26,571 research outputs found

    Rotational Spectroscopy of PAHs: Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene and Fluorene

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    Pure rotational spectra of three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - acenaphthene, acenaphthylene and fluorene - have been obtained by Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of a molecular beam and subsequently by millimeter wave absorption spectroscopy for acenaphthene and fluorene. The data presented here will be useful for deep radio astronomical searches for PAHs employing large radio telecopes.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure (uses iaus.sty), to appear in IAU Symposium No. 231, Astrochemistry - Recent Successes and Current Challenges, eds. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake & E. Herbst (Cambridge Univ. Press

    Deep VLT spectroscopy of the z=2.49 Radio Galaxy MRC 2104-242: Evidence for a metallicity gradient in its extended emission line region

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    We present spectroscopic observations of the rest-frame UV line emission around radio galaxy MRC 2104-242 at z=2.49, obtained with FORS1 on VLT Antu. The morphology of the halo is dominated by two spatially resolved regions. Lya is extended by >12 arcsec along the radio axis, CIV and HeII are extended by ~8 arcsec. The overall spectrum is typical for that of high redshift radio galaxies. The most striking spatial variation is that NV is present in the spectrum of the region associated with the center of the galaxy hosting the radio source, the northern region, while absent in the southern region. Assuming that the gas is photoionized by a hidden quasar, the difference in NV emission can be explained by a metallicity gradient within the halo. This is consistent with a scenario in which the gas is associated with a massive cooling flow or originates from the debris of the merging of two or more galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Comparative host specificity of human- and pig- associated Staphylococcus aureus clonal lineages.

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    Bacterial adhesion is a crucial step in colonization of the skin. In this study, we investigated the differential adherence to human and pig corneocytes of six Staphylococcus aureus strains belonging to three human-associated [ST8 (CC8), ST22 (CC22) and ST36(CC30)] and two pig-associated [ST398 (CC398) and ST433(CC30)] clonal lineages, and their colonization potential in the pig host was assessed by in vivo competition experiments. Corneocytes were collected from 11 humans and 21 pigs using D-squame® adhesive discs, and bacterial adherence to corneocytes was quantified by a standardized light microscopy assay. A previously described porcine colonization model was used to assess the potential of the six strains to colonize the pig host. Three pregnant, S. aureus-free sows were inoculated intravaginally shortly before farrowing with different strain mixes [mix 1) human and porcine ST398; mix 2) human ST36 and porcine ST433; and mix 3) human ST8, ST22, ST36 and porcine ST398] and the ability of individual strains to colonize the nasal cavity of newborn piglets was evaluated for 28 days after birth by strain-specific antibiotic selective culture. In the corneocyte assay, the pig-associated ST433 strain and the human-associated ST22 and ST36 strains showed significantly greater adhesion to porcine and human corneocytes, respectively (p<0.0001). In contrast, ST8 and ST398 did not display preferential host binding patterns. In the in vivo competition experiment, ST8 was a better colonizer compared to ST22, ST36, and ST433 prevailed over ST36 in colonizing the newborn piglets. These results are partly in agreement with previous genetic and epidemiological studies indicating the host specificity of ST22, ST36 and ST433 and the broad-host range of ST398. However, our in vitro and in vivo experiments revealed an unexpected ability of ST8 to adhere to porcine corneocytes and persist in the nasal cavity of pigs

    Techniques for improving reliability of computers

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    Modular design techniques improve methods of error detection, diagnosis, and recovery. Theoretical computer (MARCS (Modular Architecture for Reliable Computer Systems)) study deals with postulated and modeled technology indigenous to 1975-1980. Study developments are discussed

    Cosmology with velocity dispersion counts: an alternative to measuring cluster halo masses

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    The evolution of galaxy cluster counts is a powerful probe of several fundamental cosmological parameters. A number of recent studies using this probe have claimed tension with the cosmology preferred by the analysis of the Planck primary CMB data, in the sense that there are fewer clusters observed than predicted based on the primary CMB cosmology. One possible resolution to this problem is systematic errors in the absolute halo mass calibration in cluster studies, which is required to convert the standard theoretical prediction (the halo mass function) into counts as a function of the observable (e.g., X-ray luminosity, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich flux, optical richness). Here we propose an alternative strategy, which is to directly compare predicted and observed cluster counts as a function of the one-dimensional velocity dispersion of the cluster galaxies. We argue that the velocity dispersion of groups/clusters can be theoretically predicted as robustly as mass but, unlike mass, it can also be directly observed, thus circumventing the main systematic bias in traditional cluster counts studies. With the aid of the BAHAMAS suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, we demonstrate the potential of the velocity dispersion counts for discriminating even similar Λ\LambdaCDM models. These predictions can be compared with the results from existing redshift surveys such as the highly-complete Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey, and upcoming wide-field spectroscopic surveys such as the Wide Area Vista Extragalactic Survey (WAVES) and the Dark Energy Survey Instrument (DESI).Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. New section on cosmological forecasts adde

    Detection of HC11N in the Cold Dust Cloud TMC-1

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    Two consecutive rotational transitions of the long cyanopolyyne HC11N, J=39-38, and J=38-37, have been detected in the cold dust cloud TMC-1 at the frequencies expected from recent laboratory measurements by Travers et al. (1996), and at about the expected intensities. The astronomical lines have a mean radial velocity of 5.8(1) km/s, in good agreement with the shorter cyanopolyynes HC7N and HC9N observed in this very sharp-lined source [5.82(5) and 5.83(5) km/s, respectively]. The column density of HC11N is calculated to be 2.8x10^(11) cm^(-2). The abundance of the cyanopolyynes decreases smoothly with length to HC11N, the decrement from one to the next being about 6 for the longer carbon chains.Comment: plain tex 10 pages plus 3 ps fig file

    Investigating Heating and Cooling in the BCS & B55 Cluster Samples

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    We study clusters in the BCS cluster sample which are observed by Chandra and are more distant than redshift, z>0.1. We select from this subsample the clusters which have both a short central cooling time and a central temperature drop, and also those with a central radio source. Six of the clusters have clear bubbles near the centre. We calculate the heating by these bubbles and express it as the ratio r_heat/r_cool=1.34+/-0.20. This result is used to calculate the average size of bubbles expected in all clusters with central radio sources. In three cases the predicted bubble sizes approximately match the observed radio lobe dimensions. We combine this cluster sample with the B55 sample studied in earlier work to increase the total sample size and redshift range. This extended sample contains 71 clusters in the redshift range 0<z<0.4. The average distance out to which the bubbles offset the X-ray cooling in the combined sample is at least r_heat/r_cool=0.92+/-0.11. The distribution of central cooling times for the combined sample shows no clusters with clear bubbles and t_cool>1.2Gyr. An investigation of the evolution of cluster parameters within the redshift range of the combined samples does not show any clear variation with redshift.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Models of the ICM with Heating and Cooling: Explaining the Global and Structural X-ray Properties of Clusters

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    (Abridged) Theoretical models that include only gravitationally-driven processes fail to match the observed mean X-ray properties of clusters. As a result, there has recently been increased interest in models in which either radiative cooling or entropy injection play a central role in mediating the properties of the intracluster medium. Both sets of models give reasonable fits to the mean properties of clusters, but cooling only models result in fractions of cold baryons in excess of observationally established limits and the simplest entropy injection models do not treat the "cooling core" structure present in many clusters and cannot account for entropy profiles revealed by recent X-ray observations. We consider models that marry radiative cooling with entropy injection, and confront model predictions for the global and structural properties of massive clusters with the latest X-ray data. The models successfully and simultaneously reproduce the observed L-T and L-M relations, yield detailed entropy, surface brightness, and temperature profiles in excellent agreement with observations, and predict a cooled gas fraction that is consistent with observational constraints. The model also provides a possible explanation for the significant intrinsic scatter present in the L-T and L-M relations and provides a natural way of distinguishing between clusters classically identified as "cooling flow" clusters and dynamically relaxed "non-cooling flow" clusters. The former correspond to systems that had only mild levels (< 300 keV cm^2) of entropy injection, while the latter are identified as systems that had much higher entropy injection. This is borne out by the entropy profiles derived from Chandra and XMM-Newton.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Laboratory And Astronomical Detection Of The Negative Molecular Ion C3N-

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    The negative molecular ion C3N- has been detected at millimeter wavelengths in a low-pressure laboratory discharge, and then with frequencies derived from the laboratory data in the molecular envelope of IRC+10216. Spectroscopic constants derived from laboratory measurements of 12 transitions between 97 and 378 GHz allow the rotational spectrum to be calculated well into the submillimeter-wave band to 0.03 km s(-1) or better in equivalent radial velocity. Four transitions of C3N- were detected in IRC+10216 with the IRAM 30 m telescope at precisely the frequencies calculated from the laboratory measurements. The column density of C3N- is 0.5% that of C3N, or approximately 20 times greater than that of C4H- relative to C4H. The C3N- abundance in IRC+10216 is compared with a chemical model calculation by Petrie & Herbst. An upper limit in TMC-1 for C3N- relative to C3N (< 0.8%) and a limit for C4H- relative to C4H (< 0.004%) that is 5 times lower than that found in IRC+10216, were obtained from observations with the NRAO 100 m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The fairly high concentration ofNRFKorean government MEST 2012R1A1A1014646, 2012M4A2026720Southeast Physics Network (SEP-Net)Science and Technology Facilities Council ST/F002858/1, ST/I000976/1Swedish Research Council 2009-4088U.S. NSF AST-0708176, AST-1009799NASA NNX07AH09G, NNG04G177G, NNX11AE09GChandra grant SAO TM8-9009XBiochemistr