6,417 research outputs found

    Strain gage system evaluation program

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    A program was conducted to determine the reliability of various strain gage systems when applied to rotating compressor blades in an aircraft gas turbine engine. A survey of current technology strain gage systems was conducted to provide a basis for selecting candidate systems for evaluation. Testing and evaluation was conducted in an F 100 engine. Sixty strain gage systems of seven different designs were installed on the first and third stages of an F 100 engine fan. Nineteen strain gage failures occurred during 62 hours of engine operation, for a survival rate of 68 percent. Of the failures, 16 occurred at blade-to-disk leadwire jumps (84 percent), two at a leadwire splice (11 percent), and one at a gage splice (5 percent). Effects of erosion, temperature, G-loading, and stress levels are discussed. Results of a post-test analysis of the individual components of each strain gage system are presented

    3D global simulations of a cosmic-ray-driven dynamo in dwarf galaxies

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    Star-forming dwarf galaxies can be seen as the local proxies of the high-redshift building blocks of more massive galaxies according to the current paradigm of the hierarchical galaxy formation. They are low-mass objects, and therefore their rotation speed is very low. Several galaxies are observed to show quite strong magnetic fields. These cases of strong ordered magnetic fields seem to correlate with a high, but not extremely high, star formation rate. We investigate whether these magnetic fields could be generated by the cosmic-ray-driven dynamo. The environment of a dwarf galaxy is unfavourable for the large-scale dynamo action because of the very slow rotation that is required to create the regular component of the magnetic field. We built a 3D global model of a dwarf galaxy that consists of two gravitational components: the stars and the dark-matter halo described by the purely phenomenological profile proposed previously. We solved a system of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations that include an additional cosmic-ray component described by the fluid approximation. We found that the cosmic-ray-driven dynamo can amplify the magnetic field with an exponential growth rate. The ee-folding time is correlated with the initial rotation speed. The final mean value of the azimuthal flux for our models is of the order of few μ\muG and the system reaches its equipartition level. The results indicate that the cosmic-ray-driven dynamo is a process that can explain the magnetic fields in dwarf galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in the interstellar medium of irregular galaxies

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    Irregular galaxies are usually smaller and less massive than their spiral, S0, and elliptical counterparts. Radio observations indicate that a magnetic field is present in irregular galaxies whose value is similar to that in spiral galaxies. However, the conditions in the interstellar medium of an irregular galaxy are unfavorable for amplification of the magnetic field because of the slow rotation and low shearing rate. We investigate the cosmic-ray driven dynamo in the interstellar medium of an irregular galaxy. We study its efficiency under the conditions of slow rotation and weak shear. The star formation is also taken into account in our model and is parametrized by the frequency of explosions and modulations of activity. The numerical model includes a magnetohydrodynamical dynamo driven by cosmic rays that is injected into the interstellar medium by randomly exploding supernovae. In the model, we also include essential elements such as vertical gravity of the disk, differential rotation approximated by the shearing box, and resistivity leading to magnetic reconnection. We find that even slow galactic rotation with a low shearing rate amplifies the magnetic field, and that rapid rotation with a low value of the shear enhances the efficiency of the dynamo. Our simulations have shown that a high amount of magnetic energy leaves the simulation box becoming an efficient source of intergalactic magnetic fields.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics of particle-stabilized thin liquid films

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    Our recent quasi-two-dimensional thermodynamic description of thin-liquid films stabilized by colloidal particles is generalized to describe nonuniform equilibrium states of films in external potentials and nonequilibrium transport processes produced in the film by gradients of thermodynamic forces. Using a Monte--Carlo simulation method, we have determined equilibrium equations of state for a film stabilized by a suspension of hard spheres. Employing a multipolar-expansion method combined with a flow-reflection technique, we have also evaluated the short-time film-viscosity coefficients and collective particle mobility.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Fermion Lattice Systems

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    We study equilibrium statistical mechanics of Fermion lattice systems which require a different treatment compared with spin lattice systems due to the non-commutativity of local algebras for disjoint regions. Our major result is the equivalence of the KMS condition and the variational principle with a minimal assumption for the dynamics and without any explicit assumption on the potential. It holds also for spin lattice systems as well, yielding a vast improvement over known results. All formulations are in terms of a C*-dynamical systems for the Fermion (CAR) algebra with all or a part of the following assumptions: (I) The interaction is even with respect to the Fermion number. (Automatically satisfied when (IV) below is assumed.) (II) All strictly local elements of the algebra have the first time derivative. (III) The time derivatives in (II) determine the dynamics. (IV) The interaction is lattice translation invariant. A major technical tool is the conditional expectation from the total algebra onto the local subalgebra for any finite subset of the lattice, which induces a system of commuting squares. This technique overcomes the lack of tensor product structures for Fermion systems and even simplifies many known arguments for spin lattice systems.Comment: 103 pages, no figure. The Section 13 has become simpler and a problem in 14.1 is settled thanks to a referee. The format has been revised according to the suggestion of this and the other referee

    A dynamical model for the heavily ram pressure stripped Virgo spiral galaxy NGC 4522

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    A dynamical model including ram pressure stripping is applied to the strongly HI deficient Virgo spiral galaxy NGC 4522. A carefully chosen model snapshot is compared with existing VLA HI observations. The model successfully reproduces the large-scale gas distribution and the velocity field. However it fails to reproduce the large observed HI linewidths in the extraplanar component, for which we give possible explanations. In a second step, we solve the induction equation on the velocity fields of the dynamical model and calculate the large scale magnetic field. Assuming a Gaussian distribution of relativistic electrons we obtain the distribution of polarized radio continuum emission which is also compared with our VLA observations at 6 cm. The observed maximum of the polarized radio continuum emission is successfully reproduced. Our model suggests that the ram pressure maximum occurred only ~50 Myr ago. Since NGC 4522 is located far away from the cluster center (~1 Mpc) where the intracluster medium density is too low to cause the observed stripping if the intracluster medium is static and smooth, two scenarios are envisaged: (i) the galaxy moves very rapidly within the intracluster medium and is not even bound to the cluster; in this case the galaxy has just passed the region of highest intracluster medium density; (ii) the intracluster medium is not static but moving due to the infall of the M49 group of galaxies. In this case the galaxy has just passed the region of highest intracluster medium velocity. This study shows the strength of combining high resolution HI and polarized radio continuum emission with detailed numerical modeling of the evolution of the gas and the large-scale magnetic field.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Molecular-beam epitaxy of CrSi_2 on Si(111)

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    Chromium disilicide layers have been grown on Si(111) in a commercial molecular‐beam epitaxy machine. Thin layers (10 nm) exhibit two epitaxial relationships, which have been identified as CrSi_2(0001)//Si(111) with CrSi_2[1010]//Si[101], and CrSi_2(0001)//Si(111) with CrSi_2[1120]//Si[101]. The latter case represents a 30° rotation of the CrSi_2 layer about the Si surface normal relative to the former case. Thick (210 nm) layers were grown by four different techniques, and the best‐quality layer was obtained by codeposition of Cr and Si at an elevated temperature. These layers are not single crystal; the largest grains are observed in a layer grown at 825 °C and are 1–2 μm across

    Limit structure of Future Null Infinity tangent -topology of the event horizon and gravitational wave tail-

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    We investigated the relation between the behavior of gravitational wave at late time and the limit structure of future null infinity tangent which will determine the topology of the event horizon far in the future. In the present article, we mainly consider a spacetime with two black holes. Although in most of cases, the black holes coalesce and its event horizon is topologically a single sphere far in the future, there are several possibilities that the black holes never coalesce and such exact solutions as examples. In our formulation, the tangent vector of future null infinity is, under conformal embedding, related to the number of black holes far in the future through the Poincar\'e-Hopf's theorem. Under the conformal embedding, the topology of event horizon far in the future will be affected by the geometrical structure of the future null infinity. In this article, we related the behavior of Weyl curvature to this limit behavior of the generator vector of the future null infinity. We show if Weyl curvature decays sufficiently slowly at late time in the neighborhood of future null infinity, two black holes never coalesce.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Endotaxial Si nanolines in Si(001):H

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    We present a detailed study of the structural and electronic properties of a self-assembled silicon nanoline embedded in the H-terminated silicon (001) surface, known as the Haiku stripe. The nanoline is a perfectly straight and defect free endotaxial structure of huge aspect ratio; it can grow micrometre long at a constant width of exactly four Si dimers (1.54nm). Another remarkable property is its capacity to be exposed to air without suffering any degradation. The nanoline grows independently of any step edges at tunable densities, from isolated nanolines to a dense array of nanolines. In addition to these unique structural characteristics, scanning tunnelling microscopy and density functional theory reveal a one-dimensional state confined along the Haiku core. This nanoline is a promising candidate for the long sought after electronic solid-state one-dimensional model system to explore the fascinating quantum properties emerging in such reduced dimensionality.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Building blocks of a black hole

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    What is the nature of the energy spectrum of a black hole ? The algebraic approach to black hole quantization requires the horizon area eigenvalues to be equally spaced. As stressed long ago by by Mukhanov, such eigenvalues must be exponentially degenerate with respect to the area quantum number if one is to understand black hole entropy as reflecting degeneracy of the observable states. Here we construct the black hole states by means of a pair of "creation operators" subject to a particular simple algebra, a slight generalization of that for the harmonic oscillator. We then prove rigorously that the n-th area eigenvalue is exactly 2 raised to the n-fold degenerate. Thus black hole entropy qua logarithm of the number of states for fixed horizon area comes out proportional to that area.Comment: PhysRevTeX, 14 page