291 research outputs found

    Neuropsychologiczne podstawy wprowadzenia zmian w klasyfikacji zaburzeń seksualnych

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    This paper aims to compare and contrast proposed American Psychiatric Association website DSM 5 definitions of sexual dysfunctions with that of ICD-10 — F52 and explains the rationale for making changes. All the DSM classifications until present time based definitions of sexual dysfunctions on expert opinions that were not supported by sufficient clinical or epidemiological data. Additionally, included vague terms such as satisfactory, soon after, rapid, short, minimal, recurrent and persistent which were not precise and difficult to interpret. Showed male and female sexual dysfunctions on the same continuum based on unified sexual response cycles.The fifth version of the APA’s classification was released in May 2013. The DSM-5 merged female desire and arousal diagnosis into one entity defined as female sexual interest and arousal disorders, vaginisimus and dyspareunia as genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder, deleted sexual aversion, the diagnostic classification separated for men and women. DSM attempted to operationalize the diagnostic criteria and avoided vague terms. It is also expected to introduce changes in the classification of disorders in ICD-10. (JNNN 2014;3(3):136–141)This paper aims to compare and contrast proposed American Psychiatric Association website DSM 5 definitions of sexual dysfunctions with that of ICD-10 — F52 and explains the rationale for making changes. All the DSM classifications until present time based definitions of sexual dysfunctions on expert opinions that were not supported by sufficient clinical or epidemiological data. Additionally, included vague terms such as satisfactory, soon after, rapid, short, minimal, recurrent and persistent which were not precise and difficult to interpret. Showed male and female sexual dysfunctions on the same continuum based on unified sexual response cycles.The fifth version of the APA’s classification was released in May 2013. The DSM-5 merged female desire and arousal diagnosis into one entity defined as female sexual interest and arousal disorders, vaginisimus and dyspareunia as genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder, deleted sexual aversion, the diagnostic classification separated for men and women. DSM attempted to operationalize the diagnostic criteria and avoided vague terms. It is also expected to introduce changes in the classification of disorders in ICD-10. (JNNN 2014;3(3):136–141

    The cooperation of a pregnant women with a physician and a midwife and selected aspects of the course of childbirth

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    Cel. Głównym celem podjętych badań była ocena związku między współpracą ciężarnej z lekarzem i położną w okresie ciąży a wybranymi aspektami przebiegu porodu. Materiał. Badaniami objęto 234 kobiety w 38-42 tygodniu ciąży o prawidłowym przebiegu, które urodziły żywy płód, różniące się między sobą wiekiem, wykształceniem, stanem cywilnym, miejscem zamieszkania, ilością ciąż i przebytych porodów. Metody. Badania przeprowadzono za pomocą ankiety osobowej i zebranych danych z dokumentacji okresu ciąży i dokumentacji szpitalnej. Wśród wskaźników przebiegu porodu analizowano: czas trwania porodu, poziom aktyw-ności własnej podczas porodu, korzystanie ze środków przeciwbólowych, obrażenia dróg rodnych w czasie porodu, stan noworodka i sposób ukończenia porodu. Wśród wskaźników współpracy analizowano moment zgłoszenia się ciężarnej do lekarza, ilość wizyt w ciąży, przestrzeganie zaleceń personelu. Wyniki i wnioski. 1. Przeprowadzone badania nie wykazały zależności między współpracą ciężarnej z lekarzem i położną w okresie ciąży a wybranymi aspektami przebiegu porodu. 2. Kobiety po przygotowaniu w szkole rodzenia częściej  były pod opieką lekarza już w pierwszym trymestrze ciąży, chodziły na wyznaczone wizyty regularnie, przestrzegały zaleceń lekarskich.Aim. The research was mainly aimed at assessing the relation between the cooperation of pregnant women with a physician and a midwife during pregnancy and selected aspects of the course of childbirth.  Material. 234 women in 38th – 42nd week of low-risk pregnancy were included in this research. They gave live births, differed in age, education, marital status, place of residence, number of pregnancies, and deliveries.  Methods. The research was performed with the use of own survey and the data collected from the documentation of pregnancy and hospital record. The following were analysed amongst the indicators of the course of childbirth: childbirth duration time, own activity level during childbirth, the use of painkillers, trauma of genital tract sustained during childbirth, newborn child's condition and childbirth conclusion method. The following were analysed amongst the indicators of the cooperation with a physician and a midwife during pregnancy: the first medical consultation, the number of visits in pregnancy, observance of recommendation of staff. Results and conclusions. 1. The conducted research did not prove any correlation between the cooperation of pregnant women with a physician and a midwife during pregnancy and selected aspects of the course of childbirth. 2. The women who attended the antenatal classes were more often to under medical care as soon as in the first trimester, regularly attended the appointed consultations, and followed medical recommendations

    Low risk myelodysplastic syndromes with del5q

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    Zespół del5q stanowi jednostkę chorobową należącą do zespołów mielodysplastcznych. Charakteryzuje się ona niedokrwistością makrocytarną z towarzyszącą nadpłytkowością. Występuje najczęściej u kobiet i związany jest z niskim ryzykiem transformacji do ostrej białaczki. Obecnie standardową terapią jest leczenie lenalidomidem, które pozwala na osiągnięcie wyższego odsetka uniezależnienia od transfuzji oraz odpowiedzi cytogenetycznych w grupie chorych z delecją 5q.Del5q syndrome is myelodysplastic syndrome with well-known clinical manifestation of disease in the form of macrocytic anemia, which can be commonly accompanied by thrombocythemia. The disease is more common in women and is characterized by a relatively low percentage of transformation in acute myeloid leukemia. Currently the treatment of choice in this group of patients is lenalidomide, which allows to achieve higher rate of transfusion independence and cytogenetic responses

    Effect of overexpression of β- and γ-actin isoforms on actin cytoskeleton organization and migration of human colon cancer cells

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    Actins are eukaryotic proteins, which are involved in diverse cellular functions including muscle contraction, cell motility, adhesion and maintenance of cell shape. Cytoplasmic actin isoforms β and γ are ubiquitously expressed and essential for cell functioning. However, their unique contributions are not very well understood. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of β- and γ-actin overexpression on the migration capacity and actin cytoskeleton organization of human colon adenocarcinoma BE cells. In cells overexpressing β- or γ-actin, distinct cytoskeletal actin rearrangements were observed under the laser scanning confocal microscope. Overexpressed actins localized at the submembranous region of the cell body, especially near to the leading edge and on the tips of pseudopodia. The cells transfected with plasmids containing cDNA for β- or γ-actin were characterized by increased migration and invasion capacities. However, the migration velocity was statistically significantly higher only in the case of γ-actin overexpressing cells. In conclusion, the increased level of β- or γ-actin leads to actin cytoskeletal remodeling followed by an increase in migration and invasion capacities of human colon BE cells. These data suggest that expression of both actin isoforms has an impact on cancer cell motility, with the subtle predominance of γ-actin, and may influence invasiveness of human colon cancer

    The diagnostic usefulness of serum total bile acid concentrations in the early phase of acute pancreatitis of varied etiologies

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    The most common causes of acute pancreatitis (AP) are biliary tract diseases with cholestasis and alcohol consumption. In 10%–15% of patients, etiology determination is difficult. Identification of the etiology allows for the implementation of adequate treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the utility of the serum concentrations of total bile acids (TBA) to diagnose AP etiology in the early phase of the disease. We included 66 patients with AP, admitted within the first 24 h from the onset of symptoms. TBA were measured in serum at 24, 48, and 72 h from the onset of AP, using an automated fifth generation assay. The bilirubin-to-TBA ratio (B/TBA) was calculated. TBA was highest on the first day of AP and decreased subsequently. In patients with biliary etiology, serum TBA was significantly higher compared to those with alcoholic and other etiologies. B/TBA was significantly higher in patients with alcoholic etiology. At admission, the cut-off values of 4.7 µmol/L for TBA and 4.22 for the B/TBA ratio allowed for a differentiation between biliary and other etiologies of AP with a diagnostic accuracy of 85 and 83%. Both TBA and B/TBA may help in the diagnosis of AP etiology in the early phase of AP

    Proinflammatory chemokine gene expression influences survival of patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    Patients with multiple myeloma (MM) treated with conventional chemotherapy have an averagesurvival of approximately three years. High dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation(ASCT), first introduced in the mid-1980s, is now considered the standard therapy for almost all patientswith multiple myeloma, because it prolongs overall survival and disease free survival. Between November 1997and October 2006, 122 patients with MM (58 females, 64 males, median age 51.0 years [± 7.98] range: 30–66years) were transplanted in the Department of Hematooncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation at the MedicalUniversity of Lublin: 47 patients were in complete remission or in unconfirmed complete remission,66 patients were in partial remission, and nine had stable disease. Of these, there were 95 patients with IgG myeloma,16 with IgA myeloma, one with IgG/IgA, one with IgM myeloma, five with non secretory type, two withsolitary tumor and two with LCD myeloma. According to Durie-Salmon, 62 patients had stage III of the disease,46 had stage II and four had stage I. Most patients (69/122) were transplanted after two or more cycles ofchemotherapy, 48 patients were transplanted after one cycle of chemotherapy, one patient after surgery and rtg--therapy and four patients had not been treated. In mobilisation procedure, the patients received a single infusionof cyclophosphamide (4–6 g/m2) or etoposide 1.6 g/m2 followed by daily administration of G-CSF until theperipheral stem cells harvest. The number of median harvest sessions was 2.0 (± 0.89) (range: 1–5). An averageof 7.09 (± 33.28) × 106 CD34+ cells/kg were collected from each patient (range: 1.8–111.0 × 106/kg). Conditioningregimen consisted of high dose melphalan 60–210 mg/m2 without TBI. An average of 3.04 (± 11.59) × 106CD34+ cells/kg were transplanted to each patient. Fatal complications occured in four patients (treatment--related mortality = 3.2%). In all patients there was regeneration of hematopoiesis. The median number of daysfor recovery to ANC > 0.5 × 109/l was 13 (± 4.69) (range: 10–38) and platelets recovery to > 50 × 109/l was 25days (± 11.65) (range: 12–45). Median time of hospitalization was 22 days (± 7.14) (range: 14–50). Patientswere evaluated on day 100 after transplantation: 74.9% achieved CR and nCR, 14.3% were in PR, 5.4% had SDand 5.4% had progressed. Median of OS was 45 months (± 30.67). OS at 3-years was 84% and at 7-years 59%.Median PFS was 25 months (± 26.13). PFS at 3-years was 68%, and at 7-years was 43%. At present (November2009) 52 patients (42%) are still alive. High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantationis a valuable, well tolerated method of treatment for patients with MM that allows the achievement of long--lasting survival