504 research outputs found

    Palliative care: promoting general practice participation

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    Specialist palliative care services and services involved in the pre-palliative phase of a patient’s disease must accept GPs as an integral part of the care tea

    Stellar Populations of Luminous Evolved Galaxies at z~1.5

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    Observational evidence has been mounting over the past decade that at least some luminous (~2 L*) galaxies have formed nearly all of their stars within a short period of time only 1-2x10^9 years after the Big Bang. These are examples of the first major episodes of star formation in the Universe and provide insights into the formation of the earliest massive galaxies. We have examined in detail the stellar populations of six z~1.5 galaxies that appear to be passively evolving, using both ground and space-based photometry covering rest-frame UV to visible wavelengths. In addition, we have obtained medium-resolution spectroscopy for five of the six galaxies, covering the rest-frame UV portion of the spectrum. Spectral synthesis modeling for four of these galaxies favors a single burst of star formation more than 1 Gyr before the observed epoch. The other two exhibit slightly younger ages with a higher dust content and evidence for a small contribution from either recent star formation or active nuclei. The implied formation redshifts for the oldest of these sources are consistent with previous studies of passive galaxies at high redshift, and improved stellar modeling has shown these results to be quite robust. It now seems clear that any valid galaxy formation scenario must be able to account for these massive (2x10^11 M_sun) galaxies at very early times in the Universe.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures (2 in color), accepted for publication in Ap

    Morphologies of low-redshift AGN host galaxies: what role does AGN luminosity play?

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    Mergers of galaxies have been suspected to be a major trigger of AGN activity for many years. However, when compared to carefully matched control samples, AGN host galaxies often show no enhanced signs of interaction. A common explanation for this lack of observed association between AGN and mergers has often been that while mergers are of importance for triggering AGN, they only dominate at the very high luminosity end of the AGN population. In this study, we compare the morphologies of AGN hosts to a carefully matched control sample and particularly study the role of AGN luminosity. We find no enhanced merger rates in AGN hosts and also find no trend for stronger signs of disturbance at higher AGN luminosities. While this study does not cover very high luminosity AGN, we can exclude a strong connection between AGN and mergers over a wide range of AGN luminosities and therefore for a large part of the AGN population.Comment: Proceedings of the conference "Nuclei of Seyfert galaxies and QSOs - Central engine & conditions of star formation" held in Bonn, Germany, 201

    Morphologies and Color Gradients of Luminous Evolved Galaxies at z~1.5

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    We have examined in detail the morphologies of seven z~1.5 passively evolving luminous red galaxies using high resolution HST NICMOS and ACS imaging data. Almost all of these galaxies appear to be relaxed systems, with smooth morphologies at both rest-frame UV and visible wavelengths. Previous results from spectral synthesis modeling favor a single burst of star formation more than 1 Gyr before the observed epoch. The prevalence of old stellar populations, however, does not correlate exclusively with early-type morphologies as it does in the local universe; the light profiles for some of these galaxies appear to be dominated by massive exponential disks. This evidence for massive old disks, along with the apparent uniformity of stellar age across the disk, suggests formation by a mechanism better described as a form of monolithic collapse than as a hierarchical merger. These galaxies could not have undergone a single major merging event since the bulk of their stars were formed, more than 1 Gyr earlier. There is at least one case, however, that appears to be undergoing a "dry merger", which may be an example of the process that converts these unusual galaxies into the familiar spheroids that dominate galaxies comprising old stellar populations at the present epoch.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures (8 in color), accepted for publication in Ap

    Advances in field-based high-throughput photosynthetic phenotyping

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    Gas exchange techniques revolutionized plant research and advanced understanding, including associated fluxes and efficiencies, of photosynthesis, photorespiration, and respiration of plants from cellular to ecosystem scales. These techniques remain the gold standard for inferring photosynthetic rates and underlying physiology/biochemistry, although their utility for high-throughput phenotyping (HTP) of photosynthesis is limited both by the number of gas exchange systems available and the number of personnel available to operate the equipment. Remote sensing techniques have long been used to assess ecosystem productivity at coarse spatial and temporal resolutions, and advances in sensor technology coupled with advanced statistical techniques are expanding remote sensing tools to finer spatial scales and increasing the number and complexity of phenotypes that can be extracted. In this review, we outline the photosynthetic phenotypes of interest to the plant science community and describe the advances in high-throughput techniques to characterize photosynthesis at spatial scales useful to infer treatment or genotypic variation in field-based experiments or breeding trials. We will accomplish this objective by presenting six lessons learned thus far through the development and application of proximal/remote sensing-based measurements and the accompanying statistical analyses. We will conclude by outlining what we perceive as the current limitations, bottlenecks, and opportunities facing HTP of photosynthesis

    A CANDELS - 3D-HST Synergy: Resolved Star Formation Patterns at 0.7 < z < 1.5

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    We analyze the resolved stellar populations of 473 massive star-forming galaxies at 0.7 < z < 1.5, with multi-wavelength broad-band imaging from CANDELS and Halpha surface brightness profiles at the same kiloparsec resolution from 3D-HST. Together, this unique data set sheds light on how the assembled stellar mass is distributed within galaxies, and where new stars are being formed. We find the Halpha morphologies to resemble more closely those observed in the ACS I band than in the WFC3 H band, especially for the larger systems. We next derive a novel prescription for Halpha dust corrections, which accounts for extra extinction towards HII regions. The prescription leads to consistent SFR estimates and reproduces the observed relation between the Halpha/UV luminosity ratio and visual extinction, both on a pixel-by-pixel and on a galaxy-integrated level. We find the surface density of star formation to correlate with the surface density of assembled stellar mass for spatially resolved regions within galaxies, akin to the so-called 'main sequence of star formation' established on a galaxy-integrated level. Deviations from this relation towards lower equivalent widths are found in the inner regions of galaxies. Clumps and spiral features, on the other hand, are associated with enhanced Halpha equivalent widths, bluer colors, and higher specific star formation rates compared to the underlying disk. Their Halpha/UV luminosity ratio is lower than that of the underlying disk, suggesting the ACS clump selection preferentially picks up those regions of elevated star formation activity that are the least obscured by dust. Our analysis emphasizes that monochromatic studies of galaxy structure can be severely limited by mass-to-light ratio variations due to dust and spatially inhomogeneous star formation histories.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal, 18 pages, 1 table, 10 figure

    The Evolution and Environments of X-ray Emitting Active Galactic Nuclei in High-Redshift Large-Scale Structures

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    We use deep Chandra imaging and an extensive optical spectroscopy campaign on the Keck 10-m telescopes to study the properties of X-ray point sources in five large-scale structures at redshifts of z ~ 0.7-0.9. We first study X-ray point sources using the statistical measure of cumulative source counts, finding that the measured overdensities are consistent with previous results, but we recommend caution in overestimating the precision of the technique. Optical spectroscopy of objects matched to X-ray point sources confirms a total of 27 AGN within the five structures, and we find that their host galaxies tend to be located away from dense cluster cores. More than 36% of host galaxies are located in the `green valley', which suggests they are a transitional population. Based on analysis of OII and Hd line strengths, the average spectral properties of the AGN host galaxies in all structures indicate either on-going star formation or a starburst within ~ 1 Gyr, and the host galaxies are younger than the average galaxy in the parent population. These results indicate a clear connection between starburst and nuclear activity. We use composite spectra of the spectroscopically confirmed members in each structure to separate them based on a measure of the overall evolutionary state of their constituent galaxies. We define structures as having more evolved populations if their average galaxy has lower EW(OII) and EW(Hd). The AGN in the more evolved structures have lower rest-frame 0.5-8 keV X-ray luminosities (all below 10^43.3 erg s^-1) and longer times since a starburst than those in the less evolved structures, suggesting that the peak of both star formation and AGN activity has occurred at earlier times. With the wide range of evolutionary states and timeframes in the structures, we use our results to analyze the evolution of X-ray AGN and evaluate potential triggering mechanisms.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure
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