6 research outputs found

    Mineralization and Alteration of a Modern Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit Hosted in Mafic Volcaniclastic Rocks

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    Tinakula is the first seafloor massive sulfide deposit described in the Jean Charcot troughs and is the first such deposit described in the Solomon Islands—on land or the seabed. The deposit is hosted by mafic (basaltic-andesitic) volcaniclastic rocks within a series of cinder cones along a single eruptive fissure. Extensive mapping and sampling by remotely operated vehicle, together with shallow drilling, provide insights into deposit geology and especially hydrothermal processes operating in the shallow subsurface. On the seafloor, mostly inactive chimneys and mounds cover an area of ~77,000 m2 and are partially buried by volcaniclastic sand. Mineralization is characterized by abundant barite- and sulfide-rich chimneys that formed by low-temperature (<250°C) venting over ~5,600 years. Barite-rich samples have high SiO2, Pb, and Hg contents; the sulfide chimneys are dominated by low-Fe sphalerite and are high in Cd, Ge, Sb, and Ag. Few high-temperature chimneys, including zoned chalcopyrite-sphalerite samples and rare massive chalcopyrite, are rich in As, Mo, In, and Au (up to 9.26 ppm), locally as visible gold. Below the seafloor, the mineralization includes buried intervals of sulfide-rich talus with disseminated sulfides in volcaniclastic rocks consisting mainly of lapillistone with minor tuffaceous beds and autobreccias. The volcaniclastic rocks are intensely altered and variably cemented by anhydrite with crosscutting sulfate (± minor sulfide) veins. Fluid inclusions in anhydrite and sphalerite from the footwall (to 19.3 m below seafloor; m b.s.f.) have trapping temperatures of up to 298°C with salinities close to, but slightly higher than, that of seawater (2.8–4.5 wt % NaCl equiv). These temperatures are 10° to 20°C lower than the minimum temperature of boiling at this depth (1,070–1,204 m below sea level; m b.s.l.), suggesting that the highest-temperature fluids boiled below the seafloor. The alteration is distributed in broadly conformable zones, expressed in order of increasing depth and temperature as (1) montmorillonite/nontronite, (2) nontronite + corrensite, (3) illite/smectite + pyrite, (4) illite/smectite + chamosite, and (5) chamosite + corrensite. Zones of argillic alteration are distinguished from chloritic alteration by large positive mass changes in K2O (enriched in illite/smectite), MgO (enriched in chamosite and corrensite), and Fe2O3 (enriched in pyrite associated with illite/smectite alteration). The δ18O and δD values of clay minerals confirm increasing temperature with depth, from 124° to 256°C, and interaction with seawater-dominated hydrothermal fluids at high water/rock ratios. Leaching of the volcanic host rocks and thermochemical reduction of seawater sulfate are the primary sources of sulfur, with δ34S values of sulfides, from –0.8 to 3.4‰, and those of sulfate minerals close to seawater sulfate, from 19.3 to 22.5‰

    Tectonic focusing of voluminous basaltic eruptions in magma-deficient backarc rifts

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    Highlights • Shield-type volcanoes in young backarc rifts may be linked to arc segmentation. • Arc-transverse faults act as magma conduits for voluminous basaltic eruptions. • The Nifonea volcano hosts the first large lava lake described in a submarine backarc. • Effusive eruptions produced short-live hydrothermal venting and an “event plume”. The Coriolis Troughs of the New Hebrides subduction zone are among the youngest backarc rifts in the world. They reach depths of >3 km, despite their small size (<100 km in length and only 25-45 km wide) and their proximity to the arc front (∼50 km). The narrow, deep graben morphology is characteristic of magma-deficient arc rifts in the early stages of backarc extension, where the rate of extension and subsidence exceeds the magmatic input. Unexpectedly, the youngest graben, the Vate Trough, contains a centrally-located 1000-m tall and 14-km wide shield volcano with a large, 5 × 8 km breached summit caldera. The Nifonea axial volcano has a volume of ∼126 km3, reflecting unusually high extrusion rates, given its young age (<3 Ma), and the summit caldera hosts the remnants of a large lava lake, the first described from a submarine backarc setting. Extensive diffuse hydrothermal venting and several clusters of black smoker chimneys, with the highest recorded fluid temperatures (368 °C) in the SW Pacific, occur on the youngest lava flows. Comparison with similar axial volcanoes on the mid-ocean ridges suggests that the 46 ×106 m3 of sheet flows in the caldera could have been erupted in <30 hours. The focusing of voluminous basaltic eruptions into an otherwise magma-deficient backarc has been linked to strong left-lateral transtension caused by clockwise rotation and segmentation of the southern portion of the arc after collision with d'Entrecasteaux ridge. This study shows that the upper plate stresses can result in dramatic variability in magma supply and hydrothermal activity at the earliest stages of arc rifting and could explain the wide range of melt compositions, volcanic styles and mineral deposit types found in nascent backarc rifts

    New hydrothermal activity and alkalic volcanism in the backarc Coriolis Troughs, Vanuatu

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    The Vanuatu Australia Vents Expedition (VAVE) to the Coriolis Troughs in southern Vanuatu during September 2001 aboard the RV Franklin discovered a new hydrothermall vent field-herein informally named Nifonea-and recent alkallic volcanic activity. The Nifonea field in the central Vate Trough was located by coincident light transmission and CH4 anomalies in a hydrothermal plume of ∼60 km2 extent, best developed between 1600 and 1750 m depth at ∼150 m above the seafloor. Extensive hydrothermal fauna and yellow-brown crusts and mounds cover an area of ∼1 km2. Very fresh, glassy, variably vesicular, sparsely phyric and aphyric basalt, trachybasalt, and basaltic trachyandesite (with ∼5-6 wt% combined alkalies at ∼ 51%-53% SiO2 and enriched light rare earth elements, Nb, and Zr) samples were dredged from youthful curtain, tube, and sheet flows, plus iron oxyhydroxide deposits. The alkalic composition of lavas in this tectonic setting is unique and attributed to thin ocean crust being developed in an incipient rifting phase involving a relatively low percentage of source-mantle melting. The Coriolis Troughs are among Earth's most youthful backarc basins and thus provide valuable insights to incipient rifting and hydrothermal processes