698 research outputs found

    Cellular models of Batten disease

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    © 2019 The Author(s) The Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCL), otherwise known as Batten disease, are a group of neurodegenerative diseases caused by mutations in 13 known genes. All except one NCL is autosomal recessive in inheritance, with similar aetiology and characterised by the accumulation of autofluorescent storage material in the lysosomes of cells. Age of onset and the rate of progression vary between the NCLs. They are collectively one of the most common lysosomal storage diseases, but the enigma remains of how genetically distinct diseases result in such remarkably similar pathogenesis. Much has been learnt from cellular studies about the function of the proteins encoded by the affected genes. Such research has utilised primitive unicellular models such as yeast and amoeba containing gene orthologues, cells derived from naturally occurring (sheep) and genetically engineered (mouse) animal models or patient-derived cells. Most recently, patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines have been differentiated into neural cell-types to study molecular pathogenesis in the cells most profoundly affected by disease. Here, we review how cell models have informed much of the biochemical understanding of the NCLs and how more complex models are being used to further this understanding and potentially act as platforms for therapeutic efficacy studies in the future

    Injuries and Training Practices in Competitive Adolescent Distance Runners: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation. Requests to access the data will be considered by the authors, within the constraints of privacy and consent.Background: Distance running is one of the most popular sports around the world. The epidemiology of running-related injury (RRI) has been investigated in adults, but few studies have focused on adolescent distance runners. Objectives: (1) To provide descriptive epidemiology of RRI (risks, rates, body regions/areas, and severity) and examine the training practices (frequency, volume, and intensity) of competitive adolescent distance runners (13-18 years) in England, and (2) to describe potential risk factors of RRI. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used. Adolescent distance runners (n = 113) were recruited from England Athletics affiliated clubs. Participants voluntarily completed an online questionnaire between April and December 2018. At the time of completion, responses were based on the participant's previous 12-months of distance running participation. Incidence proportions (IP) and incidence rates (IR) were calculated. Results: The IP for "all RRI" was 68% (95% CI: 60-77), while the IR was 6.3/1,000 participation hours (95% CI: 5.3-7.4). The most commonly injured body areas were the knee, foot/toes, and lower leg; primarily caused by overuse. The number of training sessions per week (i.e., frequency) significantly increased with chronological age, while a large proportion of participants (58%) self-reported a high level of specialisation. Conclusions: RRI is common in competitive adolescent distance runners. These descriptive data provide guidance for the development of RRI prevention measures. However, analytical epidemiology is required to provide better insight into potential RRI risk factors in this specific population.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC

    Safe and stable generation of induced pluripotent stem cells using doggybone DNA vectors

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    The application of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in advanced therapies is increasing at pace, but concerns remain over their clinical safety profile. We report the first-ever application of doggybone DNA (dbDNA) vectors to generate human iPSCs. dbDNA vectors are closed-capped linear double-stranded DNA gene expression cassettes that contain no bacterial DNA and are amplified by a chemically defined, current good manufacturing practice (cGMP)-compliant methodology. We achieved comparable iPSC reprogramming efficiencies using transiently expressing dbDNA vectors with the same iPSC reprogramming coding sequences as the state-of-the-art OriP/EBNA1 episomal vectors but, crucially, in the absence of p53 shRNA repression. Moreover, persistent expression of EBNA1 from bacterially derived episomes resulted in stimulation of the interferon response, elevated DNA damage, and increased spontaneous differentiation. These cellular activities were diminished or absent in dbDNA-iPSCs, resulting in lines with a greater stability and safety potential for cell therapy

    Social and Behavioural Correlates of High Physical Activity Levels among Aboriginal Adolescent Participants of the Next Generation: Youth Wellbeing Study

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    Physical activity typically decreases during teenage years and has been identified as a health priority by Aboriginal adolescents. We examined associations between physical activity levels and sociodemographic, movement and health variables in the Aboriginal led ‘Next Generation: Youth Well-being (NextGen) Study’ of Aboriginal people aged 10–24 years from Central Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales. Baseline survey data collected by Aboriginal researchers and Aboriginal youth peer recruiters from 2018 to 2020 examined demographics and health-related behaviours. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) for engaging in high levels of physical activity in the past week (3–7 days; 0–2 days (ref), or ‘don’t remember’) associated with demographic and behavioural factors. Of 1170 adolescents, 524 (41.9%) had high levels of physical activity; 455 (36.4%) had low levels; 191 (15.3%) did not remember. Factors independently associated with higher odds of physical activity 3–7 days/week were low weekday recreational screen time [55.3% vs. 44.0%, OR 1.79 (1.16–2.76)], having non-smoking friends [50.4% vs. 25.0%, OR 2.27 (1.03–5.00)] and having fewer friends that drink alcohol [48.1% vs. 35.2%, OR 2.08 (1.05–4.14)]. Lower odds of high physical activity were independently associated with being female [40.2% vs. 50.9%, OR 0.57 (0.40–0.80)] and some findings differed by sex. The NextGen study provides evidence to inform the co-design and implementation of strategies to increase Aboriginal adolescent physical activity such as focusing on peer influences and co-occurring behaviours such as screen time

    Heterologous vaccination regimens with self-amplifying RNA and adenoviral COVID vaccines induce robust immune responses in mice

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    Several vaccines have demonstrated efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 mediated disease, yet there is limited data on the immune response induced by heterologous vaccination regimens using alternate vaccine modalities. Here, we present a detailed description of the immune response, in mice, following vaccination with a self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) vaccine and an adenoviral vectored vaccine (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/AZD1222) against SARS-CoV-2. We demonstrate that antibody responses are higher in two-dose heterologous vaccination regimens than single-dose regimens. Neutralising titres after heterologous prime-boost were at least comparable or higher than the titres measured after homologous prime boost vaccination with viral vectors. Importantly, the cellular immune response after a heterologous regimen is dominated by cytotoxic T cells and Th1+ CD4 T cells, which is superior to the response induced in homologous vaccination regimens in mice. These results underpin the need for clinical trials to investigate the immunogenicity of heterologous regimens with alternate vaccine technologies

    Phase-slip induced dissipation in an atomic Bose-Hubbard system

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    Phase slips play a primary role in dissipation across a wide spectrum of bosonic systems, from determining the critical velocity of superfluid helium to generating resistance in thin superconducting wires. This subject has also inspired much technological interest, largely motivated by applications involving nanoscale superconducting circuit elements, e.g., standards based on quantum phase-slip junctions. While phase slips caused by thermal fluctuations at high temperatures are well understood, controversy remains over the role of phase slips in small-scale superconductors. In solids, problems such as uncontrolled noise sources and disorder complicate the study and application of phase slips. Here we show that phase slips can lead to dissipation for a clean and well-characterized Bose-Hubbard (BH) system by experimentally studying transport using ultra-cold atoms trapped in an optical lattice. In contrast to previous work, we explore a low velocity regime described by the 3D BH model which is not affected by instabilities, and we measure the effect of temperature on the dissipation strength. We show that the damping rate of atomic motion-the analogue of electrical resistance in a solid-in the confining parabolic potential fits well to a model that includes finite damping at zero temperature. The low-temperature behaviour is consistent with the theory of quantum tunnelling of phase slips, while at higher temperatures a cross-over consistent with the transition to thermal activation of phase slips is evident. Motion-induced features reminiscent of vortices and vortex rings associated with phase slips are also observed in time-of-flight imaging.Comment: published in Nature 453, 76 (2008

    Can sacrificial feeding areas protect aquatic plants from herbivore grazing? Using behavioural ecology to inform wildlife management

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    Effective wildlife management is needed for conservation, economic and human well-being objectives. However, traditional population control methods are frequently ineffective, unpopular with stakeholders, may affect non-target species, and can be both expensive and impractical to implement. New methods which address these issues and offer effective wildlife management are required. We used an individual-based model to predict the efficacy of a sacrificial feeding area in preventing grazing damage by mute swans (Cygnus olor) to adjacent river vegetation of high conservation and economic value. The accuracy of model predictions was assessed by a comparison with observed field data, whilst prediction robustness was evaluated using a sensitivity analysis. We used repeated simulations to evaluate how the efficacy of the sacrificial feeding area was regulated by (i) food quantity, (ii) food quality, and (iii) the functional response of the forager. Our model gave accurate predictions of aquatic plant biomass, carrying capacity, swan mortality, swan foraging effort, and river use. Our model predicted that increased sacrificial feeding area food quantity and quality would prevent the depletion of aquatic plant biomass by swans. When the functional response for vegetation in the sacrificial feeding area was increased, the food quantity and quality in the sacrificial feeding area required to protect adjacent aquatic plants were reduced. Our study demonstrates how the insights of behavioural ecology can be used to inform wildlife management. The principles that underpin our model predictions are likely to be valid across a range of different resource-consumer interactions, emphasising the generality of our approach to the evaluation of strategies for resolving wildlife management problems

    Behavioral Modernity and the Cultural Transmission of Structured Information: The Semantic Axelrod Model

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    Cultural transmission models are coming to the fore in explaining increases in the Paleolithic toolkit richness and diversity. During the later Paleolithic, technologies increase not only in terms of diversity but also in their complexity and interdependence. As Mesoudi and O'Brien (2008) have shown, selection broadly favors social learning of information that is hierarchical and structured, and multiple studies have demonstrated that teaching within a social learning environment can increase fitness. We believe that teaching also provides the scaffolding for transmission of more complex cultural traits. Here, we introduce an extension of the Axelrod (1997} model of cultural differentiation in which traits have prerequisite relationships, and where social learning is dependent upon the ordering of those prerequisites. We examine the resulting structure of cultural repertoires as learning environments range from largely unstructured imitation, to structured teaching of necessary prerequisites, and we find that in combination with individual learning and innovation, high probabilities of teaching prerequisites leads to richer cultural repertoires. Our results point to ways in which we can build more comprehensive explanations of the archaeological record of the Paleolithic as well as other cases of technological change.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to "Learning Strategies and Cultural Evolution during the Paleolithic", edited by Kenichi Aoki and Alex Mesoudi, and presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin TX. Revised 5/14/1

    High local substrate availability stabilizes a cooperative trait

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    Cooperative behavior is widely spread in microbial populations. An example is the expression of an extracellular protease by the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis, which degrades milk proteins into free utilizable peptides that are essential to allow growth to high cell densities in milk. Cheating, protease-negative strains can invade the population and drive the protease-positive strain to extinction. By using multiple experimental approaches, as well as modeling population dynamics, we demonstrate that the persistence of the proteolytic trait is determined by the fraction of the generated peptides that can be captured by the cell before diffusing away from it. The mechanism described is likely to be relevant for the evolutionary stability of many extracellular substrate-degrading enzymes
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