986 research outputs found

    Thermal detectors as X-ray spectrometers

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    Sensitive thermal detectors should be useful for measuring very small energy pulses, such as those produced by the absorption of X-ray photons. The measurement uncertainty can be very small, making the technique promising for high resolution nondispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The limits to the energy resolution of such thermal detectors are derived and used to find the resolution to be expected for a detector suitable for X-ray spectroscopy in the 100 eV to 10,000 eV range. If there is no noise in the thermalization of the X-ray, resolution better than 1 eV full width at half maximum is possible for detectors operating at 0.1 K. Energy loss in the conversion of the photon energy to heat is a potential problem. The loss mechanisms may include emission of photons or electrons, or the trapping of energy in long lived metastable states. Fluctuations in the phonon spectrum could also limit the resolution if phonon relaxation times are very long. Conceptual solutions are given for each of these possible problems

    Making Good Lawyers

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    Today, the criticism of law schools has become an industry. Detractors argue that legal education fails to effectively prepare students for the practice of law, that it is too theoretical and detached from the profession, that it dehumanizes and alienates students, too expensive and inapt in helping students develop a sense of professional identity, professional values, and professionalism. In this sea of criticisms it is hard to see the forest from the trees. “There is so much wrong with legal education today,” writes one commentator, “that it is hard to know where to begin.” This article argues that any reform agenda will fall short if it does not start by recognizing the dominant influence of the culture of autonomous self-interest in legal education. Law schools engage in a project of professional formation and instill a very particular brand of professional identity. They educate students to become autonomously self-interested lawyers who see their clients and themselves as pursuing self-interest as atomistic actors. As a result, they understand that their primary role is to serve as neutral partisans who promote the narrow self-interest of clients without regard to the interests of their families, neighbors, colleagues, or communities and to the exclusion of counseling clients on the implications of those interests. They view as marginal their roles as an officer of the legal system and as a public citizen and accordingly place a low priority on traditional professional values, such as the commitment to the public good, that conflict with their primary allegiance to autonomous self-interest. In this work of professional formation, law schools are reflecting the values and commitments of the autonomously self-interested culture that is dominant in the legal profession. Therefore, even if law schools sought to form a professional identity outside of the mold of autonomous self-interest, such a commitment would require much more than curricular reform. It would, at minimum, require the construction of a persuasive alternative understanding of the lawyer’s role. The article seeks to offer such an understanding grounded in a relational perspective on lawyers and clients. Part I offers workable definitions of professionalism and professional identity that enable an informed discussion of the formation of professional identity in and by law schools. Part II explores what and how legal education teaches students showing that both institutionally (at the law school level) and individually (at the law professor level) legal education is proactively engaged in the formation of a professional identity of autonomous self-interest. Part II further explains that its dominance in legal education notwithstanding, autonomous self-interest is but one, often unpersuasive, account of professionalism and professional identity. Part III turns to the competing vision of relationally self-interested professionalism and professional identity and develops an outline for legal education grounded in these conceptions. Because legal education reflects a deep commitment to the dominant culture of autonomous self-interest, it is unlikely that reform proposals that are inconsistent with that culture are likely to succeed in the near future. Yet proposing an alternative account of professional identity that exposes the assumptions of the dominant culture, explains their limitations, and develops a more persuasive understanding is a necessary step toward providing a workable framework for reformers committed to promoting professional values in the long term

    Slow relaxation of conductance of amorphous hopping insulators

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    We discuss memory effects in the conductance of hopping insulators due to slow rearrangements of structural defects leading to formation of polarons close to the electron hopping states. An abrupt change in the gate voltage and corresponding shift of the chemical potential change populations of the hopping sites, which then slowly relax due to rearrangements of structural defects. As a result, the density of hopping states becomes time dependent on a scale relevant to rearrangement of the structural defects leading to the excess time dependent conductivity.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Observed Limits on Charge Exchange Contributions to the Diffuse X-ray Background

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    We present a high resolution spectrum of the diffuse X-ray background from 0.1 to 1 keV for a ~1 region of the sky centered at l=90, b=+60 using a 36-pixel array of microcalorimeters flown on a sounding rocket. With an energy resolution of 11 eV FWHM below 1 keV, the spectrum's observed line ratios help separate charge exchange contributions originating within the heliosphere from thermal emission of hot gas in the interstellar medium. The X-ray sensitivity below 1 keV was reduced by about a factor of four from contamination that occurred early in the flight, limiting the significance of the results. The observed centroid of helium-like O VII is 568+2-3 eV at 90% confidence. Since the centroid expected for thermal emission is 568.4 eV while for charge exchange is 564.2 eV, thermal emission appears to dominate for this line complex, consistent with much of the high-latitude O VII emission originating in 2-3 x 10^6 K gas in the Galactic halo. On the other hand, the observed ratio of C VI Ly gamma to Ly alpha is 0.3+-0.2. The expected ratios are 0.04 for thermal emission and 0.24 for charge exchange, indicating that charge exchange must contribute strongly to this line and therefore potentially to the rest of the ROSAT R12 band usually associated with 10^6 K emission from the Local Hot Bubble. The limited statistics of this experiment and systematic uncertainties due to the contamination require only >32% thermal emission for O VII and >20% from charge exchange for C VI at the 90% confidence level. An experimental gold coating on the silicon substrate of the array greatly reduced extraneous signals induced on nearby pixels from cosmic rays passing through the substrate, reducing the triggered event rate by a factor of 15 from a previous flight of the instrument.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Ap

    Pressure Destabilizes Oxygen Vacancies in Bridgmanite

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    Bridgmanite may contain a large proportion of ferric iron in its crystal structure in the forms of FeFeO3 and MgFeO2.5 components. We investigated the pressure dependence of FeFeO3 and MgFeO2.5 contents in bridgmanite coexisting with MgFe2O4-phase and with or without ferropericlase in the MgO-SiO2-Fe2O3 ternary system at 2,300 K, 33 and 40 GPa. Together with the experiments at 27 GPa reported in Fei et al. (2020, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL086296), our results show that the FeFeO3 and MgFeO2.5 contents in bridgmanite decrease from 7.6 to 5.3 mol % and from 2 to 3 mol % to nearly zero, respectively, with increasing pressure from 27 to 40 GPa. Accordingly, the total Fe3+ decreases from 0.18 to 0.11 pfu. The formation of oxygen vacancies (MgFeO2.5 component) in bridgmanite is therefore dramatically suppressed by pressure. Oxygen vacancies can be produced by ferric iron in Fe3+-rich bridgmanite under the topmost lower mantle conditions, but the concentration should decrease rapidly with increasing pressure. The variation of oxygen-vacancy content with depth may potentially affect the physical properties of bridgmanite and thus affect mantle dynamics

    The thermal equation of state of FeTiO_3 ilmenite based on in situ X-ray diffraction at high pressures and temperatures

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    We present in situ measurements of the unit-cell volume of a natural terrestrial ilmenite (Jagersfontein mine, South Africa) and a synthetic reduced ilmenite (FeTiO_3) at simultaneous high pressure and high temperature up to 16 GPa and 1273 K. Unit-cell volumes were determined using energy-dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction in a multi-anvil press. Mössbauer analyses show that the synthetic sample contained insignificant amounts of Fe^(3+) both before and after the experiment. Results were fit to Birch-Murnaghan thermal equations of state, which reproduce the experimental data to within 0.5 and 0.7 GPa for the synthetic and natural samples, respectively. At ambient conditions, the unit-cell volume of the natural sample [V_0 = 314.75 ± 0.23 (1 ) Å^3] is significantly smaller than that of the synthetic sample [V_0 = 319.12 ± 0.26 Å^3]. The difference can be attributed to the presence of impurities and Fe^(3+) in the natural sample. The 1 bar isothermal bulk moduli K_(T0) for the reduced ilmenite is slightly larger than for the natural ilmenite (181 ± 7 and 165 ± 6 GPa, respectively), with pressure derivatives K_0' = 3 ± 1. Our results, combined with literature data, suggest that the unit-cell volume of reduced ilmenite is significantly larger than that of oxidized ilmenite, whereas their thermoelastic parameters are similar. Our data provide more appropriate input parameters for thermo-chemical models of lunar interior evolution, in which reduced ilmenite plays a critical role

    Searching for keV Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter with X-ray Microcalorimeter Sounding Rockets

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    High-resolution X-ray spectrometers onboard suborbital sounding rockets can search for dark matter candidates that produce X-ray lines, such as decaying keV-scale sterile neutrinos. Even with exposure times and effective areas far smaller than XMM-Newton and Chandra observations, high-resolution, wide field-of-view observations with sounding rockets have competitive sensitivity to decaying sterile neutrinos. We analyze a subset of the 2011 observation by the X-ray Quantum Calorimeter instrument centered on Galactic coordinates l = 165, b = -5 with an effective exposure of 106 seconds, obtaining a limit on the sterile neutrino mixing angle of sin^2(2 theta) < 7.2e-10 at 95% CL for a 7 keV neutrino. Better sensitivity at the level of sin^2(2 theta) ~ 2.1e-11 at 95\% CL for a 7 keV neutrino is achievable with future 300-second observations of the galactic center by the Micro-X instrument, providing a definitive test of the sterile neutrino interpretation of the reported 3.56 keV excess from galaxy clusters.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Ap

    Influence of conformational fluctuations on enzymatic activity: modelling the functional motion of beta-secretase

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    Considerable insight into the functional activity of proteins and enzymes can be obtained by studying the low-energy conformational distortions that the biopolymer can sustain. We carry out the characterization of these large scale structural changes for a protein of considerable pharmaceutical interest, the human β\beta-secretase. Starting from the crystallographic structure of the protein, we use the recently introduced beta-Gaussian model to identify, with negligible computational expenditure, the most significant distortion occurring in thermal equilibrium and the associated time scales. The application of this strategy allows to gain considerable insight into the putative functional movements and, furthermore, helps to identify a handful of key regions in the protein which have an important mechanical influence on the enzymatic activity despite being spatially distant from the active site. The results obtained within the Gaussian model are validated through an extensive comparison against an all-atom Molecular Dynamics simulation.Comment: To be published in a special issue of J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. (Bedlewo Workshop

    A network model to investigate structural and electrical properties of proteins

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    One of the main trend in to date research and development is the miniaturization of electronic devices. In this perspective, integrated nanodevices based on proteins or biomolecules are attracting a major interest. In fact, it has been shown that proteins like bacteriorhodopsin and azurin, manifest electrical properties which are promising for the development of active components in the field of molecular electronics. Here we focus on two relevant kinds of proteins: The bovine rhodopsin, prototype of GPCR protein, and the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), whose inhibition is one of the most qualified treatments of Alzheimer disease. Both these proteins exert their functioning starting with a conformational change of their native structure. Our guess is that such a change should be accompanied with a detectable variation of their electrical properties. To investigate this conjecture, we present an impedance network model of proteins, able to estimate the different electrical response associated with the different configurations. The model resolution of the electrical response is found able to monitor the structure and the conformational change of the given protein. In this respect, rhodopsin exhibits a better differential response than AChE. This result gives room to different interpretations of the degree of conformational change and in particular supports a recent hypothesis on the existence of a mixed state already in the native configuration of the protein.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure
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