420 research outputs found

    Current international gas trades and prices

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    Certain trends stand out in this survey of Western European and North American gas markets and Japanese-Asian, Middle Eastern-African, and Latin American gas trades. Prices for natural gas are usually locally based -depending on the costs of exploration, development and transmission, and prevailing gas prices locally. The price in most international contracts is changed periodically, however, based on an escalator or price adjustment clause linked to prices for crude oil or oil products in the consumer country. As for global trends in gas trades, new pricing terms and contractual arrangements that emerge in one country may soon be copied in others. With a take or pay provision, a purchaser must pay for a contracted volume of gas even if it cannot take the gas. Under a common carrier arrangement, a pipeline company provides transportation only, without buying and reselling the gas in its own name or discriminating among buyers and sellers. The common carrier concept has already taken hold in the United States. It is now becoming an issue in Europe, where the gas monopolies have always rebuffed it.Water and Industry,Oil Refining&Gas Industry,Energy Trade,Energy and Environment,Carbon Policy and Trading

    Effects of turbulence on aerofoils at high incidence

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    Imperial Users onl

    A council & its crises: Challenge and response in Fremantle's community during three times of crisis - The bubonic plague the great war the depression era

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    This thesis examines three cases studies in Fremantle’s history that can be defined as times of crisis. These studies are; the visitations of the Bubonic Plague 1900 to 1904; the Great War 1914 to 1919 and the Depression Era 1929-1933. Each of the periods in this thesis examines the challenges faced by Fremantle’s council, as representative of Fremantle community. Fremantle’s council had an engaged sense of what was needed in each crisis and it determined its actions and policy to manage and resolve the challenges in each case. In essence, Fremantle’s leaders pursued policies of change, both locally and on a State-level, which would better the lives of its community, in response to three times of crisis

    Copyright Review: Issues for Cultural Practice

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    The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has been asked by the Attorney-General to inquire into and report on current and further desirable uses of copyright material in the context of the digital economy. In this paper the focus is on the scope of the terms of reference of the ALRC and the importance of copyright in a modern digitally orientated world. The paper also analyses other important initiatives and reports in this area, focusing on the changing ‘political economy’ and cultural impact on copyright issues and, in particular the challenges for copyright law

    Copyright Review: Issues for Cultural Practice

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    The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has been asked by the Attorney-General to inquire into and report on current and further desirable uses of copyright material in the context of the digital economy. In this paper the focus is on the scope of the terms of reference of the ALRC and the importance of copyright in a modern digitally orientated world. The paper also analyses other important initiatives and reports in this area, focusing on the changing ‘political economy’ and cultural impact on copyright issues and, in particular the challenges for copyright law

    Adjusting to Copper Prices : United States Influence on the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Conditionality : the Case of Zambia

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    Tutkin tässä työssä Kansainvälisen valuuttarahaston ja Maailmanpankin lainaohjelmia Sambiassa vuosina 1964–1991. Monen muun afrikkalaisen valtion tavoin Sambia ajautui 1970-luvulta lähtien tukalaan velkakierteeseen, ja sen talous tuli riippuvaiseksi kansainvälisten rahoituslaitosten myöntämistä lainoista. Maailmanlaajuisen velkakriisin puhkeamisen jälkeen Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto ja Maailmanpankki ajoivat velkaantuneissa kehitysmaissa läpi yksityiskohtaisia rakennesopeutusohjelmia. Järjestöt tukivat ohjelmien toteutusta lainoilla, jotka sisälsivät alati lisääntyviä määriä taloudellisia ehtoja. 1980-luvun lopulla rakennesopeutuksen tavoite oli kehittyvien kansantalouksien rakenteiden kokonaisvaltainen uudistaminen. Tätä agendaa taustoitti järjestöjen tiivis yhteistyö Yhdysvaltojen republikaanisen hallituksen kanssa sekä uusliberaalin talousideologian läpimurto. Afrikan rakennesopeutusohjelmat ovat monitahoinen ja kiistelty tutkimusaihe. Tutkimukseni tavoite on tarjota tasapuolinen ja aiheen moniäänisyyden huomioon ottava analyysi Sambian rakennesopeutusohjelmista. Tämän vuoksi olen valinnut työn teoreettiseksi lähtökohdaksi relationaalisen lähestymistavan, jossa tarkastelen tutkimusaihetta kahdesta eri perspektiivistä, fokuksen kiinnittyessä näkökulmien väliseen suhteeseen. Tutkielman toisessa luvussa keskityn ehdollisten lainaohjelmien kehitykseen sekä Yhdysvaltojen hallituksen vaikutukseen tässä prosessissa. Sen lisäksi analysoin uusliberaalin talousideologian leviämistä rahoitusjärjestöihin. Kolmas luku on kronologinen kuvaus Sambian talouden kehityksestä itsenäistymisen jälkeen, ja käyn luvussa läpi myös tärkeimmät poliittiset käänteet tältä ajalta. Ennen kaikkea pyrin kolmannessa luvussa heijastamaan edellisen luvun päätelmiä Sambian tapaukseen. Sambian taloudellinen menestys on ollut riippuvaista kuparin tuotannosta ja maa ei toipunut raaka-aineen hinnan romahduksesta 1970-luvun puolivälissä. Työn pääasiallisina lähteinä käytän Kansainvälisen valuuttarahaston ja Maailmanpankin asiakirjoja, jotka ovat vapaasti saatavilla organisaatioiden verkkoarkistoissa. Rakennesopeutusohjelmia on tutkittu melko paljon ja sovellan relevanttia tutkimuskirjallisuutta etenkin toisessa luvussa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että suurin syy Sambian taloudellisen alamäkeen löytyy maan autoritäärisen hallinnon tekemistä virheistä sekä laajalle levinneestä korruptiosta. Kansainvälisten rahoitusjärjestöjen kyvykkyyden Sambian tilanteen auttamisessa voi silti kyseenalaistaa, ja järjestöjen toiminta osoittautuu jossain määrin epäjohdonmukaiseksi. Rakennesopeutusohjelmien kehitys kansainvälisissä rahoitusjärjestöissä oli vaiherikas ja hidas prosessi. Johtopäätöksissä korostuu tämän prosessin kokonaisvaltaisen kartoittamisen merkitys yksittäisten tapausten tutkimisessa

    The Boston allied printing trades council

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    Conflict Interpretation: A Comparison of Canadian and Italian Aggressive and Non-Aggressive Youth

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    The impact of persistent aggression on youths’ social and psychological well being is well documented. What is less well understood is the shaping effect of cultural differences on how such conflict is experienced and responded to. In this study, we asked youth to write a story about a conflict they experienced and describe their associated feelings. Participants included Canadian and Italian girls and boys from grades 4 and 7 who were rated by their teachers as either aggressive or non-aggressive. Results indicated that although there were no significant main effects for behavioural group or country in the description of the conflict, significant differences appeared in participants’ descriptions of associated feelings. Specifically, non-aggressive participants were significantly better at generating psychological interpretions of actors’ intentions and experienced significantly more congruent associated feelings. Additionally, Canadian participants were significantly better than Italian participants in generating psychological interpretation of conflicts

    Singing for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

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    Background Singing is a complex physical activity dependent on the use of the lungs for air supply to regulate airflow and create large lung volumes. In singing, exhalation is active and requires active diaphragm contraction and good posture. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive, chronic lung disease characterised by airflow obstruction. Singing is an activity with potential to improve health outcomes in people with COPD. Objectives To determine the effect of singing on health-related quality of life and dyspnoea in people with COPD. Search methods We identified trials from the Cochrane Airways Specialised Register, ClinicalTrials.gov, the World Health Organization trials portal and PEDro, from their inception to August 2017. We also reviewed reference lists of all primary studies and review articles for additional references. Selection criteria We included randomised controlled trials in people with stable COPD, in which structured supervised singing training of at least four sessions over four weeks’ total duration was performed. The singing could be performed individually or as part of a group (choir) facilitated by a singing leader. Studies were included if they compared: 1) singing versus no intervention (usual care) or another control intervention; or 2) singing plus pulmonary rehabilitation versus pulmonary rehabilitation alone. Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently screened and selected trials for inclusion, extracted outcome data and assessed risk of bias. We contacted authors of trials for missing data. We calculated mean differences (MDs) using a random-effects model. We were only able to analyse data for the comparison of singing versus no intervention or a control group