597 research outputs found

    The particularity of emotional words. A grounded approach

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    This work focuses on emotional concepts. We define concepts as patterns of neural activation that re-enact a given external or internal experience, for example the interoceptive experience related to fear. Concepts are mediated and expressed through words. In the following, we will use “words” to refer to word meanings, assuming that words mediate underlying concepts. Since emotional concepts and the words that mediate them are less related to the physical environment than concrete ones, at first sight they might be depicted as abstract concepts. Evidence coming from several studies shows, instead, that the issue is more complex. In this work, we will briefly outline the debate and illustrate results from recent studies on comprehension of concrete, emotional and abstract words in children and adults. We will argue that emotional words can be accounted for from a grounded perspective and will contend that emotional words represent a particular set of words that differs from both the concrete and purely abstract ones

    Exposing implicit biases and stereotypes in human and artificial intelligence: state of the art and challenges with a focus on gender

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    Biases in cognition are ubiquitous. Social psychologists suggested biases and stereotypes serve a multifarious set of cognitive goals, while at the same time stressing their potential harmfulness. Recently, biases and stereotypes became the purview of heated debates in the machine learning community too. Researchers and developers are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that some biases, like gender and race biases, are entrenched in the algorithms some AI applications rely upon. Here, taking into account several existing approaches that address the problem of implicit biases and stereotypes, we propose that a strategy to cope with this phenomenon is to unmask those found in AI systems by understanding their cognitive dimension, rather than simply trying to correct algorithms. To this extent, we present a discussion bridging together findings from cognitive science and insights from machine learning that can be integrated in a state-of-the-art semantic network. Remarkably, this resource can be of assistance to scholars (e.g., cognitive and computer scientists) while at the same time contributing to refine AI regulations affecting social life. We show how only through a thorough understanding of the cognitive processes leading to biases, and through an interdisciplinary effort, we can make the best of AI technology

    New strategy for the cleaning of paper artworks: A smart combination of gels and biosensors

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    n this work an outlook on the design and application, in the cultural heritage field, of new tools for diagnostic and cleaning use, based on biocompatible hydrogels and electrochemical sensors, is reported. The use of hydrogels is intriguing because it does not require liquid treatment that could induce damage on artworks, while electrochemical biosensors not only are easy to prepare, but also can be selective for a specific compound and therefore are suitable for monitoring the cleaning process. In the field of restoration of paper artworks, more efforts have to be done in order to know how to perform the best way for an effective restoration. Rigid Gellan gel, made up of Gellan gum and calcium acetate, was proposed as a paper cleaning treatment, and selective biosensors for substances to be removed from this gel have been obtained by choosing the appropriate enzymes to be immobilized. Using this approach, it is possible to know when the cleanup process will be completed, avoiding lengthy and sometimes unnecessary cleaning material applications

    From morphological heterogeneity at alveolar level to the overall mechanical lung behavior: an in vivo microscopic imaging study.

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    In six male anesthetized, tracheotomized, and mechanically ventilated rabbits, we imaged subpleural alveoli under microscopic view (60Ă—) through a "pleural window" obtained by stripping the endothoracic fascia and leaving the parietal pleura intact. Three different imaging scale levels were identified for the analysis on increasing stepwise local distending pressure (P ld) up to 16.5 cmH2O: alveoli, alveolar cluster, and whole image field. Alveolar profiles were manually traced, clusters of alveoli of similar size were identified through a contiguity-constrained hierarchical agglomerative clustering analysis and alveolar surface density (ASD) was estimated as the percentage of air on the whole image field. Alveolar area distributions were remarkably right-skewed and showed an increase in median value with a large topology-independent heterogeneity on increasing P ld. Modeling of alveolar area distributions on increasing P ld led to hypothesize that absolute alveolar compliance (change in surface area over change in P ld) increases fairly linearly with increasing initial alveolar size, the corollary of this assumption being a constant specific compliance. Clusters were reciprocally interweaved due to their highly variable complex shapes. ASD was found to increase with a small coefficient of variation (CV <25\%) with increasing P ld. The CV of lung volume at each transpulmonary pressure was further decreased (about 6\%). The results of the study suggest that the considerable heterogeneity of alveolar size and of the corresponding alveolar mechanical behavior are homogenously distributed, resulting in a substantially homogenous mechanical behavior of lung units and whole organ

    Theoretical modeling of UV-Vis absorption and emission spectra in liquid state systems including vibrational and conformational effects: the vertical transition approximation

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    In this paper we describe in detail a general and efficient methodology, based on the perturbed matrix method and molecular dynamics simulations, to model UV-Vis absorption and emission spectra including vibrational and conformational effects. The basic approximation used is to consider all the chromophore atomic coordinates as semiclassical degrees of freedom, hence allowing the calculation of the complete spectral signal by using the electronic vertical transitions as obtained at each possible chromophore configuration, thus including the contributions of vibrations and conformational transitions into the spectrum. As shown for the model system utilized in this paper, solvated 1-phenyl-naphthalene, such an approximation can be rather accurate to reproduce the absorption and emission spectral line shape and properties when, as it often occurs, the vertical vibronic transition largely overlaps the other non-negligible vibronic transitions

    Versatile hydrogels: An efficient way to clean paper artworks

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    In this work we present innovative materials able to remove in a single, simple and not invasive treatment, different contaminants like starch paste from paper artworks. The materials, based on biocompatible hydrogels, overcome many of the problems usually faced by restorers during the cleaning of paper sample

    Tailoring the chemical structure of cellulose nanocrystals by amine functionalization

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    The surface functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals is presently considered a useful and straightforward tool for accessing very reliable biocompatible and biodegradable nanostructures with tailored physical and chemical properties. However, to date the fine characterization of the chemical appendages introduced onto cellulose nanocrystals remains a challenge, due to the low sensitivity displayed by the most common techniques towards surface functionalization. In this paper, we demonstrate the easy functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals with aliphatic and aromatic amines, demonstrating the tunability of their properties in dependence on the selected functionality. Then, we apply to colloidal suspensions of modified nanocrystals 1H NMR analysis to elucidate their surface structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report where such investigation was performed on cellulose nanocrystals presenting both surface and reducing end modification. These results involve interesting implications for the fields of cultural heritage and of materials chemistry

    Effect of X-ray and artificial aging on parchment

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    In this study, the employment of the X-ray irradiation as bioremediation method to treat parchment has been deeply investigated. In particular, the effect of the irradiation doses on the structural stability of collagen, the main constituent of parchment, has been evaluated on a series of modern parchment samples by means of different opto-thermal and spectroscopic techniques in order to obtain the dose-dependent effect of irradiation on collagen. Moreover, the long-term behavior of the irradiated parchment has been considered by analyzing the same series of samples after being hygrothermally artificially aged. Characterizations by light transmission analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and the ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR) reflectance one have been performed for the identification of the radio-induced effect on the parchment structure even in a dose range much wider than the need for sterilization. The obtained results have proved the safeness of the method in the short and long term confirming the applicability of this emerging procedure

    La value relevance del bilancio sociale: il caso delle banche europee

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    This paper aims to test whether the publication of a social report provides information about the firm’s market value. We applied value-relevance analysis to the social reporting variable on a sample of 130 European listed banks, analysed from 2002 to 2008, to understand whether investors believe that the social report plays a role equivalent to that traditionally attributed to accounting variables. Our findings do not show a significant correlation between the publication of a social report and the stock price. We conclude that investors do not attribute a value-relevant to social report. However, cross-country analysis shows that national realities are very different. In some countries, the social report is seen as value-relevant and positively affects the stock price; in other countries, the social report remains value-relevant but negatively affects the stock pric

    Gender is conceptualized in different ways across cultures

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    Gender can be considered an embodied social concept encompassing biological and cultural components. In this study, we explored whether the concept of gender varies as a function of different cultural and linguistic norms by comparing communities that vary in their social treatment of gender-related issues and linguistic encoding of gender. In Study 1, Italian, Dutch, and English-speaking participants completed a free-listing task, which showed Italians and Dutch were the most distinct in their conceptualization of gender: Italian participants focused more on socio-cultural features (e.g., discrimination, politics, and power), whereas Dutch participants focused more on the corporeal sphere (e.g., hormones, breasts, and genitals). Study 2 replicated this finding focusing on Italian and Dutch and using a typicality rating task: socio-cultural and abstract features were considered as more typical of "gender"by Italian than Dutch participants. Study 3 addressed Italian and Dutch participants' explicit beliefs about gender with a questionnaire measuring essentialism and constructivism, and consolidated results from Studies 1 and 2 showing that Dutch participants endorsed more essentialist beliefs about gender than Italian participants. Consistent with socio-cultural constructivist accounts, our results provide evidence that gender is conceptualized differently by diverse groups and is adapted to specific cultural and linguistic environments
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