700 research outputs found

    On the constrained mock-Chebyshev least-squares

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    The algebraic polynomial interpolation on uniformly distributed nodes is affected by the Runge phenomenon, also when the function to be interpolated is analytic. Among all techniques that have been proposed to defeat this phenomenon, there is the mock-Chebyshev interpolation which is an interpolation made on a subset of the given nodes whose elements mimic as well as possible the Chebyshev-Lobatto points. In this work we use the simultaneous approximation theory to combine the previous technique with a polynomial regression in order to increase the accuracy of the approximation of a given analytic function. We give indications on how to select the degree of the simultaneous regression in order to obtain polynomial approximant good in the uniform norm and provide a sufficient condition to improve, in that norm, the accuracy of the mock-Chebyshev interpolation with a simultaneous regression. Numerical results are provided.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    “Youth for future”: Qualitative survey of Italian youth and the environment. Tools for an ecopedagogy

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    El 2020, l’Institut Universitari Salesià de Venècia va efectuar l’enquesta amb mètodes mixtos «Joventut per al Futur» a dues mostres de joves italians: 1.821 d’edat entre 14 i 18 anys, i 1.523 d’entre 19 i 29. L’enquesta preguntava sobre la relació entre la qüestió ambiental en els joves i el futur. La recerca es va dissenyar per dur a terme l’estudi amb diferents instruments i assolir troballes des de perspectives quantitatives i qualitatives, que sovint competeixen en lloc de concórrer.Més enllà de la comparació amb els companys, ens preocupava sobretot la recerca qualitativa i aquesta és la part que es discuteix en l’article. Atès el gran nombre de participants, aquesta secció es va basar en una sola pregunta: una sol·licitud als joves perquè parlessin dels seus suggeriments sobre la relació humà / medi ambient.Com que el nostre bagatge és semiòtic i pedagògic, el propòsit de la nostra recerca era comprendre el sentiment respecte a l’entorn i les formes en què es construeix el significat dins de les llengües juvenils, més enllà dels estereotips i els enganys interpretatius del llenguatge. També proposar elements i oportunitats formatives per aproximar-nos a «l’estat de les coses» interceptant l’extensa (des)informació de la infoesfera, destacant els elements que transmeten les representacions a través de les quals construïm i mapem la nostra imatge del món. És un tema actualment ineludible per a l’educació.The environmental issue has become central in the public debate, but the new scenario of the infosphere within which it takes place with its informal formation, does not seem to increase awareness but rather confusion and cognitive difficulty that holds citizens back from participating in public decisions on the environment. An alarm for pedagogy, ecopedagogy and science in general that should foster a dialogue based on a different approach to the co-construction of knowledge between expert and lay knowledge and new education

    Regular Black Holes and Horizonless Ultra-Compact Objects in Lorentz-Violating Gravity

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    There is growing evidence that Ho\v{r}ava gravity may be a viable quantum theory of gravity. It is thus legitimate to expect that gravitational collapse in the full, non-projectable version of the theory should result in geometries that are free of spacetime singularities. Previous analyses have shown that such geometries must belong to one of the following classes: simply connected regular black holes with inner horizons; non-connected black holes "hiding" a wormhole mouth (black bounces); simply connected or non-connected horizonless compact objects. Here, we consider a singular black hole in the low-energy limit of non-projectable Ho\v{r}ava gravity, i.e. khronometric theory, and describe examples of its possible "regularisations", covering all of the viable classes. To our knowledge, these examples constitute the first instances of black holes with inner universal horizons, of black bounces and of stars with a de Sitter core in the context of Lorentz-violating theories of gravity.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures; comments welcom

    Spectral behavior of preconditioned non-Hermitian multilevel block Toeplitz matrices with matrix-valued symbol

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    This note is devoted to preconditioning strategies for non-Hermitian multilevel block Toeplitz linear systems associated with a multivariate Lebesgue integrable matrix-valued symbol. In particular, we consider special preconditioned matrices, where the preconditioner has a band multilevel block Toeplitz structure, and we complement known results on the localization of the spectrum with global distribution results for the eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrices. In this respect, our main result is as follows. Let Ik:=(π,π)kI_k:=(-\pi,\pi)^k, let Ms\mathcal M_s be the linear space of complex s×ss\times s matrices, and let f,g:IkMsf,g:I_k\to\mathcal M_s be functions whose components fij,gij:IkC, i,j=1,,s,f_{ij},\,g_{ij}:I_k\to\mathbb C,\ i,j=1,\ldots,s, belong to LL^\infty. Consider the matrices Tn1(g)Tn(f)T_n^{-1}(g)T_n(f), where n:=(n1,,nk)n:=(n_1,\ldots,n_k) varies in Nk\mathbb N^k and Tn(f),Tn(g)T_n(f),T_n(g) are the multilevel block Toeplitz matrices of size n1nksn_1\cdots n_ks generated by f,gf,g. Then {Tn1(g)Tn(f)}nNkλg1f\{T_n^{-1}(g)T_n(f)\}_{n\in\mathbb N^k}\sim_\lambda g^{-1}f, i.e. the family of matrices {Tn1(g)Tn(f)}nNk\{T_n^{-1}(g)T_n(f)\}_{n\in\mathbb N^k} has a global (asymptotic) spectral distribution described by the function g1fg^{-1}f, provided gg possesses certain properties (which ensure in particular the invertibility of Tn1(g)T_n^{-1}(g) for all nn) and the following topological conditions are met: the essential range of g1fg^{-1}f, defined as the union of the essential ranges of the eigenvalue functions λj(g1f), j=1,,s\lambda_j(g^{-1}f),\ j=1,\ldots,s, does not disconnect the complex plane and has empty interior. This result generalizes the one obtained by Donatelli, Neytcheva, Serra-Capizzano in a previous work, concerning the non-preconditioned case g=1g=1. The last part of this note is devoted to numerical experiments, which confirm the theoretical analysis and suggest the choice of optimal GMRES preconditioning techniques to be used for the considered linear systems.Comment: 18 pages, 26 figure

    From material rent to immaterial rent: continuity or theoretical rupture?

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    In this paper we will try to represent in mathematical form some of the characteristics of a Post-Fordist economic system. In particular, we will focus on the theory of distribution, and on the role of income. We will try to identify the process that led to the crisis of Fordism by modifiyng the Ricardian framework presented in Pasinetti 1966. Rent in Fordist system of production is linked to the diminishing returns. In Post-Fordist production process we will assume a law of formation of (immaterial) rent related to increasing returns .Capitalismo Cognitivo; Fordismo; Pasinetti; Ricardo; rendita; Postfordismo

    Separation of heat and charge currents for boosted thermoelectric conversion

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    In a multi-terminal device the (electronic) heat and charge currents can follow different paths. In this paper we introduce and analyse a class of multi-terminal devices where this property is pushed to its extreme limits, with charge andand heat currents flowing in different reservoirs. After introducing the main characteristics of such heatchargeheat-charge currentcurrent separationseparation regime we show how to realise it in a multi-terminal device with normal and superconducting leads. We demonstrate that this regime allows to control independently heat and charge flows and to greatly enhance thermoelectric performances at low temperatures. We analyse in details a three-terminal setup involving a superconducting lead, a normal lead and a voltage probe. For a generic scattering region we show that in the regime of heat-charge current separation both the power factor and the figure of merit ZTZT are highly increased with respect to a standard two-terminal system. These results are confirmed for the specific case of a system consisting of three coupled quantum dots.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Implementazione e analisi di algoritmi dinamici per trasmissione MPEG-DASH su client Android

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    Attualmente, la maggior parte dei dati che transitano sulla rete appartiene a contenuti multimediali. Più nello specifico, è lo Streaming Video ad avere la predominanza nella condivisione di Internet; vista la crescita che tale servizio ha subìto negli ultimi anni, si sono susseguiti diversi studi volti allo sviluppo di tecniche e metodologie che potessero migliorarlo. Una di queste è sicuramente l'Adaptive Video Streaming, tecnica utilizzata per garantire all'utente una buona Quality of Experience (QoE) mediante l'utilizzo dei cosiddetti "algoritmi di rate adaptation". Il lavoro svolto in questi studi si è voluto concentrare su due filoni distinti, ma allo stesso tempo confrontabili: la prima parte della tesi riguarda lo sviluppo e l'analisi di alcuni algoritmi di rate adaptation per DASH, mentre la seconda è relativa all'implementazione di un nuovo algoritmo che li possa affiancare, migliorando la QoE nel monitorare lo stato della connessione. Si è quindi dovuta implementare un'applicazione Android per lo streaming video, che fosse conforme allo standard MPEG-DASH e potesse fornire le informazioni di testing da utilizzare per le analisi. La tesi è suddivisa in quattro capitoli: il primo introduce l'argomento e definisce la terminologia necessaria alla comprensione degli studi; il secondo descrive alcuni dei lavori correlati allo streaming adattivo e introduce i due filoni principali della tesi, ovvero gli algoritmi di rate adaptation e la proposta di algoritmo per la selezione dinamica del segmento; il terzo presenta l'app SSDash, utilizzata come mezzo per le analisi sperimentali; infine, il quarto ed ultimo capitolo mostra i risultati delle analisi e le corrispondenti valutazioni

    Could time detect a faking-good attitude? A study with the MMPI-2-RF

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    Background and Purpose: Research on the relationship between response latency (RL) and faking in self-administered testing scenarios have generated contradictory findings. We explored this relationship further, aiming to add further insight into the reliability of self-report measures. We compared RLs and T-scores on the MMPI-2-RF (validity and restructured clinical [RC] scales) in four experimental groups. Our hypotheses were that: the Fake-Good Speeded group would obtain a different completion time; show higher RLs than the Honesty Speeded Group in the validity scales; show higher T-Scores in the L-r and K-r scales and lower T-scores in the F-r and RC scales; and show higher levels of tension and fatigue. Finally, the impact of the speeded condition in malingering was assessed. Materials and Methods: The sample was comprised of 135 subjects (M = 26.64; SD = 1.88 years old), all of whom were graduates (having completed at least 17 years of instruction), male, and Caucasian. Subjects were randomly assigned to four groups: Honesty Speeded, Fake-Good Speeded, Honesty Un-Speeded, and Fake-Good Un-Speeded. A software version of the MMPI-2-RF and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were administered. To test the hypotheses, MANOVAs and binomial logistic regressions were run. Results: Significant differences were found between the four groups, and particularly between the Honest and Fake-Good groups in terms of test completion time and the L-r and K-r scales. The speeded condition increased T-scores in the L-r and K-r scales but decreased T-scores in some of the RC scales. The Fake groups also scored higher on the VAS Tension subscale. Completion times for the first and second parts of the MMPI-2-RF and T-scores for the K-r scale seemed to predict malingering. Conclusion: The speeded condition seemed to bring out the malingerers. Limitations include the sample size and gender bias