8,471 research outputs found

    Time delay and integration detectors using charge transfer devices

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    An imaging system comprises a multi-channel matrix array of CCD devices wherein a number of sensor cells (pixels) in each channel are subdivided and operated in discrete intercoupled groups of subarrays with a readout CCD shift register terminating each end of the channels. Clock voltages, applied to the subarrays, selectively cause charge signal flow in each subarray in either direction independent of the other subarrays. By selective application of four phase clock voltages, either one, two or all three of the sections subarray sections cause charge signal flow in one direction, while the remainder cause charge signal flow in the opposite direction. This creates a form of selective electronic exposure control which provides an effective variable time delay and integration of three, six or nine sensor cells or integration stages. The device is constructed on a semiconductor sustrate with a buried channel and is adapted for front surface imaging through transparent doped tin oxide gates

    An LED-based Flasher System for VERITAS

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    We describe a flasher system designed for use in monitoring the gains of the photomultiplier tubes used in the VERITAS gamma-ray telescopes. This system uses blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) so it can be operated at much higher rates than a traditional laser-based system. Calibration information can be obtained with better statistical precision with reduced loss of observing time. The LEDs are also much less expensive than a laser. The design features of the new system are presented, along with measurements made with a prototype mounted on one of the VERITAS telescopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

    Active, Small-Scale, Periglacial Features on the South Coast of Newfoundland

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    Small-scale, patterned ground is currently forming on the south coast of Newfoundland. Small, sorted circles and stripes form in the vicinity of the coast under the influence of marine climate with numerous, short duration, freeze-thaw cycles, high humidity, abundant rainfall and a thin snow cover throughout the winter, inland, no more than 15 to 25 km from the coast, the marine influence has decreased sufficiently that the patterned ground is no longer forming.On trouve présentement des sols structurés à petite échelle en formation sur la côte sud de Terre-Neuve. De petits cercles et des traînées minérales se développent près de la côte sous l'influence du climat maritime, caractérisé par plusieurs cycles de gel-dégel, une humidité relative élevée, des pluies abondantes et une mince couverture de neige, pendant l'hiver. À l'intérieur des terres, à 15-25 km de la côte tout au plus, l'influence maritime est suffisamment amoindrie pour qu'il n'y ait plus formation de sols structurés

    Strong-field approximation for Coulomb explosion of H_2^+ by short intense laser pulses

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    We present a simple quantum mechanical model to describe Coulomb explosion of H2+_2^+ by short, intense, infrared laser pulses. The model is based on the length gauge version of the molecular strong-field approximation and is valid for pulses shorter than 50 fs where the process of dissociation prior to ionization is negligible. The results are compared with recent experimental results for the proton energy spectrum [I. Ben-Itzhak et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 073002 (2005), B. D. Esry et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 013003 (2006)]. The predictions of the model reproduce the profile of the spectrum although the peak energy is slightly lower than the observations. For comparison, we also present results obtained by two different tunneling models for this process.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Infrared spectroscopy of hole doped ABA-stacked trilayer graphene

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    Using infrared spectroscopy, we investigate bottom gated ABA-stacked trilayer graphene subject to an additional environment-induced p-type doping. We find that the Slonczewski-Weiss-McClure tight-binding model and the Kubo formula reproduce the gate voltage-modulated reflectivity spectra very accurately. This allows us to determine the charge densities and the potentials of the {\pi}-band electrons on all graphene layers separately and to extract the interlayer permittivity due to higher energy bands.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures Corrected sign of fig 3 and visibilty of fig

    From clean to diffusive mesoscopic systems: A semiclassical approach to the magnetic susceptibility

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    We study disorder-induced spectral correlations and their effect on the magnetic susceptibility of mesoscopic quantum systems in the non-diffusive regime. By combining a diagrammatic perturbative approach with semiclassical techniques we perform impurity averaging for non-translational invariant systems. This allows us to study the crossover from clean to diffusive systems. As an application we consider the susceptibility of non-interacting electrons in a ballistic microstructure in the presence of weak disorder. We present numerical results for a square billiard and approximate analytic results for generic chaotic geometries. We show that for the elastic mean free path â„“\ell larger than the system size, there are two distinct regimes of behaviour depending on the relative magnitudes of â„“\ell and an inelastic scattering length.Comment: 7 pages, Latex-type, EuroMacr, 4 Postscript figures, to appear in Europhys. Lett. 199

    Raised Shoreline Phenomena and Postglacial Emergence in South-Central Newfoundland

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    Two types of raised marine shoreline features occur in the Burin-Hermitage area of southern Newfoundland marine benches cut in bedrock, and terraces and beaches developed in unconsolidated materials. Most of the benches are older than Late Wisconsinan, and a horizontal rock shoreline at 4.5 ± 1.5 m, which occurs throughout the region, was probably formed in the last interglacial period. Raised deltas and coastal outwash deposits graded to former sea level positions, which define the Late Wisconsinan marine limit across the northern part of the study area, are correlated with terraces and raised beaches further south on the Burin Peninsula. The elevations of these features are used to define the regional pattern of postglacial emergence. More than 30 m of emergence has occurred in the northwest, but the extreme southern part of the region is undergoing submergence.Dans la région de Burin-Hermitage, au sud de Terre-Neuve, on retrouve deux types de lignes de rivage marines soulevées: des plates-formes marines entaillées dans la roche en place ainsi que des terrasses et des plages développées dans des matériaux meubles. La plupart des plates-formes datent d'avant le Wisconsinien inférieur. Une ligne de rivage rocheuse horizontale située à 4,5 ± 1,5 m, qu'on retrouve à travers la région, fut probablement formée au cours du dernier interglaciaire. Des deltas soulevés et des épandages fluvioglaciaires côtiers, associés à des plans d'eau marins qui marquent la limite marine du Wisconsinien inférieur dans la partie nord de la zone d'étude, sont mis en relation avec des terrasses et des plages soulevées existant plus au sud dans la péninsule de Burin. L'altitude de ces formes sert à établir le mode régional d'émersion post-glaciaire. Il s'est produit une emersion de plus de 30 m dans le nord-ouest, alors que l'extrême-sud de la région est en phase de submersion
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