521 research outputs found

    The distribution of chlorophyll in the western Indian Ocean during the northeast monsoon period, February 13-July 16, 1965

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    This report contains the observations of phytoplankton pigment characteristics made during ATLANTIS II Cruise No. 15 in the western Indian Ocean and its reaches during the period of February 13 through July 16, 1965. As pointed out in a previous report for this region (Laird et al., 1964), the observations should by no means be considered synoptic since short-term variation will occur in biological measurements. The value of the present observations is greatly enhanced by the fact that they repeat and extend the previous data from ATLANTIS II Cruise No. 8 for the area, but are taken at the opposite period of the year for all regions. The data permit only a first approximation of the relative fertility in the area, yet the seasonal contrast becomes an important consideration in the analysis and interpretation of the data. It is believed that this represents the first such large-scale survey for Indian Ocean waters.The National Science Foundation under Grant NSF-GP 82

    A national UK survey of peripatetic support teams for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disability who display challenging behaviour

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    Background: The service provision model of peripatetic support teams for people with intellectual disabilities who present challenging behaviour has been well established in the United Kingdom, with a small but growing evidence base. The current context in the UK would appear to indicate an ever-increasing role for such teams, in order to support people in their own communities and reduce the reliance on out-of-area placements. This study sought to establish the current position of such teams within the UK. Method and materials: 46 teams were given the opportunity to complete an online questionnaire regarding the team's day to day functioning. Results: 20 services responded to the survey providing a range of data. The results suggested that the services were mainly targeted towards adults, had a range of working practices and therapeutic orientations, with broadly successful outcomes (albeit self reported). The data would also suggest that this type of provision had diminished in recent years. Conclusions: The implications of the survey are discussed within the context of the current policy in the UK. In particular, the lack of provision for children, the use of evidence based practice and what appears to be a diminishing resource just at the time when it is most needed are explored

    The Effect of Income and Collateral Constraints on Residential Mortgage Terminations

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    The prepayment behavior of home mortgage borrowers has been widely observed to be inconsistent with behavior implied by classical option theory. A substantial literature has emerged examining the problem, focusing on the characteristics of the mortgage and on the historic path of interest rates in attempting to explain the anomaly. This paper offers contributions to the literature in three respects. First, it explores the influence of household level characteristics upon prepayment behavior, using both householder characteristics and collateral (house) value. Second, it empirically recognizes important interactions between the status of the prepayment option and the influence of income and collateral constraints upon prepayment behavior. Third, it uses a major source of data that has not previously been used in examining the prepayment anomaly: the American Housing Survey. Among the findings are the following: when the household is either collateral constrained or income constrained, or the option is likely to be out of the money, the influence of the option value upon prepayment behavior is less by half. When the status of the option and the influence of potential household constraints are more appropriately recognized, these factors account for nearly all explanatory power otherwise attributable to household demographic characteristics.

    Abnormal microglia and enhanced inflammation-related gene transcription in mice with conditional deletion of Ctcf in Camk2a-Cre-expressing neurons

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    CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is an 11 zinc finger DNA-binding domain protein that regulates gene expression by modifying 3D chromatin structure. Human mutations inCTCFcause intellectual disability and autistic features. Knocking outCtcfin mouse embryonic neurons is lethal by neonatal age, but the effects of CTCF deficiency in postnatal neurons are less well studied. We knocked outCtcfpostnatally in glutamatergic forebrain neurons under the control ofCamk2a-Cre. CtcfloxP/loxP;Camk2a-Cre+(CtcfCKO) mice of both sexes were viable and exhibited profound deficits in spatial learning/memory, impaired motor coordination, and decreased sociability by 4 months of age.CtcfCKO mice also had reduced dendritic spine density in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Microarray analysis of mRNA fromCtcfCKO mouse hippocampus identified increased transcription of inflammation-related genes linked to microglia. Separate microarray analysis of mRNA isolated specifically fromCtcfCKO mouse hippocampal neurons by ribosomal affinity purification identified upregulation of chemokine signaling genes, suggesting crosstalk between neurons and microglia inCtcfCKO hippocampus. Finally, we found that microglia inCtcfCKO mouse hippocampus had abnormal morphology by Sholl analysis and increased immunostaining for CD68, a marker of microglial activation. Our findings confirm thatCtcfKO in postnatal neurons causes a neurobehavioral phenotype in mice and provide novel evidence that CTCF depletion leads to overexpression of inflammation-related genes and microglial dysfunction.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTCCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is a DNA-binding protein that organizes nuclear chromatin topology. Mutations inCTCFcause intellectual disability and autistic features in humans. CTCF deficiency in embryonic neurons is lethal in mice, but mice with postnatal CTCF depletion are less well studied. We find that mice lackingCtcfinCamk2a-expressing neurons (CtcfCKO mice) have spatial learning/memory deficits, impaired fine motor skills, subtly altered social interactions, and decreased dendritic spine density. We demonstrate thatCtcfCKO mice overexpress inflammation-related genes in the brain and have microglia with abnormal morphology that label positive for CD68, a marker of microglial activation. Our findings suggest that inflammation and dysfunctional neuron–microglia interactions are factors in the pathology of CTCF deficiency.</jats:p

    Geophysical surveys of the East Kirkton Limestone, Visean, West Lothian, Scotland

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    ABSTRACT: Magnetic and resistivity geophysical surveys conducted across the only known exposure of the East Kirkton Limestone have produced new information upon its extent. This is important to determine because of its unique faunal assemblage and possible hot spring deposition, suggesting a potential for precious metal mineralisation. Magnetic anomalies are attributed to basalts within the Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation. Modelling of the magnetic data demonstrates a general dip to the west of about 25°, and the presence of significant local faulting. Modelling of vertical electrical sounding data shows the East Kirkton sequence (the limestone and associated beds) to be a low resistivity layer within the more highly resistive volcanic sequence. The East Kirkton sequence is seen to deepen to the west, and also to the north probably by faulting. Therefore the present exposure is the only near surface occurrence of the East Kirkton Limestone locally, but within the area of the survey no lateral limits to the formation are observed. KEY WORDS: Geophysics, hot springs, magnetic surveys, mineralisation, resistivity surveys, Lower Carboniferous. The East Kirkton quarry at Bathgate Bedding planes seen at outcrop dip at 15-25° to the W. Various hypotheses exist regarding the extent of the East Kirkton Limestone beyond the quarry: (1) it continues N beneath a thin glacial cover as shown on the one-inch geological map (Scotland Sheet 31); (2) subcrop to the N is limited due to faulting at the N end of the known exposure (Stephenson &amp; Monro 1986); or (3) the sequence was deposited in an isolated lagoon forming only a small lens of sediment (Geikie 1861). Magnetic and resistivity surveys were undertaken to determine the structure and extent of the EKS in the vicinity of the quarry. Exploration was undertaken mostly W (down dip) and to the N. Housing development prevented work to the S. The results are of use in future prospecting of the East Kirkton Limestone for precious metal mineralisation Geophysical approach Our aim was to determine the subsurface structure of the EKS using the East Kirkton quarry as a reference point. Given the presence of basaltic lavas and clastic volcanics above and below the sedimentary sequence, it was anticipated that there would be a strong contrast of magnetic and electrical resistivity properties between the EKS and volcanics. Borehole information was made available by the National Museums of Scotland, permitting calibration of the geophysical results but only to rather limited depths (typically 10 m, maximum 33 m). Magnetometer survey The total magnetic field intensity was measured along 12 E-W traverses across the quarry and its projected continuation along strike to the N. The contoured results are plotted in Magnetic susceptibility measurements of bore hole samples Using these values, a model profile across the East Kirkton quarry was determined using the GRA VMAG computer program. The model was constructed along line Z, a dip line crossing the anomaly immediately W of the quarry The one-inch geological map shows the EKS to be underlain by basalts Resistivity survey Four electrical resistivity vertical soundings were conducted using expanding Wenner arrays (VES1-VES3 of At East Kirkton we attribute generally low, but highly variable, resistivities modelled at surface to soils and/or boulder clay. At depth the main resistivity contrast was expected to be between the highly resistive volcanics of the Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation and the low resistivity of the mixed sedimentary EKS. Resistivities of much less than 100 ohm-m modelled at depth can be correlated with the EKS. High resistivities (480 ohm-m) above the EKS on VES1 and VES2 are correlated with the lower of two basalts of the magnetic model. High resistivities (typically over 400 ohm-m) beneath the EKS are consistent with the presence of volcanic rocks. The following points arise from the resistivity results: (1) Comparison of VES1 and VES2 confirms the significant westward deepening of the EKS shown by.the magnetic interpretation. (2) VES1, VES3 and VES4 are located broadly along strike from each other, but show the sub-EKS volcanics to deepen northwards. This was confirmed by the constant separation traverse. Thus the EKS may thicken. The resolution of the resistivity data does not permit us to distinguish between a northward deepening due to folding or faulting

    Estimating Random Errors Due to Shot Noise in Backscatter Lidar Observations

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    In this paper, we discuss the estimation of random errors due to shot noise in backscatter lidar observations that use either photomultiplier tube (PMT) or avalanche photodiode (APD) detectors. The statistical characteristics of photodetection are reviewed, and photon count distributions of solar background signals and laser backscatter signals are examined using airborne lidar observations at 532 nm using a photon-counting mode APD. Both distributions appear to be Poisson, indicating that the arrival at the photodetector of photons for these signals is a Poisson stochastic process. For Poisson-distributed signals, a proportional, one-to-one relationship is known to exist between the mean of a distribution and its variance. Although the multiplied photocurrent no longer follows a strict Poisson distribution in analog-mode APD and PMT detectors, the proportionality still exists between the mean and the variance of the multiplied photocurrent. We make use of this relationship by introducing the noise scale factor (NSF), which quantifies the constant of proportionality that exists between the root-mean-square of the random noise in a measurement and the square root of the mean signal. Using the NSF to estimate random errors in lidar measurements due to shot noise provides a significant advantage over the conventional error estimation techniques, in that with the NSF uncertainties can be reliably calculated from/for a single data sample. Methods for evaluating the NSF are presented. Algorithms to compute the NSF are developed for the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) lidar and tested using data from the Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE). OCIS Codes

    Decaffeinated green tea extract does not elicit hepatotoxic effects and modulates the gut microbiome in lean B6C3F\u3csub\u3e1\u3c/sub\u3e mice

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    © 2019 The Author(s) The aim of this study is the development of validated HPTLC method for the quantification of vitexin from Passiflora foetida commercial herbal formulations. The developed method was validated, in accordance with ICH guidelines for precision, accuracy, specificity and robustness. The plate was developed using ethyl acetate:methanol:water:formic acid 30:4:2:1(%, v/v/v/v) on 20 × 10 cm glass coated silica gel 60 F254 plates and the developed plate was scanned and quantified densitometrically at λ = 340 nm. Linear regression analysis revealed a good linear relationship between peak area and amount of vitexin in the range of 100–700 ng/spot. The amount of vitexin in nine commercial herbal formulations was successfully quantified by the developed HPTLC method. The developed and validated high performance thin layer chromatographic method offers a new sensitive and reliable tool for quantification of vitexinin in various herbal formulations containing Passiflora foetida

    IL-13 Augments Compressive Stress–Induced Tissue Factor Expression in Human Airway Epithelial Cells

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    Tissue factor (TF) is best known as a cellular initiator of coagulation, but it is also a multifunctional protein that has been implicated in multiple pathophysiologic conditions, including asthma. In the lung, airway epithelial cells express TF, but it is unknown how TF expression is regulated by asthma-associated mediators. We investigated the role of IL-13, a type 2 cytokine, alone and in combination with compressive stress, which mimics asthmatic bronchoconstriction, on TF expression and release of TF-positive extracellular vesicles from primary normal human bronchial epithelial cells. Well-differentiated normal human bronchial epithelial cells were treated with IL-13 and compressive stress, alone and in combination. TF mRNA, protein and activity were measured in the cells and conditioned media. TF was also measured in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of allergen-challenged mice and patients with asthma. IL-13 and compressive stress increased TF expression, but only compressive stress induced TF-positive extracellular vesicle release. Pretreatment with IL-13 augmented compressive stress–induced TF expression and release. TF protein and activity in BAL fluid were increased in allergen-sensitized and -challenged mice. TF was elevated in the BAL fluid of patients with mild asthma after an allergen challenge. Our in vitro and in vivo data indicate close cooperation between mechanical and inflammatory stimuli on TF expression and release of TF-positive extracellular vesicles in the lungs, which may contribute to pathophysiology of asthma

    Coherent two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy using a 25 Tesla resistive magnet.

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    We performed nonlinear optical two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy measurements using an optical resistive high-field magnet on GaAs quantum wells. Magnetic fields up to 25 T can be achieved using the split helix resistive magnet. Two-dimensional spectroscopy measurements based on the coherent four-wave mixing signal require phase stability. Therefore, these measurements are difficult to perform in environments prone to mechanical vibrations. Large resistive magnets use extensive quantities of cooling water, which causes mechanical vibrations, making two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy very challenging. Here, we report on the strategies we used to overcome these challenges and maintain the required phase-stability throughout the measurement. A self-contained portable platform was used to set up the experiments within the time frame provided by a user facility. Furthermore, this platform was floated above the optical table in order to isolate it from vibrations originating from the resistive magnet. Finally, we present two-dimensional Fourier transform spectra obtained from GaAs quantum wells at magnetic fields up to 25 T and demonstrate the utility of this technique in providing important details, which are obscured in one dimensional spectroscopy
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