298 research outputs found

    A Remark on Unified Error Exponents: Hypothesis Testing, Data Compression and Measure Concentration

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    Let A be finite set equipped with a probability distribution P, and let M be a “mass” function on A. A characterization is given for the most efficient way in which A n can be covered using spheres of a fixed radius. A covering is a subset C n of A n with the property that most of the elements of A n are within some fixed distance from at least one element of C n , and “most of the elements” means a set whose probability is exponentially close to one (with respect to the product distribution P n ). An efficient covering is one with small mass M n (C n ). With different choices for the geometry on A, this characterization gives various corollaries as special cases, including Marton’s error-exponents theorem in lossy data compression, Hoeffding’s optimal hypothesis testing exponents, and a new sharp converse to some measure concentration inequalities on discrete spaces

    Spacelab energetic ion mass spectrometer

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    Basic design criteria are given for an ion mass spectrometer for use in studying magnetospheric ion populations. The proposed instrument is composed of an electrostatic analyzer followed by a magnetic spectrometer and simultaneously measures the energy per unit and mass per unit charge of the ion species. An electromagnet is used for momentum analysis to extend the operational energy range over a much wider domain than is possible with the permanent magnets used in previous flights. The energetic ion source regions, ion energization mechanisms, field line tracing, coordinated investigations, and orbit considerations are discussed and operations of the momentum analyzer and of the electrostatic energy analyzer are examined

    A prospective randomized trial of tacrolimus and prednisone versus tacrolimus, prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil in primary adult liver transplantation: A single center report

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    Background. Tacrolimus (TAC) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) are currently approved immunosuppressants for prevention of rejection in liver transplantation (LTx). They have different modes of action and toxicity profiles, but the efficacy and safety of MMF in primary liver transplantation with TAC has not been determined. Methods. An Institutional Review Board-approved, open-label, single-center, prospective randomized trial was initiated to study the efficacy and toxicity of TAC and steroids (double-drug therapy (D)) versus TAC, steroids, and MMF (triple-drug therapy (T)) in primary adult LTx recipients. Both groups of patients were started on the same doses of TAC and steroids. Patients randomized to T also received 1 gm MMF twice a day. Results. Between August 1995 and May 1998, 350 patients were enrolled at a single center-175 in the D and 175 in the T groups. All patients were followed until May 1998, with a mean follow-up of 33.8±9.1 months. Using an intention-to-treat analysis, the 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year patient survival was 85.1%, 81.6%, 78.6%, and 75.8%, respectively, for D and 87.4%, 85.4%, 81.3%, and 79.9%, respectively, for T. The 4-year graft survival was 70% for D and 72.1% for T. Although the rate of acute rejection in the first 3 months was significantly lower for T than for D (28% for triple vs. 38.9% for double, P=0.03), the overall rate of rejection for T at the end of 1 year was not significantly lower than for the D (38.9% triple vs. 45.2% double). The median time to the first episode of rejection was 14 days for D versus 24 days for T (P=0.008). During the study period, 38 of 175 patients in D received MMF to control ongoing acute rejection, nephrotoxicity, and/or neurotoxicity. On the other hand, 103 patients in the T discontinued MMF for infection, myelosuppression, and/or gastrointestinal disturbances. The need for corticosteroids was less after 6 months for T and the perioperative need for dialysis was lower with use of MMF. Conclusion. This final report confirms similar patient survival and graft survival up to 4 years with a trend towards fewer episodes of rejection, lower need for steroids, and better perioperative renal function. However, the complex nature of LTx patients and their posttransplantation course prevents the routine application of MMF

    Analysis causes of the incidence and compare social, economic, physical characteristics of informal settlements, case study: city of Marivan in Kurdistan province

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    Informal settlements are one of the problems of urban management in developing countries. Various theories about the causes and management of these settlements have been proposed. The most important of these theories, new socialist, liberal and dependency can be noted. The theory that argues for mandatory clearing informal settlement is not logical. Empowerment approach to be interested by countries and international organizations, and successful examples of this approach, with emphasis on the internal dynamics of these communities has been experienced. This paper tries to analyze the causes of marginalization and social, economic and spatial characteristics of informal settlement of Marivan city in Kurdistan province. Research areas consist of 4 region of Marivan informal settlement (Kosar,tape Mosk, sardoshiha, Tefine) sample size based on Cochran formula is 320 samples that Randomly and in four districts have been selected. Reasons for residents that they living in such places and social, economic characteristics of marginalized communities collected and entered into SPSS software and have been analyzed. The results show that more than 50 percent of residents in informal settlement areas of the city have come to this neighborhood. The main factor in the development of these four areas is not rural migrants. The highest levels of rural migrants from the neighborhood Tefin are that only 47% of residents are immigrants. The results suggest the great differences in social, economic and physical characteristics of slums. Among neighborhoods communities tapa Mosk and Tefini in the index close to each other and compare to two other neighborhoods are poor

    The Complexity of Drawing a Graph in a Polygonal Region

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    We prove that the following problem is complete for the existential theory of the reals: Given a planar graph and a polygonal region, with some vertices of the graph assigned to points on the boundary of the region, place the remaining vertices to create a planar straight-line drawing of the graph inside the region. This strengthens an NP-hardness result by Patrignani on extending partial planar graph drawings. Our result is one of the first showing that a problem of drawing planar graphs with straight-line edges is hard for the existential theory of the reals. The complexity of the problem is open in the case of a simply connected region. We also show that, even for integer input coordinates, it is possible that drawing a graph in a polygonal region requires some vertices to be placed at irrational coordinates. By contrast, the coordinates are known to be bounded in the special case of a convex region, or for drawing a path in any polygonal region.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2018

    Robustness and Generalization

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    We derive generalization bounds for learning algorithms based on their robustness: the property that if a testing sample is "similar" to a training sample, then the testing error is close to the training error. This provides a novel approach, different from the complexity or stability arguments, to study generalization of learning algorithms. We further show that a weak notion of robustness is both sufficient and necessary for generalizability, which implies that robustness is a fundamental property for learning algorithms to work

    A global catalog of primary reptile type specimens

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    We present information on primary type specimens for 13,282 species and subspecies of reptiles compiled in the Reptile Database, that is, holotypes, neotypes, lectotypes, and syntypes. These represent 99.4% of all 13,361 currently recognized taxa (11,050 species and 2311 subspecies). Type specimens of 653 taxa (4.9%) are either lost or not located, were never designated, or we did not find any information about them. 51 species are based on iconotypes. To map all types to physical GLOBAL TYPE CATALOG OF REPTILES Zootaxa 4695 (5) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 439collections we have consolidated all synonymous and ambiguous collection acronyms into an unambiguous list of 364 collections holding these primary types. The 10 largest collections possess more than 50% of all (primary) reptile types, the 36 largest collections possess more than 10,000 types and the largest 73 collections possess over 90% of all types. Of the 364 collections, 107 hold type specimens of only 1 species or subspecies. Dozens of types are still in private collections. In order to increase their utility, we recommend that the description of type specimens be supplemented with data from high-resolution images and CT-scans, and clear links to tissue samples and DNA sequence data (when available). We request members of the herpetological community provide us with any missing type information to complete the list.Copyright © 2019 Magnolia Press. This is an open access article .icensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0. The attached file is the published pdf.NHM Repositor

    'Education, education, education' : legal, moral and clinical

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    This article brings together Professor Donald Nicolson's intellectual interest in professional legal ethics and his long-standing involvement with law clinics both as an advisor at the University of Cape Town and Director of the University of Bristol Law Clinic and the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic. In this article he looks at how legal education may help start this process of character development, arguing that the best means is through student involvement in voluntary law clinics. And here he builds upon his recent article which argues for voluntary, community service oriented law clinics over those which emphasise the education of students

    Random walk on sparse random digraphs

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    International audienceA finite ergodic Markov chain exhibits cutoff if its distance to equilibrium remains close to its initial value over a certain number of iterations and then abruptly drops to near 0 on a much shorter time scale. Originally discovered in the context of card shuffling (Aldous-Diaconis, 1986), this remarkable phenomenon is now rigorously established for many reversible chains. Here we consider the non-reversible case of random walks on sparse directed graphs, for which even the equilibrium measure is far from being understood. We work under the configuration model, allowing both the in-degrees and the out-degrees to be freely specified. We establish the cutoff phenomenon, determine its precise window and prove that the cutoff profile approaches a universal shape. We also provide a detailed description of the equilibrium measure