5,606 research outputs found

    TDRSS/user satellite timing study

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    A timing analysis for data readout through the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) was presented. Various time tagging approaches were considered and the resulting accuracies delineated. The TDRSS was also defined and described in detail

    Regional variation in the Amitsoq gneisses related to crustal levels during late Archean granulite facies metamorphism: Southern west Greenland

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    The dominant lithology at Kangimut sangmissoq is described as nebulitic tonalitic gneiss containing highly distended plagioclase phyric amphibolites. The gneiss amphibolite complex was intruded by Nuk gneiss between 3.05 and 2.90 Ga and later (2.6 to 2.7 Ga) by post granulite facies granitoid sheets. The amphibolites are though to be Ameralik dikes and the older gray gneiss are then Amitsoq by definition. The problem arises when the isotopic data are considered, none of which indicate rocks older that about 3.0 Ga

    Making a difference - the appropriate use of web technology

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    Much has been written elsewhere about how, different Information Technology tools, can in principle be used by groups or communities to make their web sites more effective for Continued Professional Development. In practice, complex use is not often the case. In particular, three sites were studied in Scotland, which provided web facilities for the over 60s. The sites, and the communities they served, used only simple Information Technology. Nevertheless, they enabled their communities to participate effectively, on the 'right side', of the European population's 'digital divide'

    An extension and application of the Leontief pollution model for waste generation and disposal in Scotland

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    Solid waste generation, treatment and disposal are important policy concerns for the Scottish Parliament. As a result of the Environment Act 1995, a National Waste Strategy for Scotland was introduced with the general aim of reducing the amount of waste produced and dealing with what is produced in more sustainable ways. This implies the need for an empirical framework to inform policymakers regarding the relationship between economic activity and waste generation, treatment and disposal and the likely impacts of any policy actions or other disturbances on all types of sustainability indicators. In this paper we report on a study to develop an extended input-output (IO) system of the type originally proposed in the seminal paper by Leontief (1970). This involves extending the standard IOaccounts to take account of pollution or waste generation as an additional output accompanying production and consumption activities in the economy and of the activity required to clean up (or prevent) these unwanted outputs. The extension of IO tables to take account of pollution/waste generation is relatively widespread in the literature. It is usually achieved through the introduction of physical pollution/waste-output coefficients, and has been previously applied to Scotland for the case ofair pollution (see McNicoll & Blackmore, 1993, McGregor et al, 2001). Such an approach allows us to examine the impact of the economy on the environment, in terms of the amount of pollution/waste emitted as a result of economic activity. However, it does not allow us to track the feedback from the environment to the economy in terms of the resources used in environmental cleaning. If we areinterested in this aspect, we need to identify the input structure of any pollution abatement or waste disposal activities and identify columns in the IO tables representing cleaning activities

    Strontium and neodymium isotopic variations in early Archean gneisses affected by middle to late Archean high-grade metamorphic processes: West Greenland and Labrador

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    Relicts of continental crust formed more than 3400 Ma ago are preserved fortuitously in most cratons. The cratons provide the most direct information about crust and mantle evolutionary processes during the first billion years of Earth history. In view of their polymetamorphic character, these terrains are commonly affected by subsequent tectonothermal events. Hence, their isotope systematics may be severely disturbed as a result of bulk chemical change or local isotopic homogenization. This leads to equivocal age and source information for different components within these terrains. The Sr and Nd isotopic data are presented for early Archean gneisses from the North Atlantic Craton in west Greenland and northern Labrador which were affected by younger metamorphic events

    Sublinear Estimation of Weighted Matchings in Dynamic Data Streams

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    This paper presents an algorithm for estimating the weight of a maximum weighted matching by augmenting any estimation routine for the size of an unweighted matching. The algorithm is implementable in any streaming model including dynamic graph streams. We also give the first constant estimation for the maximum matching size in a dynamic graph stream for planar graphs (or any graph with bounded arboricity) using O~(n4/5)\tilde{O}(n^{4/5}) space which also extends to weighted matching. Using previous results by Kapralov, Khanna, and Sudan (2014) we obtain a polylog(n)\mathrm{polylog}(n) approximation for general graphs using polylog(n)\mathrm{polylog}(n) space in random order streams, respectively. In addition, we give a space lower bound of Ω(n1−ε)\Omega(n^{1-\varepsilon}) for any randomized algorithm estimating the size of a maximum matching up to a 1+O(ε)1+O(\varepsilon) factor for adversarial streams

    The development of reading tests for use in a regularly spelled language.

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    Data are presented on the development of tests of reading skill in rural Tanzanian primary school pupils. Instruction in these schools is in Kiswahili, a regularly spelt language. Using a translation of a standard reading test, children could read aloud all words once they had learnt sound-letter correspondences, regardless of comprehension. In addition, children can appear to pass traditional comprehension tasks by decoding only some of the words. Three graded tests were developed which allow testing of children who either have only some letter knowledge, can read single words, or are proficient readers. The tests require children to both decode and understand the reading material in order to achieve high scores. The tests correlated well with scores on other educational achievement tests, and showed age and school grade differences. It is suggested that these tests are useful measures of reading development in a regularly spelt language. Adaptation to English and validation against standardised instruments is planned

    On the relation between the Feynman paradox and Aharonov-Bohm effects

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    The magnetic Aharonov-Bohm (A-B) effect occurs when a point charge interacts with a line of magnetic flux, while its dual, the Aharonov-Casher (A-C) effect, occurs when a magnetic moment interacts with a line of charge. For the two interacting parts of these physical systems, the equations of motion are discussed in this paper. The generally accepted claim is that both parts of these systems do not accelerate, while Boyer has claimed that both parts of these systems do accelerate. Using the Euler-Lagrange equations we predict that in the case of unconstrained motion only one part of each system accelerates, while momentum remains conserved. This prediction requires a time dependent electromagnetic momentum. For our analysis of unconstrained motion the A-B effects are then examples of the Feynman paradox. In the case of constrained motion, the Euler-Lagrange equations give no forces in agreement with the generally accepted analysis. The quantum mechanical A-B and A-C phase shifts are independent of the treatment of constraint. Nevertheless, experimental testing of the above ideas and further understanding of A-B effects which is central to both quantum mechanics and electromagnetism may be possible.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, recently submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Intensive Learning Centre Concept Report

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    NSW Corrective Services (CSNSW) engaged the Designing Out Crime (DOC) research centre to research and develop design concept for the development, design and construction of Intensive Learning Centres (ILC) for their correctional facilities. DOC compiled a UTS design team with expertise in architecture, industrial design, design thinking, environmental psychology and correctional environments. The central task for the design team is to respond to the design brief with a design concept that embodies the program principles and can be delivered by corrective services within the project parameters
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