634 research outputs found

    Neanderthal Dig

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    Neanderthal Dig is from McKay\u27s chapbook Larix

    Putting a Human Face on Child Welfare: Voices from the Prairies

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    The chapters in this book represent a selection of the many very fine presentations made at the Prairie Child Welfare Consortium\u27s (PCWC) 3rd bi-annual Symposium, held in Edmonton, Alberta, November 23–25, 2005. The theme of that Symposium was Putting a Human Face on Child Welfare. Sharon McKay\u27s article Development of the Prairie Child Welfare Consortium at the beginning of this book provides a brief history of the beginnings of the PCWC, illustrating not only its practical, but more importantly the philosophical development. Readers will find that this philosophy informs a great deal of the writing in the 11 chapters of this book. The chapters of Putting a Human Face on Child Welfare: Voices from the Prairies are presented in no particular order, and one is not more important than another. Each presents its unique perspective and represents somewhat different constituents. Collectively, the chapters of this book form a product that is one way of raising the voices of the Prairies, especially as it relates to the important challenges we face at the present time in child welfare.https://source.sheridancollege.ca/fahcs_heal_book/1000/thumbnail.jp

    A Search for Early Optical Emission from Short and Long Duration Gamma-ray Bursts

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    Gamma-ray bursts of short duration may harbor vital clues to the range of phenomena producing bursts. However, recent progress from the observation of optical counterparts has not benefitted the study of short bursts. We have searched for early optical emission from six gamma-ray bursts using the ROTSE-I telephoto array. Three of these events were of short duration, including GRB 980527 which is among the brightest short bursts yet observed. The data consist of unfiltered CCD optical images taken in response to BATSE triggers delivered via the GCN. For the first time, we have analyzed the entire 16 degree by 16 degree field covered for five of these bursts. In addition, we discuss a search for the optical counterpart to GRB 000201, a well-localized long burst. Single image sensitivities range from 13th to 14th magnitude around 10 s after the initial burst detection, and 14 - 15.8 one hour later. No new optical counterparts were discovered in this analysis suggesting short burst optical and gamma-ray fluxes are uncorrelated.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, subm. to ApJ Let

    An Untriggered Search for Optical Bursts

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    We present an untriggered search for optical bursts with the ROTSE-I telephoto array. Observations were taken which monitor an effective 256 square degree field continuously over 125 hours to m_{ROTSE}=15.7. The uniquely large field, moderate limiting magnitude and fast cadence of \sim10 minutes permits transient searches in a new region of sensitivity. Our search reveals no candidate events. To quantify this result, we simulate potential optical bursts with peak magnitude, m_{p}, at t=10 s, which fade as f=(\frac{t}{t_{0}}) ^{\alpha_{t}}, where \alpha_t < 0. Simple estimates based on observational evidence indicate that a search of this sensitivity begins to probe the possible region occupied by GRB orphan afterglows. Our observing protocol and image sensitivity result in a broad region of high detection efficiency for light curves to the bright and slowly varying side of a boundary running from [\alpha_{t},m_{p}]=[-2.0,6.0] to [-0.3,13.2]. Within this region, the integrated rate of brief optical bursts is less than 1.1\times 10^{-8} {\rm s}^{-1} {\rm deg}^{-2}. At \sim22 times the observed GRB rate from BATSE, this suggests a limit on \frac{\theta_{opt}}{\theta_{\gamma}}\lesssim 5 where \theta_{opt} and \theta_{\gamma} are the optical and gamma-ray collimation angles, respectively. Several effects might explain the absence of optical bursts, and a search of the kind described here but more sensitive by about 4 magnitudes should offer a more definitive probe.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Out of thin air? Astrobiology and atmospheric chemotrophy

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    The emerging understanding of microbial trace gas chemotrophy as a metabolic strategy to support energy and carbon acquisition for microbial survival and growth has significant implications in the search for past, and even extant, life beyond Earth. The use of trace gases, including hydrogen and carbon monoxide as substrates for microbial oxidation, potentially offers a viable strategy with which to support life on planetary bodies that possess a suitable atmospheric composition, such as Mars and Titan. Here, we discuss the current state of knowledge of this process and explore its potential in the field of astrobiological exploration.An Australian Research Council Future Fellowshiphttps://home.liebertpub.com/publications/astrobiology/99am2023BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Prompt Optical Observations of Gamma-ray Bursts

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    The Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE) seeks to measure simultaneous and early afterglow optical emission from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). A search for optical counterparts to six GRBs with localization errors of 1 square degree or better produced no detections. The earliest limiting sensitivity is m(ROTSE) > 13.1 at 10.85 seconds (5 second exposure) after the gamma-ray rise, and the best limit is m(ROTSE) > 16.0 at 62 minutes (897 second exposure). These are the most stringent limits obtained for GRB optical counterpart brightness in the first hour after the burst. Consideration of the gamma-ray fluence and peak flux for these bursts and for GRB990123 indicates that there is not a strong positive correlation between optical flux and gamma-ray emission.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    The Cluster Mass Function from Early SDSS Data: Cosmological Implications

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    The mass function of clusters of galaxies is determined from 400 deg^2 of early commissioning imaging data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey; ~300 clusters in the redshift range z = 0.1 - 0.2 are used. Clusters are selected using two independent selection methods: a Matched Filter and a red-sequence color magnitude technique. The two methods yield consistent results. The cluster mass function is compared with large-scale cosmological simulations. We find a best-fit cluster normalization relation of sigma_8*omega_m^0.6 = 0.33 +- 0.03 (for 0.1 ~< omega_m ~< 0.4), or equivalently sigma_8 = (0.16/omega_m)^0.6. The amplitude of this relation is significantly lower than the previous canonical value, implying that either omega_m is lower than previously expected (omega_m = 0.16 if sigma_8 = 1) or sigma_8 is lower than expected (sigma_8 = 0.7 if omega_m = 0.3). The best-fit mass function parameters are omega_m = 0.19 (+0.08,-0.07) and sigma_8 = 0.9 (+0.3,-0.2). High values of omega_m (>= 0.4) and low sigma_8 (=~ 2 sigma.Comment: AASTeX, 25 pages, including 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, vol.585, March 200

    Evidence for Reionization at z ~ 6: Detection of a Gunn-Peterson Trough in a z=6.28 Quasar

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    We present moderate resolution Keck spectroscopy of quasars at z=5.82, 5.99 and 6.28, discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find that the Ly Alpha absorption in the spectra of these quasars evolves strongly with redshift. To z~5.7, the Ly Alpha absorption evolves as expected from an extrapolation from lower redshifts. However, in the highest redshift object, SDSSp J103027.10+052455.0 (z=6.28), the average transmitted flux is 0.0038+-0.0026 times that of the continuum level over 8450 A < lambda < 8710 A (5.95<z(abs)<6.16), consistent with zero flux. Thus the flux level drops by a factor of >150, and is consistent with zero flux in the Ly Alpha forest region immediately blueward of the Ly Alpha emission line, compared with a drop by a factor of ~10 at z(abs)~5.3. A similar break is seen at Ly Beta; because of the decreased oscillator strength of this transition, this allows us to put a considerably stronger limit, tau(eff) > 20, on the optical depth to Ly Alpha absorption at z=6. This is a clear detection of a complete Gunn-Peterson trough, caused by neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium. Even a small neutral hydrogen fraction in the intergalactic medium would result in an undetectable flux in the Ly Alpha forest region. Therefore, the existence of the Gunn-Peterson trough by itself does not indicate that the quasar is observed prior to the reionization epoch. However, the fast evolution of the mean absorption in these high-redshift quasars suggests that the mean ionizing background along the line of sight to this quasar has declined significantly from z~5 to 6, and the universe is approaching the reionization epoch at z~6.Comment: Revised version (2001 Sep 4) accepted by the Astronomical Journal (minor changes