1,106 research outputs found

    A design oriented fibre-based model for simulating the long-term behaviour of RC beams: Application to beams cast in different stages

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    The present paper describes a numerical model that has been developed in order to analyse the long-term behaviour of beams built in different stages under serviceability loads, considering the effect of delayed deformations due to creep and shrinkage. The rheological model for concrete creep is based on a modified version of the solidification theory while the cross section behaviour is described by means of a fibre model. The paper discusses the performances of the model in simulating the behaviour of two fullscale beams tested by the authors

    An Experimental Campaign on the Long-Term Properties of Self Compacting Concrete

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    In the present paper, the results of an experimental campaign concerning the long-term properties of self-compacting concrete are presented. Five mixes of SCC and one mix of CVC have been employed, with different compressive strength covering the range of application from cast-in-place to prestressed structures. For each mix, compressive strength, elastic modulus and shrinkage evolution with time have been monitored. Creep tests have also been performed at different stress levels and at two ages at loading (7 and 28 days). The influence of concrete strength, stress level have been observed, together with the role played by the mix parameters. The Poisson' ratio evolution with time has been also observed; the role played by the application of long term loads and by different curing conditions on the concrete residual strength has been also investigated. Finally, experimental data both in terms of shrinkage and creep are compared with international code provisions

    O desenvolvimento da criatividade, através da utilização de técnicas de mapas mentais e analogias, no processo de criação em moda

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    Este artigo descreve a experiência prática de um trabalho realizado em sala de aula, que trata de agregar técnicas facilitadoras do desenvolvimento da criatividade, num processo de criação de moda. O método usado foi adaptado para o design de moda, através da utilização dos conceitos de “mapas mentais” e “analogias”, conjugados em um exercício prático de criatividade. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em analisar o desempenho criativo dos alunos e as possibilidades resultantes da utilização e adaptação de tal técnica criativa.This article describes the experience of a practical work in the classroom, which deals with aggregating techniques that facilitate the development of creativity in a process of fashion creating. The method used was adapted to the fashion design, through the use of "mental maps" and "analogies" concepts, combined in a practical exercise of creativity. The aim of this study is to analyze the creative performance of students and the possibilities resulting from the use and adaptation of such creative technique

    Incentivo ao consumo consciente através de processos alternativos de criação em moda

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    Este trabalho, desenvolvido em sala de aula, trata da criação de peças de vestuário com base na criatividade e na reciclagem. O objetivo do exercício é despertar no aluno a importância da inovação aliada a reutilização de materiais e insumos, o incentivo ao consumo consciente através da criação de produtos que vêm ao encontro do cenário social contemporâneo, na cadeia produtiva da modaThis work, developed in the classroom, comes to creating garments based on creativity and recycling. The aim of the exercise is to awaken in students for the importance of innovation coupled with the reuse of materials and supplies, encouraging for conscious consumption by creating products that come to meet the contemporary social scene in the fashion supply chai

    Effect of temperature variations on the bond behavior of FRCM applied to masonry

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    In the last decades, Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) composites were successfully introduced to repair and strengthen existing masonry structures. The good mechanical performances of these materials determined their efficiency as a strengthening technique; however, their durability is still an open issue. As a matter of fact, FRCM composites may be exposed to a combination of different environmental conditions and, additionally, to temperature variations due to solar radiation. The objective of this research was to study the effects of temperature variations on the bond behavior of a FRCM composite, constituted by a basalt grid and a lime-based mortar matrix, applied to masonry. For this purpose, an experimental investigation on thermally conditioned FRCM-strengthened masonry wallets is presented, in which 14 single-lap shear tests were performed. Before testing, samples were exposed to different target temperatures inside a climatic chamber: 32, 40, 50, 60 and 80 degrees C. Thermocouples were embedded within the FRCM reinforcing layers at two different depths to detect the inner temperature profiles and to control the conditioning process. The single-lap shear tests were then carried out inside the same climatic chamber, while maintaining the target temperature constant. A decrease in terms of peak-axial stress was observed by increasing temperature, along with a progressive change in the failure mode, from fiber rupture outside the bonded area to fiber slippage within the mortar matrix layers

    finite element modelling tuned on experimental testing for the structural health assessment of an ancient masonry arch bridge

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    This paper presents the structural health assessment of a railway ancient masonry arch bridge located in Bologna, Italy. A three-dimensional finite element model of the entire bridge, tuned on in situ experimental tests, has been used for the assessment. In particular, the finite element model has been employed to evaluate the structural health of the bridge both in its actual state and in the hypothesis of a structural strengthening intervention

    A discrete-cracking numerical model for the in-plane behavior of FRCM strengthened masonry panels

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    In this paper, the structural behavior of masonry panels strengthened with a system made up of composite fiber grids embedded in a cementitious matrix (FRCM) is presented. The non-linear behavior of the unreinforced and reinforced panels is numerically simulated by means of a simplified micro-modelling approach. This approach concentrates all the non-linearities and failures in the joints and in potential crack surfaces within the bricks, placed vertically in the middle of each brick. The FRCM strengthening system is discretized by a continuous bi-directional fiber grid constituted by trusses embedded into a cementitious matrix. A calibrated bond-slip relationship is applied between the fibers and the mortar matrix assuming an idealized bilinear law. The typical experimental load–displacement curve for a FRCM strengthened panel shows three principal phases that correspond to different failure mechanisms: masonry cracking, mortar matrix cracking and ultimate failure of the panel. The non-linear numerical analyses show a good agreement with experimental results and the modeling approach is found to be adequate to reproduce the described experimental behavior. The results of a parametric study on both the material and the geometrical properties of the FRCM system are also presented

    O novo consumidor de moda e a sustentabilidade

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    A preocupação mundial em torno das questões ambientais torna premente a análise de um novo comportamento do consumidor. O contributo do estudo, diz respeito a como inserir a moda, considerada uma atividade efêmera e movida pelo consumo, no perfil de um novo consumidor consciente, num contexto de desenvolvimento sustentável.The worldwide concern about environmental issues, press to the analysis of a new consumer behavior. The contribution of these study concerns how to the fashion, considered an ephemeral and consumption-driven activity, into the profile of the new consciious consumer in a context of sustainable development

    A exploração da criatividade, através do uso da técnica de brainstorming adaptada ao processo de criação em moda

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    This article describes a practical work experience in a classroom, which deals with aggregating techniques that facilitate the development of creativity, in a process of fashion creation. The method used was adapted to the fashion design, through the use of the concept of "brainstorming" and his approach to generating multiple ideas. The aim of this study is to analyze the creative performance of the students, and the creative possibilities resulting from the use and adaptation of this creative technique- Este artigo descreve a experiência prática de um trabalho desenvolvido em sala de aula, que trata de agregar técnicas facilitadoras do desenvolvimento da criatividade, num processo de criação de moda. O método usado foi adaptado para o design de moda, através da utilização do conceito de “brainstorming”e sua abordagem de geração de múltiplas ideias. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em analisar o desempenho criativo dos alunos e as possibilidades resultantes da utilização e adaptação de tal técnica criativa