518 research outputs found

    Adolescent childbearing experiences in Kenya: geographical and socioeconomic determinants

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    Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest level of teenage pregnancies in the world. Some studies on this topic highlight the presence of unmet reproductive health needs of adolescent in different regions. Improving maternal health has been established as a key development priority among the Millennium Development Goals, and upgrading reproductive and maternal health is usually associated with the eradication of inequality and poverty and with the presence of health care programs and services devoted to girls’ education. We attempt to investigate the geographical and socioeconomic determinants of both teenage pregnancies and maternal health behaviours among adolescent women in Kenya. We ascertain the influence of the availability of health care facilities mainly oriented to the specific needs of reproductive health. Main data are represented by 2003 Kenyan Demographic and Health Survey. In addition, the DHS data set collects Global Positioning System locators for each of the primary sampling units included in the samples that enable a deep geographical analysis. We perform a multivariate multilevel analysis to estimate the influence that individual, household, and community-level factors have on the risk of adolescent childbearing. Additionally, a spatial component allows for the presence and proximity of maternal health services. We expect that the availability of reproductive health facilities acts together with levels of socio-economic development, individual and household characteristics and community fertility norms, in influencing individual reproductive behavior at very young ages.Kenya, gravidanze adolescenziali, salute materna, strutture sanitarie, modelli multilivello Kenya, teenage pregnancy, maternal health, health facilities, multilevel modelling, millennium development goals

    A Question of Trust? Banks’ Climate Sentiments, Lending Behavior and the Low-Carbon Transition

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    We study how banks’ climate sentiments affect their lending decisions and economic decarbonization. Banks can form expectations about firms’ performance in the low-carbon transition either in a backward-looking(firms’ GHG emissions) or forward-looking way (firms’ technology alignment). We analyse how such expectations lead to adjustments in investment decisions, macroeconomic and financial indicators, conditioned to the climate scenarios of the Network for Greening the Financial System. We calibrate the EIRIN macro-financial model to Austria and we find that banks’ climate sentiments reinforce the impact of orderly carbon tax introduction on decarbonization (- 20% GHG emissions in comparison to current policies)and on co-benefits (avoided GDP losses). However, banks’ climate sentiments can also counteract the impact of the policy, depending on how expectations affect the revision of lending conditions for high and low-carbon investments. In particular, expectations leading to credit constraints on low-carbon investments hinder the low-carbon transition

    Uomini e seconde unioni in Italia

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    This paper investigate individual characteristic influencing the risk to engage a new relationship after a union disruption for Italians men. In particular, we analyze the transition from first union and the successive one, for both marriage and cohabitation. Among other characteristics we stress on the effect of son on repartnering possibility and territorial differences . Presence of son are mainly investigated in the analysis of women repartnering but we find that also for men children from previous unions induce a decrease on the risk to engage a new relationship. The decreasing effect on the risk estimates show a temporal dependency with stronger relationship for new union beginning more than two year after first disruption. Our tested hypothesis is that temporal dynamics depend on the way man could be considered the “principal actor” in taking the decision of interrupt first union or suffer this decision

    Performance analysis and optimization of automotive GPUs

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD) have drastically increased the performance demands of automotive systems. Suitable highperformance platforms building upon Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) have been developed to respond to this demand, being NVIDIA Jetson TX2 a relevant representative. However, whether high-performance GPU configurations are appropriate for automotive setups remains as an open question. This paper aims at providing light on this question by modelling an automotive GPU (Jetson TX2), analyzing its microarchitectural parameters against relevant benchmarks, and identifying specific configurations able to meaningfully increase performance within similar cost envelopes, or to decrease costs preserving original performance levels. Overall, our analysis opens the door to the optimization of automotive GPUs for further system efficiency.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P, the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 772773) and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Pedro Benedicte and Jaume Abella have been partially supported by the MINECO under FPU15/01394 grant and Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717 respectively and Leonidas Kosmidis under Juan de la Cierva-Formacin postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2017-34095).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Adolescent childbearing experiences in Kenya : geographical and socioeconomic determinants

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    Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest level of teenage pregnancies in the world. Some studies on this topic highlight the presence of unmet reproductive health needs of adolescent in different regions. Improving maternal health has been established as a key development priority among the Millennium Development Goals, and upgrading reproductive and maternal health is usually associated with the eradication of inequality and poverty and with the presence of health care programs and services devoted to girls’ education. We attempt to investigate the geographical and socioeconomic determinants of both teenage pregnancies and maternal health behaviours among adolescent women in Kenya. We ascertain the influence of the availability of health care facilities mainly oriented to the specific needs of reproductive health. Main data are represented by 2003 Kenyan Demographic and Health Survey. In addition, the DHS data set collects Global Positioning System locators for each of the primary sampling units included in the samples that enable a deep geographical analysis. We perform a multivariate multilevel analysis to estimate the influence that individual, household, and community-level factors have on the risk of adolescent childbearing. Additionally, a spatial component allows for the presence and proximity of maternal health services. We expect that the availability of reproductive health facilities acts together with levels of socio-economic development, individual and household characteristics and community fertility norms, in influencing individual reproductive behavior at very young ages

    À la recherche de l’homme capable…

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    À partir d’une étude ethnographique réalisée au sein du milieu universitaire ouagalais entre 1999 et 2007, j’aborderai la question des rapports de forces entre les femmes dans une société où les relations de genre sont en profonds bouleversements.Les jeunes urbains scolarisés, avec lesquels je travaille, ont la particularité d’être exposés à de multiples influences (famille, religion, école, médias,…). Leur situation matrimoniale est de plus grandement tributaire de la crise socioéconomique actuelle. Entre une injonction au mariage toujours très forte, un désir de choisir son conjoint et un contexte socioéconomique difficile, pèse sur eux une responsabilité nouvelle à la fois dans la quête du partenaire et dans la réussite de l’union. La concurrence entre femmes, aspect qui sera plus particulièrement développé dans le cadre de cet article, prend des proportions sans précédent. Les femmes mettent non seulement leurs corps en concurrence, mais aussi leurs pratiques sexuelles, influencées par la pornographie. À celle qui sait plus, mieux, différemment… Concurrence entre femmes et jalousies les obligent à se vouloir « performantes ».Drawing on an ethnographical research conducted among University students in Ouagadougou between 1999 and 2007, this article evokes the power relations between women in a society experiencing significant changes in the relations between genders. Urban and educated youngsters share the specificity of being be exposed to multiple influences (family, religion, school, media, …). Additionally, their matrimonial situation is highly dependent on the current socioeconomic crisis. Between an injunction to marry, a desire to choose one’s spouse and a difficult socioeconomic context, they have a new responsibility in their quest for a good partner and a successful marriage. The concurrence between women therefore takes an unprecedented importance. Women compete over beauty and appearances, but also over sexual practices, which are influenced by pornography. Concurrence between women and jealousy force them to be “efficient”

    Feelings of injustice and conspiracy theory. Representations of adolescents from an African migrant background (Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa) in disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Brussels

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    Following a field survey in neighbourhoods and schools in the poor area of Brussels among adolescents from an African migrant background (Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa), this article examines young people’s attempts to rationalise the discrimination and injustice they experience. As well as their direct effects in terms of social success in particular, institutional discrimination and violence have repercussions on representations of oneself and of the world. The accumulation of experiences of discrimination and xenophobia – in particular when carried out by institutions – is interpreted by certain adolescents as being a conspiracy resulting in a reinforcement of “them/us” stratifications and logics of mistrust.Suite à une enquête de terrain dans des quartiers et écoles du croissant pauvre de Bruxelles auprès d’adolescents migrants et issus des migrations africaines (Maroc et Afrique subsaharienne), cet article interroge les quêtes de rationalité des jeunes rencontrés face aux discriminations subies et aux injustices ressenties. En effet, outre leurs effets directs, en termes notamment de réussite sociale, les discriminations et les violences institutionnelles ont des répercussions sur les représentations de soi et du monde. L’accumulation des discriminations et des ressentis xénophobes, notamment lorsqu’elle est le fait des institutions, est interprétée par certains adolescents en terme de complot avec pour conséquence un renforcement des stratifications « eux/nous » et des logiques de défiance.Aansluitend op een veldenquête in wijken en scholen van de arme halve maan van Brussel bij migrantenjongeren en jongeren met Afrikaanse roots (Marokko en subsaharaans Afrika) analyseert dit artikel de zoektocht van de ondervraagde jongeren naar een rationele verklaring voor de discriminaties en onrechtvaardigheden die ze ervaren. Discriminaties en institutioneel geweld hebben immers niet alleen rechtstreekse gevolgen, onder meer voor hun maatschappelijk succes, maar ook repercussies voor hun zelf- en wereldbeeld. De opeenstapeling van discriminaties en xenofobe reflexen, vooral wanneer die uitgaan van het establishment, wordt door sommige jongeren geïnterpreteerd als het gevolg van een complot, verscherpt het gevoel van “wij tegen hen” en versterkt het wantrouwen

    Gevoelens van onrechtvaardigheid en complottheorie. Opvattingen van migrantenjongeren en jongeren met een Afrikaanse migratieachtergrond (Marokko en subsaharaans Afrika) in kansarme wijken van Brussel

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    Aansluitend op een veldenquête in wijken en scholen van de arme halve maan van Brussel bij migrantenjongeren en jongeren met Afrikaanse roots (Marokko en subsaharaans Afrika) analyseert dit artikel de zoektocht van de ondervraagde jongeren naar een rationele verklaring voor de discriminaties en onrechtvaardigheden die ze ervaren. Discriminaties en institutioneel geweld hebben immers niet alleen rechtstreekse gevolgen, onder meer voor hun maatschappelijk succes, maar ook repercussies voor hun zelf- en wereldbeeld. De opeenstapeling van discriminaties en xenofobe reflexen, vooral wanneer die uitgaan van het establishment, wordt door sommige jongeren geïnterpreteerd als het gevolg van een complot, verscherpt het gevoel van “wij tegen hen” en versterkt het wantrouwen.Suite à une enquête de terrain dans des quartiers et écoles du croissant pauvre de Bruxelles auprès d’adolescents migrants et issus des migrations africaines (Maroc et Afrique subsaharienne), cet article interroge les quêtes de rationalité des jeunes rencontrés face aux discriminations subies et aux injustices ressenties. En effet, outre leurs effets directs, en termes notamment de réussite sociale, les discriminations et les violences institutionnelles ont des répercussions sur les représentations de soi et du monde. L’accumulation des discriminations et des ressentis xénophobes, notamment lorsqu’elle est le fait des institutions, est interprétée par certains adolescents en terme de complot avec pour conséquence un renforcement des stratifications « eux/nous » et des logiques de défiance.Following a field survey in neighbourhoods and schools in the poor area of Brussels among adolescents from an African migrant background (Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa), this article examines young people’s attempts to rationalise the discrimination and injustice they experience. As well as their direct effects in terms of social success in particular, institutional discrimination and violence have repercussions on representations of oneself and of the world. The accumulation of experiences of discrimination and xenophobia – in particular when carried out by institutions – is interpreted by certain adolescents as being a conspiracy resulting in a reinforcement of “them/us” stratifications and logics of mistrust

    Dire la violence des frontières dans le rapport de force que constitue la procédure d’asile. Le cas d’Ali, de l’Afghanistan en Belgique

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    Cet article a pour objet de décrire la violence des frontières, à la fois géopolitiques et symboliques, qui se donnent à voir au travers des procédures relatives aux demandes d’asile : demandes initiales, recours, refus, etc. À partir du récit de vie d’Ali Y., demandeur d’asile afghan (arrivé mineur en Belgique, mais non reconnu comme tel), ainsi que de l’ensemble des documents de son dossier (rapports d’auditions, recours, rapports d’experts, cartes géographiques officielles et mentales, etc.), l’article analyse l’ethnocentrisme des procédures d’asile au travers des questions que soulève l’usage du récit biographique dans l’examen des demandes d’asile (le fait de se raconter). Il analyse également l’incidence sur l’issue de la procédure des représentations différenciées de l’espace, du temps et de la parenté du demandeur et de l’examinateur.The purpose of this paper is to describe the violence of the borders, both geopolitical and symbolic, which are seen through the procedures for asylum applications: initial applications, appeals, refusals, etc. From the narrative of life of Ali Y., an Afghan asylum seeker (who had arrived in Belgium but was not recognized as such), as well as all the documents in his file (reports of hearings, appeals, expert reports, geographical and mental maps, etc.), the article analyzes the ethnocentrism of asylum procedures through the questions raised by the use of the biographical narrative in the examination of asylum claims (telling oneself). It also analyses the impact on the outcome of the procedure of differentiated representations about space, time and kinship of the applicant and the examiner.El propósito de este artículo es describir la violencia de las fronteras, tanto geopolíticas como simbólicas, que se ven a través de los trámites para las solicitudes de asilo: solicitudes iniciales, apelaciones, denegaciones, etc. De la narrativa de la vida de Ali Y., solicitante de asilo afgano (que había llegado a Bélgica pero no había sido reconocido como tal), así como todos los documentos de su expediente (informes de audiencias, apelaciones, informes de expertos, mapas oficial y mental, etc.), el artículo analiza el etnocentrismo de los procedimientos de asilo a través de las preguntas planteadas por el uso de la narrativa biográfica en el examen de las solicitudes de asilo. También analiza el impacto en el resultado de los procedimientos de las representaciones diferenciadas de espacio, tiempo y parentesco del solicitante y del examinador

    Sentiments d’injustice et théorie du complot. Représentations d’adolescents migrants et issus des migrations africaines (Maroc et Afrique subsaharienne) dans des quartiers précaires de Bruxelles

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    Suite à une enquête de terrain dans des quartiers et écoles du croissant pauvre de Bruxelles auprès d’adolescents migrants et issus des migrations africaines (Maroc et Afrique subsaharienne), cet article interroge les quêtes de rationalité des jeunes rencontrés face aux discriminations subies et aux injustices ressenties. En effet, outre leurs effets directs, en termes notamment de réussite sociale, les discriminations et les violences institutionnelles ont des répercussions sur les représentations de soi et du monde. L’accumulation des discriminations et des ressentis xénophobes, notamment lorsqu’elle est le fait des institutions, est interprétée par certains adolescents en terme de complot avec pour conséquence un renforcement des stratifications « eux/nous » et des logiques de défiance.Aansluitend op een veldenquête in wijken en scholen van de arme halve maan van Brussel bij migrantenjongeren en jongeren met Afrikaanse roots (Marokko en subsaharaans Afrika) analyseert dit artikel de zoektocht van de ondervraagde jongeren naar een rationele verklaring voor de discriminaties en onrechtvaardigheden die ze ervaren. Discriminaties en institutioneel geweld hebben immers niet alleen rechtstreekse gevolgen, onder meer voor hun maatschappelijk succes, maar ook repercussies voor hun zelf- en wereldbeeld. De opeenstapeling van discriminaties en xenofobe reflexen, vooral wanneer die uitgaan van het establishment, wordt door sommige jongeren geïnterpreteerd als het gevolg van een complot, verscherpt het gevoel van “wij tegen hen” en versterkt het wantrouwen.Following a field survey in neighbourhoods and schools in the poor area of Brussels among adolescents from an African migrant background (Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa), this article examines young people’s attempts to rationalise the discrimination and injustice they experience. As well as their direct effects in terms of social success in particular, institutional discrimination and violence have repercussions on representations of oneself and of the world. The accumulation of experiences of discrimination and xenophobia – in particular when carried out by institutions – is interpreted by certain adolescents as being a conspiracy resulting in a reinforcement of “them/us” stratifications and logics of mistrust
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