81 research outputs found

    A standardised sampling protocol for robust assessment of reach-scale fish community diversity in wadeable New Zealand streams

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    The New Zealand fish fauna contains species that are affected not only by river system connectivity, but also by catchment and local-scale changes in landcover, water quality and habitat quality. Consequently, native fish have potential as multi-scale bioindicators of human pressure on stream ecosystems, yet no standardised, repeatable and scientifically defensible methods currently exist for effectively quantifying their abundance or diversity in New Zealand stream reaches. Here we report on the testing of a back-pack electrofishing method, modified from that used by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, on a wide variety of wadeable stream reaches throughout New Zealand. Seventy-three first- to third-order stream reaches were fished with a single pass over 150-345 m length. Time taken to sample a reach using single-pass electrofishing ranged from 1-8 h. Species accumulation curves indicated that, irrespective of location, continuous sampling of 150 stream metres is required to accurately describe reach-scale fish species richness using this approach. Additional species detection beyond 150 m was rare (<10%) with a single additional species detected at only two out of the 17 reaches sampled beyond this distance. A positive relationship was also evident between species detection and area fished, although stream length rather than area appeared to be the better predictor. The method tested provides a standardised and repeatable approach for regional and/or national reporting on the state of New Zealand's freshwater fish communities and trends in richness and abundance over time

    Annotation extensions

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    The specificity of knowledge that Gene Ontology (GO) annotations currently can represent is still restricted by the legacy format of the GO annotation file, a format intentionally designed for simplicity to keep the barriers to entry low and thus encourage initial adoption. Historically, the information that could be captured in a GO annotation was simply the role or location of a gene product, although genetically interacting or binding partners could be specified. While there was no mechanism within the original GO annotation format for capturing additional information about the context of a GO term, such as the target gene of an activity or the location of a molecular function, the long-term vision for the GO Consortium was to provide greater expressivity in its annotations to capture physiologically relevant information. Thus, as a step forwards, the GO Consortium has introduced a new field into the annotation format, annotation extensions, which can be used to capture valuable contextual detail. This provides experimentally verified links between gene products and other physiological information that is crucial for accurate analysis of pathway and network data. This chapter will provide a simple overview of annotation extensions, illustrated with examples of their usage, and explain why they are useful for scientists and bioinformaticians alike

    PomBase – the scientific resource for fission yeast

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    The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has become well established as a model species for studying conserved cell-level biological processes, especially the mechanics and regulation of cell division. PomBase integrates the S. pombe genome sequence with traditional genetic, molecular and cell biological experimental data as well as the growing body of large datasets generated by emerging high-throughput methods. This chapter provides insight into the curation philosophy and data organization at PomBase, and provides a guide to using PomBase for infrequent visitors and anyone considering exploring S. pombe in their research

    An algorithm for network-based gene prioritization that encodes knowledge both in nodes and in links

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    Background: Candidate gene prioritization aims to identify promising new genes associated with a disease or a biological process from a larger set of candidate genes. In recent years, network-based methods - which utilize a knowledge network derived from biological knowledge - have been utilized for gene prioritization. Biological knowledge can be encoded either through the network's links or nodes. Current network-based methods can only encode knowledge through links. This paper describes a new network-based method that can encode knowledge in links as well as in nodes. Results: We developed a new network inference algorithm called the Knowledge Network Gene Prioritization (KNGP) algorithm which can incorporate both link and node knowledge. The performance of the KNGP algorithm was evaluated on both synthetic networks and on networks incorporating biological knowledge. The results showed that the combination of link knowledge and node knowledge provided a significant benefit across 19 experimental diseases over using link knowledge alone or node knowledge alone. Conclusions: The KNGP algorithm provides an advance over current network-based algorithms, because the algorithm can encode both link and node knowledge. We hope the algorithm will aid researchers with gene prioritization. © 2013 Kimmel, Visweswaran

    On-line analysis and in situ pH monitoring of mixed acid fermentation by Escherichia coli using combined FTIR and Raman techniques

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    We introduce an experimental setup allowing continuous monitoring of bacterial fermentation processes by simultaneous optical density (OD) measurements, long-path FTIR headspace monitoring of CO2, acetaldehyde and ethanol, and liquid Raman spectroscopy of acetate, formate, and phosphate anions, without sampling. We discuss which spectral features are best suited for detection, and how to obtain partial pressures and concentrations by integrations and least squares fitting of spectral features. Noise equivalent detection limits are about 2.6 mM for acetate and 3.6 mM for formate at 5 min integration time, improving to 0.75 mM for acetate and 1.0 mM for formate at 1 h integration. The analytical range extends to at least 1 M with a standard deviation of percentage error of about 8%. The measurement of the anions of the phosphate buffer allows the spectroscopic, in situ determination of the pH of the bacterial suspension via a modified Henderson-Hasselbalch equation in the 6–8 pH range with an accuracy better than 0.1. The 4 m White cell FTIR measurements provide noise equivalent detection limits of 0.21 μbar for acetaldehyde and 0.26 μbar for ethanol in the gas phase, corresponding to 3.2 μM acetaldehyde and 22 μM ethanol in solution, using Henry’s law. The analytical dynamic range exceeds 1 mbar ethanol corresponding to 85 mM in solution. As an application example, the mixed acid fermentation of Escherichia coli is studied. The production of CO2, ethanol, acetaldehyde, acids such as formate and acetate, and the changes in pH are discussed in the context of the mixed acid fermentation pathways. Formate decomposition into CO2 and H2 is found to be governed by a zeroth-order kinetic rate law, showing that adding exogenous formate to a bioreactor with E. coli is expected to have no beneficial effect on the rate of formate decomposition and biohydrogen production

    Transcriptome dynamics and molecular cross-talk between bovine oocyte and its companion cumulus cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The bi-directional communication between the oocyte and its companion cumulus cells (CCs) is crucial for development and functions of both cell types. Transcripts that are exclusively expressed either in oocytes or CCs and molecular mechanisms affected due to removal of the communication axis between the two cell types is not investigated at a larger scale. The main objectives of this study were: 1. To identify transcripts exclusively expressed either in oocyte or CCs and 2. To identify those which are differentially expressed when the oocyte is cultured with or without its companion CCs and vice versa.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed transcriptome profile of different oocyte and CC samples using Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome array containing 23000 transcripts. Out of 13162 genes detected in germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes and their companion CCs, 1516 and 2727 are exclusively expressed in oocytes and CCs, respectively, while 8919 are expressed in both. Similarly, of 13602 genes detected in metaphase II (MII) oocytes and CCs, 1423 and 3100 are exclusively expressed in oocytes and CCs, respectively, while 9079 are expressed in both. A total of 265 transcripts are differentially expressed between oocytes cultured with (OO + CCs) and without (OO - CCs) CCs, of which 217 and 48 are over expressed in the former and the later groups, respectively. Similarly, 566 transcripts are differentially expressed when CCs mature with (CCs + OO) or without (CCs - OO) their enclosed oocytes. Of these, 320 and 246 are over expressed in CCs + OO and CCs - OO, respectively.</p> <p>While oocyte specific transcripts include those involved in transcription (<it>IRF6, POU5F1, MYF5, MED18</it>), translation (<it>EIF2AK1, EIF4ENIF1</it>) and CCs specific ones include those involved in carbohydrate metabolism (<it>HYAL1, PFKL, PYGL, MPI</it>), protein metabolic processes (<it>IHH, APOA1, PLOD1</it>), steroid biosynthetic process (<it>APOA1, CYP11A1, HSD3B1, HSD3B7</it>). Similarly, while transcripts over expressed in OO + CCs are involved in carbohydrate metabolism (<it>ACO1, 2</it>), molecular transport (<it>GAPDH, GFPT1</it>) and nucleic acid metabolism (<it>CBS, NOS2</it>), those over expressed in CCs + OO are involved in cellular growth and proliferation (<it>FOS, GADD45A</it>), cell cycle (<it>HAS2, VEGFA</it>), cellular development (<it>AMD1, AURKA, DPP4</it>) and gene expression (<it>FOSB, TGFB2</it>).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, this study has generated large scale gene expression data from different oocyte and CCs samples that would provide insights into gene functions and interactions within and across different pathways that are involved in the maturation of bovine oocytes. Moreover, the presence or absence of oocyte and CC factors during bovine oocyte maturation can have a profound effect on transcript abundance of each cell types, thereby showing the prevailing molecular cross-talk between oocytes and their corresponding CCs.</p

    SPPS: A Sequence-Based Method for Predicting Probability of Protein-Protein Interaction Partners

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    Background: The molecular network sustained by different types of interactions among proteins is widely manifested as the fundamental driving force of cellular operations. Many biological functions are determined by the crosstalk between proteins rather than by the characteristics of their individual components. Thus, the searches for protein partners in global networks are imperative when attempting to address the principles of biology. Results: We have developed a web-based tool ‘‘Sequence-based Protein Partners Search’ ’ (SPPS) to explore interacting partners of proteins, by searching over a large repertoire of proteins across many species. SPPS provides a database containing more than 60,000 protein sequences with annotations and a protein-partner search engine in two modes (Single Query and Multiple Query). Two interacting proteins of human FBXO6 protein have been found using the service in the study. In addition, users can refine potential protein partner hits by using annotations and possible interactive network in the SPPS web server. Conclusions: SPPS provides a new type of tool to facilitate the identification of direct or indirect protein partners which may guide scientists on the investigation of new signaling pathways. The SPPS server is available to the public a

    The Great American Crime Decline : Possible Explanations

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    This chapter examines the most important features of the crime decline in the United States during the 1990s-2010s but also takes a broader look at the violence declines of the last three centuries. The author argues that violent and property crime trends might have diverged in the 1990s, with property crimes increasingly happening in the online sphere and thus traditional property crime statistics not being reflective of the full picture. An important distinction is made between ‘contact crimes’ and crimes that do not require a victim and offender to be present in the same physical space. Contrary to the uncertainties engendered by property crime, the declines in violent (‘contact’) crime are rather general, and have been happening not only across all demographic and geographic categories within the United States but also throughout the developed world. An analysis of research literature on crime trends has identified twenty-four different explanations for the crime drop. Each one of them is briefly outlined and examined in terms of conceptual clarity and empirical support. Nine crime decline explanations are highlighted as the most promising ones. The majority of these promising explanations, being relative newcomers in the crime trends literature, have not been subjected to sufficient empirical scrutiny yet, and thus require further research. One potentially fruitful avenue for future studies is to examine the association of the most promising crime decline explanations with improvements in self-control

    Paleogene Radiation of a Plant Pathogenic Mushroom

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    Background: The global movement and speciation of fungal plant pathogens is important, especially because of the economic losses they cause and the ease with which they are able to spread across large areas. Understanding the biogeography and origin of these plant pathogens can provide insights regarding their dispersal and current day distribution. We tested the hypothesis of a Gondwanan origin of the plant pathogenic mushroom genus Armillaria and the currently accepted premise that vicariance accounts for the extant distribution of the species. Methods: The phylogeny of a selection of Armillaria species was reconstructed based on Maximum Parsimony (MP), Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI). A timeline was then placed on the divergence of lineages using a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach. Results: Phylogenetic analyses of sequenced data for three combined nuclear regions provided strong support for three major geographically defined clades: Holarctic, South American-Australasian and African. Molecular dating placed the initial radiation of the genus at 54 million years ago within the Early Paleogene, postdating the tectonic break-up of Gondwana. Conclusions: The distribution of extant Armillaria species is the result of ancient long-distance dispersal rather than vicariance due to continental drift. As these finding are contrary to most prior vicariance hypotheses for fungi, our result