109 research outputs found

    Analytical solution for clay plug swelling experiments

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    Clay swelling experiments frequently involve monitoring the one-dimensional displacement with time of an initially dry clay plug as it imbibes water from a supply at its base. This article presents a new analytical solution for interpreting such experiments based on Richards' equation for flow in a partially saturated porous medium combined with a linear empirical function relating moisture ratio with void ratio. The analytical solution is described by just two parameter groups. The first parameter group describes the swelling potential of the clay. The second parameter group describes the rate at which the swelling plug reaches equilibrium, which is controlled by permeability and capillary pressure. Application of the analytical solution is demonstrated by calibration to one-dimensional displacement data from clay swelling experiments for an illite and bentonite clay

    Sensitive aerial hearing within a noisy nesting soundscape in a deep-diving seabird, the common murre Uria aalge

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    Diving seabirds face a combination of sound exposure in marine and terrestrial environments due to increasing human encroachment on coastal ecosystems. Yet the sound-sensitivity and sensory ecology of this threatened group of animals is largely unknown, complicating effective management and conservation. Here, we characterize aspects of the acoustic ecology of the common murre Uria aalge, one of the deepest diving alcid seabirds. Electrophysiological aerial hearing thresholds were measured for 12 wild, nesting individuals and compared to conspecific vocalizations and short-term aerial soundscape dynamics of their cliff nesting habitat. Auditory responses were measured from 0.5 to 6 kHz, with a lowest mean threshold of 30 dB at 2 kHz and generally sensitive hearing from 1 to 3.5 kHz. The short-term murre nesting soundscape contained biotic sounds from con- and heterospecific avifauna; broadband sounds levels of 56-69 dB re: 20 µPa rms (0.1-10 kHz) were associated with both diel and tidal-cycle factors. Five murre vocalization types showed dominant spectral emphasis at or below the region of best hearing. Common murre hearing appears to be less sensitive than a related alcid, the Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica, but more sensitive than other non-alcid diving birds described to date, suggesting that adaptations for deep diving have not caused a loss of the species’ hearing ability above water. Overall, frequencies of common murre hearing and vocalization overlap with many anthropogenic noise sources, indicating that the species is susceptible to disturbance from a range of noise types

    Cold-to-warm flow regime transition in snow avalanches

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    Large avalanches usually encounter different snow conditions along their track. When they release as slab avalanches comprising cold snow, they can subsequently develop into powder snow avalanches entraining snow as they move down the mountain. Typically, this entrained snow will be cold (T‾&lt;-1&thinsp;∘C) at high elevations near the surface, but warm (T‾&gt;-1&thinsp;∘C) at lower elevations or deeper in the snowpack. The intake of warm snow is believed to be of major importance to increase the temperature of the snow composition in the avalanche and eventually cause a flow regime transition. Measurements of flow regime transitions are performed at the Vallée de la Sionne avalanche test site in Switzerland using two different radar systems. The data are then combined with snow temperatures calculated with the snow cover model SNOWPACK. We define transitions as complete when the deposit at runout is characterized only by warm snow or as partial if there is a warm flow regime, but the farthest deposit is characterized by cold snow. We introduce a transition index Ft, based on the runout of cold and warm flow regimes, as a measure to quantify the transition type. Finally, we parameterize the snow cover temperature along the avalanche track by the altitude Hs, which represents the point where the average temperature of the uppermost 0.5&thinsp;m changes from cold to warm. We find that Ft is related to the snow cover properties, i.e. approximately proportional to Hs. Thus, the flow regime in the runout area and the type of transition can be predicted by knowing the snow cover temperature distribution. We find that, if Hs is more than 500&thinsp;m above the valley floor for the path geometry of Vallée de la Sionne, entrainment of warm surface snow leads to a complete flow regime transition and the runout area is reached by only warm flow regimes. Such knowledge is of great importance since the impact pressure and the effectiveness of protection measures are greatly dependent on the flow regime.</p

    How, when and where current mass flows in Martian gullies are driven by CO2 sublimation

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    Martian gullies resemble water-carved gullies on Earth, yet their present-day activity cannot be explained by water-driven processes. The sublimation of CO2 has been proposed as an alternative driver for sediment transport, but how this mechanism works remains unknown. Here we combine laboratory experiments of CO2-driven granular flows under Martian atmospheric pressure with 1D climate simulation modelling to unravel how, where, and when CO2 can drive present-day gully activity. Our work shows that sublimation of CO2 ice, under Martian atmospheric conditions can fluidize sediment and creates morphologies similar to those observed on Mars. Furthermore, the modelled climatic and topographic boundary conditions for this process, align with present-day gully activity. These results have implications for the influence of water versus CO2-driven processes in gully formation and for the interpretation of gully landforms on other planets, as their existence is no longer definitive proof for flowing liquids

    Persistent northward North Atlantic tropical cyclone track migration over the past five centuries

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    Accurately predicting future tropical cyclone risk requires understanding the fundamental controls on tropical cyclone dynamics. Here we present an annually-resolved 450-year reconstruction of western Caribbean tropical cyclone activity developed using a new coupled carbon and oxygen isotope ratio technique in an exceptionally well-dated stalagmite from Belize. Western Caribbean tropical cyclone activity peaked at 1650 A.D., coincident with maximum Little Ice Age cooling, and decreased gradually until the end of the record in 1983. Considered with other reconstructions, the new record suggests that the mean track of Cape Verde tropical cyclones shifted gradually north-eastward from the western Caribbean toward the North American east coast over the last 450 years. Since ~1870 A.D., these shifts were largely driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas and sulphate aerosol emissions. Our results strongly suggest that future emission scenarios will result in more frequent tropical cyclone impacts on the financial and population centres of the northeastern United States

    Approximate Decoherence of Histories and 't Hooft's Deterministic Quantum Theory

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    This paper explores the possibility that an exactly decoherent set of histories may be constructed from an approximately decoherent set by small distortions of the operators characterizing the histories. In particular, for the case of histories of positions and momenta, this is achieved by doubling the set of operators and then finding, amongst this enlarged set, new position and momentum operators which commute, so decohere exactly, and which are ``close'' to the original operators. The enlarged, exactly decoherent, theory has the same classical dynamics as the original one, and coincides with the so-called deterministic quantum theories of the type recently studied by 't Hooft. These results suggest that the comparison of standard and deterministic quantum theories may provide an alternative method of characterizing emergent classicality. A side-product is the surprising result that histories of momenta in the quantum Brownian motion model (for the free particle in the high-temperature limit) are exactly decoherent.Comment: 41 pages, plain Te