3,982 research outputs found

    The LATDYN user's manual

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    The LATDYN User's Manual presents the capabilities and instructions for the LATDYN (Large Angle Transient DYNamics) computer program. The LATDYN program is a tool for analyzing the controlled or uncontrolled dynamic transient behavior of interconnected deformable multi-body systems which can undergo large angular motions of each body relative other bodies. The program accommodates large structural deformation as well as large rigid body rotations and is applicable, but not limited to, the following areas: (1) development of large flexible space structures; (2) slewing of large space structure components; (3) mechanisms with rigid or elastic components; and (4) robotic manipulations of beam members. Presently the program is limited to two dimensional problems, but in many cases, three dimensional problems can be exactly or approximately reduced to two dimensions. The program uses convected finite elements to affect the large angular motions involved in the analysis. General geometry is permitted. Detailed user input and output specifications are provided and discussed with example runstreams. To date, LATDYN has been configured for CDC/NOS and DEC VAX/VMS machines. All coding is in ANSII-77 FORTRAN. Detailed instructions regarding interfaces with particular computer operating systems and file structures are provided

    Environmental heterogeneity and plankton community structure in the central North Pacific

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    Spatial and temporal patterns of heterogeneity in nutrients (PO4, NO3), integrated water column chlorophyll, integrated water column primary production, and macrozooplankton biomass in the central North Pacific are described on spatial scales ranging from less than one to several thousand kilometers and on temporal scales from one day to 12 years. Fluctuations in these properties represent an index of the biological response of the ecosystem to physical forcing on various scales. These patterns are an important aspect of ecosystem structure because environmental perturbations may affect the outcome of biological interactions between populations. Heterogeneity in each property was low on all scales. Diel changes were evident only in macrozooplankton biomass, and no seasonal cycles were detected. This is consistent with a low overall level of physical forcing, little advection from outside the system into it, and lack of seasonal changes in nutrient flux to the euphotic zone. The central North Pacific shows relatively low heterogeneity, especially on mesoscales (tens to hundreds of kilometers), when compared to other pelagic ecosystems, suggesting that environmental disturbances do not have a major effect upon macrozooplankton and nekton populations

    Identification of optimum temperatures for photosynthetic production in subtropical coastal ecosystems – implications for CO2 sequestration in a warming world

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    Terrestrial ecosystems are often thought to be effective sinks of anthropogenic CO2 emissions with biosphere greening considered unequivocal evidence of this process. Increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 along with other greenhouse gases are however, responsible for global warming. As temperature increases, the rate at which biomes sequester CO2 may decline as the optimum temperature for photosynthetic production is exceeded, thereby reducing their potential to sequester CO2. Here we present evidence from three years of direct measurements of CO2 exchanges over subtropical coastal ecosystems in eastern Australia, that the optimum temperature range for photosynthesis of 24.1 to 27.4 °C is routinely exceeded. This causes a rapid decline in photosynthetic production made worse when soil water content decreases. As climate change continues, both rising temperatures and predicted decline in rainfall will see these coastal ecosystems ability to sequester CO2 decrease further rapidly. We suggest similar research is needed urgently over other terrestrial ecosystems

    Approximate N3^{3}LO Parton Distribution Functions with Theoretical Uncertainties: MSHT20aN3^3LO PDFs

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    We present the first global analysis of parton distribution functions (PDFs) at approximate N3^{3}LO in the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_{s}, extending beyond the current highest NNLO achieved in PDF fits. To achieve this, we present a general formalism for the inclusion of theoretical uncertainties from missing higher orders (MHOs) into a PDF fit. We demonstrate how using the currently available knowledge surrounding the next highest order (N3^{3}LO) in αs\alpha_{s} can provide consistent, justifiable and explainable approximate N3^{3}LO (aN3^{3}LO) PDFs, including estimates for missing higher order uncertainties (MHOUs). Specifically, we approximate the splitting functions, transition matrix elements, coefficient functions and KK-factors for multiple processes to N3^{3}LO. Crucially, these are constrained to be consistent with the wide range of already available information about N3^{3}LO to match the complete result at this order as accurately as possible. Using this approach we perform a fully consistent approximate N3^{3}LO global fit within the MSHT framework. This relies on an expansion of the Hessian procedure used in previous MSHT fits to allow for sources of theoretical uncertainties. These are included as nuisance parameters in a global fit, controlled by knowledge and intuition based prior distributions. We analyse the differences between our aN3^{3}LO PDFs and the standard NNLO PDF set, and study the impact of using aN3^{3}LO PDFs on the LHC production of a Higgs boson at this order. Finally, we provide guidelines on how these PDFs should be be used in phenomenological investigations.Comment: 150 pages, 48 figures, 20 tables. Updated LHAPDF Grids available which include a correction of a minor bug in the non-singlet splitting function leading to very small changes in fit quality and PDFs, but with no significant changes to any results or conclusion

    Optical Follow-up of New SMC Wing Be/X-ray Binaries

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    We investigate the optical counterparts of recently discovered Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud. In total four sources, SXP101, SXP700, SXP348 and SXP65.8 were detected during the Chandra Survey of the Wing of the SMC. SXP700 and SXP65.8 were previously unknown. Many optical ground based telescopes have been utilised in the optical follow-up, providing coverage in both the red and blue bands. This has led to the classification of all of the counterparts as Be stars and confirms that three lie within the Galactic spectral distribution of known Be/X-ray binaries. SXP101 lies outside this distribution becoming the latest spectral type known. Monitoring of the Halpha emission line suggests that all the sources bar SXP700 have highly variable circumstellar disks, possibly a result of their comparatively short orbital periods. Phase resolved X-ray spectroscopy has also been performed on SXP65.8, revealing that the emission is indeed harder during the passage of the X-ray beam through the line of sight.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Utilization of the Building-Block Approach in Structural Mechanics Research

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    In the last 20 years NASA has worked in collaboration with industry to develop enabling technologies needed to make aircraft safer and more affordable, extend their lifetime, improve their reliability, better understand their behavior, and reduce their weight. To support these efforts, research programs starting with ideas and culminating in full-scale structural testing were conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center. Each program contained development efforts that (a) started with selecting the material system and manufacturing approach; (b) moved on to experimentation and analysis of small samples to characterize the system and quantify behavior in the presence of defects like damage and imperfections; (c) progressed on to examining larger structures to examine buckling behavior, combined loadings, and built-up structures; and (d) finally moved to complicated subcomponents and full-scale components. Each step along the way was supported by detailed analysis, including tool development, to prove that the behavior of these structures was well-understood and predictable. This approach for developing technology became known as the "building-block" approach. In the Advanced Composites Technology Program and the High Speed Research Program the building-block approach was used to develop a true understanding of the response of the structures involved through experimentation and analysis. The philosophy that if the structural response couldn't be accurately predicted, it wasn't really understood, was critical to the progression of these programs. To this end, analytical techniques including closed-form and finite elements were employed and experimentation used to verify assumptions at each step along the way. This paper presents a discussion of the utilization of the building-block approach described previously in structural mechanics research and development programs at NASA Langley Research Center. Specific examples that illustrate the use of this approach are included from recent research and development programs for both subsonic and supersonic transports

    Using Small-Area Analysis to Estimate County-Level Racial Disparities in Obesity Demonstrating the Necessity of Targeted Interventions

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    Data on the national and state levels is often used to inform policy decisions and strategies designed to reduce racial disparities in obesity. Obesity-related health outcomes are realized on the individual level, and policies based on state and national-level data may be inappropriate due to the variations in health outcomes within and between states. To examine county-level variation of obesity within states, we use a small-area analysis technique to fill the void for county-level obesity data by race. Five years of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data are used to estimate the prevalence of obesity by county, both overall and race-stratified. A modified weighting system is used based on demographics at the county level using 2010 census data. We fit a multilevel reweighted regression model to obtain county-level prevalence estimates by race. We compare the distribution of prevalence estimates of non-Hispanic Blacks to non-Hispanic Whites. For 25 of the 26 states included in our analysis there is a statistically significant difference between within-state county-level average obesity prevalence rates for non-Hispanic Whites and non-Hispanic Blacks. This study provides information needed to target disparities interventions and resources to the local areas with greatest need; it also identifies the necessity of doing so

    Effects of word predictability on eye movements during Arabic reading

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    Contextual predictability influences both the probability and duration of eye fixations on words when reading Latinate alphabetic scripts like English and German. However, it is unknown whether word predictability influences eye movements in reading similarly for Semitic languages like Arabic, which are alphabetic languages with very different visual and linguistic characteristics. Such knowledge is nevertheless important for establishing the generality of mechanisms of eye-movement control across different alphabetic writing systems. Accordingly, we investigated word predictability effects in Arabic in two eye-movement experiments. Both produced shorter fixation times for words with high compared to low predictability, consistent with previous findings. Predictability did not influence skipping probabilities for (four- to eight-letter) words of varying length and morphological complexity (Experiment 1). However, it did for short (three- to four-letter) words with simpler structures (Experiment 2). We suggest that word-skipping is reduced, and affected less by contextual predictability, in Arabic compared to Latinate alphabetic reading, because of specific orthographic and morphological characteristics of the Arabic script
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