9,007 research outputs found

    Development of a polysilicon process based on chemical vapor deposition, phase 1

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    The development of a dichlorosilane-based reductive chemical vapor deposition process for the production of polycrystalline silicon is discussed. Experimental data indicate that the ease of ignition and explosion severity of dichlorosilane (DCS)/air mixtures is substantially attenuated if the DCS is diluted with hydrogen. Redesign of the process development unit to accommodate safety related information is described. Several different sources of trichlorosilane were used to generate a mixture of redistributed chlorosilanes via Dowex ion exchange resin. The unseparated mixtures were then fed to an experimental reactor in which silicon was deposited and the deposited silicon analyzed for electrically active impurities. At least one trichlorosilane source provided material of requisite purity. Silicon grown in the experimental reactor was converted to single crystal material and solar cells fabricated and tested

    USCID 14th technical conference

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    Presented at Contemporary challenges for irrigation and drainage: proceedings from the USCID 14th technical conference on irrigation, drainage and flood control held on June 3-6, 1998 in Phoenix, Arizona.Includes bibliographical references.The use of drainwater for irrigation is a viable technology both for improving overall irrigation efficiency and for protecting water quality by reducing the mass output of salts and trace elements from irrigated areas. This was demonstrated in a field study at NewIands Agricultural Research Center in Fallon, NY by growing spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) under four irrigation water treatments. The four treatments were: 1) the exclusive use of canal water applied during the day; 2) the exclusive use of drainwater applied during the day; 3) the exclusive use of drainwater applied during the night; and 4) the conjunctive use of drainwater and canal water beginning with a day-time application of drainwater and finishing with canal water. The drainwater came from a shallow aquifer which had elevated levels of salinity and boron. The effects on crop yield of boron and salts applied with drainwater treatments were of primary interest. The field was divided into four blocks representing different soil conditions. Each block was divided into four plots and each plot was randomly assigned one of the four treatments. The growth response to these water qualities was evaluated by weighing plant samples harvested four times during the growing season. The hypothesis that daytime irrigation with drainwater would significantly reduce growth of spring wheat was rejected. The use of drainwater for irrigation appears technically feasible and offers opportunities for improving irrigation efficiency and for reducing the mass output of salts and trace elements from the Newlands Project

    Stability of Filters for the Navier-Stokes Equation

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    Data assimilation methodologies are designed to incorporate noisy observations of a physical system into an underlying model in order to infer the properties of the state of the system. Filters refer to a class of data assimilation algorithms designed to update the estimation of the state in a on-line fashion, as data is acquired sequentially. For linear problems subject to Gaussian noise filtering can be performed exactly using the Kalman filter. For nonlinear systems it can be approximated in a systematic way by particle filters. However in high dimensions these particle filtering methods can break down. Hence, for the large nonlinear systems arising in applications such as weather forecasting, various ad hoc filters are used, mostly based on making Gaussian approximations. The purpose of this work is to study the properties of these ad hoc filters, working in the context of the 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. By working in this infinite dimensional setting we provide an analysis which is useful for understanding high dimensional filtering, and is robust to mesh-refinement. We describe theoretical results showing that, in the small observational noise limit, the filters can be tuned to accurately track the signal itself (filter stability), provided the system is observed in a sufficiently large low dimensional space; roughly speaking this space should be large enough to contain the unstable modes of the linearized dynamics. Numerical results are given which illustrate the theory. In a simplified scenario we also derive, and study numerically, a stochastic PDE which determines filter stability in the limit of frequent observations, subject to large observational noise. The positive results herein concerning filter stability complement recent numerical studies which demonstrate that the ad hoc filters perform poorly in reproducing statistical variation about the true signal

    Resolving singular forces in cavity flow: Multiscale modeling from atoms to millimeters

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    A multiscale approach for fluid flow is developed that retains an atomistic description in key regions. The method is applied to a classic problem where all scales contribute: The force on a moving wall bounding a fluid-filled cavity. Continuum equations predict an infinite force due to stress singularities. Following the stress over more than six decades in length in systems with characteristic scales of millimeters and milliseconds allows us to resolve the singularities and determine the force for the first time. The speedup over pure atomistic calculations is more than fourteen orders of magnitude. We find a universal dependence on the macroscopic Reynolds number, and large atomistic effects that depend on wall velocity and interactions.Comment: 4 pages,3 figure

    LCDG4 and DigiSim - Simulation activities at NICADD/NIU

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    We present two software packages developed to support detector R&D studies for the International Linear Collider. LCDG4 is a full-detector simulator that provides energy deposits from particles traversing the sensitive volumes of the detector. It has been extensively used within the American ILC community, providing data for algorithm development and detector optimization studies. DigiSim models real-life digitization effects, converting the idealized response into simulated detector readout. It has many useful features to improve the realism in modeling detector response. The main characteristics of these two complementary packages are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to LCWS05 conference proceedings. Uses slac_one.rt

    Ultraslow propagation of matched pulses by four-wave mixing in an atomic vapor

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    We have observed the ultraslow propagation of matched pulses in nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a hot atomic vapor. Probe pulses as short as 70 ns can be delayed by a tunable time of up to 40 ns with little broadening or distortion. During the propagation, a probe pulse is amplified and generates a conjugate pulse which is faster and separates from the probe pulse before getting locked to it at a fixed delay. The precise timing of this process allows us to determine the key coefficients of the susceptibility tensor. The presence of gain in this system makes this system very interesting in the context of all-optical information processing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure