1,117 research outputs found

    Alaska Correctional Requirements: A Forecast of Prison Population through the Year 2000

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    This report is part of the Fire Island Prison Feasibility Study, a project conducted jointly by the School of Justice and School of Engineering at University of Alaska, Anchorage under contract to the Alaska Department of Corrections. The project undertook to assess the feasibility of locating a correctional facility on a 4,240 acre tract of land on Fire Island, which lies in Upper Cook Inlet about three miles off Point Campbell within the Municipality of Anchorage. The project was divided into three major phases: (1) an assessment of future bed space needs of the Alaska Department of Corrections; (2) an evaluation of the physical site and cost estimates for prison construction and operation; and (3) a public opinion survey and open discussion.The growth of the Alaska prison inmate population over the past fifteen years has been substantial. According to available statistics there were 482 institutionalized adult prisoners under control of the Alaska Division of Corrections in January 1971; by January 1980 this population had increased to 770 inmates; and between 1980 and 1985, the number of Alaska inmates almost tripled, rising from 770 to 2,073. Accurate forecasts of the future size and makeup of the prison population are needed as a basis for long-range programs and capital planning. This report presents long and short-term forecasts of the Alaska incarcerated prisoner population and bedspace needs of the Alaska Department of Corrections through the year 2000. The forecasts were developed by taking into consideration historical facts and status quo assumptions. Attention is also given to the impact of the 1980 Alaska criminal code revision on unsentenced and sentenced populations. The forecast derived from this study provides evidence of the need for additional institutional capacity in Southcentral Alaska by 1990. Planning should proceed for a capacity of 1,000 beds to be available for use by 1990.Alaska Department of CorrectionsAcknowledgments / Summary of Study / I. Introduction / II. Long-Range Forecasts / III. Short-Range Forecasts / IV. Regional Forecasts / V. Conclusions / APPENDICES / A. Inmate Population Forecasting: Statistical Model / B. JUSSIM Forecasting Model / C. Bibliography of Inmate Population Forecastin

    Molecular Mechanisms of Phosphate Homeostasis in <i>Escherichia coli</i>

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    Life’s processes absolutely require inorganic phosphate for structural and energetic purposes. Escherichia coli has developed sophisticated mechanisms to acquire phosphate and to maintain intracellular amounts at optimal levels. The processes by which these simple cells maintain stable intracellular concentrations of phosphate are termed phosphate homeostasis, which involves mechanisms to balance the import, assimilation, sequestration, and export of phosphate. This chapter introduces the proteins involved in phosphate homeostasis and reviews information concerning the multiple phosphate transporters and the mechanisms by which they are regulated. It also introduces new concepts of how this bacterium responds to elevated extracellular levels of phosphate and presents a model for the integration of all of these processes to achieve homeostasis. The predominant importers are PitA, PitB, and the PstSCAB complex. Assimilation, or the incorporation of Pi into organic molecules, occurs primarily through the formation of ATP. Gene regulation relies on the PhoB/PhoR two-component system and the formation of a signaling complex at the membrane. The amount of intracellular phosphate can be fine-tuned through the formation or degradation of polyphosphate. Polyphosphate formation requires adequate supplies of ATP. In addition, when intracellular phosphate levels become too high, phosphate can be exported through PitA, PitB, or the YjbB transporters

    Differentials in the homological homotopy fixed point spectral sequence

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    We analyze in homological terms the homotopy fixed point spectrum of a T-equivariant commutative S-algebra R. There is a homological homotopy fixed point spectral sequence with E^2_{s,t} = H^{-s}_{gp}(T; H_t(R; F_p)), converging conditionally to the continuous homology H^c_{s+t}(R^{hT}; F_p) of the homotopy fixed point spectrum. We show that there are Dyer-Lashof operations beta^epsilon Q^i acting on this algebra spectral sequence, and that its differentials are completely determined by those originating on the vertical axis. More surprisingly, we show that for each class x in the $^{2r}-term of the spectral sequence there are 2r other classes in the E^{2r}-term (obtained mostly by Dyer-Lashof operations on x) that are infinite cycles, i.e., survive to the E^infty-term. We apply this to completely determine the differentials in the homological homotopy fixed point spectral sequences for the topological Hochschild homology spectra R = THH(B) of many S-algebras, including B = MU, BP, ku, ko and tmf. Similar results apply for all finite subgroups C of T, and for the Tate- and homotopy orbit spectral sequences. This work is part of a homological approach to calculating topological cyclic homology and algebraic K-theory of commutative S-algebras.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol5/agt-5-27.abs.htm

    Thermodynamic metrics and optimal paths

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    A fundamental problem in modern thermodynamics is how a molecular-scale machine performs useful work, while operating away from thermal equilibrium without excessive dissipation. To this end, we derive a friction tensor that induces a Riemannian manifold on the space of thermodynamic states. Within the linear-response regime, this metric structure controls the dissipation of finite-time transformations, and bestows optimal protocols with many useful properties. We discuss the connection to the existing thermodynamic length formalism, and demonstrate the utility of this metric by solving for optimal control parameter protocols in a simple nonequilibrium model.Comment: 5 page

    Validation of the Pulmonary Function System for Use on the International Space Station

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    Aerobic deconditioning occurs during long duration space flight despite the use of exercise countermeasures (Convertino, 1996). As a part of International Space Station (ISS) medical operations, periodic tests designed to estimate aerobic capacity are performed to track changes in aerobic fitness and to determine the effectiveness of exercise countermeasures. These tests are performed prior to, during, and after missions of greater than 30 days in duration. Crewmembers selected for missions aboard the ISS perform a graded exercise test on a cycle ergometer approximately 270 days prior to their scheduled launch date in order to measure peak oxygen consumption (VO2PK) and peak heart rate (HRpk). Approximately 30 to 45 days prior to launch, crewmembers perform a submaximal cycle ergometer test at work rates set to elicit 25, 50 and 75% of their pre-flight VO2PK. This test, known as the Periodic Fitness Evaluation (PFE), serves as a baseline measure to which subsequent in-and post-flight exercise tests are compared. While onboard the ISS, crewmembers are normally scheduled to perform the PFE beginning with flight day (FD) 14 and every 30 days thereafter. The PFE is also conducted 5 and 30 days following flight. Using PFE data, aerobic fitness is estimated by quantifying the VO2 vs. HR relationship using linear regression and calculating the VO2 that would occur at the crewmember s previously measured HRpk. Currently, for data collected during flight, this technique assumes that the pre- vs. in-flight oxygen consumption per given cycle workload is similar. However, the validity of this assumption is based upon a sparse amount of data collected during the Skylab era (Michel, et al. 1977). The method of using heart rate and cycle ergometer work rates has been used to estimate aerobic fitness in normal gravity (Astrand and Ryhming, 1954; Lee, 1993). Due to spaceflight induced physiological alterations, such as shifts in extracellular fluid (e.g. plasma) volume, this method may not be valid during space flight. In addition, the ergometer onboard ISS is vibration-isolated and moves with the astronaut s application of force into the pedals. The effect of this movement on the VO2 of cycle exercise on ISS has not been quantified

    Introduction to the computational structural mechanics testbed

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    The Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) testbed software system based on the SPAR finite element code and the NICE system is described. This software is denoted NICE/SPAR. NICE was developed at Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory and contains data management utilities, a command language interpreter, and a command language definition for integrating engineering computational modules. SPAR is a system of programs used for finite element structural analysis developed for NASA by Lockheed and Engineering Information Systems, Inc. It includes many complementary structural analysis, thermal analysis, utility functions which communicate through a common database. The work on NICE/SPAR was motivated by requirements for a highly modular and flexible structural analysis system to use as a tool in carrying out research in computational methods and exploring computer hardware. Analysis examples are presented which demonstrate the benefits gained from a combination of the NICE command language with a SPAR computational modules

    CSM Testbed Development and Large-Scale Structural Applications

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    A research activity called Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center is described. This activity is developing advanced structural analysis and computational methods that exploit high-performance computers. Methods are developed in the framework of the CSM Testbed software system and applied to representative complex structural analysis problems from the aerospace industry. An overview of the CSM Testbed methods development environment is presented and some new numerical methods developed on a CRAY-2 are described. Selected application studies performed on the NAS CRAY-2 are also summarized

    Impact Evaluation of the Louisville-Shively-Jefferson County Traffic Alcohol Programs

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    This report is an evaluation of alcohol enforcement programs conducted by the Louisville, Jefferson County, and Shively police agencies in the Louisville metropolitan area. The following four types of data were collected in order to evaluate the traffic alcohol programs; accident data, arrest and adjudication data, cost-effectiveness, and public opinion data. Results from the before-and-after comparisons and time-series analysis show alcohol-related accidents decreased significantly during the study period, There was a 34.4 percent reduction in alcohol-related accidents during hours of special enforcement and a 30.4 percent reduction during all hours of the day. Time-series analysis of accident data showed a 27.1 percent decrease during hours of increased enforcement and a 26.1 percent decrease during all hours. Results from time-series analysis also indicated that the enforcement programs increased the DUI arrest rate by at least 50 percent in each of the jurisdictions studied. Inclusion of the Slammer Law as a control variable revealed the proportion of convictions among DUI arrests increased by nearly 449 percent. Based on costs associated with the program (enforcement, jail costs, and court costs) and benefits (reduced accident costs and DUI fines); the benefit-cost ratio was 2.81 to 5.67 depending upon the basis for accident costs. The public opinion survey showed strong support for the traffic alcohol programs and 87 percent of the respondents indicated that increased enforcement was an effective means of reducing drinking and driving. In addition, 82 percent of those responding indicated the programs had reduced their chances of an accident

    'Better' clinical decisions do not necessarily require more time to make

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    The Web-based intervention modeling experiment (IME; randomized study in a simulated setting) reported by Treweek et al. [1] provided support for using IME methodology in the evaluation of interventions to improve quality of care. As well as the management decision made, Treweek et al.'s data on general practitioners' (GPs) responses to scenarios describing uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) included a measure of perceived decision difficulty for each decision and the time taken to make each decision