815 research outputs found

    Oil platforms and red snapper movement and behavior

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    Understanding the behavior, including movement, of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), around and among the many oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is crucial to the management of this important commercial and recreational species. What role oil and gas production platforms play in the attraction vs. production continuum for red snapper is unknown, but it is certain these large structures have a role at some life history stage. We used the VRAP acoustic telemetry system to track red snapper around two platforms in the GOM in 2005 and 2006. Fish detections per hour generally decreased over the course of each experiment, and detections also fluctuated with strong periodicity. Spectral analysis revealed that red snapper had a 24- hour periodicity to their movements. Probability of presence of fish likewise fluctuated within a day, perhaps indicating foraging away from the platforms. Red snapper in this study showed much lower site fidelity than in previous studies of red snapper on artificial reefs. These results appear to support the hypothesis that platforms function largely as attracting devices

    Mail Fraud and the Good Faith Defense

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    Death in One Act: The Case for Company Registration

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    Diesel Exhaust Fluid Distribution System Research and Recommendation Project

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    ConocoPhillips Alaska needed a solution to distribute Diesel Exhaust Fluid to Tier 4 heavy equipment throughout its 400 square mile Kuparuk Business Unit. At first glance, there were not any immediate and viable solutions that fit the business need and aligned with the company’s strategic goals. Additionally, the Diesel Exhaust Fluid industry is emerging following an Environmental Protection Agency mandate that engine manufacturers reduce their Carbon Monoxide emissions to near zero levels after November 2012. The researcher conducted a variety of searches and defined the true issues regarding Diesel Exhaust Fluid and distribution of the product by finding, customizing and creating a distribution system that would be a viable solution. Through research and analysis of the products, legalities, environmental impacts, logistics, and operations and maintenance procedures, the researcher provided an initial proposal to the client that satisfied the sponsor’s need to show senior management that a solution was in the works. The problem that ConocoPhillips was challenged with had not been taken on before by any other organization on the North Slope. There were no subject matter experts or business as usual examples to follow. The project team had to write the manual for how to take on such a new problem threatening the reliability of the Heavy Equipment fleet to its Kuparuk operation. The researcher provided a solution, satisfied the client and created a custom system currently in production in Anchorage, Alaska that is a completely new concept. © 2015,Abstract / Literature Review / Researching System Components / Research of Products / Analysis / Conclusion / References / Appendice

    Mail Fraud and the Good Faith Defense

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    Battle for the Top: Killer Whales vs. White Sharks

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    Adult attentional functioning in families with children diagnosed as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    The purpose of this study was to explore what differences, if any, existed between individuals and families with or without children diagnosed as Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Information was gathered to identify subjects according to such demographic and situational variables as age, race, education, occupation, income, and performance on tasks requiring sustained attention and concentration. to further understand possible etiology each subject completed a neuropsychological battery. Collected data was analyzed to determine if the differences were significant.;The subjects were selected from the author\u27s private practice and the local churches and schools that refer to that practice. Each subject completed a biographical questionnaire, the Gordon Diagnostic System (GDS) and the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Form I, Adult version (LNNB). Chi-square analysis, t-tests, and difference of proportions tests were used to examine the collected data.;The groups were similar in terms of age. There were no statistically significant differences between groups on the LNNB. Several of the differences on the GDS measures of vigilance and distractibility did not achieve statistical significance.;Significant differences were noted on variables including education levels, response times during measures of sustained attention, concentration and distractibility, and historical behavioral checklists. A trend analysis of the findings was offered suggesting visual processing as contributing to the delays in response time. The performance of individuals demonstrating problems with attention, concentration, and distractibility revealed significant problems with writing and mathematics. Implications, conclusions, and suggestions for further research were offered

    The ISCIP Analyst, Volume III, Issue 4

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    This repository item contains a single issue of The ISCIP Analyst, an analytical review journal published from 1996 to 2010 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy
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