177 research outputs found
Management students values depending on religion : comparative research from Poland
Research on religion and its influence on work values is not frequent in Europe, where researchers do not usually consider this relation because of historical reasons. Nonetheless, the number of publications concerning religion's contribution to organization management is systematically increasing. This study sheds light on the way Christian religions (Orthodox and Catholic) can shape value preferences of their believers as well as those who do not practice any religion but their families do. The study used a self-constructed value scale, which is a modification of M. Rokeach's questionnaire survey. It differs from Rokeach's Value Scale in respect to the quantity and quality of the proposed values and the assumption regarding the value hierarchy. A statistical analysis was carried out, enabling the indication of differences between the preference rates of 20 terminal and 20 instrumental values, depending on the denomination of the respondent and their family. Results of the study suggest that both religions influence the values preferences of their believers as well as non-believers coming from Catholic or Orthodox families. This impact was confirmed in the study both in relation to believers (through family) and non-believers (through family or social environment). Religion, therefore, proves to be an influential source of values preferences, which can be impactful also in the corporate surrounding
Restricted geographic distribution and low genetic distinctiveness of steppic Crioceris quinquepunctata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations in Central East Europe
Crioceris quinquepunctata is a European leafbeetle, rare and strictly associated with steppe-like habitats in Central and Eastern Europe. We sampled suitable localities in Central East Europe to determine the current distribution and to verify whether populations isolated by the Carpathian Mountains (within Pannonian and Pontic area) show genetic differentiation. Sequences from the beetle COI and ITSl were amplified and compared. Furthermore, ftsZ and hcpA genes of the endosymbiont Wolbachia were analysed as additional genetic markers. We found only two populations of C. quinquepunctata (in Moravia and Podolian Upland). Unusually low genetic differences between these populations were revealed, which is in contrast to previous studies on other steppe beetles. The reasons for such low diversity are speculative and probably related to recent natural expansion or man-made translocation of C. quinquepunctata
Hans Jonas i Alan Watts: teodycea a mit spekulatywny
The article is a brief comparative work, whose subject are two different speculative myths. The first is the myth of English theologian Alan Watts; the second – the Jewish philosopher Hans Jonas. Both myths refer to the issues of theodicy. This article attempts to present the main thesis of both myths. Furthermore, it shows the specific role of a myth in the context of issues of theodicy.Artykuł stanowi krótką pracę porównawczą, przedmiotem której są dwa różne spekulatywne mity. Pierwszy z nich, to mit angielskiego teologa Allana Wattsa; drugi - żydowskiego filozofa Hansa Jonasa. Oba mity dotyczą zagadnienia teodycei. Artykuł stara się przedstawić główne tezy obu wspomnianych mitów. Ukazuje ponadto szczególną rolę mitu, w kontekście zagadnienia teodycei
Nietzschego oblicza nihilizmu
This article presents the main issues relating to the Nietzschean interpretation of nihilism in its diverse and ambiguous manifestations. Furthermore, it attempts to show the relationship between the rejection of strictly metaphysical discourse and aestheticization of thinking, accomplished in the work of the German philosopher. With such a perspective the article attempts to defend the validity of the „transvaluation of values” thesis
Ocena wyników operacyjnego leczenia złamań trzonów kości i przedramienia u dzieci i młodzieży metodą elastycznej stabilizacji śródszpikowej
The vast majority of fractures of the forearm bones in juveniles may be treated conservatively immobilization in a cast. However, in some cases, surgical treatment is indicated because of the large displacement of fracture instability. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the surgical treatment of fractures of the forearm bones in children using flexible method intramedullary stabilization of patients on the basis of our branch. Material and methods: In years from 2002 - to 2011 129 patients were surgically treated because of forearm fractures. A group of 41 patients (32%) were studied in our branch. They have earlier had applied for phone call. Clinical assessment was given in the range of flexion and extension of wrist and elbow and forearm rotation range. It was investigated shake hands and subjective pain. These results were evaluated using the modified Fernandez - scale. The surgery was performed under general anesthesia. After setting fractures, the camera hood with a small skin incision was introduced into the marrow cavity of flexible steel wire stabilizing factions. The end of the wire after bending left under skin. Results: It was reported: 95,1% (n=38) were very good results and 4,9% (n=2) were good results and lack of medium and poor treatment. The patients in the study group, who suffered the most was the common limitation of forearm rotation (36,6%, n=15). One patient experienced a significant complication in the form of damage to the radial nerve dorsal knobs. All patients were satisfied with the outcome of treatment in their subjective opinion. Conlusions: In our opinion, flexible intramedullary stabilization of fractures of the forearm bones in children and adolescents is the method gives very good results of the treatment, minimally invasive and technically simple.Wstęp. Znaczna większość złamań trzonów kości przedramienia u nieletnich może być z powodzeniem leczona zachowawczo unieruchomieniem w opatrunku gipsowym. Jednak w niektórych przypadkach wskazane jest leczenie operacyjne ze względu na duże przemieszczenie lub niestabilność złamania. Celem naszej pracy była ocena operacyjnego leczenia złamań trzonów kości przedramienia u dzieci metodą elastycznej stabilizacji śródszpikowej, na podstawie pacjentów naszego oddziału. Materiał i metoda. W latach 2002 - 2011 leczono operacyjnie z powodu złamania przedramienia 129 pacjentów. Przebadano grupę 41 pacjentów (32%), którzy zgłosili się na telefoniczne zaproszenie. Ocenie klinicznej poddano zakres zgięcia i wyprostu nadgarstka i łokcia oraz zakres rotacji przedramienia. Badano siłę uścisku dłoni oraz odnotowywano subiektywne dolegliwości bólowe. Wyniki te zostały ocenione za pomocą zmodyfikowanej skali Fernandeza. Zabieg operacyjny przeprowadzano w znieczuleniu ogólnym. Po nastawieniu złamania na aparacie wyciągowym, z niewielkiego cięcia skórnego wprowadzano do jamy szpikowej elastyczny stalowy drut stabilizujący odłamy. Koniec drutu po zagięciu pozostawiano pod skórą. Wyniki. Odnotowano 95.1% (n=38) bardzo dobrych wyników i 4.9% (n=2) dobrych, brak średnich oraz złych wyników leczenia. W badanej grupie pacjentów najczęściej stwierdzanym ubytkiem zakresu ruchomości przedramienia było ograniczenie rotacji przedramienia 36,6% (n=15). U jednego pacjenta wystąpiło znaczące powikłanie pod postacią uszkodzenia gałązki grzbietowej nerwu promieniowego. Wszyscy pacjenci byli zadowoleni z wyniku leczenia w swojej subiektywnej opinii. Wnioski. W naszej opinii, elastyczna stabilizacja śródszpikowa złamań trzonów kości przedramienia u dzieci i młodzieży jest metodą zapewniającą bardzo dobre wyniki leczenia, małoinwazyjną oraz prostą technicznie
Shadowing is generic on various one-dimensional continua with a special geometric structure
In the paper we use a special geometric structure of selected one-dimensional continua to prove that some stronger versions of the shadowing property are generic (or at least dense) for continuous maps acting on these spaces. Specifically, we prove that (i) the periodic TS-bi-shadowing property, where TS means some class of continuous methods, is generic as well as the s-limit shadowing property is dense in the space of all continuous maps (and all continuous surjective maps) of any topological graph; (ii) the TS-bi-shadowing property is generic as well as the s-limit shadowing property is dense in the space of all continuous maps of any dendrite; (iii) the TS-bi-shadowing property is generic in the space of all continuous maps of chainable continuum that can by approximated by arcs from the inside. The results of the paper extend ones obtained over the last few decades by various authors (see, e.g., Kościelniak in J Math Anal Appl 310:188–196, 2005; Kościelniak and Mazur in J Differ Equ Appl 16:667–674, 2010; Kościelniak et al. in Discret Contin Dyn Syst 34:3591–3609, 2014; Mazur and Oprocha in J Math Anal Appl 408:465–475, 2013; Mizera in Generic Properties of One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory and Related Topics, III, Springer, Berlin, 1992; Odani in Proc Am Math Soc 110:281–284, 1990; Pilyugin and Plamenevskaya in Topol Appl 97:253–266, 1999; and Yano in J Fac Sci Univ Tokyo Sect IA Math 34:51-55, 1987) for both homeomorphisms and continuous maps of compact manifolds, including (in particular) an interval and a circle, which are the simplest examples of one-dimensional continua. Moreover, from a technical point of view our considerations are a continuation of those carried out in the earlier work by Mazur and Oprocha in J. Math. Anal. Appl. 408:465-475, 2013
Conservation genetics of endangered leaf-beetle Cheilotoma musciformis populations in Poland
Steppe-like habitats in Europe are seriously threatened as a result of fragmentation and anthropogenic degradation, at least in western and central parts. Considering the dramatic loss of steppe-like habitats, the evaluation of genetic variation in populations of steppe species is of immediate importance if appropriate conservation measures are to be undertaken. In this paper, we examine the genetic diversity of the highly endangered populations of the leaf-beetle Cheilotoma musciformis, which inhabits only a limited area in south-central Poland, which is geographically isolated from the continuous range of this species. Both mitochondrial and nuclear markers show that the Polish populations are distinct from Slovakian and Ukrainian ones. These regional populations should be considered independent conservation units. On the other hand, very little (mtDNA) or no (nuclear DNA) diversity has been found among the Polish subpopulations. This leads to the conclusion that this species has gone through a strong bottleneck leading to a drastic reduction in its genetic diversity prior to the establishment of present-day populations. Host plants have been identified for this species using barcodes, and the only hosts for the Polish and Ukrainian samples are sainfoins Onobrychis spp. while for the Slovakian sample it is either Dorycnium pentaphyllum or Lotus spp. (all Fabaceae). All of these data can be very valuable for the conservation of C. musciformis populations (e.g. for reintroductions)
Entesopathy of the lateral epicondyle of the humeral bone – current treatment options
Chronic pain located on the lateral surface of the elbow in the area of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus is characteristic for a disease called tennis elbow, which belongs to the group of enthesopathies, i. e. diseases related to bone tendon attachment. The cause of the disease are micro-injuries caused by repetitive movements and chronic overloads. Degenerative changes occur in the tendons of the finger and wrist extensor muscles which attach to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. The problem usually affects the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle. A typical location for pain is the lateral side of the elbow joint but it can often radiate to the forearm and wrist. In our paper we presented the most commonly used and most effective methods of treatment of the disease. The least invasive methods of physiotherapy and rehabilitation include home exercise, ultrasound and phonophoresis, cryotherapy, light therapy, laser therapy and radial shock wave terapy. We compared the efficacy of pharmacological methods such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections with lidocaine, platelet-rich plasma, hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin, collagen. We also mentioned the indications and surgical techniques of the tennis elbow
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