approximate controllability of a class of fractional stochastic evolution equations (FSEEs) are discussed in this study utilizes the Hilbert space by using Hilfer derivative. For different approaches, we remove the Lipschitz or compactness conditions and merely have to assume a weak growth requirement. The fixed point theorem, the diagonal argument, and approximation methods serve as the foundation for the study. The abstract theory is demonstrated using an example. A conclusion is given at the end

    Specific Immunity to Cytomegalovirus in Pediatric Cardiac Transplantation

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    BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is implicated in endothelial dysfunction and graft damage after pediatric heart transplantation. CMV specific immune responses are thought to be necessary for CMV viral control but there is little data in pediatric heart transplantation. METHODS: We studied 28 consecutive pediatric heart transplant recipients for 1-year posttransplant. CMV-specific T cells expressing IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-2 in response to ex-vivo stimulation with CMV lysates or peptides were measured. Circulating cytokines were measured in plasma. Generalised Additive Models were applied to the data to model changes of cell population dynamics over time. RESULTS: CMV-specific T cell mediated responses were impaired in the first 8 weeks posttransplant. During this period, 25% of patients had CMV viremia, of which those with viral loads ≥10,000 CMV DNA copies/mL were given ganciclovir. In this group, the frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells producing IFN-γ and the CD8+CD57+GB+ T cell population increased at 12-24 weeks and remained elevated for the duration of the study. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that CMV viremia is associated with CMV specific immune responses and increased CD8+CD57+GB+ cells at 1-year posttransplant, however early responses were not predictive of impending CMV viremia. It remains to be seen if the early CMV immune response detected is associated with endothelial and allograft damage, in light of previous studies demonstrating increased vasculopathy in pediatric patients with CMV viremia