75 research outputs found

    The Inadequate Adolescent Soldier

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    The concept of the "Inadequate Personality" or "Inadequate Adolescent Soldier" is described. Methods of Selection Procedure are discussed in some detail and it is shown that even with an efficient Selection Service the Inadequate Personality, the border-line Psychoneurotic and the occasional near Psychotic, gains access into the Army. As such individuals have soon to be discharged from the Army, with a consequent loss in manpower, the concept of the Inadequate Personality as a clinical entity amenable to treatment is discussed as a possibility. The clinical assessment of the Inadequate Adolescent Soldier is fully described, and some case records are given. Attempts at treatment with Dehydroisoandrosterone are described and, as this did not prove successful, detailed routine Psychoendocrine investigations which were next attempted are given in some detail. Finally, reasons for lack of success in this sphere are discussed and some indication given as to the relative importance of personality, environment and motivation

    Quantitative trait loci influencing pentacyclic triterpene composition in apple fruit peel

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    The chemical composition of pentacyclic triterpenes was analysed using a ‘Royal Gala’ x ‘Granny Smith’ segregating population in 2013 and 2015, using apple peels extracted from mature fruit at harvest and after 12 weeks of cold storage. In 2013, 20 compound isoforms from nine unique compound classes were measured for both treatments. In 2015, 20 and 17 compound isoforms from eight unique compound classes were measured at harvest and after cold storage, respectively. In total, 68 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected on 13 linkage groups (LG). Thirty two and 36 QTLs were detected for compounds measured at harvest and after cold storage, respectively. The apple chromosomes with the most QTLs were LG3, LG5, LG9 and LG17. The largest effect QTL was for trihydroxy-urs-12-ene-28-oic acid, located on LG5; this was measured in 2015 after storage, and was inherited from the ‘Royal Gala’ parent (24.9% of the phenotypic variation explained)

    Photogeneration of α‑Bimetalloid Radicals via Selective Activation of Multifunctional C1 Units

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    Light-driven strategies that enable the chemoselective activation of a specific bond in multifunctional systems are comparatively underexplored in comparison to transition-metal-based technologies, yet desirable when considering the controlled exploration of chemical space. With the current drive to discover next-generation therapeutics, reaction design that enables the strategic incorporation of an sp 3 carbon center, containing multiple synthetic handles for the subsequent exploration of chemical space would be highly enabling. Here, we describe the photoactivation of ambiphilic C1 units to generate α-bimetalloid radicals using only a Lewis base and light source to directly activate the C–I bond. Interception of these transient radicals with various SOMOphiles enables the rapid synthesis of organic scaffolds containing synthetic handles (B, Si, and Ge) for subsequent orthogonal activation. In-depth theoretical and mechanistic studies reveal the prominent role of 2,6-lutidine in forming a photoactive charge transfer complex and in stabilizing in situ generated iodine radicals, as well as the influential role of the boron p-orbital in the activation/weakening of the C–I bond. This simple and efficient methodology enabled expedient access to functionalized 3D frameworks that can be further derivatized using available technologies for C–B and C–Si bond activation

    Nocardia neocaldoniensis as a Cause of Skin and Soft Tissue Infection

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    Nocardia neocaledoniensis was introduced as a new environmental species of Nocardia in 2004. We present the first case of human skin and soft tissue infection caused by this species in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis receiving prednisone and methotrexate therapy

    Louis C. Wyman to John D. Feerick

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    Letter from Representative Louis C. Wyman to Dean John D. Feerick, regarding his scholarly article on presidential inability.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/twentyfifth_amendment_correspondence/1017/thumbnail.jp

    Outcome Measures for Central Nervous System Evaluation in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 May Be Confounded by Deficits in Motor Function or Insight

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    Background: Central nervous system involvement in myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is associated with cognitive deficits, impaired social performance and excessive somnolence, which greatly impact quality of life. With the advent of clinical trials in DM1, there is a pressing need to identify outcome measures for quantification of central symptoms that are feasible and valid. In this context, we sought to evaluate neuropsychological and self-reported measures currently recommended by expert consensus, with particular reference to their specificity for central nervous system involvement in a moderate-sized DM1 cohort.Methods: Forty-five adults with DM1 and 20 controls completed neuropsychology assessments and symptom questionnaires. Those without contraindication also underwent MRI brain, from which global gray matter volume and white matter lesion volume were quantified. CTG repeat was measured by small pool PCR, and was screened for the presence of variant repeat sequences.Results: The neuropsychology test battery was well tolerated and detected impairment across various domains in the DM1 group vs. controls. Large effect sizes in the Stroop and Trail Making Tests were however attenuated by correction for basic speed, which could be influenced by dysarthria and upper limb weakness, respectively. Low mood was strongly associated with increased self-reporting of central symptoms, including cognitive impairment. Conversely, self-reported cognitive impairment did not generally predict poorer performance in neuropsychology assessments, and there was a trend toward greater self-reporting of low mood and cognitive problems in those with milder white matter change on MRI. Global gray matter volume correlated with performance in several neuropsychology assessments in a multivariate model with age and sex, while white matter lesion volume was associated with executive dysfunction reported by a proxy. Screening for variant repeats was positive in three individuals, who reported mild muscle symptoms.Conclusions: Identification of outcome measures with good specificity for brain involvement in DM1 is challenging, since complex cognitive assessments may be compromised by peripheral muscle weakness and self-reported questionnaires may be influenced by mood and insight. This highlights the need for further large, longitudinal studies to identify and validate objective measures, which may include imaging biomarkers and cognitive measures not influenced by motor speed

    Repetitive N-WASP–Binding Elements of the Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Effector EspFU Synergistically Activate Actin Assembly

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    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) generate F-actin–rich adhesion pedestals by delivering effector proteins into mammalian cells. These effectors include the translocated receptor Tir, along with EspFU, a protein that associates indirectly with Tir and contains multiple peptide repeats that stimulate actin polymerization. In vitro, the EspFU repeat region is capable of binding and activating recombinant derivatives of N-WASP, a host actin nucleation-promoting factor. In spite of the identification of these important bacterial and host factors, the underlying mechanisms of how EHEC so potently exploits the native actin assembly machinery have not been clearly defined. Here we show that Tir and EspFU are sufficient for actin pedestal formation in cultured cells. Experimental clustering of Tir-EspFU fusion proteins indicates that the central role of the cytoplasmic portion of Tir is to promote clustering of the repeat region of EspFU. Whereas clustering of a single EspFU repeat is sufficient to bind N-WASP and generate pedestals on cultured cells, multi-repeat EspFU derivatives promote actin assembly more efficiently. Moreover, the EspFU repeats activate a protein complex containing N-WASP and the actin-binding protein WIP in a synergistic fashion in vitro, further suggesting that the repeats cooperate to stimulate actin polymerization in vivo. One explanation for repeat synergy is that simultaneous engagement of multiple N-WASP molecules can enhance its ability to interact with the actin nucleating Arp2/3 complex. These findings define the minimal set of bacterial effectors required for pedestal formation and the elements within those effectors that contribute to actin assembly via N-WASP-Arp2/3–mediated signaling pathways

    Elevated plasma levels of cardiac troponin-I predict left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1:A multicentre cohort follow-up study

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    Objective: High sensitivity plasma cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) is emerging as a strong predictor of cardiac events in a variety of settings. We have explored its utility in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Methods: 117 patients with DM1 were recruited from routine outpatient clinics across three health boards. A single measurement of cTnI was made using the ARCHITECT STAT Troponin I assay. Demographic, ECG, echocardiographic and other clinical data were obtained from electronic medical records. Follow up was for a mean of 23 months. Results: Fifty five females and 62 males (mean age 47.7 years) were included. Complete data were available for ECG in 107, echocardiography in 53. Muscle Impairment Rating Scale score was recorded for all patients. A highly significant excess (p = 0.0007) of DM1 patients presented with cTnI levels greater than the 99th centile of the range usually observed in the general population (9 patients; 7.6%). Three patients with elevated troponin were found to have left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD), compared with four of those with normal range cTnI (33.3% versus 3.7%; p = 0.001). Sixty two patients had a cTnI level < 5ng/L, of whom only one had documented evidence of LVSD. Elevated cTnI was not predictive of severe conduction abnormalities on ECG, or presence of a cardiac device, nor did cTnI level correlate with muscle strength expressed by Muscle Impairment Rating Scale score. Conclusions: Plasma cTnI is highly elevated in some ambulatory patients with DM1 and shows promise as a tool to aid cardiac risk stratification, possibly by detecting myocardial involvement. Further studies with larger patient numbers are warranted to assess its utility in this setting

    An image classification approach to analyze the suppression of plant immunity by the human pathogen <it>Salmonella</it> Typhimurium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The enteric pathogen <it>Salmonella</it> is the causative agent of the majority of food-borne bacterial poisonings. Resent research revealed that colonization of plants by <it>Salmonella</it> is an active infection process. <it>Salmonella</it> changes the metabolism and adjust the plant host by suppressing the defense mechanisms. In this report we developed an automatic algorithm to quantify the symptoms caused by <it>Salmonella</it> infection on <it>Arabidopsis</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The algorithm is designed to attribute image pixels into one of the two classes: healthy and unhealthy. The task is solved in three steps. First, we perform segmentation to divide the image into foreground and background. In the second step, a support vector machine (SVM) is applied to predict the class of each pixel belonging to the foreground. And finally, we do refinement by a neighborhood-check in order to omit all falsely classified pixels from the second step. The developed algorithm was tested on infection with the non-pathogenic <it>E. coli</it> and the plant pathogen <it>Pseudomonas syringae</it> and used to study the interaction between plants and <it>Salmonella</it> wild type and T3SS mutants. We proved that T3SS mutants of <it>Salmonella</it> are unable to suppress the plant defenses. Results obtained through the automatic analyses were further verified on biochemical and transcriptome levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This report presents an automatic pixel-based classification method for detecting “unhealthy” regions in leaf images. The proposed method was compared to existing method and showed a higher accuracy. We used this algorithm to study the impact of the human pathogenic bacterium <it>Salmonella</it> Typhimurium on plants immune system. The comparison between wild type bacteria and T3SS mutants showed similarity in the infection process in animals and in plants. Plant epidemiology is only one possible application of the proposed algorithm, it can be easily extended to other detection tasks, which also rely on color information, or even extended to other features.</p