5,653 research outputs found

    A new study on the emission of EM waves from large EAS

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    A method used in locating the core of individual cosmic ray showers is described. Using a microprocessor-based detecting system, the density distribution and hence, energy of each detected shower was estimated

    Microprocessor-based single particle calibration of scintillation counter

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    A microprocessor-base set-up is fabricated and tested for the single particle calibration of the plastic scintillator. The single particle response of the scintillator is digitized by an A/D converter, and a 8085 A based microprocessor stores the pulse heights. The digitized information is printed. Facilities for CRT display and cassette storing and recalling are also made available

    Identifying the curvaton within MSSM

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    We consider inflaton couplings to MSSM flat directions and the thermalization of the inflaton decay products, taking into account gauge symmetry breaking due to flat direction condensates. We then search for a suitable curvaton candidate among the flat directions, requiring an early thermally induced start for the flat direction oscillations to facilitate the necessary curvaton energy density dominance. We demonstrate that the supersymmetry breaking AA-term is crucial for achieving a successful curvaton scenario. Among the many possible candidates, we identify the u1dd{\bf u_1dd} flat direction as a viable MSSM curvaton.Comment: 9 pages. Discussion on the evaporation of condensate added, final version published in JCA

    Supersymmetric Thermalization and Quasi-Thermal Universe: Consequences for Gravitinos and Leptogenesis

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    Motivated by our earlier paper \cite{am}, we discuss how the infamous gravitino problem has a natural built in solution within supersymmetry. Supersymmetry allows a large number of flat directions made up of {\it gauge invariant} combinations of squarks and sleptons. Out of many at least {\it one} generically obtains a large vacuum expectation value during inflation. Gauge bosons and Gauginos then obtain large masses by virtue of the Higgs mechanism. This makes the rate of thermalization after the end of inflation very small and as a result the Universe enters a {\it quasi-thermal phase} after the inflaton has completely decayed. A full thermal equilibrium is generically established much later on when the flat direction expectation value has substantially decareased. This results in low reheat temperatures, i.e., TR∼O(TeV)T_{\rm R}\sim {\cal O}({\rm TeV}), which are compatible with the stringent bounds arising from the big bang nucleosynthesis. There are two very important implications: the production of gravitinos and generation of a baryonic asymmetry via leptogenesis during the quasi-thermal phase. In both the cases the abundances depend not only on an effective temperature of the quasi-thermal phase (which could be higher, i.e., T≫TRT\gg T_{\rm R}), but also on the state of equilibrium in the reheat plasma. We show that there is no ``thermal gravitino problem'' at all within supersymmetry and we stress on a need of a new paradigm based on a ``quasi-thermal leptogenesis'', because in the bulk of the parameter space the {\it old} thermal leptogenesis cannot account for the observed baryon asymmetry.Comment: 53 pages. Final version published in JCA

    Non-Gaussianity from Instant and Tachyonic Preheating

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    We study non-Gaussianity in two distinct models of preheating: instant and tachyonic. In instant preheating non-Gaussianity is sourced by the local terms generated through the coupled perturbations of the two scalar fields. We find that the non-Gaussianity parameter is given by fNLϕ∼2g<O(1)f_{NL}^{\phi}\sim 2g < O(1), where gg is a coupling constant, so that instant preheating is unlikely to be constrained by WMAP or Planck. In the case of tachyonic preheating non-Gaussianity arises solely from the instability of the tachyon matter and is found to be large. We find that for single field inflation the present WMAP data implies a bound V01/4/MP≤10−4V_{0}^{1/4}/M_{P}\leq 10^{-4} on the scale of tachyonic instability. We argue that the tachyonic preheating limits are useful also for string-motivated inflationary models.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, additional discussion, improved constraint on the scale of tachyonic preheatin

    A-term inflation and the smallness of the neutrino masses

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    The smallness of the neutrino masses may be related to inflation. The minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with small Dirac neutrino masses already has all the necessary ingredients for a successful inflation. In this model the inflaton is a gauge-invariant combination of the right-handed sneutrino, the slepton, and the Higgs field, which generate a flat direction suitable for inflation if the Yukawa coupling is small enough. In a class of models, the observed microwave background anisotropy and the tilted power spectrum are related to the neutrino masses.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, uses JHEP3.cls, minor modifications, final version accepted for publication in JCA

    Separable and non-separable multi-field inflation and large non-Gaussianity

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    In this paper we provide a general framework based on δN\delta N formalism to estimate the cosmological observables pertaining to the cosmic microwave background radiation for non-separable potentials, and for generic \emph{end of inflation} boundary conditions. We provide analytical and numerical solutions to the relevant observables by decomposing the cosmological perturbations along the curvature and the isocurvature directions, \emph{instead of adiabatic and entropy directions}. We then study under what conditions large bi-spectrum and tri-spectrum can be generated through phase transition which ends inflation. In an illustrative example, we show that large fNL∼O(80)f_{NL}\sim {\cal O}(80) and τNL∼O(20000)\tau_{NL}\sim {\cal O}(20000) can be obtained for the case of separable and non-separable inflationary potentials.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Coexisting orders in the quarter-filled Hubbard chain with elastic deformations

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    The electronic properties of the quarter-filled extended Peierls-Holstein-Hubbard model that includes lattice distortions and molecular deformations are investigated theoretically using the bosonization approach. We predict the existence of a wide variety of charge-elastic phases depending of the values of the Peierls and Holstein couplings. We include the effect of the Peierls deformation in the nearest-neighbor repulsion V, that may be present in real materials where Coulomb interactions depend strongly on the distance, and we show that the phase diagram changes substantially for large V when this term is taken into account.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Affleck-Dine baryogensis in large extra dimensions

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    Baryogenesis in the models where the fundamental scale is as low as TeV in the context of large extra dimensions is a challenging problem. The requirement for the departure from thermal equilibrium necessarily ties any low scale baryogenesis with that of a successful inflationary model which automatically provides the out of equilibrium condition after the end of inflation. However, it is also noticeable that in these models the reheat temperature of the Universe is strongly constrained from the overproduction of Kaluza-Klein modes, which enforces a very low reheat temperature. In this paper we describe a possible scenario for baryogenesis which has a similar characteristics of an Affleck-Dine field. We notice that in order to have an adequate baryon to entropy ratio one requires to promote this Affleck-Dine field to reside in the bulk.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX file, no figures. Important improvements on the paper. Conclusions unchanged. References adde
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