187 research outputs found

    Robust Diagnostics and Estimation in Heteroscedastic Regression Model in the Presence of Outliers

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    The violation of the assumption of homoscedasticity in OLS method, usually called heteroscedasticity, gravely misleads the inferential statistics. The current study has considered the situation when outliers occur in heteroscedastic data. Hence, the main focus of this research is to take remedial measures on the violation of the assumption of homoscedasticity in the presence of outliers. This thesis also concerns on the normality assumption of the errors of regression model in the presence of outliers. It is now evident that outliers have great impact on the existing normality tests, heteroscedasticity tests, and the estimators for heteroscedastic model. We propose the Robust Rescaled Moment (RRM) test for testing the normality of the regression residuals when there is an evidence of outlier(s). The results of the study signify that the RRM test offers substantial improvements over other existing tests in the presence of outliers. For the detection of heteroscedasticity in the presence of outliers, a modified version of the classical Goldfeld-Quandt (MGQ) test is proposed which is most powerful than the classical tests of heteroscedasticity. Most statistics practitioners assume that the forms of the heteroscedastic error structures are known which may lead to inefficient estimates if it is not correctly specified. In this respect, a Leverage Based Near-Neighbor (LBNN) method is proposed, where prior information on the structure of the heteroscedastic error is not required. The findings indicate that the LBNN is very efficient for correcting the problem of heteroscedastic errors with unknown structure. We also examine the effect of outliers on the existing remedial measures of heteroscedasticity. Hence, in this thesis, a one step M-type of Robust Weighted Least Squares Method (RWLS) and the Two-Step Robust Weighted Least Squares (TSRWLS) are developed. Finally, the new robust wild bootstrap techniques which are resistant to outliers are proposed. The proposed techniques are based on the weighted residuals which incorporated the MM estimator, robust location, robust scale and the bootstrap sampling schemes of Wu (1986) and Liu (1988). All procedures, in this thesis, are examined by using real data and Monte Carlo simulation studies. The comparative studies among the classical and proposed robust methods reveal that all the proposed robust methods outperform the classical methods

    A critical analysis of deportation as crimes against the humanity

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    The Myanmar government has used deportation as an oppressive instrument against the Rohingya minority, resulting in forced displacement, loss of identity, and significant trauma. As the host country, Bangladesh has faced unprecedented hurdles in dealing with the enormous flood of refugees, but it has also been accused of forced repatriation. The Rohingya Muslim minority in Bangladesh has been subjected to systematic and widespread deportation, resulting in serious human rights violations. This critical analysis investigates deportation as a crime against humanity and its consequences for the afflicted community. This study delves into the legal frameworks surrounding crimes against humanity, focusing on international human rights conventions and the Rome Statute. The analysis demonstrates that the deportation of the Rohingya people constitutes a violation of fundamental human rights, including the right to life, liberty, and security of person, as well as the prohibition of torture and persecution. The article also examines how states, international organizations, and the general public can confront and prevent these crimes. It evaluates the responses of many parties critically, focusing emphasis on the necessity of accountability, justice, and victim support. Keywords: crimes against the humanity, Rohingya crisis DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/137-06 Publication date:October 31st 202

    K. Ali Flour Mills relationship with it’s retailers

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    This internship report is submitted in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration, 2015.Cataloged from PDF version of Internship report.Includes bibliographical references (page 32).“Relationship marketing is a strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement. It is designed to develop strong connections with customers by providing them with information directly suited to their needs and interests and by promoting open communication.” Relationship marketing differs from other forms of marketing in that it recognizes the long term value of customer relationships and extends communication beyond intrusive advertising and sales promotional messages. One of the things of most value to our company is its relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, dealers, and retailers. Our relationship capital is the sum of the knowledge, experience, and trust we have with our customers, employees, suppliers, and distribution partners. These relationships are often worth more than the physical assets of our company. Relationships determine the future value of the firm. Any slips in these relationships will hurt our performance. We keep a relationship score-card that describes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in regard to the relationships. K. Ali flour mills is a company which produces high quality flour ( atta, moida, suji and vushi). We always try to have better relationship with our customers. Customer Relationship Management is an upright concept or strategy to solidify relations with our customers and at the same time reducing cost and enhancing productivity and profitability in business. A CRM system is a centralized collection of all data sources of our organization and provides an atomistic real time vision of customer information. A CRM system is vast and significant, but it can be implemented for our business. The main goal is to assist the customers efficiently. Creating and nurturing a strong relationship with our customers is the key to the ongoing success of our business. A strong customer relationship not only means that our clients are likely to keep doing business with us over the long-term, it also means that the chances of that customer recommending us and our products to others are greatly enhanced.Md. Sohel RanaM. Business Administratio

    Evaluating Productivity of Microfinance Institutions Evidence from Palestine and Jordan

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    Microfinance institutions (MFIs) have been recognized to eradicate poverty through the provision of financial services to the poor in war-torn Palestine and Jordan. To continuously provide banking and financial support to the poor, MFIs need to achieve sustainability by attaining sufficient productivity for long-term economic viability. Hence, this study evaluates the productivity of 13 MFIs in Palestine and Jordan by employing the Malmquist Productivity Index with five years data from 2007 to 2011. The microfinance industry observed overall 2.6% Total Factor Productivity (TFP) progress per annum and the decomposition of TFP revealed that the productivity progress was mainly due to progress in technological change. The result also showed a slight decline in the scale efficiency of MFIs. Overall, Palestinian MFIs seem to perform better than Jordanian MFIs

    Oxidation of Catechols at the Air-Water Interface by Nitrate Radicals.

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    Abundant substituted catechols are emitted to, and created in, the atmosphere during wildfires and anthropogenic combustion and agro-industrial processes. While ozone (O3) and hydroxyl radicals (HO•) efficiently react in a 1 μs contact time with catechols at the air–water interface, the nighttime reactivity dominated by nitrate radicals (NO3) remains unexplored. Herein, online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (OESI-MS) is used to explore the reaction of NO3(g) with a series of representative catechols (catechol, pyrogallol, 3-methylcatechol, 4-methylcatechol, and 3-methoxycatechol) on the surface of aqueous microdroplets. The work detects the ultrafast generation of nitrocatechol (aromatic) compounds, which are major constituents of atmospheric brown carbon. Two mechanisms are proposed to produce nitrocatechols, one (equivalent to H atom abstraction) following fast electron transfer from the catechols (QH2) to NO3, forming NO3– and QH2•+ that quickly deprotonates into a semiquinone radical (QH•). The second mechanism proceeds via cyclohexadienyl radical intermediates from NO3 attack to the ring. Experiments in the pH range from 4 to 8 showed that the production of nitrocatechols was favored under the most acidic conditions. Mechanistically, the results explain the interfacial production of chromophoric nitrocatechols that modify the absorption properties of tropospheric particles, making them more susceptible to photooxidation, and alter the Earth’s radiative forcing

    Adequacy of multinomial logit model with nominal responses over binary logit model.

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    The aim of this study was to fit a multinomial logit model and check whether any gain achieved by this complicated model over binary logit model. It is quite common in practice, the categorical response have more than two levels. Multinomial logit model is a straightforward extension of binary logit model. When response variable is nominal with more than two levels and the explanatory variables are mixed of interval and nominal scale, multinomial logit analysis is appropriate than binary logit model. The maximum likelihood method of estimation is employed to obtain the estimates and consequently Wald test and likelihood ratio test have been used. The findings suggest that parameter estimates under two logits were similar since neither Wald statistic was significant. Thus, it can be concluded that complicated multinomial logit model was no better than the simpler binary logit model. In case of response variable having more than two levels in categorical data analysis, it is strongly recommended that the adequacy of the multinomial logit model over binary logit model should be justified in its fitting process

    Determinants of desire for children: a multinomial logistic regression approach

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    World population is a serious dilemma that is growing very fast. Most of the current global crises are the consequences of overpopulation. Overpopulation can result from growth rates driven by high fertility rates. Most of alarming growths are occurring in some Asian countries including Bangladesh. Recent trend of fertility decline in Bangladesh is not enough to attain stable population. The aim of this study is to isolate potential determinants of desire for more children and provide recommendations to eradicate them and accelerating fertility decline to achieve replacement level. Multinomial logit approach efficiently determined few key covariates namely child’s sex preference, professional status, wealth index and residential places of women that are significantly associated with high fertility. Since the potential covariates marked here largely depend on female literacy. Thus the policy makers should pay their attention to ensure the female education and involve them in the workforce to enhance women’s status. Female literacy can reduce poverty and discrimination between sons and daughters to eliminate societal attitudes toward sex preference and resume the further fertility decline


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    Objective: To evaluate the presence of different phytoconstituents and investigate in vitro bioactivities of petroleum ether, chloroform and methanol extracts of Thysanolaena maxima available in Bangladesh.Methods: Phytochemical screening was conducted using the specific standard procedure. Antioxidant activity of the extracts was evaluated using DPPH radical scavenging assay and reducing power assay. Determination of total phenolic and flavonoid contents was also carried out. Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities were investigated using disc diffusion method and brine shrimp lethality bioassay, respectively.Results: The methanol extract showed highest DPPH radical scavenging activity as well as possessed highest phenolic content (IC50 value for DPPH is 36.94±0.62 μg/ml and total phenolic content is 74.39±2.87 in mg/g, GAE) compared to the petroleum ether and chloroform extracts. On the other hand, chloroform extract possessed maximum flavonoid content (81±7.542 in mg/g, QE) and highest reducing power compare to other extracts. All the extracts showed mild to moderate in vitro antibacterial activity with a zone of inhibition ranging from 7 mm to 16 mm. In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the LC50 values for petroleum ether, chloroform and methanol extracts were found to be 579.05±78.08 μg/ml, 386.92±80.47 μg/ml and 494.29±104.82 μg/ml, respectively which revealed weak cytotoxic potentials of the extracts compared to the positive control.Conclusion: The results indicated that T. maxima could be a very potent source of natural radical scavenger. Isolation of active compounds from this plant responsible for producing such bioactivities is underway.Keywords: Thysanolaena maxima, DPPH, Total phenolic contents, Total flavonoid contents, Reducing power, Cytotoxicity, Antimicrobial activit

    Training and Development Practice of Banks from an International Perspective with Special Emphasis on Bangladesh: Findings from the Literatures

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    The review is a collection of findings of journal articles. This descriptive work is based on training and development in banking industry. The banks are growing concerns and technologies, systems, processes, and procedures are changing here and consequently the employees need to know how and adapt to a new environment or situation for why they are supposed to go through the training and development processes. The review is aimed at extracting the findings from various journal articles from international perspective with special focus on Bangladeshi literatures. The findings have encrypted by naming and describing the findings in the journal articles under review. Lastly, the summarized discussion highlighted the possible suggestions to the banks emphasizing the importance of training and development in the industry. Keywords: Training and Development, Commercial Banks, Banglades