54 research outputs found

    Optimized Synthesis and Structural Characterization of the Borosilicate MCM-70

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    A structure analysis of the borosilicate zeolite MCM-70, whose synthesis had been patented in 2003, was reported in 2005. Unfortunately, that structure analysis was somewhat ambiguous. Anisotropic line broadening made it difficult to model the peak shape, some peaks in the electron density map could not be interpreted satisfactorily, the framework geometry was distorted, and MAS NMR results were partially contradictory. In an attempt to resolve some of these points, an optimization of the synthesis was undertaken, and the structure was reinvestigated. The structure was solved from synchrotron powder diffraction data collected on an as-synthesized sample (Pmn2_1, a = 13.3167(1) Å, b = 4.6604(1) Å, c = 8.7000(1) Å) using a powder charge-flipping algorithm. The framework topology, with a 1-dimensional, 10-ring channel system, is identical to the one previously reported. However, the B in this new sample was found to be ordered in the framework, fully occupying one of the four tetrahedral sites. Two extra-framework K^+ ion positions, each coordinated to five framework O atoms and one water molecule, were also found. The solid state ^(29)Si, ^(11)B and ^1H NMR results are fully consistent with this ordered structure

    Structure determination of the zeolite IM-5 using electron crystallography

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    The structure of the complex zeolite IM-5 (Cmcm, a = 14.33(4) Å, b = 56.9(2) Å, c = 20.32(7) Å) was determined by combining selected area electron diffraction (SAED), 3D reconstruction of high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images from different zone axes and distance least squares (DLS) refinement. The unit cell parameters were determined from SAED. The space group was determined from extinctions in the SAED patterns and projection symmetries of HRTEM images. Using the structure factor amplitudes and phases of 144 independent reflections obtained from HRTEM images along the [100], [010] and [001] directions, a 3D electrostatic potential map was calculated by inverse Fourier transformation. From this 3D potential map, all 24 unique Si positions could be determined. Oxygen atoms were added between each Si-Si pair and further refined together with the Si positions by distance-least-squares. The final structure model deviates on average 0.16 Å for Si and 0.31 Å for O from the structure refined using X-ray powder diffraction data. This method is general and offers a new possibility for determining the structures of zeolites and other materials with complex structure

    Synthesis and structural characterization of Zn-containing DAF-1

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    A study exploring the use of ionic liquid reactions based on imidazolium halides in molecular sieve synthesis has produced a novel zincoaluminophosphate material with an open DFO-type framework structure. This framework structure had only been observed previously in the magnesioaluminophosphate system (Mg-DAF-1) where decamethonium was used as the structure directing agent. The new Zn-DAF-1 material has been characterized using chemical and thermogravimetric analysis and ^(13)C, ^(19)F, ^(27)Al and ^(31)P MAS NMR techniques. Structure analysis (P6/mcc, a = 22.2244(1) Å, c = 42.3293(3) Å) using synchrotron powder diffraction data not only confirmed the framework structure, but also revealed the locations of the Al, P and Zn atoms in the framework, the N,N′-di-isopropyl-imidazolium (DIPI) ions in the pores, some fluoride ions associated with double 4-rings, and some water molecules and anions filling the remaining space. This level of structural detail had not been possible in the Mg-DAF-1 material. Four different locations for the DIPI cation were found in the two 12-ring channels and Zn was found to substitute for only one of the six crystallographically distinct Al sites to yield the approximate crystal chemical formula |(DIPI)_(17)(OH,F)_(11)(H2O)_(23)|[Zn_6Al_(126)P_(132)O_(528)]-DFO

    Synthesis and structural characterization of Zn-containing DAF-1

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    A study exploring the use of ionic liquid reactions based on imidazolium halides in molecular sieve synthesis has produced a novel zincoaluminophosphate material with an open DFO-type framework structure. This framework structure had only been observed previously in the magnesioaluminophosphate system (Mg-DAF-1) where decamethonium was used as the structure directing agent. The new Zn-DAF-1 material has been characterized using chemical and thermogravimetric analysis and ^(13)C, ^(19)F, ^(27)Al and ^(31)P MAS NMR techniques. Structure analysis (P6/mcc, a = 22.2244(1) Å, c = 42.3293(3) Å) using synchrotron powder diffraction data not only confirmed the framework structure, but also revealed the locations of the Al, P and Zn atoms in the framework, the N,N′-di-isopropyl-imidazolium (DIPI) ions in the pores, some fluoride ions associated with double 4-rings, and some water molecules and anions filling the remaining space. This level of structural detail had not been possible in the Mg-DAF-1 material. Four different locations for the DIPI cation were found in the two 12-ring channels and Zn was found to substitute for only one of the six crystallographically distinct Al sites to yield the approximate crystal chemical formula |(DIPI)_(17)(OH,F)_(11)(H2O)_(23)|[Zn_6Al_(126)P_(132)O_(528)]-DFO

    Synthesis and structure of Mu-33, a new layered aluminophosphate

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    Mu-33, a new layered aluminophosphate with an Al/P ratio of 0.66, was obtained from a quasi non-aqueous synthesis in which tert-butylformamide (tBF) was the main solvent and only limited amounts of water were present. During the synthesis, tBF decomposed and the resulting protonated tert-butylamine is occluded in the as-synthesized material. The approximate structure was determined from data collected on a microcrystal (200 × 25 × 5 μm3) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, but the quality of these data did not allow satisfactory refinement. Therefore the structure was refined using high-resolution powder diffraction data, also collected at the ESRF. The structure (P21/c, a = 9.8922(6) Å, b = 26.180(2) Å, c = 16.729(1) Å and β = 90.4(1)°) consists of anionic aluminophosphate layers that can be described as a six-ring honeycomb of alternating corner-sharing AlO4 and PO4 tetrahedra with additional P-atoms above and below the honeycomb layer bridging between Al-atoms. The tert-butylammonium ions and water molecules located in the interlayer spacing interact via hydrogen-bonds with the terminal oxygens of the P-atoms. The characterization of this new aluminophosphate by 13C, 31P, 1H–31P heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) and 27Al 3QMAS solid state NMR spectroscopy is also reported

    SSZ-27: a small pore zeolite with large heart-shaped cavities determined using multi‐crystal electron diffraction

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    The high‐silica zeolite SSZ‐27 was synthesized using one of the isomers of the organic structure‐directing agent that is known to produce the large‐pore zeolite SSZ‐26 (CON). The structure of the as‐synthesized form was solved using multi‐crystal electron diffraction data. Data were collected on eighteen crystals, and to obtain a high‐quality and complete data set for structure refinement, hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to select the data sets most suitable for merging. The framework structure of SSZ‐27 can be described as a combination of two types of cavities, one of which is shaped like a heart. The cavities are connected through shared 8‐ring windows to create straight channels that are linked together in pairs to form a one‐dimensional channel system. Once the framework structure was known, molecular modelling was used to find the best fitting isomer, and this, in turn, was isolated to improve the synthesis conditions for SSZ‐27

    Synthesis and Characterization of CIT-13, a Germanosilicate Molecular Sieve with Extra-Large Pore Openings

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    The synthesis of the germanosilicate CIT-13, a molecular sieve that is the first to have a two-dimensional (2D) pore system possessing pores that are bounded by 14- and 10-rings, is accomplished using a family of monoquaternary, benzyl-imidazolium organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs) in aqueous media containing fluoride. CIT-13 is prepared using either hydrogen fluoride (HF) or ammonium fluoride (NH_4F). The structure refinement suggests that most of the Ge atoms are located in the d4r (double-4-rings) units, and that there are framework disorders in the arrangement of those d4r units. Other characterizations of CIT-13 such as ^(29)Si MAS NMR spectra, Ar-adsorption isotherms, and so forth are presented and compared to those of IM-12 (UTL), a previously reported germanosilicate with 14- and 12-ring pores