23,194 research outputs found

    Bias, redshift space distortions and primordial nongaussianity of nonlinear transformations: application to Lyman alpha forest

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    On large scales a nonlinear transformation of matter density field can be viewed as a biased tracer of the density field itself. A nonlinear transformation also modifies the redshift space distortions in the same limit, giving rise to a velocity bias. In models with primordial nongaussianity a nonlinear transformation generates a scale dependent bias on large scales. We derive analytic expressions for these for a general nonlinear transformation. These biases can be expressed entirely in terms of the one point distribution function (PDF) of the final field and the parameters of the transformation. Our analysis allows one to devise nonlinear transformations with nearly arbitrary bias properties, which can be used to increase the signal in the large scale clustering limit. We apply the results to the ionizing equilibrium model of Lyman-alpha forest, in which Lyman-alpha flux F is related to the density perturbation delta via a nonlinear transformation. Velocity bias can be expressed as an average over the Lyman-alpha flux PDF. At z=2.4 we predict the velocity bias of -0.1, compared to the observed value of -0.13 +/- 0.03. Bias and primordial nongaussianity bias depend on the parameters of the transformation. Measurements of bias can thus be used to constrain these parameters, and for reasonable values of the ionizing background intensity we can match the predictions to observations. Matching to the observed values we predict the ratio of primordial nongaussianity bias to bias to have the opposite sign and lower magnitude than the corresponding values for the highly biased galaxies, but this depends on the model parameters and can also vanish or change the sign.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Deterministic dense coding and entanglement entropy

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    We present an analytical study of the standard two-party deterministic dense-coding protocol, under which communication of perfectly distinguishable messages takes place via a qudit from a pair of non-maximally entangled qudits in pure state |S>. Our results include the following: (i) We prove that it is possible for a state |S> with lower entanglement entropy to support the sending of a greater number of perfectly distinguishable messages than one with higher entanglement entropy, confirming a result suggested via numerical analysis in Mozes et al. [Phys. Rev. A 71 012311 (2005)]. (ii) By explicit construction of families of local unitary operators, we verify, for dimensions d = 3 and d=4, a conjecture of Mozes et al. about the minimum entanglement entropy that supports the sending of d + j messages, j = 2, ..., d-1; moreover, we show that the j=2 and j= d-1 cases of the conjecture are valid in all dimensions. (iii) Given that |S> allows the sending of K messages and has the square roof of c as its largest Schmidt coefficient, we show that the inequality c <= d/K, established by Wu et al. [ Phys. Rev. A 73, 042311 (2006)], must actually take the form c < d/K if K = d+1, while our constructions of local unitaries show that equality can be realized if K = d+2 or K = 2d-1.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. Published versio

    Turbofan forced mixer-nozzle internal flowfield. Volume 3: A computer code for 3-D mixing in axisymmetric nozzles

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    A finite difference method is developed for making detailed predictions of three dimensional subsonic turbulent flow in turbofan lobe mixers. The governing equations are solved by a forward-marching solution procedure which corrects an inviscid potential flow solution for viscous and thermal effects, secondary flows, total pressure distortion and losses, internal flow blockage and pressure drop. Test calculations for a turbulent coaxial jet flow verify that the turbulence model performs satisfactorily for this relatively simple flow. Lobe mixer flows are presented for two geometries typical of current mixer design. These calculations included both hot and cold flow conditions, and both matched and mismatched Mach number and total pressure in the fan and turbine streams

    Parametric study of relaminarization of turbulent boundary layers on nozzle walls

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    By means of comparisons between theoretical predictions and experimental data, the accuracy of a boundary procedure to predict the effect of large streamwise accelerations upon initially turbulent boundary layers is assessed. The boundary layer procedure is based upon simultaneous solution of the boundary layer partial differential equations and the integral turbulence kinetic energy equation. The results of the present investigation show the ability of the procedure to accurately predict properties of boundary layers subjected to large streamwise accelerations. The procedure is used to conduct a parametric study of the effect of free stream turbulence, heat transfer, Reynolds number, acceleration, and Mach number on boundary layers in supersonic nozzles to assist in the design of a quiet tunnel. Results of the investigation show that, even in the presence of moderate free-stream turbulence levels, the boundary layer in the approach section of the quiet tunnel nozzle relaminarizes and becomes thin enough to be removed by a small slot in the nozzle wall. Furthermore, the calculations indicate that it should be possible to maintain a laminar boundary layer for the entire length of the supersonic portion of the quiet tunnel nozzle

    Prediction of laminar and turbulent primary and secondary flows in strongly curved ducts

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    The analysis is based on a primary secondary velocity decomposition in a given coordinate system, and leads to approximate governing equations which correct an a priori inviscid solution for viscous effects, secondary flows, total pressure distortion, heat transfer, and internal flow blockage and losses. Solution of the correction equations is accomplished as an initial value problem in space using an implicit forward marching technique. The overall solution procedure requires significantly less computational effort than Navier-Stokes algorithms. The solution procedure is effective even with the extreme local mesh resolution which is necessary to solve near wall sublayer regions in turbulent flow calculations. Computed solutions for both laminar and turbulent flow compared very favorably with available analytical and experimental results. The overall method appears very promising as an economical procedure for making detailed predictions of viscous primary and secondary flows in highly curved passages

    How to measure redshift-space distortions without sample variance

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    We show how to use multiple tracers of large-scale density with different biases to measure the redshift-space distortion parameter beta=f/b=(dlnD/dlna)/b (where D is the growth rate and a the expansion factor), to a much better precision than one could achieve with a single tracer, to an arbitrary precision in the low noise limit. In combination with the power spectrum of the tracers this allows a much more precise measurement of the bias-free velocity divergence power spectrum, f^2 P_m - in fact, in the low noise limit f^2 P_m can be measured as well as would be possible if velocity divergence was observed directly, with rms improvement factor ~[5.2(beta^2+2 beta+2)/beta^2]^0.5 (e.g., ~10 times better than a single tracer for beta=0.4). This would allow a high precision determination of f D as a function of redshift with an error as low as 0.1%. We find up to two orders of magnitude improvement in Figure of Merit for the Dark Energy equation of state relative to Stage II, a factor of several better than other proposed Stage IV Dark Energy surveys. The ratio b_2/b_1 will be determined with an even greater precision than beta, producing, when measured as a function of scale, an exquisitely sensitive probe of the onset of non-linear bias. We also extend in more detail previous work on the use of the same technique to measure non-Gaussianity. Currently planned redshift surveys are typically designed with signal to noise of unity on scales of interest, and are not optimized for this technique. Our results suggest that this strategy may need to be revisited as there are large gains to be achieved from surveys with higher number densities of galaxies.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Development of a three-dimensional turbulent duct flow analysis

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    A method for computing three-dimensional turbulent subsonic flow in curved ducts is described. An approximate set of governing equations is given for viscous flows which have a primary flow direction. The derivation is coordinate invariant, and the resulting equations are expressed in terms of tensors. General tube-like coordinates were developed for a general class of geometries applicable to many internal flow problems. The coordinates are then particularized to pipes having superelliptic cross sections whose shape can vary continuously between a circle and a near rectangle. The analysis is applied to a series of relevant aerodynamic problems including transition from nearly square to round pipes and flow through a pipe with an S-shaped bend

    Kaleidoscope laser

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    We report the first calculations of mode patterns of unstable-cavity lasers with truly two-dimensional transverse geometries. A detailed account of numerical techniques, incorporating a nonorthogonal beam-propagation method, and results for cavities with a range of transverse symmetries, such as regular polygonal and rhomboid, are presented. In view of the beautiful complexity of the eigenmodes predicted, a novel kaleidoscope laser is proposed

    Development of a three-dimensional supersonic inlet flow analysis

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    A method for computing three dimensional flow in supersonic inlets is described. An approximate set of governing equations is given for viscous flows which have a primary flow direction. The governing equations are written in general orthogonal coordinates. These equations are modified in the subsonic region of the flow to prevent the phenomenon of branching. Results are presented for the two sample cases: a Mach number equals 2.5 flow in a square duct, and a Mach number equals 3.0 flow in a research jet engine inlet. In the latter case the computed results are compared with the experimental data. A users' manual is included

    Further development of a method for computing three-dimensional subsonic viscous flows in turbofan lobe mixers

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    Procedure for computing subsonic, turbulent flow in turbofan lobe mixers was extended to allow consideration of flow fields in which a swirl component of velocity may be present. Additional, an optional k-lambda turbulence model was added to the procedure. The method of specifying the initial flow field was also modified, allowing parametric specification or radial secondary flow velocities, and making it possible to consider initial flow fields which have significant inlet secondary flow vorticity. A series of example calculations was performed which demonstrate the various capabilities of the modified code. These calculations demonstrate the effects of initial secondary flows of various magnitudes, the effects of swirl, and the effects of turbulence model on the mixing process. The results of these calculations indicate that the initial secondary flows, presumed to be generated within the lobes, play a dominant role in the mixing process, and that the predicted results are relatively insensitive to the turbulence model used
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