179 research outputs found

    An Analytical Framework for the Steady State Impact of Carbonate Compensation on Atmospheric CO[subscript 2]

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    The deep-ocean carbonate ion concentration impacts the fraction of the marine calcium carbonate production that is buried in sediments. This gives rise to the carbonate compensation feedback, which is thought to restore the deep-ocean carbonate ion concentration on multimillennial timescales. We formulate an analytical framework to investigate the impact of carbonate compensation under various changes in the carbon cycle relevant for anthropogenic change and glacial cycles. Using this framework, we show that carbonate compensation amplifies by 15–20% changes in atmospheric CO[subscript 2] resulting from a redistribution of carbon between the atmosphere and ocean (e.g., due to changes in temperature, salinity, or nutrient utilization). A counterintuitive result emerges when the impact of organic matter burial in the ocean is examined. The organic matter burial first leads to a slight decrease in atmospheric CO[subscript 2] and an increase in the deep-ocean carbonate ion concentration. Subsequently, enhanced calcium carbonate burial leads to outgassing of carbon from the ocean to the atmosphere, which is quantified by our framework. Results from simulations with a multibox model including the minor acids and bases important for the ocean-atmosphere exchange of carbon are consistent with our analytical predictions. We discuss the potential role of carbonate compensation in glacial-interglacial cycles as an example of how our theoretical framework may be applied.Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant 3778)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (OCE-1536515)Simons Foundation (SCOPE Award 329108


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    Abstract ∙ Little is known about the nesting behavior of the Gray-breasted Flycatcher (Lathrotriccus griseipectus), a species listed as Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In order to add fundamental information on the life history of this species, we recorded parental behavior at a nest in February–March 2010 in the Jorupe Reserve in southwestern Ecuador. Recordings were made on a tripod-mounted video camera and took place during part of the incubation and nestling stages. Both adults provisioned nestlings. We recorded 7.1 feeds per nestling-hour, with the highest average provisioning rates occurring from 12:00–13:00 h. Nestlings produced an average of 0.8 fecal sacs per nestling-hour. Nestlings fledged in quick succession shortly before 12:00 h on nestling-day 14.Resumen ∙ El cuidado parental del Mosquero Pechigrís (Lathrotriccus griseipectus) en el suroeste del Ecuador La biología reproductiva del Mosquero Pechigrís (Lathrotriccus griseipectus), una especie catalogada como “Vulnerable” por la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, es poco conocida. Con el fin de añadir datos básicos sobre la historia de vida del Mosquero Pechigrís, utilizamos una cámara de video para realizar observaciones de un nido ubicado en la Reserva Jorupe en el suroeste de Ecuador, entre febrero y marzo de 2010. Las grabaciones tuvieron lugar durante parte de las etapas de incubación y polluelo. Ambos adultos aprovisionaron polluelos. Registramos 7.1 alimentaciones de polluelo por hora, siendo las tasas de aprovisionamiento más altas de 12:00–13:00 h. Los polluelos produjeron un promedio de 0.8 sacos fecales por hora y polluelo. Los polluelos emplumaron en rápida sucesión poco antes del mediodía 14 días luego de la eclosión

    Thorium isotopes tracing the iron cycle at the Hawaii Ocean Time-series Station ALOHA

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    The role of iron as a limiting micronutrient motivates an effort to understand the supply and removal of lithogenic trace metals in the ocean. The long-lived thorium isotopes (²³²Th and ²³⁰Th) in seawater can be used to quantify the input of lithogenic metals attributable to the partial dissolution of aerosol dust. Thus, Th can help in disentangling the Fe cycle by providing an estimate of its ultimate supply and turnover rate. Here we present time-series (1994–2014) data on thorium isotopes and iron concentrations in seawater from the Hawaii Ocean Time-series Station ALOHA. By comparing Th-based dissolved Fe fluxes with measured dissolved Fe inventories, we derive Fe residence times of 6–12 months for the surface ocean. Therefore, Fe inventories in the surface ocean are sensitive to seasonal changes in dust input. Ultrafiltration results further reveal that Th has a much lower colloidal content than Fe does, despite a common source. On this basis, we suggest Fe colloids may be predominantly organic in composition, at least at Station ALOHA. In the deep ocean (>2 km), Fe approaches a solubility limit while Th, surprisingly, is continually leached from lithogenic particles. This distinction has implications for the relevance of Fe ligand availability in the deep ocean, but also suggests Th is not a good tracer for Fe in deep waters. While uncovering divergent behavior of these elements in the water column, this study finds that dissolved Th flux is a suitable proxy for the supply of Fe from dust in the remote surface ocean.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant NS-OIA E-0424599

    Food distribution in the New Hebrides

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    Cation Recombination Energy/Coulomb Repulsion Effects in ETD/ECD as Revealed by Variation of Charge per Residue at Fixed Total Charge

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    Electron capture dissociation (ECD) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) experiments in electrodynamic ion traps operated in the presence of a bath gas in the 1-10 mTorr range have been conducted on a common set of doubly protonated model peptides of the form X(AG)nX (X = lysine, arginine, or histidine, n = 1, 2, or 4). The partitioning of reaction products was measured using thermal electrons, anions of azobenzene, and anions of 1,3-dinitrobenzene as reagents. Variation of n alters the charge per residue of the peptide cation, which affects recombination energy. The ECD experiments showed that H-atom loss is greatest for the n = 1 peptides and decreases as n increases. Proton transfer in ETD, on the other hand, is expected to increase as charge per residue decreases (i.e., as n increases). These opposing tendencies were apparent in the data for the K(AG)nK peptides. H-atom loss appeared to be more prevalent in ECD than in ETD and is rationalized on the basis of either internal energy differences, differences in angular momentum transfer associated with the electron capture versus electron transfer processes, or a combination of the two. The histidine peptides showed the greatest extent of charge reduction without dissociation, the arginine peptides showed the greatest extent of side-chain cleavages, and the lysine peptides generally showed the greatest extent of partitioning into the c/z•-product ion channels. The fragmentation patterns for the complementary c- and z•-ions for ETD and ECD were found to be remarkably similar, particularly for the peptides with X = lysine

    Generalisability of vaccine effectiveness estimates: an analysis of cases included in a postlicensure evaluation of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in the USA

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    External validity, or generalisability, is the measure of how well results from a study pertain to individuals in the target population. We assessed generalisability, with respect to socioeconomic status, of estimates from a matched case–control study of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine effectiveness for the prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease in children in the USA

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    A Comparison of Amphotericin B Alone and Combined with Flucytosine in the Treatment of Cryptoccal Meningitis

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    Abstract We compared amphotericin B therapy for cryptococcal meningitis with a newer regimen containing both amphotericin B and flucytosine. In 50 patients with 51 courses of therapy adherent to the protocol, 27 courses were with amphotericin B and 24 with the combination. Even though the combination regimen was given for only six weeks and amphotericin B for 10 weeks, the combination cured or improved more patients (16 vs. 11), produced fewer failures or relapses (three vs. 11), more rapid sterilization of the cerebrospinal fluid (P\u3c0.001) and less nephrotoxicity (P\u3c0.05) than did amphotericin B alone. The number of deaths was the same (five) with each regimen. Adverse reactions to flucytosine occurred in 11 of 34 patients but were not life threatening. We conclude that combined flucytosine-amphoericin B therapy is the regimen of choice in cryptococcal meningitis. (N Engl J Med 301:126–131, 1979

    Irish cardiac society - Proceedings of annual general meeting held 20th & 21st November 1992 in Dublin Castle

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