396 research outputs found

    INFOSEC in a Basket, 2004-2013

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    Topical and methodological diversity are key strengths of Information Systems (IS) research. To the extent that an IS sub-field such as IS security (hereafter, InfoSec) employs varied methods to examine various topics, the sub-field can claim strength through diversity. We conducted a systematic review of ten years of 85 InfoSec studies published in the IS Senior Scholars Basket of eight journals. We find that InfoSec researchers have employed a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods to study a variety of topics; that some journals published papers based on some methods and InfoSec topics more than others; that many methods are underutilized as applied to some topics; and that topics addressing the organizational/managerial and inter-organizational levels of analysis are understudied. We conclude that InfoSec research is maturing, yet abundant opportunities still exist to conduct further research aimed at building stronger theories and offering stronger implications for InfoSec practice

    Why Cooperate? Ethical Analysis of InfoSec Vulnerability Disclosure

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    Vendors, security consultants and information security researchers seek guidance on if and when to disclose information about specific software or hardware security vulnerabilities. We apply Kantianism to argue that vendors and third parties (InfoSec researchers, consultants, and other interested parties) have an ethical obligation to inform customers and business partners (such as channel partners or providers of complementary products and services) about specific software vulnerabilities (thus addressing if disclosure should occur). We apply Utilitarianism to address the question of when disclosure should occur. By applying these two philosophical perspectives we conclude that to maximize social welfare, vendors should release software fixes as soon as possible, and third parties should adopt a coordinated disclosure policy to avoid placing customers and business partners at unnecessary risk

    Seven C’s of Information Security

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    The 1991 United States Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (updated in 2004) describes legal requirements for organizations’ ethical business procedures. We adapt this framework for the purpose of developing a high-level “Seven C’s” framework for ethically-responsible information security (InfoSec) procedures. Informed by the Resource Based View (RBV) of strategic management, we analyze case studies of two organizations to demonstrate the adapted guidelines’ applicability. Each organization has a well-established InfoSec program, yet each requires further development according to guidelines in our Seven C’s model. We discuss implications for InfoSec policies and standards

    Capabilities and Skill Configurations of Information Security Incident Responders

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    This paper identifies skill sets that contribute to effective InfoSec incident response. Even though many organizations have staff dedicated to InfoSec incident response teams, there is a lack of consensus as to the skill set each team member needs to effectively perform his/her job, and general and specialized skills that need to be represented in incident response teams (but usually not all held by each team member). Previous guidance was offered based on non-empirical methods. In this study, we used the Repertory Grid (RepGrid) method to elicit lists of incident response skills from industry experts. Skill archetypes were then identified by clustering incident responders who share similar characteristics. The findings extend the Theory of Resource Complements and provide managers with practical guidance regarding the skill sets most critical to the incident response role

    Mastitomics, the integrated omics of bovine milk in an experimental model of Streptococcus uberis mastitis: 2. Label-free relative quantitative proteomics

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    Mastitis, inflammation of the mammary gland, is the most common and costly disease of dairy cattle in the western world. It is primarily caused by bacteria, with Streptococcus uberis as one of the most prevalent causative agents. To characterize the proteome during Streptococcus uberis mastitis, an experimentally induced model of intramammary infection was used. Milk whey samples obtained from 6 cows at 6 time points were processed using label-free relative quantitative proteomics. This proteomic analysis complements clinical, bacteriological and immunological studies as well as peptidomic and metabolomic analysis of the same challenge model. A total of 2552 non-redundant bovine peptides were identified, and from these, 570 bovine proteins were quantified. Hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis showed clear clustering of results by stage of infection, with similarities between pre-infection and resolution stages (0 and 312 h post challenge), early infection stages (36 and 42 h post challenge) and late infection stages (57 and 81 h post challenge). Ingenuity pathway analysis identified upregulation of acute phase protein pathways over the course of infection, with dominance of different acute phase proteins at different time points based on differential expression analysis. Antimicrobial peptides, notably cathelicidins and peptidoglycan recognition protein, were upregulated at all time points post challenge and peaked at 57 h, which coincided with 10 000-fold decrease in average bacterial counts. The integration of clinical, bacteriological, immunological and quantitative proteomics and other-omic data provides a more detailed systems level view of the host response to mastitis than has been achieved previously

    Hatching the behavioral addiction egg: Reward Deficiency Solution System (RDSS)ℱ as a function of dopaminergic neurogenetics and brain functional connectivity linking all addictions under a common rubric

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    Abstract Background Following the first association between the dopamine D2 receptor gene polymorphism and severe alcoholism, there has been an explosion of research reports in the psychiatric and behavioral addiction literature and neurogenetics. With this increased knowledge, the field has been rife with controversy. Moreover, with the advent of Whole Genome-Wide Studies (GWAS) and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), along with Functional Genome Convergence, the multiple-candidate gene approach still has merit and is considered by many as the most prudent approach. However, it is the combination of these two approaches that will ultimately define real, genetic allelic relationships, in terms of both risk and etiology. Since 1996, our laboratory has coined the umbrella term Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) to explain the common neurochemical and genetic mechanisms involved with both substance and non-substance, addictive behaviors. Methods This is a selective review of peer-reviewed papers primary listed in Pubmed and Medline. Results A review of the available evidence indicates the importance of dopaminergic pathways and resting-state, functional connectivity of brain reward circuits. Discussion Importantly, the proposal is that the real phenotype is RDS and impairments in the brain's reward cascade, either genetically or environmentally (epigenetically) induced, influence both substance and non-substance, addictive behaviors. Understanding shared common mechanisms will ultimately lead to better diagnosis, treatment and prevention of relapse. While, at this juncture, we cannot as yet state that we have “hatched the behavioral addiction egg”, we are beginning to ask the correct questions and through an intense global effort will hopefully find a way of “redeeming joy” and permitting homo sapiens live a life, free of addiction and pain

    Isothiourea-catalyzed enantioselective α-alkylation of esters via 1,6-conjugate addition to para-quinone methides

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    Funding: We thank the ERC under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/E.R.C. grant agreement n° 279850, AstraZeneca and EPSRC [EP/M506631/1 (J.N.A.)], Syngenta and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis [CRITICAT, EP/L016419/1 (W.C.H.)], and EPSRC [EP/M508214/1 (C.M.)] for funding. A.D.S. thanks the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Merit Award. We thank the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University.The isothiourea-catalyzed enantioselective 1,6-conjugate addition of para-nitrophenyl esters to 2,6-disubstituted para-quinone methides is reported. para-Nitrophenoxide, generated in situ from initial N-acylation of the isothiourea by the para-nitrophenyl ester, is proposed to facilitate catalyst turnover in this transformation. A range of para-nitrophenyl ester products can be isolated, or derivatized in situ by addition of benzylamine to give amides, in up to 99% yield. Although low diastereocontrol is observed, the diastereoisomeric ester products are separable and formed with high enantiocontrol (up to 94:6 er).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Structure and properties of DOTA-chelated radiopharmaceuticals within the 225Ac decay pathway

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    The successful delivery of toxic cargo directly to tumor cells is of primary importance in targeted (α) particle therapy. Complexes of radioactive atoms with the 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) chelating agent are considered as effective materials for such delivery processes. The DOTA chelator displays high affinity to radioactive metal isotopes and retains this capability after conjugation to tumor targeting moieties. Although the α-decay chains are well defined for many isotopes, the stability of chelations during the decay process and the impact of released energy on their structures remain unknown. The radioactive isotope 225Ac is an α-particle emitter that can be easily chelated by DOTA. However, 225Ac has a complex decay chain with four α-particle emissions during decay of each radionuclide. To advance our fundamental understanding of the consequences of α-decay on the stability of tumor-targeted 225Ac–DOTA conjugate radiopharmaceuticals, we performed first principles calculations of the structure, stability, and electronic properties of the DOTA chelator to the 225Ac radioactive isotope, and the initial daughters in the decay chain, 225Ac, 221Fr, 217At and 213Bi. Our calculations show that the atomic positions, binding energies, and electron localization functions are affected by the interplay between spin–orbit coupling, weak dispersive interactions, and environmental factors. Future empirical measurements may be guided and interpreted in light of these results

    Alkaline phosphatase in nasal secretion of cattle: biochemical and molecular characterisation

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    BACKGROUND: Nasal secretion (NS) was investigated as a source of information regarding the mucosal and systemic immune status of cattle challenged by respiratory disease. A method for the collection of substantial volumes (~12 ml) of NS from cattle was developed to establish a reference range of analytes that are present in the NS of healthy cattle. Biochemical profiles of NS from a group of 38 healthy Holstein-Friesian cows revealed high alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity of up to 2392 IU/L. The character and source of the high activity of AP in bovine NS was investigated. RESULTS: Histochemical analysis confirmed the localization of the AP enzyme activity to epithelial cells and serous glands of the nasal respiratory mucosa. Analysis of mRNA levels from nasal mucosa by end point RT-PCR and PCR product sequencing confirmed that the AP was locally produced and is identical at the nucleotide level to the non-specific AP splice variant found in bovine liver, bone and kidney. Analysis by isoelectric focussing confirmed that AP was produced locally at a high level in nasal epithelium demonstrating that AP from nasal secretion and nasal mucosa had similar pI bands, though differing from those of the liver, kidney, bone and intestine, suggesting different post-translational modification (PTM) of AP in these tissues. CONCLUSIONS: A nasal isozyme of AP has been identified that is present at a high activity in NS, resulting from local production and showing distinctive PTM and may be active in NS as an anti-endotoxin mediator
