1,077 research outputs found

    Ruthenium phthalocyanine and naphthalocyanine complexes: Synthesis, properties and applications

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    This article reviews the synthesis of ruthenium phthalocyanine and naphthalocyanine complexes highlighting important advances, and examines their physical properties and applications. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Refining a pedagogical approach for employing design thinking as a catalyst

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    There is an increasing interest in design and creative thinking processes in the Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and health education disciplines. Many new degree programs are integrating design thinking into their syllabi, with the intention of bringing creative problem-solving methods to these disciplines. In reality, the exposure these students get is minimal, and it does not provide enough foundation for them to use the knowledge and apply the process(es) in real-life situations. There is an increased awareness of the importance of design thinking in the innovative process. More and more STEM, business, and health establishments are embedding trained designers into their research teams – yet many designers are not equipped to work on interdisciplinary teams. Design students tend to approach problems more intuitively,  opportunistically, and build on creative leaps of imagination whereas, STEM and health disciplines are often more algorithmic, systematic, and rationale. This can often generate tension in interdisciplinary teams, especially when traditional disciplines (e.g., Engineering, Sciences) are integrating relatively newer thinking (e.g., design thinking). In this paper, we share the outcome of a phenomenological study on a high-functioning interdisciplinary team working on a health innovation project focused on aging with a disability. This case study illustrates the skill-set needed for designers, health and technology professionals to make a significant contribution to its overall outcome.  We identified key attributes that contribute towards being an effective member of interdisciplinary teams.  Based on this study, we propose a pedagogical approach to better equip design, STEM, and Health students to be more competitive in changing economic expectations and ensure more impactful design outcomes

    Factors affecting internal standard selection for quantitative elemental bio-imaging of soft tissues by LA-ICP-MS

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    Element response variations under different laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) operating conditions were investigated to identify important factors for selecting an internal standard (IS) for quantitative elemental bio-imaging. Analytes covering a range of atomic masses and first ionisation potentials (FIP) were selected to investigate the signal response variation with changes in laser spot diameter, mass bias and cell sampling position. In all cases, an IS improved experimental precision regardless of a close match in element mass or FIP but optimal analyte/IS combinations depended on the difference in masses of the analyte and IS. Particular attention was paid to 13C as this isotope is typically used as an IS in elemental bio-imaging applications. Despite its non-ideal IS characteristics (often different mass and FIP to many analytes), possibility of abundance sensitivity effects and poor signal-to-background ratio, 13C was a suitable IS candidate exhibiting a linear response with respect to the mass ablated, apparent independence from the high abundance of the adjacent 14N mass peak and effective analyte normalisation after background subtraction as long as the 13C signal from the sample was at least 6% of the gross signal. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Clinical applications of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) testing

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    Many claims have been made in recent years regarding the utility of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentration measurements in the diagnosis, risk stratification and monitoring of patients with heart failure. This paper summarizes the current evidence and provides guidance for practising clinicians. Overall, plasma BNP testing appears to be of most value in the diagnostic arena, where it is likely to improve the performance of non-specialist physicians in diagnosing heart failure. In clinical practice, BNP testing is best used as a ‘rule out' test for suspected cases of new heart failure in breathless patients presenting to either the outpatient or emergency care settings; it is not a replacement for echocardiography and full cardiological assessment, which will be required for patients with an elevated BNP concentration. Although work is ongoing in establishing the ‘normal' values of BNP, heart failure appears to be highly unlikely below a plasma concentration of 100pg/ml. However, as BNP levels rise with age and are affected by gender, comorbidity and drug therapy, the plasma BNP measurement should not be used in isolation from the clinical contex

    Validation of U.S. mortality prediction models for hospitalised heart failure in the United Kingdom and Japan

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    Aims Prognostic models for hospitalized heart failure (HHF) were developed predominantly for patients of European origin in the United States of America; it is unclear whether they perform similarly in other health care systems or for different ethnicities. We sought to validate published prediction models for HHF in the United Kingdom (UK) and Japan. Methods and results Patients in the UK (n =894) and Japan (n =3158) were prospectively enrolled and were similar in terms of sex (∌60% men) and median age (∌77 years). Models predicted that British patients would have a higher mortality than Japanese, which was indeed true both for in‐hospital (4.8% vs. 2.5%) and 180‐day (20.7% vs. 9.5%) mortality. The model c‐statistics for the published/derivation (range 0.70–0.76) and Japanese (range 0.75–0.77) cohorts were similar and higher than for the UK (0.62–0.75) but models consistently overestimated mortality in Japan. For in‐hospital mortality, the OPTIMIZE‐HF model performed best, providing similar discrimination in published/derivation, UK and Japanese cohorts [c‐indices: 0.75 (0.74–0.77); 0.75 (0.68–0.81); and 0.77 (0.70–0.83), respectively], and least overestimated mortality in Japan. For 180‐day mortality, the c‐statistics for the ASCEND‐HF model were similar in published/derivation (0.70) and UK [0.69 (0.64–0.74)] cohorts but higher in Japan [0.75 (0.71–0.79)]; calibration was good in the UK but again overestimated mortality in Japan. Conclusion Calibration of published prediction models appears moderately accurate and unbiased when applied to British patients but consistently overestimates mortality in Japan. Identifying the reason why patients in Japan have a better than predicted prognosis is of great interest

    Together, yet still not equal? Sex integration in equestrian sport

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    Sex segregation is a core organising principle of most modern sports and is a key element in the marginalisation and subordination of girls and women in sport and beyond. In this article I explore the only Olympic-level sport which is not organised around sex segregation – equestrian sport – in order to consider the implications of sex integration for female participants. I draw on a study conducted on elite riders that found that although sex integration in equestrian sport does not lead to female participants being excluded from high-level competition, men continue to perform disproportionately well. This suggests that although sex integration may be an important step towards breaking down gender hierarchies in sport, without accompanying wider changes in gender norms and expectations, sex integration alone will not be enough to achieve greater gender equality in equestrian sport

    In Vitro Analysis of Immersed Human Tissues by Raman Microspectroscopy

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    Raman microspectroscopy is a powerful tool for the analysis of tissue sections, providing a molecular map of the investigated samples. Nevertheless, data pre-processing and, particularly, the removal of the broad background to the spectra remain problematic. Indeed, the physical origin of the background has not been satisfactorily determined. Using 785 nm as source in a confocal geometry, it is demonstrated for the example of the protein kappa-elastin that the background and resulting quality of the recorded spectrum are dependent on the morphology of the sample. Whereas a fine powder yields a dominant broad background, compressed pellets and solution-cast thin films produce, respectively, improved quality spectra and significantly reduced spectral background. As the chemical composition of the samples is identical, the background is ascribed to stray light due to diffuse scattering rather than an intrinsic photoluminescence. The recorded spectra from a tissue sample exhibit a large and spatially variable background, resulting in poorly defined spectral features. A significant reduction of the background signal as well as improvement of the spectral quality is achieved by immersion of the sample in water and measurement with an immersion objective. The significant improvement in signal to background is attributed to a reduction of the diffuse scattering due to a change in the effective morphology as a result of an improved index matching at the water/tissue interface compared to the air/tissue interface. Compared to sections measured in air, the background is reduced to that of the water, and pre-processing is reduced to the subtraction of the substrate and water signal and correction for the instrument response, both of which are highly reproducible. Data pre-processing is thus greatly simplified and the results significantly more reliable
