41 research outputs found

    Switching model with two habitats and a predator involving group defence

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    Switching model with one predator and two prey species is considered. The prey species have the ability of group defence. Therefore, the predator will be attracted towards that habitat where prey are less in number. The stability analysis is carried out for two equilibrium values. The theoretical results are compared with the numerical results for a set of values. The Hopf bifuracation analysis is done to support the stability results

    Polarization transfer in the 4^{4}He(e,ep3(\vec{e},e' \vec{p}^{3}H reaction

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    Polarization transfer in the 4He(e,e'p)3H reaction at a Q^2 of 0.4 (GeV/c)^2 was measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. The ratio of the transverse to the longitudinal polarization components of the ejected protons was compared with the same ratio for elastic ep scattering. The results are consistent with a recent fully relativistic calculation which includes a predicted medium modification of the proton form factor based on a quark-meson coupling model.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, 2 postscript figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    The influence of below-ground herbivory and defoliation of a legume on nitrogen transfer to neighbouring plants

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    1. Both foliar and root herbivory can alter the exudation of carbon from plant roots, which in turn can affect nitrogen availability in the soil. However, few studies have investigated the effects of herbivory on N fluxes from roots, which can directly increase N availability in the soil and uptake by neighbouring plants. Moreover, the combined effects of foliar and root herbivory on N fluxes remains unexplored. 2. We subjected the legume white clover (Trifolium repens L.) to defoliation (through clipping) and root herbivory (by an obligate root-feeding nematode, Heterodera trifolii Goggart) to examine how these stresses individually, and simultaneously, affected the transfer of T. repens-derived N to neighbouring perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants using 15N stable-isotope techniques. We also examined the effects of defoliation and root herbivory on the size of the soil microbial community and the growth response of L. perenne. 3. Neither defoliation nor root herbivory negatively affected T. repens biomass. On the contrary, defoliation increased root biomass (34%) and total shoot production by T. repens (100%). Furthermore, defoliation resulted in a fivefold increase in T. repens-derived 15N recovered in L. perenne roots, and increased the size of the soil microbial biomass (77%). In contrast, root herbivory by H. trifolii slightly reduced 15N transfer from T. repens to L. perenne when T. repens root 15N concentration was included as a covariate, and root herbivory did not affect microbial biomass. Growth of L. perenne was not affected by any of the treatments. 4. Our findings demonstrate that defoliation of a common grassland legume can substantially increase the transfer of its N to neighbouring plants by directly affecting below-ground N fluxes. These finding require further examination under field conditions but, given the prevalence of N-limitation of plant productivity in terrestrial ecosystems, increased transfer of N from legumes to non-N-fixing species could alter competitive interactions, with implications for plant community structure

    1.76 Ga Volcano-plutonism In The Southwestern Amazonian Craton, Aripuanã-mt, Brazil: Tectono-stratigraphic Implications From Shrimp U-pb Zircon Data And Rock Geochemistry

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    Paleoproterozoic felsic and mafic volcanic rocks, extrusive and hypabyssal quartz porphyry, and high-K, A-type epizonal granites dominate the Aripuanã region in the southwestern Amazonian craton in the Mato Grosso state of Brazil. The extrusive and intrusive felsic rocks display similar major and trace elements abundance's and equivalent SHRIMP U-Pb ages of 1762-1755 Ma; contacts between them in the field occur gradually. The felsic volcanic activity occurred predominantly as explosive subaqueous volcanism. Various features such as absence of plate collision evidences, lack of any sign of oceanic crust, lack of complete trends of magmatic differentiation, and bimodal characteristics suggest that the magmatism was intracratonic. The characteristically undeformed felsic igneous rocks were formed by extensional events, probably triggered by mantle activation in an intracratonic 'anorogenic' or post-collisional environment. Throughout the Amazonian craton there are wide areas displaying similar magmatism responsible for the generation of distinctive A-type granites. These A-type granites and associated volcanic rocks yield ages of ∼ 1.76 Ga, suggesting that they are genetically linked and that there was a unique tectonic mechanism of widespread action in this craton. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.1191-4171187Almeida, F.F.M., Evolução tectônica do cráton do guaporé comparada com o escudo báltico (1974) Rev. Brasil Geoci., 4, pp. 191-204Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Meyer, C., U-Pb geochronology of zircons from lunar breccia 73217 using a sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe (1984) J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 525-534Costa, J.B.S., Hasui, Y., Evolução geológica da Amazônia (1997) Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, pp. 15-90. , Costa, M.L., Angélica, R.S. 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    Management of Turbulent Shear Layers in Separated Flow

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