97 research outputs found

    Off-target and tumor-specific accumulation of monocytes, macrophages and myeloid-derived suppressor cells after systemic injection

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    Solid tumors frequently coexist with a degree of local chronic inflammation. Recruited myeloid cells can therefore be considered as interesting vehicles for tumor-targeted delivery of therapeutic agents. Using in vivo imaging, the short-term accumulation of systemically injected monocytes, macrophages and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) was compared in mice bearing fat pad mammary carcinomas. Monocytes and macrophages demonstrated almost identical in vivo and ex vivo distribution patterns with maximal tumor-associated accumulation seen 48 hours after injection that remained stable over the 4-day follow-up period. However, a substantial accumulation of both cell types was also seen in the liver, spleen and lungs albeit decreasing over time in all three locations. The MDSCs exhibited a similar distribution pattern as the monocytes and macrophages, but demonstrated a better relative on-target fraction over time. Overall, our findings highlight off-target cell accumulation as a major obstacle in the use of myeloid cells as vehicles for therapeutic tumor-targeted agents and indicate that their short-term on-target accumulation is mainly of nonspecific nature

    Expression kinetics and innate immune response after electroporation and LNP-mediated delivery of a self-amplifying mRNA in the skin

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    In this work, we studied the expression kinetics and innate immune response of a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-RNA) after electroporation and lipid-nanoparticle (LNP)-mediated delivery in the skin of mice. Intradermal electroporation of the sa-RNA resulted in a plateau-shaped expression, with the plateau between day 3 and day 10. The overall protein expression of sa-RNA was significantly higher than that obtained after electroporation of plasmid DNA (pDNA) or non-replication mRNAs. Moreover, using IFN-beta reporter mice, we elucidated that intradermal electroporation of sa-RNA induced a short-lived moderate innate immune response, which did not affect the expression of the sa-RNA. A completely different expression profile and innate immune response were observed when LNPs were used. The expression peaked 24 h after intradermal injection of sa-RNA-LNPs and subsequently showed a sharp drop. This drop might be explained by a translational blockage caused by the strong innate immune response that we observed in IFN-beta reporter mice shortly (4 h) after intradermal injection of sa-RNA-LNPs. A final interesting observation was the capacity of sa-RNA-LNPs to transfect the draining lymph nodes after intradermal injection

    Improving the repeatability and efficacy of intradermal electroporated self-replicating mRNA

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    Local administration of naked self-replicating mRNA (sr-mRNA) in the skin or muscle using electroporation is effective but hampered by low repeatability. In this manuscript, we demonstrated that intradermal electroporation of sr-mRNA in combination with a protein-based RNase inhibitor increased the expression efficiency, success rate, and repeatability of the data. The RNase inhibitor should be added just before administration because storage of the inhibitor together with the sr-mRNA at -80 degrees C resulted in a partial loss of the beneficial effect. Furthermore, the location of intradermal electroporation also had a major effect on the expression of the sr-mRNA, with the highest and longest expression observed at the tail base of the mice. In contrast with previous work, we did not observe a beneficial effect of calcium ions on the efficacy of naked sr-mRNA after intradermal injection. Finally, another important finding was that the traditional representation of in vivo bioluminescence data as means in logarithmic graphs can mask highly variable data. A more truthful representation can be obtained by showing the individual data points or by displaying median values in combination with interquartile ranges. In conclusion, intradermal sr-mRNA electroporation can be improved by adding an RNase inhibitor and injecting at the tail base

    Mononuclear but not polymorphonuclear phagocyte depletion increases circulation times and improves mammary tumor-homing efficiency of donor bone marrow-derived monocytes

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    Tumor associated macrophages are an essential part of the tumor microenvironment. Consequently, bone marrow-derived monocytes (BMDMs) are continuously recruited to tumors and are therefore seen as ideal delivery vehicles with tumor-targeting properties. By using immune cell depleting agents and macroscopic in vivo fluorescence imaging, we demonstrated that removal of endogenous monocytes and macrophages (but not neutrophils) leads to an increased tumor accumulation of exogenously administered BMDMs. By means of intravital microscopy (IVM), we confirmed our macroscopic findings on a cellular level and visualized in real time the migration of the donor BMDMs in the tumors of living animals. Moreover, IVM also revealed that clodronate-mediated depletion drastically increases the circulation time of the exogenously administered BMDMs. In summary, these new insights illustrate that impairment of the mononuclear phagocyte system increases the circulation time and tumor accumulation of donor BMDMs