133 research outputs found

    Factors Relating to Gender Specificity of Unloading-Induced Declines in Strength

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    Introduction: This investigation aimed to: (1) confirm whether women were more vulnerable to the negative neuromuscular adaptations elicited by muscle unloading and if so, (2) determine which physiological mechanism(s) explain those gender-related differences. Methods: Healthy young men (20.7 +/- 0.3 years) and women (20.3 +/- 0.3 years)-(N = 12/group)-participated by completing neuromuscular functional tests before and after 7 days of unloading. Results: During isokinetic testing of peak torque, work performed, and power, women displayed significantly (P \u3c = 0.05) greater declines in performance than men at 1.05 and 2.09, but not 0.53 rads/s. During maximal isometric contractions, women experienced greater strength decrements. Similar gender-specific adaptations to unloading were found in EMG activity, but not muscle mass, neuromuscular transmission, or force relative to EMG. Conclusions: Women are more susceptible to the adaptations of muscle unloading, and disturbances in neural drive from the central nervous system are probably responsible. Muscle Nerve 46: 210-217, 201


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    Research on various aspects of the throwing motion has indicated it to be a very complex movement (Atwater, 1979). Certain kinematic parameters appear t o be common determinants of successful performance regardless of the nature of the throwing task. Under ideal conditions (i.e., ignoring air resistance and the type of implement being thrown) the path, and hence distance thrown, is determined by the angle, height and velocity of release. Such an ideal analysis needs some modification for situations in which aerodynamics are considered. Since the release phase of the javelin throw encompasses these common throwing components as well as obvious aerodynamic influences, quantification of release characteristics which establish the initial conditions of f light is important

    Dawn and the Vesta-HED Connection

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    Although it is difficult to explain exactly how eucrites and diogenites are related through simple magmatic processes, their shared oxygen isotopic compositions and the common occurrence of clasts of both lithologies in howardite breccias support derivation from a common parent body. For decades, HED meteorites have been linked to asteroid 4 Vesta, based on spectral similarities [1] and the discovery of a dynamical family (Vestoids) that provides a bridge between Vesta and nearby resonance escape hatches [2]. Although recently derived constraints on the rapidity of HED parent body differentiation, based on measurements of Al-26 in diogenites, have been used to argue against the Vesta-HED connection [3], new thermal evolution models [e.g., 4] appear to be heated and melted fast enough to account for this constraint. Data from the Dawn orbiter strengthen the Vesta - HED linkage and provide new insights into petrogenetic interpretations of these meteorites

    Bulk Composition of Vesta as Constrained by the Dawn Mission and the HED Meteorites

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    Of the objects in the main asteroid belt, Vesta is of particular interest as it is large enough to have experienced internal differentiation (520 km diameter), and it is known to have a basaltic surface dominated by FeO-bearing pyroxenes. Furthermore, visible-IR spectra of Vesta and associated Vestoids are remarkably similar to laboratory spectra of Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite (HED) meteorites, leading to the paradigm that the HEDs ultimately came from Vesta. Geochemical and petrological studies of the HEDs confirm the differentiated nature of the near-surface region of their parent body, and imply that crust extraction occurred well within the first 10 Ma of solar system history Vesta is therefore a prime target for studies that aim to constrain the earliest stages of planet building, and it is within this context that the NASA Dawn spacecraft orbited Vesta from July 2011 to September 2012. The results of the Dawn mission so far have significantly reinforced the HED-Vesta connection, confirming a significant degree of internal differentiation, a surface mineralogy compatible with that of the HEDs, and near-surface ratios of Fe/O and Fe/Si consistent with HED lithologies. The combination of data from the HED meteorites and the Dawn mission thus presents an unprecedented opportunity to use Vesta as a natural laboratory of early differentiation processes in the early solar system. However, the bulk composition of Vesta remains a significant unknown parameter, but one that plays a key role on the physical and chemical properties of the internal and surface reservoirs (core, mantle, crust). Several attempts have been made to constrain the bulk composition of the eucrite parent body, early endeavours relying on petrological or cosmochemical constraints. More recently, individual chondrite class compositions, or mixtures thereof, have been considered, constrained by considerations such as O-isotopes, trace-element ratios and siderophile element concentrations of the eucrites. The work presented here builds upon these latter studies, with the primary aims of: i) illustrating the potential diversity of the geochemical and geophysical properties of a fully differentiated Vesta-sized parent body, and ii) assessing which, if any, of the known chondritic bulk compositions are plausible analogues for proto-Vesta

    Vesta's Elemental Composition

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    Many lines of evidence (e.g. common geochemistry, chronology, O-isotope trends, and the presence of different HED rock types in polymict breccias) indicate that the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites originated from a single parent body. Meteorite studies show that this protoplanet underwent igneous differentiation to form a metallic core, an ultramafic mantle, and a basaltic crust. A spectroscopic match between the HEDs and 4 Vesta along with a plausible mechanism for their transfer to Earth, perhaps as chips off V-type asteroids ejected from Vesta's southern impact basin, supports the consensus view that many of these achondritic meteorites are samples of Vesta's crust and upper mantle. The HED-Vesta connection was put to the test by the NASA Dawn mission, which spent a year in close proximity to Vesta. Measurements by Dawn's three instruments, redundant Framing Cameras (FC), a Visible-InfraRed (VIR) spectrometer, and a Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND), along with radio science have strengthened the link. Gravity measurements by Dawn are consistent with a differentiated, silicate body, with a dense Fe-rich core. The range of pyroxene compositions determined by VIR overlaps that of the howardites. Elemental abundances determined by nuclear spectroscopy are also consistent with HED-compositions. Observations by GRaND provided a new view of Vesta inaccessible by telescopic observations. Here, we summarize the results of Dawn's geochemical investigation of Vesta and their implications

    Chondritic Models of 4 Vesta: Comparison of Predicted Internal Structure and Surface Composition/Mineralogy with Data from the Dawn Mission

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    Understanding the physical and chemical processes which led to the formation of the terrestrial planets remains one of the principal challenges of the Earth and planetary science communities. However, direct traces of the earliest stages of planet building have generally been wiped out on larger bodies such as the Earth or Mars, obscuring our view of how that process occurred. On the other hand, the planet building process would appear to have been arrested prematurely in the region between Mars and Jupiter, now populated by several hundred thousand compositionally diverse objects that escaped accretion into larger planets. Of these, the asteroid 4 Vesta is of particular interest as it is large (520 km diameter), and known to have a basaltic surface dominated by pyroxenes [1, 2]. Furthermore, visible-IR spectra of Vesta obtained by ground and space-based telescopes are remarkably similar to laboratory spectra measured on meteorites of the Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite clan (HED), leading to the paradigm that the HEDs came from Vesta [2]. Geochemical and petrological studies of the HEDs confirm the differentiated nature of the near-surface region of their parent body, and imply that crust extraction occurred well within the first 10Ma of solar system history [3]. Vesta is therefore a prime target for studies that aim to constrain the earliest stages of planet building, and for that reason it is currently the subject of the Dawn mission [4]

    Neutron Absorption Measurements Constrain Eucrite-Diogenite Mixing in Vesta's Regolith

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    The NASA Dawn Mission s Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) [1] acquired mapping data during 5 months in a polar, low altitude mapping orbit (LAMO) with approx.460-km mean radius around main-belt asteroid Vesta (264-km mean radius) [2]. Neutrons and gamma rays are produced by galactic cosmic ray interactions and by the decay of natural radioelements (K, Th, U), providing information about the elemental composition of Vesta s regolith to depths of a few decimeters beneath the surface. From the data acquired in LAMO, maps of vestan neutron and gamma ray signatures were determined with a spatial resolution of approx.300 km full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM), comparable in scale to the Rheasilvia impact basin (approx.500 km diameter). The data from Vesta encounter are available from the NASA Planetary Data System. Based on an analysis of gamma-ray spectra, Vesta s global-average regolith composition was found to be consistent with the Howardite, Eucrite, and Diogenite (HED) meteorites, reinforcing the HED-Vesta connection [2-7]. Further, an analysis of epithermal neutrons revealed variations in the abundance of hydrogen on Vesta s surface, reaching values up to 400 micro-g/g [2]. The association of high concentrations of hydrogen with equatorial, low-albedo surface regions indicated exogenic delivery of hydrogen by the infall of carbonaceous chondrite (CC) materials. This finding was buttressed by the presence of minimally-altered CC clasts in howardites, with inferred bulk hydrogen abundances similar to that found by GRaND, and by studies using data from Dawn s Framing Camera (FC) and VIR instruments [8-10]. In addition, from an analysis of neutron absorption, spatial-variations in the abundance of elements other than hydrogen were detected [2]

    Geochemical properties of rocks and soils in Gusev Crater, Mars: Results of the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer from Cumberland Ridge to Home Plate

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    Geochemical diversity of rocks and soils has been discovered by the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) during Spirit’s journey over Husband Hill and down into the Inner Basin from sol 470 to 1368. The APXS continues to operate nominally with no changes in calibration or spectral degradation over the course of the mission. Germanium has been added to the Spirit APXS data set with the confirmation that it occurs at elevated levels in many rocks and soils around Home Plate. Twelve new rock classes and two new soil classes have been identified at the Spirit landing site since sol 470 on the basis of the diversity in APXS geochemistry. The new rock classes are Irvine (alkaline basalt), Independence (low Fe outcrop), Descartes (outcrop similar to Independence with higher Fe and Mn), Algonquin (mafic-ultramafic igneous sequence), Barnhill (volcaniclastic sediments enriched in Zn, Cl, and Ge), Fuzzy Smith (high Si and Ti rock), Elizabeth Mahon (high Si, Ni, and Zn outcrop and rock), Halley (hematite-rich outcrop and rock), Montalva (high K, hematite-rich rock), Everett (high Mg, magnetite-rich rock), Good Question (high Si, low Mn rock), and Torquas (high K, Zn, and Ni magnetite-rich rock). New soil classes are Gertrude Weise (very high Si soil) and Eileen Dean (high Mg, magnetite-rich soil). Aqueous processes have played a major role in the formation and alteration of rocks and soils on Husband Hill and in the Inner Basin

    The Grand Geochemistry of 4 Vesta: First Results

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    On 12-Dec-2011, the Dawn spacecraft commenced low altitude mapping of the giant asteroid, 4 Vesta (264-km mean radius). Dawn's roughly circular, polar, low altitude mapping orbit (LAMO) has a mean radius of 470 km, placing the spacecraft within about 210 km of Vesta's surface. At these altitudes, Dawn s Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) is sensitive to Vesta's elemental com-position (Fig. 1). GRaND will acquire data in LAMO for up to 16 weeks, which is sufficient to map the elemental composition of the entire surface of Vesta. The timing of LAMO enables us to report the first results of our geochemistry investigation at this conference. In this abstract, we present an overview of our initial observations, based on data acquired at high altitude and during the first weeks of LAMO. GRaND overview. A detailed description of the GRaND instrument, science objectives and prospective results is given in [1]. At low altitudes, GRaND is sensitive to gamma rays and neutrons produced by cosmogenic nuclear reactions and radioactive decay occurring within the top few decimeters of the surface and on a spatial scale of a few hundred kilometers. From these nuclear emissions, the abundance of several major- and minor-elements, such as Fe, Mg, Si, K, and Th can be determined. Assuming the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites are representative of Vesta s crustal composition [2], then GRaND will be able to map the mixing ratios of whole-rock HED end-members, enabling the determination of the relative proportions of basaltic eucrite, cumulate eucrite, and diogenite as well as the proportions of mafic and plagioclase minerals [1,3]. GRaND will also search for compositions not well-represented in the meteorite collection, such as evolved, K-rich lithologies [4], and outcrops of olivine from Vesta s mantle or igneous intrusions in major impact basins [5]. The search for a possible mesosiderite source region is described in [6]. GRaND will globally map the abundance of H, providing constraints on the delivery of H by solar wind and the infall of carbonaceous chondrite materials

    Chemical Mapping of Vesta and Ceres

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    Following successful science operations at Vesta, the Dawn spacecraft is headed for an encounter with Ceres in 2015. What have we learned at Vesta? And, what do we expect to learn by comparing Vesta and Ceres? We will address these questions from the standpoint of geochemistry. Dawn's Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) is sensitive to the elemental composition of surface materials to depths of a few decimeters [1]. Gamma rays and neutrons, produced by the steady bombardment of galactic cosmic rays and by the decay of naturally ]occurring radioisotopes (K, Th, U), provide a chemical fingerprint of the regolith. Analysis of planetary radiation emissions enables mapping of specific elements (such as Fe, Mg, Si, Cl, and H) and compositional parameters (such as average atomic mass), which provide information about processes that shaped the planet1s surface and interior. Dawn has exceeded operational goals for GRaND at Vesta, accumulating an abundance of nadir-pointed data during five months in a 210 km, low altitude mapping orbit around Vesta (265-km mean radius). Chemical information from gamma ray and neutron measurements was used to test the connection between Vesta and the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites [2]. Additionally, GRaND searched for evolved, igneous lithologies [3], mantle and upper crustal materials exposed in large impact basins, mesosiderite compositions, and hydrogen in Vesta1s bulk regolith. Results of our analyses and their implications for thermal evolution and regolith-processes will be presented. The possibility of a subcrustal ocean [4, 5] and lack of cerean meteorites makes water-rich Ceres a compelling target of exploration [6]. If Ceres underwent aqueous differentiation, then crustal overturn or gas driven volcanism may have significantly modified its primitive surface; and products of aqueous alteration (e.g. [7]) would detectable by GRaND [1]. For example, the presence of Cl in salts, associated with liquid-water-processes, would have a profound effect on the thermal neutron leakage flux. GRaND is sensitive to H and H-layering, which may be in the form of endogenic water ice or hydrous minerals on Ceres. Ammonia ice (e.g., from recent cryovolcanism) would produce a distinctly different neutron signature than water ice [1]. Prospective results for GRaND at Ceres will be presented in the context of what we have learned about Vesta
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