479 research outputs found

    Pseudo-single crystal electrochemistry on polycrystalline electrodes : visualizing activity at grains and grain boundaries on platinum for the Fe2+/Fe3+ redox reaction

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    The influence of electrode surface structure on electrochemical reaction rates and mechanisms is a major theme in electrochemical research, especially as electrodes with inherent structural heterogeneities are used ubiquitously. Yet, probing local electrochemistry and surface structure at complex surfaces is challenging. In this paper, high spatial resolution scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM) complemented with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is demonstrated as a means of performing ‘pseudo-single-crystal’ electrochemical measurements at individual grains of a polycrystalline platinum electrode, while also allowing grain boundaries to be probed. Using the Fe2+/3+ couple as an illustrative case, a strong correlation is found between local surface structure and electrochemical activity. Variations in electrochemical activity for individual high index grains, visualized in a weakly adsorbing perchlorate medium, show that there is higher activity on grains with a significant (101) orientation contribution, compared to those with (001) and (111) contribution, consistent with findings on single-crystal electrodes. Interestingly, for Fe2+ oxidation in a sulfate medium a different pattern of activity emerges. Here, SECCM reveals only minor variations in activity between individual grains, again consistent with single-crystal studies, with a greatly enhanced activity at grain boundaries. This suggests that these sites may contribute significantly to the overall electrochemical behavior measured on the macroscale

    A new view of electrochemistry at highly oriented pyrolytic graphite

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    Major new insights on electrochemical processes at graphite electrodes are reported, following extensive investigations of two of the most studied redox couples, Fe(CN)64–/3– and Ru(NH3)63+/2+. Experiments have been carried out on five different grades of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) that vary in step-edge height and surface coverage. Significantly, the same electrochemical characteristic is observed on all surfaces, independent of surface quality: initial cyclic voltammetry (CV) is close to reversible on freshly cleaved surfaces (>400 measurements for Fe(CN)64–/3– and >100 for Ru(NH3)63+/2+), in marked contrast to previous studies that have found very slow electron transfer (ET) kinetics, with an interpretation that ET only occurs at step edges. Significantly, high spatial resolution electrochemical imaging with scanning electrochemical cell microscopy, on the highest quality mechanically cleaved HOPG, demonstrates definitively that the pristine basal surface supports fast ET, and that ET is not confined to step edges. However, the history of the HOPG surface strongly influences the electrochemical behavior. Thus, Fe(CN)64–/3– shows markedly diminished ET kinetics with either extended exposure of the HOPG surface to the ambient environment or repeated CV measurements. In situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) reveals that the deterioration in apparent ET kinetics is coupled with the deposition of material on the HOPG electrode, while conducting-AFM highlights that, after cleaving, the local surface conductivity of HOPG deteriorates significantly with time. These observations and new insights are not only important for graphite, but have significant implications for electrochemistry at related carbon materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes

    Molecule-Electrode Interface Energetics in Molecular Junction: a Transition Voltage Spectroscopy Study

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    We assess the performances of the transition voltage spectroscopy (TVS) method to determine the energies of the molecular orbitals involved in the electronic transport though molecular junctions. A large number of various molecular junctions made with alkyl chains but with different chemical structure of the electrode-molecule interfaces are studied. In the case of molecular junctions with clean, unoxidized electrode-molecule interfaces, i.e. alkylthiols and alkenes directly grafted on Au and hydrogenated Si, respectively, we measure transition voltages in the range 0.9 - 1.4 V. We conclude that the TVS method allows estimating the onset of the tail of the LUMO density of states, at energy located 1.0 - 1.2 eV above the electrode Fermi energy. For oxidized interfaces (e.g. the same monolayer measured with Hg or eGaIn drops, or monolayers formed on a slightly oxidized silicon substrate), lower transition voltages (0.1 - 0.6 V) are systematically measured. These values are explained by the presence of oxide-related density of states at energies lower than the HOMO-LUMO of the molecules. As such, the TVS method is a useful technique to assess the quality of the molecule-electrode interfaces in molecular junctions.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem C. One pdf file including manuscript, figures and supporting informatio

    Disposable sensors in diagnostics, food and environmental monitoring

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    Disposable sensors are low‐cost and easy‐to‐use sensing devices intended for short‐term or rapid single‐point measurements. The growing demand for fast, accessible, and reliable information in a vastly connected world makes disposable sensors increasingly important. The areas of application for such devices are numerous, ranging from pharmaceutical, agricultural, environmental, forensic, and food sciences to wearables and clinical diagnostics, especially in resource‐limited settings. The capabilities of disposable sensors can extend beyond measuring traditional physical quantities (for example, temperature or pressure); they can provide critical chemical and biological information (chemo‐ and biosensors) that can be digitized and made available to users and centralized/decentralized facilities for data storage, remotely. These features could pave the way for new classes of low‐cost systems for health, food, and environmental monitoring that can democratize sensing across the globe. Here, a brief insight into the materials and basics of sensors (methods of transduction, molecular recognition, and amplification) is provided followed by a comprehensive and critical overview of the disposable sensors currently used for medical diagnostics, food, and environmental analysis. Finally, views on how the field of disposable sensing devices will continue its evolution are discussed, including the future trends, challenges, and opportunities

    Characterizing the Metal–SAM Interface in Tunneling Junctions

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    his paper investigates the influence of the interface between a gold or silver metal electrode and an n-alkyl SAM (supported on that electrode) on the rate of charge transport across junctions with structure Met(Au or Ag)TS/A(CH2)nH//Ga2O3/EGaIn by comparing measurements of current density, J(V), for Met/AR = Au/thiolate (Au/SR), Ag/thiolate (Ag/SR), Ag/carboxylate (Ag/O2CR), and Au/acetylene (Au/C≡CR), where R is an n-alkyl group. Values of J0 and β (from the Simmons equation) were indistinguishable for these four interfaces. Since the anchoring groups, A, have large differences in their physical and electronic properties, the observation that they are indistinguishable in their influence on the injection current, J0 (V = 0.5) indicates that these four Met/A interfaces do not contribute to the shape of the tunneling barrier in a way that influences J(V).Chemistry and Chemical Biolog

    From drugs to deprivation: a Bayesian framework for understanding models of psychosis

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