613 research outputs found

    Solar microclimatology

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    It has become apparent in recent years that solar energy can be used for electric power production by several methods. Because of the diffuse nature of the solar insolation, the area involved in any central power plant design can encompass several square miles. A detailed design of these large area collection systems will require precise knowledge of the local solar insolation. Detailed information will also be needed concerning the temporal nature of the insolation and the local spatial distribution. Therefore, insolation data was collected and analyzed for a network of sensors distributed over an area of several square kilometers in Arizona. The analyses of this data yielded probability distributions of cloud size, velocity, and direction of motion which were compared with data obtained from the National Weather Service. Microclimatological analyses were also performed for suitable modeling parameters pertinent to large scale electric power plant design. Instrumentation used to collect the data is described

    Intercomparison of ground-based and space solar flux measurements

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    Detailed temporal measurements of the solar flux at one location are performed. These data are then analyzed and compared to the potential of space measurements which allow one to consider the flux falling on areas of the earth. An important result of the research is that the temporal characteristics of the flux in the presence of a real atmosphere would be difficult to obtain from space and that the variations in the flux can be highly significant in regard to most solar conversion schemes. The detailed results of the research are presented. The instruments developed to separate the direct and scattered solar flux, the computer analysis methods developed, and the results of the research, presented as both graphical and tabular data, are discussed

    An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Real Urban Traffic Flows

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    In this article we present a strategy based on an evolutionary algorithm to calculate the real vehicle ows in cities according to data from sensors placed in the streets. We have worked with a map imported from OpenStreetMap into the SUMO traffic simulator so that the resulting scenarios can be used to perform different optimizations with the confidence of being able to work with a traffic distribution close to reality. We have compared the results of our algorithm to other competitors and achieved results that replicate the real traffic distribution with a precision higher than 90%.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research has been partially funded by project number 8.06/5.47.4142 in collaboration with the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and Universidad de Málaga UMA/FEDER FC14-TIC36, programa de fortalecimiento de las capacidades de I+D+i en las universidades 2014-2015, de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, cofinanciado por el fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (FEDER). Also, partially funded by the Spanish MINECO project TIN2014-57341-R (http://moveon.lcc.uma.es). The authors would like to thank the FEDER of European Union for financial support via project Movilidad Inteligente: Wi-Fi, Rutas y Contaminación (maxCT) of the "Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020. We also thank all Agency of Public Works of Andalusia Regional Government staff and researchers for their dedication and professionalism. Daniel H. Stolfi is supported by a FPU grant (FPU13/00954) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports

    An identity crisis: the need for core competencies in undergraduate medical education

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    A medical student perspective on the role of core competencies in undergraduate medical education in light of medical education reform associated with recent Flexner II

    In Digital We Trust: The Computerisation of Retail Finance in Western Europe and North America

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    This paper tells of the contents of a forthcoming volume, which offers a new and original approach to the study of technological change in retail finance. Most business history studies of businesses for the last 50 years note the emergence of computers and computer applications, but they do not analyze their role in shaping business practices and organizations. In this book we look directly at the processes of mechanisation and computerisation of retail financial services, throughout the 20th Century while articulating an international comparison. We bring together young, well established and independent historians, who come from different traditions (that is, economic, business, accounting, geography and political histories as well as historians of technology). Contributors look at stand alone and comparative case studies from different parts of the world (namely Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Mexico and the USA). The outcome is a rich survey of the broad literature examining different aspects of the technological and business histories of retail financial markets from a variety of perspectives

    Fast resistive bolometry

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    Resistive bolometry is an accurate, robust, spectrally broadband technique for measuring absolute x-ray fluence and flux. Bolometry is an independent technique for x-ray measurements that is based on a different set of physical properties than other diagnostics such as x-ray diodes, photoconducting detectors, and P-I-N diodes. Bolometers use the temperature-driven change in element resistivity to determine the total deposited energy. The calibration of such a device is based on fundamental material properties and its physical dimensions. We describe the use of nickel and gold bolometers to measure x rays generated by high-power z pinches on Sandia's Saturn and Z accelerators. The Sandia bolometer design described herein has a pulse response of {approximately}1 ns. We describe in detail the fabrication, fielding, and data analysis issues leading to highly accurate x-ray measurements. The fundamental accuracy of resistive bolometry will be discussed

    From the cell membrane to the nucleus: unearthing transport mechanisms for Dynein

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    Mutations in the motor protein cytoplasmic dynein have been found to cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, spinal muscular atrophy, and severe intellectual disabilities in humans. In mouse models, neurodegeneration is observed. We sought to develop a novel model which could incorporate the effects of mutations on distance travelled and velocity. A mechanical model for the dynein mediated transport of endosomes is derived from first principles and solved numerically. The effects of variations in model parameter values are analysed to find those that have a significant impact on velocity and distance travelled. The model successfully describes the processivity of dynein and matches qualitatively the velocity profiles observed in experiments