34 research outputs found

    Desarrollo local y microfinanzas como estrategias de atención a las necesidades sociales: un acercamiento teórico conceptual

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    El fenómeno de la pobreza como problema público invita a reflexionar cada vez más sobre la responsabilidad que tiene el Estado frente a la ciudadanía. El objetivo de este artículo es explorar las diferentes aproximaciones teóricas a las nociones de desarrollo local y microfinanzas para establecerlas como herramientas de atención a las necesidades socioeconómicas de las personas con escasos recursos. De ahí que, en este trabajo, partimos de la hipótesis de que el desarrollo local y las microfinanzas son, en efecto, instrumentos fundamentales para dar respuesta a las necesidades sociales, como causas de la pobreza. En realidad, al margen de la banca oficial y de los prestamistas informales, las instituciones de microfinanzas han revolucionado la financiación del desarrollo económico y social, especialmente en Asia, África y América Latina. A través de una revisión analítica de la literatura, llegamos a la conclusión de que la racionalización del microfinanciamiento es una operación conceptual de suma importancia, que debe rebasar el simple deseo de apoyar el desarrollo local y combatir a la pobreza, ya que resulta de un proceso de toma de decisiones con impactos multidimensionales.Poverty as a public issue encourages further thinking about the responsibility that the State has towards its citizens. This article aims to explore the different theoretical approaches to the notions of local development and microfinance, to establish them as tools to deal with the socioeconomic needs of underprivileged people. In this sense, the hypothesis of this paper considers that local development and microfinance are indeed essential tools to solve social needs, as a source of poverty. In fact, apart from the official banks and informal lenders, microfinance institutions have revolutionized the financing of economic and social development, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Through an analytical review of literature we conclude that rationalization of microfinance is a crucial operational and conceptual stage that must transcend the goal of supporting local development and tackling poverty, as it is the outcome of a complex decision-making process with multidimensional impacts


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    In this paper, the concept of poverty is taken up from the different approaches of the organizations in the world. We emphasize the situation of poverty in the state of San Luis Potosi in Mexico. This research allows the public to know that the government implements strategies to reduce poverty in San Luis Potosi, focusing on a program "National Crusade against Hunger" and its diffusion and impact on the beneficiaries thereof. It discusses the different events, from the implementation of this program, presenting the most important achievements and results to determine their effectiveness. This basic research is documentary; it is based on journal publications and review of literature and especially the officials of the "National Crusade against Hunger"


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    The main purpose of this paper is to present the results of the construction of a methodological instrument called the Subnational Local Governance Index (ISGL). This Index was built to contribute to the assessments of institutional capacities of local governments, in order to resolve public problems in Mexico. The construction of the Index was founded on four main features: 1) The lack of public policy in education, health, public services and housing quality, measured by the level of social backwardness, 2) the structure of government and administration, measured by the institutional capacities, 3) the quality of local government, measured by the level of credibility of the citizens through subnational governance and 4) the local financial capacity, measured by the ability to generate income and to manage the public debt. Basically, the following questions have been used to build the Index: What is the level of social backwardness at the local level? What kind of institutional structure exists at the local level? What is the profile of the public policy managers at the local level? What is the capacity to generate income? What is the level of citizens’ confidence in local governance

    Evaluación de las obras públicas en gobiernos locales en México: Desafíos de las políticas públicas de participación ciudadana

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las capacidades de transparencia en los gobiernos locales a través de la inclusión de la ciudadanía en la ejecución del Fondo de Infraestructura Social Municipal. Mediante una metodología de investigación cualitativa, se exploran los mecanismos implementados por el gobierno municipal de Villa de Reyes en San Luis Potosí-México para garantizar la participación ciudadana en la realización de las obras públicas. El análisis de las respuestas derivadas del instrumento de medición nos ha permitido llegar a la conclusión de que, involucrar a los ciudadanos en el quehacer político de los gobiernos locales, aunque sólo sea en ciertas dimensiones, constituye un desafío emblemático, principalmente en tiempos de cambio


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    In this paper, the concept of poverty is taken up from the different approaches of the organizations in the world. We emphasize the situation of poverty in the state of San Luis Potosi in Mexico. This research allows the public to know that the government implements strategies to reduce poverty in San Luis Potosi, focusing on a program "National Crusade against Hunger" and its diffusion and impact on the beneficiaries thereof. It discusses the different events, from the implementation of this program, presenting the most important achievements and results to determine their effectiveness. This basic research is documentary; it is based on journal publications and review of literature and especially the officials of the "National Crusade against Hunger"

    Mecanismos de Participación Ciudadana en las Políticas Públicas en América Latina

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    Resumen Durante la década de los noventa en América Latina, se implementaron varios mecanismos de participación ciudadana principalmente en el diseño de las políticas públicas como parte de un proceso de innovaciones democráticas encaminadas a generar formas de integración social y contención de las demandas sociales. El presente trabajo expone un panorama de los mecanismos participativos más representativos aplicados en el contexto latinoamericano, en las que se describen las principales motivaciones que cada gobierno tuvo para su implementación. Igualmente, se reflexiona sobre la efectividad, las problemáticas y los principales retos que mantienen hasta hoy estos instrumentos participativos. En las conclusiones del artículo se pone de relieve la discusión acerca del control corporativo y sometimiento clientelar, así como de situaciones sobre inclusión social y construcción de ciudadanía. Palabras clave: América Latina, democracia, mecanismos de participación ciudadana, políticas públicas y ciudadanía. Abstract Mechanisms of Citizen Participation in Public Policies in Latin America During the 1990s in Latin America, several mechanisms of citizen participation were implemented mainly in the design of public policies as part of a process of democratic innovations aimed at generating forms of social integration and containment of social demands. This paper presents an overview of the most representative participatory mechanisms applied in the Latin American context, in which the main motivations that each government had for its implementation are described. Likewise, it reflects on the effectiveness, problems and main challenges that maintain until today these participatory instruments. The conclusions of the article highlight the discussion about corporate control and subversion, as well as situations on social inclusion and citizenship construction. Keywords: Latin America, democracy, mechanisms of citizen participation, public policies and citizenship

    Los Avatares De Las Acciones Gubernamentales Que Combaten El Acoso Escolar En El Estado De San Luis Potosí

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    The purpose of this article is to report the actions taken by the government in fighting against bullying in the State of San Luis Potosi. The study was carried out based on article 4° of the Mexican Constitution and article 12° of the San Luis Potosi Estate Constitution. Here, it was established that the State is responsible for the fulfillment of the best interest of the child and it must fully guarantee their rights. Also, these articles states that this principle shall guide the design, monitoring, and evaluation of public policies aimed at them. It is well known that bullying exist and is growing increasingly. For instance, this can be seen in 2000 and 2003 through the Child and Youth Consultations of the Federal Electoral Institute. In 2008, a study was conducted by the National Institute of Psychiatry. In 2009, the National Report on Gender Violence was carried out by the Secretariat of Public Education and the United Nations Fund. In 2012, the National Results of the Child and Youth Consultation was obtained. A study in 2014 exhorts the Federal Executive to carry out the necessary public policies in order to prevent and reduce bullying. In the same year, a special report was given on the aspect of respect for human rights in public secondary schools in the State of San Luis Potosí. In conclusion, despite knowing the problem of bullying, there is still no specific and concrete policy to fight bullying in San Luis Potosi

    Pouvoir et Action Publique : Cristallisation des Politiques Publiques et Prélude à la Solution des Problèmes Publics

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    L'objectif de cet article est d´analyser les aléas des variables de pouvoir et d'action publique dans la recherche de solutions aux problèmes publics à travers l'idéation, la formulation et la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques. Utilisant une méthode d'analyse qualitative, l'article soutient que le pouvoir et l'action publique cristallisent la nature des solutions aux problèmes publics. Cela indique que les politiques publiques constituent aujourd'hui le cordon ombilical entre la société et l’État à travers l'exercice du pouvoir par le gouvernement. En d'autres termes, les politiques publiques ne sont pas des outils ambigus, mais plutôt la mise en œuvre de certaines orientations et styles de gouvernement, ce qui est d'une importance transcendantale car, dans leur dimension fondamentalement empirique, les politiques publiques ont le pouvoir d’inverser, de renforcer ou d'inhiber la capacité d'autres mécanismes qui conduisent au bien-être individuel et collectif. Avec une méthode d'analyse qualitative, nous concluons que les politiques publiques nécessitent d’une vision holistique, plus alignée sur les compétences multidimensionnelles, individuelles et collectives, tant du gouvernement que des citoyens.   The objective of this article is to analyze the ups and downs of the variables of power and public action in the search for solutions to public problems through the ideation, formulation and implementation of public policies. Using a qualitative method of analysis, the article argues that power and public action crystallize the nature of solutions to public problems. This indicates that public policies today constitute the umbilical cord between society and the State through the exercise of power by the government. In other words, public policies are not ambiguous tools, but rather put into action certain orientations and styles of government, which is of transcendental importance because in its fundamentally empirical dimension, public policies have the power to reverse, enhance or inhibit the capacity of other mechanisms that lead to individual and collective well-being. With a qualitative analysis method, we conclude that public policies require a holistic vision, more aligned towards the multidimensional, individual and collective competencies, both of the government as well as of the citizenry

    Los avatares del financiamiento para el desarrollo local en México : perspectivas decisionales de instituciones bancarias

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una revisión de literatura sobre los mecanismos de financiamiento del desarrollo local, a través de algunas instituciones financieras a nivel internacional y particularmente en México.  El argumento central es que la estrategia más factible para que los países logren esquemas adecuados de desarrollo local radica en el diseño e implementación de diferentes esquemas de financiamiento donde todas las personas, ya sean físicas o morales tengan acceso a créditos que coadyuven en la potenciación de mejores condiciones de desarrollo humano. A través de un método simple de revisión de literatura, llegamos a la conclusión de que muchos de los productos o servicios financieros no han tenido la difusión o promoción necesaria para su real aplicación, que permitan mejorar las condiciones económicas o sociales de la ciudadanía

    Pouvoir et Action Publique : Cristallisation des Politiques Publiques et Prélude à la Solution des Problèmes Publics

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    L'objectif de cet article est d´analyser les aléas des variables de pouvoir et d'action publique dans la recherche de solutions aux problèmes publics à travers l'idéation, la formulation et la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques. Utilisant une méthode d'analyse qualitative, l'article soutient que le pouvoir et l'action publique cristallisent la nature des solutions aux problèmes publics. Cela indique que les politiques publiques constituent aujourd'hui le cordon ombilical entre la société et l’État à travers l'exercice du pouvoir par le gouvernement. En d'autres termes, les politiques publiques ne sont pas des outils ambigus, mais plutôt la mise en œuvre de certaines orientations et styles de gouvernement, ce qui est d'une importance transcendantale car, dans leur dimension fondamentalement empirique, les politiques publiques ont le pouvoir d’inverser, de renforcer ou d'inhiber la capacité d'autres mécanismes qui conduisent au bien-être individuel et collectif. Avec une méthode d'analyse qualitative, nous concluons que les politiques publiques nécessitent d’une vision holistique, plus alignée sur les compétences multidimensionnelles, individuelles et collectives, tant du gouvernement que des citoyens.   The objective of this article is to analyze the ups and downs of the variables of power and public action in the search for solutions to public problems through the ideation, formulation and implementation of public policies. Using a qualitative method of analysis, the article argues that power and public action crystallize the nature of solutions to public problems. This indicates that public policies today constitute the umbilical cord between society and the State through the exercise of power by the government. In other words, public policies are not ambiguous tools, but rather put into action certain orientations and styles of government, which is of transcendental importance because in its fundamentally empirical dimension, public policies have the power to reverse, enhance or inhibit the capacity of other mechanisms that lead to individual and collective well-being. With a qualitative analysis method, we conclude that public policies require a holistic vision, more aligned towards the multidimensional, individual and collective competencies, both of the government as well as of the citizenry