50 research outputs found

    Synthesis and reactivity of electron deficient benzoheterocycle triosmium complexes

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    Corporate Governance and Its Benefits: Does It Really Matter for Banks?

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    Corporate governance is one of the force that keeps all the pillars of a corporation and in turn, collectively that of the economy, in their places. Now, six years later, there is no doubt that if this elementary force is not made a subject of extensive research and practice, the world as a whole will inevitably succumb to the drastically changing environment of the 21st century, globalized and industrialized world and the threats it poses. We begin this paper by explaining why governance of banks differs from governance of nonfinancial firms and its importance in banking industry. We then look at some areas of governance: corporate governance principles, parties, boards, risk management, and market discipline. We discuss promising solutions and areas where further research is needed. Keywords: Corporate governance, banks, financial institutions, organizational development and benefits


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    取得学位 : 博士(医学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第1422号,学位授与年月日:平成12年3月22日,学位授与年:200

    Elemental Study of Bangladeshi Fish Samples Using PIGE Technique

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    Proton induced gamma emission (PIGE) method has been developed at the Accelerator Laboratory of Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka (AECD) for the investigation of various human health related specimens. In the present study PIGE analytical technique has been used for the determination of numerous trace elements in some commonly used fish samples which were collected from Islampur area at Savar. During the experimental work the γrays emitted from the prepared fish samples were measured using a Highpurity Germenium (HPGe) detector. The detected 18 elements were Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Potassium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Bromine, Rubidium, Strontium, Cadmium, Iodine, Lead etc. The objective of this study was to measure the concentrations of these trace elements in the collected fish samples and to investigate whether their concentrations are harmful for human health by comparison with limits set by WHO/FAO. The results obtained indicate that Fe, K and Ca concentrations were relatively high in all samples as compared with the other elements. The measured elemental concentration of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr and V in all fish samples were found to be above the WHO/FAO recommended limits


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    The City of Dhaka is not built up plan wise from the beginning yet till date. The land uses are not following the urbanization rules correctly. Due to the laggings of proper water and air flow and basic treatment of household and industrial utilizing water, some of the major health issues are concerned. This research works is on the focus of heavy metal contamination in fishes of two major lakes in Dhaka city called Dhanmondi Lake and Gulshan Lake. The research is focusing mainly the study on Cr, Cd and Pb concentration in fishes along with other elements. Concentration of Cr is found in ranges of 3.45 μg/gm – 10.25 μg/gm, Cd is 2.17 μg/gm – 9.78 μg/gm and Pb is 1.132 – 7.102 μg/gm. The major element K and Ca with other trace elements are also projected. The data acquisition setup is calibrated using 2.2 MeV proton beam in the current ranges of 5nA to 15nA. The Van-de Graff Accelerator of Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka has been used for sample irradiation. The IBA technique Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) has been applied using Si(Li) detector (SL30165) and other ORTEC nuclear electronics. The calibration and standardization of PIXE setup has been done using X-ray source, and IAEA standard CuSx (thin), Soil-7 (thick)

    Study of Elemental Profile of Some Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh

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    Abstract Essential and trace elements in medicinal plants of saver near the Dhaka city in Bangladesh have been measured using particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) technique. The sample were dried, pressed to make pellet and then bombarded with accelerator proton at 3 MV Van de Graff Accelerator laboratory of Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka, (AECD). The X-ray emitted in the irradiation were measured by Lithium Drifted Silicon Detector Si (Li). The scattering chamber with associated all other circuitry and software MAESTRO-32 has been used for data acquisition and the collected data has been analyzed using GUPIX software. A number of major and trace elements were found to be in varying concentrations in the investigated medicinal plants. The contents of K and Ca are being notably large in medicinal plants samples. No toxic elements were detected in the investigated samples

    Manual on financial mechanism for the health facilities: Introducing pay-for-performance approach to increase utilization of maternal, newborn, and child health services in Bangladesh

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    The Population Council initiated an operations research study to test two Pay-for-Performance (P4P) strategies to improve maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) services in Bangladesh in 2010. The P4P study is being implemented as part of the two ongoing MNCH and maternal and newborn health (MNH) projects of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) implemented by the Directorate General of Health Services, Government of Bangladesh. The study has been testing two strategies. The first introduces incentives tied with performance for motivating service providers to improve the quantity as well as quality of services, and enable poor pregnant women, and mothers of newborns and under-five children to access services by reducing out-of-pocket costs for medicines, transportation, and incidental costs through subsidized coupons. The second constitutes a P4P scheme for providers only. This manual, developed by the Council, describes the purposes, processes, and appropriate documents that will enable facilities and P4P and/or Coupon Committees to opportunely receive and utilize funds under the P4P and coupon mechanism to improve MNCH services

    Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Nanosized Polyaniline

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    Polyaniline (PANI) is a conductive polymer easily converted into a conducting state. However, its limited mechanical properties have generated interest in fabricating PANI composites with other polymeric materials. In this study, a PANI–prevulcanized latex composite film was synthesized and fabricated in two phases following chronological steps. The first phase determined the following optimum parameters for synthesizing nanosized PANI, which were as follows: an initial molar ratio of 1, a stirring speed of 600 rpm, a synthesis temperature of 25 °C, purification via filtration, and washing using dopant acid, acetone, and distilled water. The use of a nonionic surfactant, Triton X-100, at 0.1% concentration favored PANI formation in a smaller particle size of approximately 600 nm and good dispersibility over seven days of observation compared to the use of anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate. Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) showed that the PANI synthesized using a surfactant was in the emeraldine base form, as the washing process tends to decrease the doping level in the PANI backbone. Our scanning electron microscopy analysis showed that the optimized synthesis parameters produced colloidal PANI with an average particle size of 695 nm. This higher aspect ratio explained the higher conductivity of nanosized PANI compared to micron-sized PANI. Following the chronological steps to determine the optimal parameters produced a nanosized PANI powder. The nanosized PANI had higher conductivity than the micron-sized PANI because of its higher aspect ratio. When PANI is synthesized in smaller particle sizes, it has higher conductivity. Atomic force microscopy analysis showed that the current flow is higher across a 5 µm2 scanned area of nanosized PANI because it has a larger surface area. Thus, more sites for the current to flow through were present on the nanosized PANI particles