86 research outputs found

    Automorphisms of Fuchsian Groups of Genus Zero

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    Every automorphism in Fuchsian group is induced by some automorphism of a free group. This paper gives a presentation of a automorphism group of Fuchsian group of genus zero via braid groups. We also obtained the pure mapping class groups and the Seifert Fibre Groups

    Fuzzy TOPSIS method in the selection of Investment Boards by incorporating operational risks

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    Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) involves not only attributes that are precise or crisp, but also values that are not deterministic. Currently, Fuzzy TOPSIS presents a solution for decision makers when dealing with real world data that are usually multi attributes and involves a complex decision making process. In this work, an application of this method is demonstrated in the selection of Investment Boards by taking into account the operational risks involved

    A prelimenary study : Malaysian women in human-computer interaction practices.

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    This paper reports the involvement of ivomen in the Information Comnlunication Technology (ICT) specifically in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) practices in Malaysia. The study aims to identify the ivomen in job proficiency, experience and as decision-maker in the ICT industry. The results indicate that women in ICT have a low avareness of the importance of HCI knoivledge in use and related job offered, therefore their contribution to the industry may be limited due to lack of understanding of some domain of knowledg

    A framework for heuristic evaluation on Islamic websites

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    Islamic Websites are an important means of communicating the Islamic messages. lt delivers Islamic teaching to the Ummah. Evaluation of Islamic websites posts great challenges as the websites must reflect the meaning of Islamic way of life. The content must be accurate, correct, credible and true with recognised references. As such, the problem addressed in this study is the lack of suitable definition and measures for evaluating the quality of Islamic websites. This study aims to identify and examine both design and content features that relates to Islamic websites. This study has evaluated fifty (50) selected Islamic websites. Nine (9) design features have been identified which are: navigation, interactivity, and attractiveness) and content features (i.e. legitimacy, objectivity, authority, relevance, credibility, and reliability). A heuristic evaluation method (Sutcliffe, 2002) and procedure (Agarwal & Venkatesh, 2002) involving a single-user was used (Mahmud et aI., 2010). The findings suggest that Islamic websites demonstrates good quality on their design and content features. The findings also indicate that the overall Islamic website's quality varied significantly between different Islamic websites. In addition, the results suggest that new additional features influence the overall quality of Islamic websites. Finally, the authors, propose a working definition and an enhanced framework for evaluating the quality of Islamic websites. 22

    Exploring Islamic Website Features that Influence user Satisfaction: A Conceptual Model

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    AbstractIslamic websites (I-Webs) demand special attention by the nature of the content they deliver to users. To deliver satisfying and useful content for Islamic activities online (e.g. learning about Islam, questioning scholars, chat), it is important to identify and understand the most important features an Islamic website should portray. In this paper, we conducted extensive web searches and reviewed the literature on Islamic websites in order to explore features that influence users to visit a website for online Islamic activities, consequently leading to user satisfaction. The features were categorized into design, content, and Islamic. Design features were measured by usability, navigation, functionality, accessibility, interactivity, attractiveness, and security/privacy. Content features were measured by trust, objectivity, credibility, reliability, relevance, legitimacy, and authority. Islamic features were measured by Tawhid (belief), Sunnah, (practice), Niyyah (intention), ethics, identity, symbols, and software. We conceptualized and proposed that these features influence the use of I-Web and consequently lead to user satisfaction. The conceptual model will provide direction for future empirical research on Islamic websites, which is currently lacking

    Pendekatan kabur dalam keutamaan pilihan pengguna

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    This study discusses the fuzzy set approach and its implementation in measuring the level of consumer preferences that involved subjective characteristics and impreciseness. The main advantage of this approach is that it gives a more meaningful and reasonable interpretation by providing the degree of belongingness to a pre-defined set for fuzzy linguistic values. In this study, the ordinal data were collected from a survey of a group of 114 respondents. The fuzzy approach has shown its ability in handling simple and uncertain information obtained from the respondents. The techniqise used for data analysis was fuzzy conjoint

    Verification of scholars and references in Islamic websites

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    Websites is a corpus of infonnation and content on various domains of topics and subjects; however, they may lack of appropriate references or reliable sources. References and sources in websites may include book, articles, scholars' speech, text etc. Many users consider websites, as an important source of knowledge; therefore there is a need for a tool that helps users to evaluate the correctness and validity of the references and scholars referred in the websites. The tool should assist the users to verify if the websites that being referred has provided good and reliable references. Verification of references and sources is highly critical in Islamic websites as the content may guide to the correct religious practices. For this specific reason, the researchers develop a tool called I-WISER. It analyses the content in Islamic websites and generate a list of reference books and scholars names being used and referred in the websites. Relational content analysis methodology has been used to evaluate the website content regarding specific Islamic concepts. The relational content analysis method use verification concepts from database, and records certain score for each concept found within intended website. The report generated by I-WISER will provide a preliminary reflection ofthe quality of the content

    A web based survey using fuzzy set model

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    Turksen and Wilson (1995) have laid a theoretical ground for the works using a fuzzy set model for preference prediction. A fuzzy set conjoint model has been developed by incorporating fuzzy measurement of evaluations into the vector preference model. Mohtar et. al (2008)have done a study that used a fuzzy set preference model which represent linguistic variables, which usually used in survey research, to estimate overall preferences of costumer satisfaction on services provided by a shopping mall. This study by Mohtar et. al (2008) showed that the model has worked well and produced good results. Thus, we can use this fuzzy model to analyse survey data, instead of using statistical methods

    Evaluated reputation-based trust for WSN security

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    During the last years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and its applications have obtained considerable momentum. However, security and power limits of WSNs are still important matters. Many existing approaches at most concentrate on cryptography to improve data authentication and integrity but this addresses only a part of the security problem without consideration for high energy consumption. Monitoring behavior of node neighbors using reputation and trust models improves the security of WSNs and maximizes the lifetime for it. However, a few of previous studies take into consideration security threats and energy consumption at the same time. Under these issues Modified Reputation-Based Trust model proposed and optimized for security strength. During evaluation of the model with well-known models two security threats (oscillating and collusion) were applied in order to measure the accuracy, scalability, trustworthiness and energy consumption. As a result, the effects of collusion and oscillating on proposed model are minimized and energy consumption for dynamic networks reduced. Also, simulation results show that MRT has better average accuracy and less average path length than other mechanisms, due to the security and energy aware. Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Collusion, Oscillating, Power Consumption, Trust and Reputation Model
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