225 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial susceptibility to zinc bacitracin of Clostridium perfringens of rabbit origin

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    Zinc bacitracin is widely used in Italian rabbit farms to control both Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE) and clostridiosis, and field results demonstrate useful activity. Nevertheless, data regarding the in vitro efficacy of zinc bacitracin against clostridia of rabbit origin are not available. In this study, the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of zinc bacitracin were evaluated in 123 C. perfringens strains isolated from rabbits in Italian fattening units. The agar dilution method was performed in Brucella Agar supplemented with laked sheep blood, haemin and vitamin K1, as recommended in NCCLS document M11-A6. Most strains (94.3%) had low MIC values (£ 0.5 mg/ml), and a few strains (4%) were inhibited by a concentration of 1 mg/ml. Two isolates (1.6%) had a MIC value of 16mg/ml. The MIC values of ATCC reference strains showed a good fit between each batch. MIC required to inhibit the 90% of organisms was 0.5 mg/ml and the presence of only two strains with MIC=16 mg/ml revealed the susceptibility to zinc bacitracin of Italian isolates of C. perfringens from rabbit and the absence of acquired resistance.Agnoletti, F.; Bacchin, C.; Bano, L.; Passera, A.; Favretti, M.; Mazzolini, E. (2007). Antimicrobial susceptibility to zinc bacitracin of Clostridium perfringens of rabbit origin. World Rabbit Science. 15(1):19-22. doi:10.4995/wrs.2007.609192215

    Gene expression profiling reveals a conserved microglia signature in larval zebrafish

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    International audienceMicroglia are the resident macrophages of the brain. Over the past decade, our understanding of the function of these cells has significantly improved. Microglia do not only play important roles in the healthy brain but are involved in almost every brain pathology. Gene expression profiling allowed to distinguish microglia from other macro-phages and revealed that the full microglia signature can only be observed in vivo. Thus, animal models are irreplaceable to understand the function of these cells. One of the popular models to study microglia is the zebrafish larva. Due to their optical transparency and genetic accessibility, zebrafish larvae have been employed to understand a variety of microglia functions in the living brain. Here, we performed RNA sequencing of larval zebrafish microglia at different developmental time points: 3, 5, and 7 days post fertilization (dpf). Our analysis reveals that larval zebrafish microglia rapidly acquire the core microglia signature and many typical microglia genes are expressed from 3 dpf onwards. The majority of changes in gene expression happened between 3 and 5 dpf, suggesting that differentiation mainly takes place during these days. Furthermore, we compared the larval microglia transcriptome to published data sets of adult zebrafish microglia, mouse microglia, and human microglia. Larval microglia shared a significant number of expressed genes with their adult counterparts in zebrafish as well as with mouse and human microglia. In conclusion, our results show that larval zebrafish microglia mature rapidly and express the core microglia gene signature that seems to be conserved across species. K E Y W O R D S brain, evolution, microglia, RNA sequencing, transcriptome, zebrafis

    Thrombopenic purpura induced by a monoclonal antibody directed to a 35-kilodalton surface protein (p35) expressed on murine platelets and endothelial cells

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    OBJECTIVE: With the aim of obtaining monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against mouse endothelial surface antigens, immunization of rats with a mouse-derived endothelial cell line (PY4.1) and subsequent hybridoma production were performed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One of the mAbs produced by hybridoma EOL5F5 was selected for its surface binding to endothelial cell lines, and identification of the mAb-recognized antigen was performed by immunoprecipitation. Experiments were performed to analyze the effects of EOL5F5 on systemic administration to mice. RESULTS: EOL5F5-recognized antigen was a single band of 35 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions, features that do not match other known differentiation antigens with comparable tissue distribution. In vivo administration of purified EOL5F5 mAb to mice (n = 20) induced intense cutaneous purpura as well as severe but transient thrombocytopenia. Expression of EOL5F5-recognized antigen was detected on platelets from which it immunoprecipitated a moiety of identical electrophoretic pattern in SDS-PAGE, as the one recognized on endothelial cells. Immunohistochemically, EOL5F5-recognized antigen (p35) also was expressed on dermal capillaries, suggesting that, in addition to thrombocytopenia, damaging effects of the antibody on endothelial cells also might cause the observed purpura. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show induction of thrombocytopenic purpura in mice with an mAb against a single antigenic determinant expressed on both platelets and endothelium. EOL5F5 mAb injection sets the stage for useful experimental models that resemble immune thrombocytopenic purpura

    Anti-ICAM-2 monoclonal antibody synergizes with intratumor gene transfer of interleukin-12 inhibiting activation-induced T-cell death

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    PURPOSE: Systemic treatment with an anti-ICAM-2 monoclonal antibody (mAb; EOL4G8) eradicates certain established mouse tumors through a mechanism dependent on the potentiation of a CTL-mediated response. However, well-established tumors derived from the MC38 colon carcinoma cell line were largely refractory to this treatment as well as to intratumor injection of a recombinant adenovirus encoding interleukin-12 (IL-12; AdCMVIL-12). We sought to design combined therapy strategies with AdCMVIL-12 plus anti-ICAM-2 mAbs and to identify their mechanism of action. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Analysis of antitumor and toxic effects were performed with C57BL/6 mice bearing established MC38 tumors. Anti-ovalbumin T-cell receptor transgenic mice and tumors transfected with this antigen were used for in vitro and in vivo studies on activation-induced cell death (AICD) of CD8(+) T cells. RESULTS: Combined treatment with various systemic doses of EOL4G8 mAb plus intratumor injection of AdCMVIL-12 induced complete regression of MC38 tumors treated 7 days after implantation. Unfortunately, most of such mice succumbed to a systemic inflammatory syndrome that could be prevented if IFN-gamma activity were neutralized once tumors had been rejected. Importantly, dose reduction of EOL4G8 mAb opened a therapeutic window (complete cure of 9 of 18 cases without toxicity). We also show that ICAM-2 ligation by EOL4G8 mAb on activated CTLs prevents AICD, thus extending IFN-gamma production. CONCLUSIONS: Combination of intratumor gene transfer of IL-12and systemic anti-ICAM-2 mAb display synergistic therapeutic and toxic effects. CTL life extension resulting from AICD inhibition by anti-ICAM-2 mAbs is the plausible mechanism of action

    Exploring the Needs and Expectations of Expectant and New Parents for an mHealth Application to Support the First 1000 Days of Life: Steps toward a Co-Design Approach

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    To improve maternal and child health, it is essential to adhere to health-promoting and preventive measures. However, reliable information as well as effective tools are not easy to identify in this field. Our cross-sectional study investigated the needs and expectations of expectant and new mothers and fathers as potential primary users of a hypothetical application supporting the first 1000 days of life. Between May and August 2022, we recruited expectant and new parents by administering an 83-item 5-point Likert scale questionnaire related to the content, functionalities, and technical features of the hypothetical app. We stratified responses using sociodemographic characteristics and then performed ward hierarchical clustering. The 94 women and 69 men involved in our study generally agreed with the proposed content, but expressed low interest in certain app functionalities or features, including those related to the interaction mechanism and interactivity. Women were generally more demanding than men. Our findings, resulting from the engagement of end-users, may be useful for designers and technology providers to implement mHealth solutions that, in addition to conveying reliable information, are tailored to the needs and preferences of end-users in the first 1000 days of life

    Improving efficacy of interleukin-12-transfected dendritic cells injected into murine colon cancer with anti-CD137 monoclonal antibodies and alloantigens

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    Intralesional administration of cultured dendritic cells (DCs) engineered to produce IL-12 by in vitro infection with recombinant adenovirus frequently displays eradicating efficacy against established subcutaneous tumors derived from the CT26 murine colon carcinoma cell line. The elicited response is mainly mediated by cytolytic T lymphocytes. In order to search for strategies that would enhance the efficacy of the therapeutic procedure against less immunogenic tumors, we moved onto malignancies derived from the inoculation of MC38 colon cancer cells that are less prone to undergo complete regression upon a single intratumoral injection of IL-12-secreting DCs. In this model, we found that repeated injections of such DCs, as opposed to a single injection, achieved better efficacy against both the injected and a distantly implanted tumor; that the use of semiallogeneic DCs that are mismatched in one MHC haplotype with the tumor host showed slightly better efficacy; and that the combination of this treatment with systemic injections of immunostimulatory anti-CD137 (4-1BB) monoclonal antibody achieved potent combined effects that correlated with the antitumor immune response measured in IFN-gamma ELISPOT assays. The elicited systemic immune response eradicates concomitant untreated lesions in most cases. Curative efficacy was also found against some tumors established for 2 weeks when these strategies were used in combination. These are preclinical pieces of evidence to be considered in order to enhance the therapeutic benefit of a strategy that is currently being tested in clinical trials. Supplementary Material for this article can be found on the International Journal of Cancer website at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0020-7136/suppmat/index.html

    Clinical implications of antigen transfer mechanisms from malignant to dendritic cells: Exploiting cross-priming

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    Expansion and activation of cytolytic T lymphocytes bearing high-affinity T-cell receptors specific for tumor antigens is a major goal of active cancer immunotherapy. Physiologically, T cells receive promitotic and activating signals from endogenous professional antigen-presenting cells (APC) rather than directly from malignant cells. This phenomenon fits with the broader concept of cross-presentation that earlier was demonstrated for minor histocompatibility and viral antigens. Many mechanisms have been found to be capable of transferring antigenic material from malignant cells to APC so that it can be processed and subsequently presented by MHC class I molecules expressed on APC. Dendritic cells (DC) are believed to be the most relevant APC mediating cross-presentation because they can take up antigens from apoptotic, necrotic, and even intact tumor cells. There exist specific molecular mechanisms that ensure this transfer of antigenic material: 1) opsonization of apoptotic bodies; 2) receptors for released heat shock proteins carrying peptides processed intracellularly; 3) Fc receptors that uptake immunocomplexes and immunoglobulins; and 4) pinocytosis. DC have the peculiar capability of reentering the exogenously captured material into the MHC class I pathway. Exploitation of these pieces of knowledge is achieved by providing DC with complex mixtures of tumor antigens ex vivo and by agents and procedures that promote infiltration of malignant tissue by DC. The final outcome of DC cross-presentation could be T-cell activation (cross-priming) but also, and importantly, T-cell tolerance contingent upon the activation/maturation status of DC. Artificial enhancement of tumor antigen cross-presentation and control of the immune-promoting status of the antigen-presenting DC will have important therapeutic implications in the near future

    An anti-ICAM-2 (CD102) monoclonal antibody induces immune-mediated regressions of transplanted ICAM-2-negative colon carcinomas

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    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can mediate antitumor effects by indirect mechanisms involving antiangiogenesis and up-regulation of the cellular immune response rather than by direct tumor cell destruction. From mAbs raised by immunization of rats with transformed murine endothelial cells, a mAb (EOL4G8) was selected for its ability to eradicate a fraction of established colon carcinomas that did not express the EOL4G8-recognized antigen. The antigen was found to be ICAM-2 (CD102). Antitumor effects of EOL4G8, which required a functional T-cell compartment, were abrogated by depletion of CD8(+) cells and correlated with antitumor CTL activity, whereas only a mild inhibition of angiogenesis was observed. Interestingly, we found that EOL4G8 acting on endothelial ICAM-2 markedly enhances leukotactic factor activity-1-independent adhesion of immature dendritic cells to endothelium-an effect that is at least in part mediated by DC-SIGN (CD209)

    GCH1 deficiency activates brain innate immune response and impairs tyrosine hydroxylase homeostasis

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    The Parkinson’s disease (PD) risk gene GTP cyclohydrolase 1 (GCH1) catalyzes the rate-limiting step in tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, an essential cofactor in the synthesis of monoaminergic neurotransmitters. To investigate the mechanisms by which GCH1 deficiency may contribute to PD, we generated a loss of function zebrafish gch1 mutant (gch1-/-), using CRISPR/Cas technology. gch1-/- zebrafish develop marked monoaminergic neurotransmitter deficiencies by 5 dpf, movement deficits by 8 dpf and lethality by 12 dpf. Tyrosine hydroxylase protein levels were markedly reduced without loss of ascending dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons. L-Dopa treatment of gch1-/- larvae improved survival without ameliorating the motor phenotype. RNAseq of gch1-/- larval brain tissue identified highly upregulated transcripts involved in innate immune response. Subsequent experiments provided morphological and functional evidence of microglial activation in gch1-/-. The results of our study suggest that GCH1 deficiency may unmask early, subclinical parkinsonism and only indirectly contribute to neuronal cell death via immune-mediated mechanisms. Our work highlights the importance of functional validation for GWAS risk factors and further emphasises the important role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of PD